Results for 'Colombetti Marco'

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  1.  16
    Formal semantics for mutual belief.Marco Colombetti - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 62 (2):341-353.
  2. Guest editorial: Marco Somalvico memorial issue.Ephraim Nissan, Giuseppina Gini & Marco Colombetti - 2009 - In L. Magnani (ed.), computational intelligence. pp. 25--2.
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    Robot shaping: developing autonomous agents through learning.Marco Dorigo & Marco Colombetti - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 71 (2):321-370.
  4. Communication languages for multiagent systems.Mario Verdicchio & Marco Colombetti - 2009 - In L. Magnani (ed.), computational intelligence. pp. 25--2.
    Agent Communication Languages (ACLs) have recently acquired a primary role in open multiagent systems, which need a standard communication framework shared by all interacting heterogeneous agents. According to the most important ACL standard proposals so far, agents are supposed to carry out the communication process by performing actions of a specific type, namely, communicative acts, whose semantics is defined in terms of the agents’ mental states. Although following the mainstream guidelines inspired by the Speech Act Theory, our work illustrates an (...)
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    Interpersonal Communication as Social Action.Antonella Carassa & Marco Colombetti - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (4-5):407-423.
    We compare a number of influential approaches to human communication with the aim of understanding what it means for interpersonal communication to be a form of social action. In particular, we discuss the large-scale social normativity advocated by speech act theory, the view of communication as small-scale social interaction proper of Gricean approaches, and the intimate connection between communication and cooperation defended by Tomasello. We then argue in favor of a small-scale view of communication capable of accounting for the normative (...)
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    Steps to a Naturalistic Account of Human Deontology.Antonella Carassa & Marco Colombetti - 2018 - ProtoSociology 35:21-37.
    In this paper we outline a theory of human deontology from a naturalistic perspective. In doing so we aim to explain how human beings deal with deontic relations (like obligations and rights) thanks to a specialised psychological infrastructure, which evolved to support human cooperation. This infrastructure includes a repertoire of emotions that play a crucial role in evaluating the conformity of actions relative to a deontic relation, in displaying an agent’s attitude toward their own actions or those of their deontic (...)
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  7. Interpersonal responsibilities and communicative intentions.Antonella Carassa & Marco Colombetti - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (1):145-159.
    When they interact in everyday situations, people constantly create new fragments of social reality: they do so when they make promises or agreements, but also when they submit requests or answer questions, when they greet each other or express gratitude. This type of social reality ‘in the small,’ that we call interpersonal reality, is deontic in nature as all other kinds of social reality; what makes it somewhat special is that its deontology applies to the very same persons who create (...)
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    Creating interpersonal reality through conversational interactions.Antonella Carassa & Marco Colombetti - 2013 - In Michael Schmitz, Beatrice Kobow & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of ENSO. Springer. pp. 91--104.
    We understand interpersonal reality as consisting of those social facts that are informally created by people for themselves in everyday interactions, and involve the collective acceptance of positive and negative deontic powers. We submit that, in the case of interpersonal reality, Gilbert’s concept of a joint commitment is a suitable view of what collective acceptance amounts to. We then argue that creating interpersonal reality, even in common everyday-life situations, typically requires conversational exchanges involving several layers of joint commitments, and in (...)
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  9.  63
    Conversation and Behavior Games in the Pragmatics of Dialogue.Gabriella Airenti, Bruno G. Bara & Marco Colombetti - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (2):197-256.
    In this article we present the bases for a computational theory of the cognitive processes underlying human communication. The core of the article is devoted to the analysis of the phases in which the process of comprehension of a communicative act can be logically divided: (1) literal meaning, where the reconstruction of the mental states literally expressed by the actor takes place: (2) speaker's meaning, where the partner reconstructs the communicative intentions of the actor; (3) communicative effect, where the partner (...)
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  10.  77
    Artificial institutions: A model of institutional reality for open multiagent systems. [REVIEW]Nicoletta Fornara, Francesco Viganò, Mario Verdicchio & Marco Colombetti - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 16 (1):89-105.
    Software agents’ ability to interact within different open systems, designed by different groups, presupposes an agreement on an unambiguous definition of a set of concepts, used to describe the context of the interaction and the communication language the agents can use. Agents’ interactions ought to allow for reliable expectations on the possible evolution of the system; however, in open systems interacting agents may not conform to predefined specifications. A possible solution is to define interaction environments including a normative component, with (...)
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  11. Introduction: Affectivity and Technology - Philosophical Explorations.Giulia Piredda, Richard Heersmink & Marco Fasoli - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):1-6.
    In connecting embodied, embedded, extended, and enactive (4E) cognition with affectivity and emotions, the framework of “situated affectivity” has recently emerged. This framework emphasizes the interactions between the emoter and the environment in the unfolding of our affective lives (Colombetti and Krueger 2015; Griffiths and Scarantino 2009; Piredda 2022; Stephan and Walter 2020). In the last decades, there has also been a growing interest in the philosophical analysis of technology and artifacts (Houkes and Vermaas 2010; Margolis and Laurence 2007; (...)
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  12. Causation by Concentration.Marco J. Nathan - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65 (2):191-212.
    This essay is concerned with concentrations of entities, which play an important—albeit often overlooked—role in scientific explanation. First, I discuss an example from molecular biology to show that concentrations can play an irreducible causal role. Second, I provide a preliminary philosophical analysis of this causal role, suggesting some implications for extant theories of causation. I conclude by introducing the concept of causation by concentration, a form of statistical causation whose widespread presence throughout the sciences has been unduly neglected and which (...)
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  13.  29
    Handbook of Spatial Logics.Marco Aiello, Ian Pratt-Hartmann & Johan van Benthem (eds.) - 2007 - Springer Verlag.
    A spatial logic is a formal language interpreted over any class of structures featuring geometrical entities and relations, broadly construed. In the past decade, spatial logics have attracted much attention in response to developments in such diverse fields as Artificial Intelligence, Database Theory, Physics, and Philosophy. The aim of this handbook is to create, for the first time, a systematic account of the field of spatial logic. The book comprises a general introduction, followed by fourteen chapters by invited authors. Each (...)
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  14. Tra.Marco Stangherlin - 2000 - Filosofia Oggi 5 (2):231.
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    La grande metamorfosi: pensiero politico e innovazione.Marco Emanuele - 2020 - Roma: Eurilink University Press.
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  16.  26
    Beyond the Platonic Brain: facing the challenge of individual differences in function-structure mapping.Marco Viola - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2129-2155.
    In their attempt to connect the workings of the human mind with their neural realizers, cognitive neuroscientists often bracket out individual differences to build a single, abstract model that purportedly represents (almost) every human being’s brain. In this paper I first examine the rationale behind this model, which I call ‘Platonic Brain Model’. Then I argue that it is to be surpassed in favor of multiple models allowing for patterned inter-individual differences. I introduce the debate on legitimate (and illegitimate) ways (...)
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  17.  3
    Undecidability of indecomposable polynomial rings.Marco Barone, Nicolás Caro-Montoya & Eudes Naziazeno - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-19.
    By using algebraic properties of (commutative unital) indecomposable polynomial rings we achieve results concerning their first-order theory, namely: interpretability of arithmetic and a uniform proof of undecidability of their full theory, both in the language of rings without parameters. This vastly extends the scope of a method due to Raphael Robinson, which deals with a restricted class of polynomial integral domains.
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  18. Classical sources for the concepts of analysis and synthesis.Marco Panza - 1997 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science:365-414.
  19.  25
    Harming by Deceit: Epistemic Malevolence and Organizational Wrongdoing.Marco Meyer & Chun Wei Choo - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (3):439-452.
    Research on organizational epistemic vice alleges that some organizations are epistemically malevolent, i.e. they habitually harm others by deceiving them. Yet, there is a lack of empirical research on epistemic malevolence. We connect the discussion of epistemic malevolence to the empirical literature on organizational deception. The existing empirical literature does not pay sufficient attention to the impact of an organization’s ability to control compromising information on its deception strategy. We address this gap by studying eighty high-penalty corporate misconduct cases between (...)
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  20. The Right to Credit.Marco Meyer - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 26 (3):304-326.
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  21. Indici degli atti dei convegni romani sulla demitizzazione e l'ermeneutica (1961-1977).Enrichetta Valenziani & Marco M. Olivetti (eds.) - 1979 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  22. A doppio senso: istruzioni su come orientarsi nelle immagini astrologiche di Palazzo Schifanoia.Marco Bertozzi - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    In the “Sala dei Mesi” of Palazzo Schifanoia the months and the zodiacal constellations go from right to left, while the decans (three for every sign) go in the opposite direction. This problem was not clarified by Aby Warburg in his well-known essay Italian Art and International Astrology in the Palazzo Schifanoia of Ferrara (1912). The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons of this double direction.
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  23.  46
    Doubting the Sceptic.Marco Antonio Franciotti - 1997 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 1 (2):179-202.
    This article aims at showing that contemporary attempts to rehabilitat Pyrrhonian scepticism do not hold water. I claim that a sceptic of this trend gets stuck in two major dilemmas. The first regards her object of investigation. I argue that, if she holds that her object of investigation is the non-evident truth, she will not be able to distance herself from dogmatism. In turn, if she holds that she seeks to establish sense data propositions, she will not be able to (...)
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  24.  65
    Function and Representation in Architecture.Marco Frascari - 1983 - Semiotics:13-27.
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    Semiotica Ab Edendo.Marco Frascari - 1984 - Semiotics:193-202.
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    The Tell-the-Tale Detail.Marco Frascari - 1981 - Semiotics:325-336.
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  27.  79
    COVID-19 Pandemic on Fire: Evolved Propensities for Nocturnal Activities as a Liability Against Epidemiological Control.Marco Antonio Correa Varella, Severi Luoto, Rafael Bento da Silva Soares & Jaroslava Varella Valentova - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Humans have been using fire for hundreds of millennia, creating an ancestral expansion toward the nocturnal niche. The new adaptive challenges faced at night were recurrent enough to amplify existing psychological variation in our species. Night-time is dangerous and mysterious, so it selects for individuals with higher tendencies for paranoia, risk-taking, and sociability. During night-time, individuals are generally tired and show decreased self-control and increased impulsive behaviors. The lower visibility during night-time favors the partial concealment of identity and opens more (...)
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  28.  9
    Walter Benjamin e Dante: una costellazione nello spazio delle immagini.Marco Maggi - 2017 - Roma: Donzelli editore.
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  29.  15
    Istituzioni ritmiche e fine del tempo." Modo" e" neuma" nel canto gregoriano e in Olivier Messiaen.Marco Mazzolini - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:177-191.
    Prendendo le mosse dall’esame del ciclo pianistico Quatre études de rythme, di Olivier Messiaen , scritto fra il 1949 e il 1950, l’articolo delinea un sintetico confronto fra due differenti espressioni dell’arte musicale. Da un lato una composizione della metà del Novecento: repertorio profano, strumentale, frutto di concezioni individuali, testimonianza della fase post-tonale del pensiero musicale. Dall’altro la monodia gregoriana: repertorio sacro, vocale, anonimo, che esprime concetti formali pre-tonali. Occasione di tale raffronto è l’indagine sulla portata concettuale e tecnica di (...)
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  30. La soggettivita e il problema cartesiano del metodo.Marco Messeri - 1995 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 74:176-194.
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  31. L'educazione alla convivenza civile in Giorgio La Pira.Marco Paolino - 2005 - Studium 101 (4):561-567.
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    Bioética.Marco Segre & Cláudio Cohen (eds.) - 2002 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Edusp.
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  33.  7
    Il principio di causalità: Antonio Rosmini e la metafisica agapica.Marco Staffolani - 2020 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
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  34.  24
    Commercial Video Games in School Teaching: Two Mixed Methods Case Studies on Students’ Reflection Processes.Marco Rüth & Kai Kaspar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Commercial video games are popular entertainment media and part of students’ media reality. While commercial video games’ main purpose is not learning, they nonetheless could and should serve as objects of reflection in formal educational settings. Teachers could guide student learning and reflection as well as motivate students with commercial video games, but more evidence from formal educational settings is required. We conducted two mixed methods case studies to investigate students’ reflection processes using commercial video games in regular formal high (...)
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  35.  33
    The philosophical underpinning of the absorber theory of radiation.Marco Forgione - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:91-106.
    The paper considers the absorber theory of radiation by (Wheeler and Feynman 1945) and (Wheeler and Feynman 1949) and advances the idea that the theory is grounded on the philosophical intuition of overall processes. Such intuition consists of having to consider advanced and retarded radiation as well as the interaction between absorbers and emitter. I discuss the discrepancy between microdynamic time-symmetry and the asymmetry of the experimental evidences. In doing so, I consider (Price, 1991)'s reformulation of the theory and argue (...)
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  36.  71
    (1 other version)The origins of mindreading: how interpretive socio-cognitive practices get off the ground.Marco Fenici & Tadeusz Wieslaw Zawidzki - 2020 - Synthese (9):1-23.
    Recent accounts of mindreading—i.e., the human capacity to attribute mental states to interpret, explain, and predict behavior—have suggested that it has evolved through cultural rather than biological evolution. Although these accounts describe the role of culture in the ontogenetic development of mindreading, they neglect the question of the cultural origins of mindreading in human prehistory. We discuss four possible models of this, distinguished by the role they posit for culture: the standard evolutionary psychology model, the individualist empiricist model, the cultural (...)
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  37.  3
    La Musica nel Medioevo Abruzzese.Marco Della Sciucca - 2004 - Mediaevalia 25 (1):145-188.
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  38. A metafísica em königsberg antes de kant (1703-1770).Marco Sgarbi - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (1).
    The present contribute aims to reconstruct, using the methodology of intellectual history, the broad spectrum of metaphysical doctrines that Kant could know during the years of the formation of his philosophy. The first part deals with the teaching of metaphysics in Königsberg from 1703 to 1770. The second part examines the main characteristics of the metaphysics in the various handbooks, which were taught at the Albertina, in order to have an exhaustive overview of all metaphysical positions.
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  39. Antropologia trascendentale e spontaneità in Kant.Marco Sgarbi - 2011 - Agora 30 (1):49-61.
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  40. A Neglected Chapter in the History of Philosophy of Mathematical Thought Experiments: Insights from Jean Piaget’s Reception of Edmond Goblot.Marco Buzzoni - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (1):282-304.
    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, prominent authors including Jean Piaget have drawn attention to Edmond Goblot’s account of mathematical thought experiments. But his contribution to today’s debate has been neglected so far. The main goal of this article is to reconstruct and discuss Goblot’s account of logical operations (the term he used for thought experiments in mathematics) and its interpretation by Piaget against the theoretical background of two open questions in today’s debate: (1) the relationship between empirical and (...)
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  41.  13
    Il "cosmopolitismo" nel XVIII secolo e dintorni: idee, linguaggi, protagonisti.Marco Platania - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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  42. Mutamenti del modello teologico e riflessi istituzionali: Tra il concilio di soissons del 1121 e il Lateranense IV.Marco Rainini - 2005 - Divus Thomas 108 (1):108-129.
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  43.  77
    Effects of Metabolic Syndrome on Cognitive Performance of Adults During Exercise.Marco Guicciardi, Antonio Crisafulli, Azzurra Doneddu, Daniela Fadda & Romina Lecis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  44.  14
    Die Leidenschaft der Erkenntnis: Philosophie und ästhetische Lebensgestaltung bei Nietzsche von Morgenröthe bis Also sprach Zarathustra.Marco Brusotti - 1997 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die Leidenschaft der Erkenntnis" verfügbar.
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  45. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Julio Navío Marco & Marta Solórzano - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (1):104-122.
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    Pensamiento musical y siglo XX.Tomás Marco - 2002 - Madrid: Sociedad General De Autores Y.
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  47. Screens after Dos Passos's U.S.A. trilogy : current answers for the eyeminded public.Salvador Rubio Marco - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Le choc des émotions au tournant des Lumières.Marco Menin (ed.) - 2022 - Torino: Accademia University Press.
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  49. On the manipulator-focused response to manipulation cases.Gabriel De Marco & Taylor W. Cyr - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):2867-2896.
    In this paper, we identify a class of responses to cases of manipulation that we label manipulator-focused views. The key insight of such views is that being subject to the will of another agent significantly affects our freedom and moral responsibility. Though different authors take this key insight in different directions, and the mechanics of their views are quite different, these views turn out to share many key components, and this allows us to discuss several authors’ views at the same (...)
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  50. Hermann Cohen's Das Princip der Infinitesimal-Methode: The history of an unsuccessful book.Marco Giovanelli - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 58:9-23.
    This paper offers an introduction to Hermann Cohen’s Das Princip der Infinitesimal-Methode, and recounts the history of its controversial reception by Cohen’s early sympathizers, who would become the so-called ‘Marburg school’ of Neo-Kantianism, as well as the reactions it provoked outside this group. By dissecting the ambiguous attitudes of the best-known representatives of the school, as well as those of several minor figures, this paper shows that Das Princip der Infinitesimal-Methode is a unicum in the history of philosophy: it represents (...)
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