Results for 'Claudio Scarvaglieri'

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  1.  11
    First Encounters in Psychotherapy: Relationship-Building and the Pursuit of Institutional Goals.Claudio Scarvaglieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article examines how therapists and patients start building and managing relationships and pursue institutional goals at the same time. Based on a corpus of 6 audio-recorded therapies (client-centered therapy and psychodynamic therapy), I investigate first encounters between therapists and patients as the starting points of any therapeutical process and the place where a relationship between the interactants is established for the first time. Following a microlinguistic qualitative approach and applying methods from conversation analysis and discourse analysis, I show how (...)
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  2. Should Expatriates Vote?Claudio López-Guerra - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (2):216-234.
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  3. What Moore’s Paradox Is About.Claudio de Almeida - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):33-58.
    On the basis of arguments showing that none of the most influential analyses of Moore’s paradox yields a successful resolution of the problem, a new analysis of it is offered. It is argued that, in attempting to render verdicts of either inconsistency or self-contradiction or self-refutation, those analyses have all failed to satisfactorily explain why a Moore-paradoxical proposition is such that it cannot be rationally believed. According to the proposed solution put forward here, a Moore-paradoxical proposition is one for which (...)
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    The Relativistic Invariance of 4D Shapes.Claudio Calosi - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 50:1-4.
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    Igualitarismo e liberdade como não dominação.Claudio Araujo Reis - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (1).
    A filosofia política de Rousseau sugere que há uma ligação íntima entre a garantia da liberdade e uma constituição radicalmente democrática da sociedade, especialmente no que se refere ao processo de tomada de decisões coletivas. Este texto procura explorar alguns aspectos dessa ligação entre igualitarismo e liberdade como não dominação, a partir da teoria da democracia proposta por Rousseau no Contrato social.
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  6. Acerca de lo imprevisto, inútil e inviable.Juan Claudio Acinas Vázquez - 2006 - Laguna 19:109-120.
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  7. Utopía y realismo político en el Quijote.Juan Claudio Acinas Vázquez - 1992 - Laguna 1:115-128.
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  8. Viabilidad de la no-violencia.Juan Claudio Acinas Vázquez - 2000 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 15:131-144.
  9. Riconoscimento dell'altro E alterità Della libertà.Claudio Ciancio - 2005 - Giornale di Metafisica 27 (1):45-62.
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    Ecologia Linguística da Palavra-Chave “Negacionismo”: Do Elemento Linguístico a Uma Crítica Sociocultural de Um Fenômeno Difuso.Cláudio Márcio do Carmo - 2023 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 4 (1):105-138.
    O presente texto traz uma análise do negacionismo a partir da junção da Análise Crítica do Discurso – de maneira mais específica aquela que institui o raciocínio dialético como metodologia (Fairclough, 2015; 2018) – em interface com a Linguística de Corpus, inspirado no trabalho de Magalhães (2004), em sua abordagem de palavras-chave (Williams, 1976), para análise de corpus de pequena dimensão (Sinclair, 2001). A partir desse aporte, buscamos analisar um corpus de textos midiáticos sobre negacionismo, como contribuição para averiguar as (...)
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    A identidade como grupo, o grupo como identidade.Claudio Garcia Capitão & José Roberto Heloani - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:50-61.
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    Fluidos corporais: matéria, fantasma e símbolo: uma nota de leitura sobre alguns livros recentes.Claúdio Alexandre Carvalho - 2008 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 17 (33):235-262.
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  13. Introduction Gopalkrishnan R. iyer/international exchanges as the basis for conceptualizing ethics in international business Thomas donaldson/the ethical wealth of nations.Claudio Carpano, Robert A. Giacalone & Jeffrey S. Arpan - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31:379-380.
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    [Recensão a] Yo y Tiempo: La Antropología filosófica de G.W.F. Hegel.Cláudio Alexandre S. Carvalho - 2011 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 20 (39):285-288.
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    Ermeneutica filosofica e pluralismo religioso.Claudio Ciancio - 1992 - Idee 19:101-111.
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  16. Fenomenologia ducha skończonego w Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie Schellinga.Claudio Ciancio - 1991 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 4 (4):169-178.
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  17. La forma del pensiero ermeneutico.Claudio Ciancio - 2006 - Giornale di Metafisica 28 (2):233-248.
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    La relazione originaria: Libertà ed essere.Claudio Ciancio - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 1.
    The metaphysical indispensability of the opposite principles of the one and the many can be justified by thinking of the original no longer as immovable or as causa sui. In the latter case a duplication is certainly justified but such as to flow back into unity. There is only real difference if what the original posits has a dimension of otherness in relation to it. Only by thinking of the original as liberty can a principle be conceived that is capable (...)
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  19. Problematicità dell'esperienza e libertà del Principio.Claudio Ciancio - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (2):327-336.
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    “Buona Domenica” (1980−1995). The Linguistic Phenomena in the Letters of Italians in Luxembourg and the Great Region.Claudio Cicotti - 2013 - Human and Social Studies 2 (1):91-100.
    The present article is on the linguistic characteristics of a corpus of letters sent to the television broadcast Buona Domenica, transmitted between 1980 and 1995 by RTL Luxembourg. This corpus contains 600 letters sent to the editorial staff by Italians or other nationalities interested in the Italian language and culture, residing in Luxembourg or in the neighbouring countries: Belgium, France and Germany (the Great Region). The vivacity and spontaneity of theses letters presents us a period of time that precedes the (...)
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    Moore′s paradox generalized.Claudio de Almeida - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1111-1127.
    Moore′s paradox came of age when John N. Williams gave us a simple paradoxical argument according to which the Moorean believer must hold false belief while believing contingent propositions. Simplicity was key; it was groundbreaking for the topic. On Williams′s account, given only the notions of inconsistency and self‐refutation, the thesis that belief distributes over conjunction, and a tiny bit of classical logic, we can derive a paradox from the Moorean propositional schemata. But, as argued here, it′s easy to overestimate (...)
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    Indeterminación y lenguaje.Alberto Claudio Blasetti - 1971 - Buenos Aires: [Ediciones Pannedille].
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    Seeing it coming: A complexity approach to disasters and humanitarian crises.Claudio Cioffi-Revilla - 2014 - Complexity 19 (6):95-108.
  24. Defeasible Reasoning + Partial Models: A Formal Framework for the Methodology of Research Programs. [REVIEW]Fernando Tohmé, Claudio Delrieux & Otávio Bueno - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (1):47-65.
    In this paper we show that any reasoning process in which conclusions can be both fallible and corrigible can be formalized in terms of two approaches: (i) syntactically, with the use of defeasible reasoning, according to which reasoning consists in the construction and assessment of arguments for and against a given claim, and (ii) semantically, with the use of partial structures, which allow for the representation of less than conclusive information. We are particularly interested in the formalization of scientific reasoning, (...)
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    A Review of the Method of Using the Scalp Electric Field in EEG Analysis. [REVIEW]Claudio Carvalhaes & de Barros - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):154-159.
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  26. Epistemic closure, skepticism and defeasibility.Claudio Almeida - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):197-215.
    Those of us who have followed Fred Dretske's lead with regard to epistemic closure and its impact on skepticism have been half-wrong for the last four decades. But those who have opposed our Dretskean stance, contextualists in particular, have been just wrong. We have been half-right. Dretske rightly claimed that epistemic status is not closed under logical implication. Unlike the Dretskean cases, the new counterexamples to closure offered here render every form of contextualist pro-closure maneuvering useless. But there is a (...)
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  27. Sociologia della religione e verità.Giuseppe Scarvaglieri - 2009 - Gregorianum 90 (1):86-100.
    The Sociology of religion, like other sciences, has the objective of pursuing and finding the truth of the phenomenon it studies, not so much in reference to the reality of the noumenon but rather in the veracity of the relative psycho-sociological mediations, as direct object of its approach. Thus it contributes to the complete and concrete knowledge of its own contents and of those, it shares with other sciences . Such perspective is tested by its history and proved by the (...)
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  28. Accountability in Artificial Intelligence: What It Is and How It Works.Claudio Novelli, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2023 - AI and Society 1:1-12.
    Accountability is a cornerstone of the governance of artificial intelligence (AI). However, it is often defined too imprecisely because its multifaceted nature and the sociotechnical structure of AI systems imply a variety of values, practices, and measures to which accountability in AI can refer. We address this lack of clarity by defining accountability in terms of answerability, identifying three conditions of possibility (authority recognition, interrogation, and limitation of power), and an architecture of seven features (context, range, agent, forum, standards, process, (...)
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    Kant or not Kant? Arguing on Kant’s Ultimate Political Design for Global Governance and Cosmopolitanism. An Exchange between Claudio Corradetti and Allen Wood.Claudio Corradetti & Allen Wood - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):7-28.
    In the following reflection Claudio Corradetti and Allen Wood engage in a controversy concerning the possibilities and the limits of textual interpretation. Should an interpreter still be authorized to call an author’s interpretation the logical stretch of text beyond its black printed letters? The authors offer two different standpoints on what can still be defined as textual interpretation. Whereas for Allen Wood a clear-cut separation must be kept between what a text shows and what an interpreter argues starting from (...)
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    (1 other version)Jorge Molder: 'I’m a photographer in particular'. Interview with Claudio Rozzoni.Jorge Molder & Claudio Rozzoni - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):7-14.
    This is the text of the Claudio Rozzoni's interview with Jorge Molder that took place in Portuguese on June 21, 2018, at the artist's atelier in Lisbon. English translation by Claudio Rozzoni.
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    (1 other version)Editorial Preface.Claudio de Almeida - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (4).
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    Leone Caetani attraverso il suo Archivio.Claudio Lo Jacono - 2006 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 19:345-358.
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    Crisi, decadenza, barbarie. Radici e futuro dell'Europa nel pensiero di E. Husserl e M. Henry.Claudio Tarditi - 2018 - Philosophical Readings 10 (1).
    Nowadays, a general agreement exists that European culture suffers from a severe type of economic and cultural crisis. In the first section of my contribution I intend to provide a comparison between Husserl's diagnosis of European crisis developed in the Vienna Lectures and Henry's account of barbarism in his book La barbarie. If, on the one hand, Husserl argues that such a critical condition compels Europe to choose between the sunset of its culture and its rebirth through a new foundation (...)
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    Two Kinds of Consequential Implication.Claudio E. A. Pizzi - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):453-480.
    The first section of the paper establishes the minimal properties of so-called consequential implication and shows that they are satisfied by at least two different operators of decreasing strength and \). Only the former has been analyzed in recent literature, so the paper focuses essentially on the latter. Both operators may be axiomatized in systems which are shown to be translatable into standard systems of normal modal logic. The central result of the paper is that the minimal consequential system for (...)
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  35. Classifying positive equivalence relations.Claudio Bernardi & Andrea Sorbi - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):529-538.
    Given two (positive) equivalence relations ∼ 1 , ∼ 2 on the set ω of natural numbers, we say that ∼ 1 is m-reducible to ∼ 2 if there exists a total recursive function h such that for every x, y ∈ ω, we have $x \sim_1 y \operatorname{iff} hx \sim_2 hy$ . We prove that the equivalence relation induced in ω by a positive precomplete numeration is complete with respect to this reducibility (and, moreover, a "uniformity property" holds). This (...)
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  36. Claudio M. Tamburrini, The 'Hand of God'. Essays in the Philosophy of Sports. [REVIEW]Claudio M. Tamburrini - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (3):315-317.
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    The ‘Omics Revolution: How an Obsession with Compiling Lists Is Threatening the Ancient Art of Experimental Design.Claudio D. Stern - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900168.
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    The Biosemiotic Glossary Project: The Semiotic Threshold.Claudio Julio Rodríguez Higuera & Kalevi Kull - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (1):109-126.
    The present article is framed within the biosemiotic glossary project as a way to address common terminology within biosemiotic research. The glossary integrates the view of the members of the biosemiotic community through a standard survey and a literature review. The concept of ‘semiotic threshold’ was first introduced by Umberto Eco, defining it as a boundary between semiotic and non-semiotic areas. We review here the concept of ‘semiotic threshold’, first describing its denotation within semiotics via an examination on the history (...)
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    Countable Spaces, Realcompactness, and the Pseudointersection Number.Claudio Agostini, Andrea Medini & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-17.
    All spaces are assumed to be Tychonoff. Given a realcompact space X, we denote by $\mathsf {Exp}(X)$ the smallest infinite cardinal $\kappa $ such that X is homeomorphic to a closed subspace of $\mathbb {R}^\kappa $. Our main result shows that, given a cardinal $\kappa $, the following conditions are equivalent: • There exists a countable crowded space X such that $\mathsf {Exp}(X)=\kappa $. • $\mathfrak {p}\leq \kappa \leq \mathfrak {c}$. In fact, in the case $\mathfrak {d}\leq \kappa \leq \mathfrak (...)
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    Guest editorial.Claudio Almeida & Stephen Hetherington - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):143-143.
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  41. Translatio textuum.Claudio Leonardi - 2012 - In Marco Sgarbi (ed.), Translatio studiorum: ancient, medieval and modern bearers of intellectual history. Boston: Brill.
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    Could nonhuman great apes also have cultural evolutionary psychology?Claudio Tennie - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Attempted answers are given to whether nonhuman great apes also have evolved imitation ; whether humans can transmit imitation as a gadget to apes ; whether human-to-ape transmission can kickstart subsequent and stable ape cultural evolutionary psychology ; and when CEP evolved in our lineage.
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  43. Graded Qualities.Claudio Calosi & Robert Michels - forthcoming - Synthese.
    The idea that qualities can be had partly or to an intermediate degree is controversial among contemporary metaphysicians, but also has a considerable pedigree among philosophers and scientists. In this paper, we first aim to show that metaphysical sense can be made of this idea by proposing a partial taxonomy of metaphysical accounts of graded qualities, focusing on three particular approaches: one which explicates having a quality to a degree in terms of having a property with an in-built degree, another (...)
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    Cognitive Semiotics: Integrating Signs, Minds, Meaning and Cognition.Claudio Paolucci - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume serves as a reference on the field of cognitive semantics. It offers a systematic and original discussion of the issues at the core of the debate in semiotics and the cognitive sciences. It takes into account the problems of representation, the nature of mind, the structure of perception, beliefs associated with habits, social cognition, autism, intersubjectivity and subjectivity. The chapters in this volume present the foundation of semiotics as a theory of cognition, offer a semiotic model of cognitive (...)
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  45. Quantum indeterminacy and the double-slit experiment.Claudio Calosi & Jessica Wilson - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (10):3291-3317.
    In Calosi and Wilson (Phil Studies 2019/2018), we argue that on many interpretations of quantum mechanics (QM), there is quantum mechanical indeterminacy (QMI), and that a determinable-based account of metaphysical indeterminacy (MI), as per Wilson 2013 and 2016, properly accommodates the full range of cases of QMI. Here we argue that this approach is superior to other treatments of QMI on offer, both realistic and deflationary, in providing the basis for an intelligible explanation of the interference patterns in the double-slit (...)
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    Visuo-spatial consciousness and parieto-occipital areas: A high-resolution EEG study.Claudio Babiloni, Fabrizio Vecchio, Maurizio Miriello, Gian Luca Romani & Paolo Maria Rossini - 2006 - Cerebral Cortex 16 (1):37-46.
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    What’s Wrong With J.S. Mill’s “Harm-to-Others”-Principle?Claudio Tamburrini - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 38 (1):1-26.
  48. Between form and function: a new science of man.Claudio Pogliano - 1991 - In P. Corsi (ed.), The Enchanted Loom: Chapters in the History of Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
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    Levels of reality and levels of representation.Claudio Gnoli & Roberto Poli - 2004 - Knowledge Organization 31 (3):151-160.
    Ontology, in its philosophical meaning, is the discipline investigating the structure of reality. Its findings can be relevant to knowledge organization, as well as models of knowledge can in turn offer relevant ontological suggestions. Several philosophers in time have pointed out that reality is structured into a series of integrative levels, like the physical, the biological, the mental, and the cultural one, and that each level plays as a base for the emergence of more complex ones. Among them, more detailed (...)
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  50.  14
    Knowledge Production, Mobilization and Standardization in Chile’s HidroAysén Case.Claudio Broitman & Pablo Kreimer - 2018 - Minerva 56 (2):209-229.
    The Aysén Hydroelectric Project in Chilean Patagonia proposed the construction of the country’s largest power facility to supply its capital, nearly 2,000 kilometres away. We seek to explain the way science, politics, law, business and the civilian population are joined up. To this end, we analyse the project’s evolution, the construction of techno-scientific arguments by the participants and how Chilean regulations are adapting to this process.
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