Results for 'Cm Monteiro'

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  1. Caracterização de corpos cerâmicos de uma mistura de argila, tijolos refratários e lama vermelha. Parte I: Um estudo preliminar.José Manuel Rivas Mercury, Elson César Moraes & Cm Monteiro - 2001 - Principia 5 (9).
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    João Paulo Monteiro, Realidade e Cognição, IN-CM, Lisboa, 2004, pp. 131.Carlos Leone - 2005 - Cultura:249-250.
    Ao cabo de toda uma carreira universitária que quase pode ser confundida com a reflexão sobre Hume em língua portuguesa, a ponto de outros interesses, capazes de originar empresas como a tradução do Leviathan de Hobbes (também na INCM), serem como que laterais ao percurso do seu autor, João Paulo Monteiro publica Realidade e Cognição, uma obra que não se afasta dos domínios de gnoseologia e epistemologia contemporâneas que lhe são familiares nem da influência humeana que aqui surge explicitam...
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    Hume's conception of science.João Paulo Monteiro - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (3):327-342.
  4. Constraints on similarity effects for situational frequency judgments of words.Cm Jones & E. Heit - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):507-507.
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    Civil disobedience outside of the liberal democratic framework: The case of Sudan.Yeelen Badona Monteiro - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (4):376-386.
    Civil disobedience is a form of protest consisting in an act contrary to law, whose aim is to bring about a change in laws or policies deemed unjust. In the traditional Western philosophical debate, civil disobedience was mainly discussed and justified within the boundaries of a democratic regime. John Rawls’ theory of civil disobedience is explicitly based on this liberal assumption. He conceptualises civil disobedience as a public, nonviolent, conscientious and political breach of the law, only appropriate to nearly just (...)
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    Les algèbres de Heyting et de Lukasiewicz trivalentes.Luiz Monteiro - 1970 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 11 (4):453-466.
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  7. Subsequent context influences auditory word recognition.Cm Connine, Dm Blasko & M. Hall - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):521-521.
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  8. Churches, Sects, and Agencies: Aspects of Popular Ecumenism.Duglas Teixeira Monteiro - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (100):48-78.
    In the final pages of Chapter V of Afro-Brazilian Religions Roger Bastide sees, at a given moment in the socio-religious evolution of Brazil, a process of social disorganization which in its extent affects not only blacks but also poor white nationals and stranded immigrants.* As generator of a “ social marginalization,” this process could only be the passage through “a moment of transition” characterized by “the exaggerated speed of change in the country.” According to Bastide, an “organic period” follows: with (...)
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  9. Filosofia e censura no seculo XVIII.Monteiro - 1982 - Discurso 11.
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    Hume´s Principle.João Paulo Gomes Monteiro - 1999 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 3 (2):165–186.
    Hume's project aimed at the discovery of the principles of human nature, and among these the most important in most respects is not association of ideas, but the one he calls "custom or habit." But what is the real nature of Hume's principle? It would be philosophically naïve to decide that Hume's concept of habit simply reproduces the dominant conception. In the latter the main element is time, and the possibility of habit depending only on repetition is absent in the (...)
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  11. Die Verfassung des ich in der Ethik von Platon und Kant.Cm Korsgaard - 1998 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 31 (78):57-93.
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  12. Maximal Subalgebras of MVn-algebras. A Proof of a Conjecture of A. Monteiro.Roberto Cignoli & Luiz Monteiro - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (3):393-405.
    For each integer n ≥ 2, MVn denotes the variety of MV-algebras generated by the MV-chain with n elements. Algebras in MVn are represented as continuous functions from a Boolean space into a n-element chain equipped with the discrete topology. Using these representations, maximal subalgebras of algebras in MVn are characterized, and it is shown that proper subalgebras are intersection of maximal subalgebras. When A ∈ MV3, the mentioned characterization of maximal subalgebras of A can be given in terms of (...)
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  13. Categorias estéticas generales del expresionismo.Cm Jaramillo - 1985 - Franciscanum 27 (80-81):155-166.
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  14. Memory for interrupted problems-the zeigarnik effect revisited.Cm Seifert & Al Patalano - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):493-493.
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    Nietzsche y Educación.Juliana Santos Monteiro Vieira, Lucas Oliveira de Carvalho & Dinamara Garcia Feldens - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (75):1433-1456.
    Nietzsche y Educación: conocimiento y cultura en el Estado Moderno Resumen: Este texto busca tejer algunas reflexiones sobre la relación entre la filosofía de Friedrich Nietzsche y el campo educativo, entendiendo sus indagaciones sobre las instituciones educativas modernas y los valores vinculados a este tipo de hombre. Vinculado al proceso de degeneración de la potencia instintiva humana y su animalidad, se estableció un modelo de conocimiento, basado en el ideal metafísico y la creencia incondicional de la verdad. La crítica dirigida (...)
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  16. Hypothesis-testing goals and strategies-2 rules are better than one.Cm Wharton, Td Wickens & Pw Cheng - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):479-479.
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    Perceived Effort in Football Athletes: The Role of Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory.Diogo Monteiro, Diogo S. Teixeira, Bruno Travassos, Pedro Duarte-Mendes, João Moutão, Sérgio Machado & Luís Cid - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393291.
    The main goals of this study were, to test the motivational determinants of athletes perceived effort in football considering the four-stage motivational sequence at the contextual level proposed by Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: task-involving, basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation and perceived effort. The multi-group analysis across different age-groups (U15, U17, U19, U21 years) and mediation role of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation on the task-involving climate and the perceived effort were also analysed. Two independent samples of (...)
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  18. The man-nature relationship in contemporary Brazilian philosophy.Cm Cesarova - 1993 - Filosoficky Casopis 41 (6):1028-1032.
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    Medical Futility in Cancer Care: Distinct Challenges and Action Strategies.Gallagher Cm & Bennett A. - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 7 (2).
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    Visões antropológicas divergentes em artigos científicos de bioética no Brasil.Mário Antônio Sanches & Thiago Martins Monteiro - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Visiones antropológicas divergentes en artículos científicos de bioética en Brasil Divergent Anthropological Views in Scientific Articles on Bioethics in Brazil The aim of the study is to characterize Brazilian bioethics outputs anthropologically, specifically scientific articles. The guiding question of this research is: What is the anthropological characterization present in scientific articles on bioethics in Brazil? Prominent bioethical theories show restrictive anthropology indicators; i.e., dignity is given only to members of the human species that have certain attributes, including conscience and self-consciousness, (...)
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    Both cell‐autonomous mechanisms and hormones contribute to sexual development in vertebrates and insects.Ashley Bear & Antónia Monteiro - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):725-732.
    The differentiation of male and female characteristics in vertebrates and insects has long been thought to proceed via different mechanisms. Traditionally, vertebrate sexual development was thought to occur in two phases: a primary and a secondary phase, the primary phase involving the differentiation of the gonads, and the secondary phase involving the differentiation of other sexual traits via the influence of sex hormones secreted by the gonads. In contrast, insect sexual development was thought to depend exclusively on cell‐autonomous expression of (...)
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    Ética e subjetividade no Budismo chinês contempor'neo.Joaquim Antonio Bernardes Carneiro Monteiro - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (69):1189-1221.
    Ética e subjetividade no Budismo chinês contemporâneo Resumo: O presente artigo procura pensar as questões da ética e da subjetividade no contexto do pensamento budista na China contemporânea. Ele parte de uma genealogia do conceito de subjetividade conforme desenvolvido através do debate entre a escola Yogacãra do Budismo indiano e o Novo Confucionismo. Ao mesmo tempo, aponta para as possíveis implicações deste conceito de subjetividade em sua relação com as questões éticas presentes na China contemporânea. Palavras-chave: Ética. Subjetividade. Escola Yogacãra (...)
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  23. O uso dos direitos humanos como fundamento de intervenção na soberania dos estados.Fernanda Monteiro Cavalcanti - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Examining the Factorial Structure of the Maternal Separation Anxiety Scale in a Portuguese Sample.Maryse Guedes, Lígia Monteiro, António J. Santos, Nuno Torres & Manuela Veríssimo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The increase in women’s labor market participation emphasizes the importance of understanding maternal separation anxiety, that is, the unpleasant maternal emotional state, due to the actual or anticipated short-term separation from the child. Drawing on the insights of the attachment and psychoanalytic perspectives, the Maternal Separation Anxiety Scale was developed to overcome existing measurement gaps. However, prior research did not replicate its original three-factor structure in the contemporary context and in other cultural settings, using large samples composed of mothers of (...)
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  25. Citizen sensing - development of a participatory risk management system.Asma Mehan, Paula Gonçalves, Ana Monteiro, Paulo Conceição & Sara Cruz - 2019 - 12th CITTA International Conference on Planning Research.
    Climate change exposes ecological and socio-economic systems to risks. The identified disparities in knowledge about the social climate system are at the root of the difficulties in perceiving and understanding the diversity of risks related to climate change. The still huge gap between what science and technological innovation can contribute to mitigation and what is unmanageable by humans inevitably requires a continuous process of adaptation. This work is part of the research associated with the European project (under the ERA4CS) 'Citizen (...)
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    Foucault and the question of methodological expansion.Leonardo Lima Ribeiro & Janaina de Souza Monteiro - 2014 - Synesis 6 (1):149-176.
    O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de compreender como o pensador francês Michel Foucault expande argumentativamente sua prática metodológica, à medida que acresce uns aos outros, e ao passo em que os descobre, métodos para pesquisas históricas. Tencionando alcançar tal intento, efetua-se estudo acerca: do modo como seus métodos se estruturam no bojo; dos objetos de estudo para os quais esses métodos se voltam ; das conclusões a que chega o autor em suas pesquisas históricas, sob a mediação dos métodos (...)
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    Developing Information Infrastructure: The Tension Between Standardization and Flexibility.Morten Hatling, Eric Monteiro & Ole Hanseth - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (4):407-426.
    This article explores the tension between standardization and flexibility in information infrastructure. Just like other large technical systems, the geographically dispersed yet highly interconnected II becomes increasingly resistant to change. Still, II design must anticipate and prepare for changes, even substantial ones, if infrastructure is to survive. An II contains a huge number of components that alternate between standardization and change throughout their lifetimes. These components are interdependent: when one is changed, others have to remain stable, and vice versa. The (...)
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    Indeterminacy and final causation in the process of sign determination.Priscila Monteiro Borges & Juliana Rocha Franco - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):59925-59925.
    In semiotics, final causation can be related to the process of determination (PAPE, 1993). From Peirce’s point of view, determination is not a causal determinism, but a delimitation of a range of possibilities. One starts from objects towards interpretants, in a process mediated by the sign, in which the dynamic object works as a force that constrains interpretants to correspond to their objects. The correspondence between object and interpretant is important because it is through a generated interpretant that the object (...)
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  29. Valori, Niccolo and the medici restoration of 1512-politics, eulogies and the preservation of a family myth.Cm Kovesi - 1987 - Rinascimento 27:301-325.
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    Labour Practice, Decent Work and Human Rights Performance and Reporting: The Impact of Women Managers.Albertina Paula Monteiro, Isabel-María García-Sánchez & Beatriz Aibar-Guzmán - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):523-542.
    This paper uses a sample of 1243 international firms for the period 2013–2017 to analyse the effect that a greater presence of women in management teams has on business behaviour in relation to labour and human rights, and the mediating role of improved performance in these rights on corporate transparency. The results show that gender diversity in management teams is positively associated with performance in relation to labour and human rights, and that such a performance acts as a mediating factor (...)
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    The major's therapy: Ernest Hemingway's “In Another Country”. [REVIEW]George Monteiro - 1988 - Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics 9 (2):143-152.
    “In Another Country” draws upon Hemingway's experiences during World War I. Narrated by a wounded young American, this story is a parable of early machine-rehabilitation therapy, one in which the strong optimism of a physician employing new machines is contrasted with the skepticism of an Italian major (“the greatest fencer in Italy”) who, disbelieving in the machines, nevertheless comes regularly for therapy to his hand. That daily attendance is interrupted only when the major's young wife dies suddenly. The major, who (...)
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    Nietzsche e a política do corpo.Átila B. Monteiro - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400192.
    the objective of this paper is, on the one hand, to bring to light the Nietzschean characterization of the body, removing its “naturalness” and objectivity, launching it into the historical becoming of moral (evaluative) disputes, as well as deconstructing its individual unity by bringing the social webs that produce it from the organization of an original multiplicity that, however, continue to stalk the supposed unity consolidated in the “individual” are brought to the surface. Secondly, we would like to draw attention (...)
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  33. Changes in stroop-like interference due to practice.Cm Macleod & K. Dunbar - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):340-340.
  34. Priming in perceptual identification relies on a context-sensitive interpretation.Cm Macleod & Mej Masson - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):482-482.
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    Preditores de Depressão em Docentes do Ensino Privado.Luciana Gisele Brun & Janine Kieling Monteiro - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Professores são acometidos por depressão acima da média populacional. Este estudo buscou identificar quais fatores do contexto trabalho e vivências de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho são preditivos de depressão em professores do ensino privado do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa explicativa com uma amostra de 197 professores com sintomas de depressão de todos os níveis de ensino privado. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala de Indicadores de Prazer e Sofrimento no Trabalho, a Escala de Avaliação do (...)
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    Canção popular como processo comunicacional: aproximações preliminares a partir do cotidiano marajoara.Marcelo Monteiro Gabbay - 2011 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (2).
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    L'expédition des affaires courantes.Antonio Mascarenhas Gomes Monteiro - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (3):433-446.
    Since the last war, one character of the political system in Belgium is the growth and the duration of the ministerial crisis. Some questions of public law appeared. How is it possible to maintain the continuity of the political and administrative action, without ministerial responsibility to Parliament, during the crisis? The Belgian Conseil d'Etat contributed, by the notion of the «affaires courantes», sort of general principle of public law, to give a solution to this problem.
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  38. Instrumentos reguladores da ação fiscalizadora do Congresso Nacional e do Tribunal de Contas da União.Rosinethe Monteiro Soares - forthcoming - Manuscrito.[Links].
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    Rizoma e a Figura Do Livro Na Informação Virtual e Desmaterializada.Richele Grenge Vignoli, Silvana Drumond Monteiro & Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (1):145-164.
    O rizoma é a proposta de um pensamento filosófico aplicado à informação virtual e, ao mesmo tempo, as realidades não contempladas na Ciência da Informação e na Organização do Conhecimento na desmaterialização de seu objeto. a pesquisa visa discutir a informação desmaterializada sob o conceito filosófico do rizoma e seus princípios na Ciência da Informação e na Organização do Conhecimento, assim, como a figura do livro. A discussão é perpetuada em aspectos críticos em que a Ciência da Informação e a (...)
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  40. Observações sobre “O Ramo Dourado” de Frazer.Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bruno Monteiro, João José Almeida & Nuno Venturinha (eds.) - 2011 - Porto: Deriva.
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  41. Hume, Association, and Causal Belief.João Paulo Monteiro - 2007 - Abstracta 3 (2):107-122.
    The associationist interpretation of Hume's account of causal belief is criticized. The origin of this mistaken interpretation is explained. The difference between Hume's views in the Treatise of Human Nature and in An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding is examined.
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    From text to culture through corpus: Interactivity as an argumentative keyword of contemporary cyberculture.Márcio Wariss Monteiro - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (198):359-377.
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    A recepção da obra de Friedrich Nietzsche na vida intelectual portuguesa (1892-1939).Américo Enes Monteiro - 2000 - Porto: Lello Editores.
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    Dutra, Hume e Goodman.João Paulo Monteiro - 1997 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 1 (2):291–296.
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    Em defesa de uma desordem pedagógica: a institucionalização da inf'ncia no cinema e no cotidiano escolar.Alexandrina Monteiro & Valéria Aroeira Garcia - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (70):133-154.
    Em defesa de uma desordem pedagógica: a institucionalização da infância no cinema e no cotidiano escolar Resumo: Nos livros imagem-movimento e imagem-tempo, Deleuze analisou o cinema a partir de múltiplas variações possíveis, mas privilegia a perspectiva de um pensamento no qual a articulação de imagens e signos está ligada à expressão de significado ou de uma ideia. Nessa perspectiva, o fluxo de expressão de significados entre o encontro de nossas experiências com os filmes A Guerra dos Botões e As Pequenas (...)
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    Electromyographic Patterns and the Identification of Subtypes of Awake Bruxism.Ubirakitan Maciel Monteiro, Vinicius Belém Rodrigues Barros Soares, Caio Belém Rodrigues Barros Soares, Tiago Coimbra Costa Pinto, Rosana Christine Cavalcanti Ximenes & Marcelo Araújo Cairrão Rodrigues - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:601881.
    The future of awake bruxism assessment will incorporate physiological data, possibly electromyography of the temporal muscles. But up to now, temporal muscle contraction patterns in awake bruxism have not been characterized to demonstrate clinical utility. The present study aimed to perform surface EMG evaluations of people assessed for awake bruxism to identify possible different subtypes. A 2-year active search for people with awake bruxism in three regions of the country resulted in a total of 303 participants. Their inclusion was confirmed (...)
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    Figurações do infigurável: entre Jacques Derrida e Jean‑Luc Nancy.Hugo Monteiro - 2014 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 23 (45):25-58.
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    Hume, Induction and Single Experiments.J. P. Monteiro - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 56 (1):57-72.
    Hume fully recognised, and partially explained, the role of inductions from single experiments in human knowledge - something his Scottish critics, and some more recent ones, failed to understand. Those inferences, he maintains, depend on the use of a Newtonian rule and the removal of superfluous circumstances. But that rule is not sufficient, and Hume never stated the exact conditions of this removal. We should distinguish between survey and experience in his philosophy, to understand how experience of conjunctions where inductive (...)
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  49. Realismo y aprehensibilidad.Joao Paulo Monteiro - 1994 - Dianoia 40 (40):3.
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    Science, History and Phenomenology.Anthony Monteiro - 2006 - CLR James Journal 12 (1):109-131.
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