Results for 'Claudio Benjamin Naranjo'

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  1.  31
    The Patriarchal Mind as the Ignored Root of Interpersonal and Social Pathologies.Claudio Benjamin Naranjo - 2018 - World Futures 74 (3):135-157.
    The article begins with an integrative theory of neurosis and with the notion of the “patriarchal mind,” which I conceive as the psycho-social foundation of what we call “civilisation” and proceed to characterize as a despotic and repressive activity of the father on the mother and on the child in the family, and also of an analogous relation between the intellect on the emotional and on the instinctual sub-selves in the individual mind. Next, I propose that patriarchy entails four interrelated (...)
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    Changing education to change the world: a new vision of schooling.Claudio Naranjo - 2016 - Nevada City, California: Gateways Books and Tapes.
    In this sequel to Healing Civilization, Dr. Naranjo addresses the cultural and ecological crisis of the 21st Century. He reviews a number of theories and approaches to bettering society and advocates, in particular, the innovation of making the educational system more ethically and spiritually directed--more inner directed than devoted to sustaining current economic or cultural models for society. Naranjo examines the relationship between past historical eras and cultural progress and the growth and development of the individual child from (...)
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    Health mental services within educational process.Ximena Cecilia Macaya Sandoval, Claudio Enrique Bustos Navarrete, Silverio Segundo Torres Pérez, Pablo Andrés Vergara-Barra & Benjamín de la Cruz Vicente Parada - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):47-64.
    RESUMEN Introducción: Son escasos los servicios en salud mental dentro del contexto escolar que permitan una integración intersectorial para superar la brecha de falta de asistencia en salud mental en la población infanto - juvenil, aun cuando, es en la escuela donde se detectan mayoritariamente los problemas de salud mental. Objetivo: Comentar el uso de servicios de salud mental en el ambiente escolar en relación con los trastornos mentales y trastornos subumbrales. Método: El presente resultado se obtiene a partir del (...)
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    Naranjo, Claudio. The Enneagram of Society: Healing the Soul to Heal the World.Jocelyn Chapman - 2014 - World Futures 70 (2):157-160.
    (2014). Naranjo, Claudio. The Enneagram of Society: Healing the Soul to Heal the World. World Futures: Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 157-160.
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    Caos e Redenção.Luis Cláudio Dallier Saldanha - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    Análise de aspectos do messianismo judaico no pensamento de Benjamin a partir da temática do caos e da redenção. Abordagem do conceito de história, crítica ao progresso, perda da experiência na modernidade e aspectos da linguagem em Benjamin desde a perspectiva das afinidades eletivas entre messianismo e utopia libertária.
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    Magris Likes it Bad? Reflections on Ethics in a European Perspective.Simone Rebora - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (7-8):744-758.
    This essay examines Claudio Magris’s literary production from the point of view of European normative ethics by drawing on recently-proposed theories of negative empathy and the hybrid hero. A brief overview of Magris’s narratives and characters—from Illazioni su una sciabola (1985) (Inferences from a Sabre, 1991) to Croce del Sud) [Southern cross] (2020)—shows his peculiar interpretation of such theories and how he repurposes them for ethical goals. This is followed by a close reading of Un altro mare (1991) (A (...)
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  7. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness.Benjamin W. Libet - 1993 - (Ciba Foundation Symposium 174).
  8. Smelling Phenomenal.Benjamin D. Young - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:71431.
    Qualitative-consciousness arises at the sensory level of olfactory processing and pervades our experience of smells to the extent that qualitative character is maintained whenever we are aware of undergoing an olfactory experience. Building upon the distinction between Access and Phenomenal Consciousness the paper offers a nuanced distinction between Awareness and Qualitative-consciousness that is applicable to olfaction in a manner that is conceptual precise and empirically viable. Mounting empirical research is offered substantiating the applicability of the distinction to olfaction and showing (...)
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    Commonsense reasoning about causality: Deriving behavior from structure.Benjamin Kuipers - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-3):169-203.
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    Virtue in being: towards an ethics of the unconditioned.Andrew Benjamin - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Towards the unconditioned: Kant, Epicurus and Glückseligkeit -- Arendt and the time of the pardon -- Kant, evil, and the unconditioned -- Judgment after Derrida.
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    In Defense of Sophisticated Theories of Welfare.Benjamin Yelle - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1409-1418.
    “Sophisticated” theories of welfare face two potentially devastating criticisms. They are based upon two claims: that theories of welfare should be tested for what they imply about newborn infants and that even if a theory of welfare is intended to apply only to adults, we might still have sufficient reason to reject it because it implies an implausible divergence between adult and neonatal welfare. It has been argued we ought reject sophisticated theories of welfare because they have significantly counterintuitive implications (...)
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  12. The Model of Social Facts.Benjamin C. Zipursky - 2000 - In Jules L. Coleman (ed.), Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law'. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  13.  7
    Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science.Stanislav Grof & Marjorie Livingston Valier (eds.) - 1984 - Albany: Suny Press.
    Recent advances in a variety of scientific disciplines have revealed the limitations of the Newtonian-Cartesian model of the universe. One of the interesting aspects of this development is the increasing convergence of science and the "perennial philosophy." The new research has led to a critical revaluation of ancient spiritual systems long ignored or rejected because of their assumed incompatibility with science. Here are Swami Muktananda on the mind. Swami Prajnananda on Karma. Swami Kripananda on the Kundalini. Ajit Mookerjee on the (...)
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    Student-Teacher Relationships As a Protective Factor for School Adjustment during the Transition from Middle to High School.Claudio Longobardi, Laura E. Prino, Davide Marengo & Michele Settanni - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Disorienting Neoliberalism: Global Justice and the Outer Limit of Freedom.Benjamin L. McKean - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Many people believe the global economy is unjust, but they don't know what to do about it. What responsibilities do American consumers have to workers in China making their iPhones? Should they still buy clothes made in Bangladesh's sweatshops? Offering an overview of how neoliberalism orients us to the world, Benjamin L. McKean shows the practical shortcomings of neoliberal approaches to the world and develops an alternative way of thinking and acting guided by a compelling new account of freedom. (...)
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    Of Jews and animals.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  17. (2 other versions)Introduction.Benjamin Hill - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This introduction argues for the importance of Suárez’s philosophy for historians of medieval philosophy as well as historians of early modern philosophy. It also provides synopses of each of the essays in the volume and a brief biography of Suárez, placing his life and works into some historical context.
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    Seven Ways of Looking at Religion: The Dominant Narratives.Benjamin Schewel - 2017 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Western intellectuals have long theorized that religion would undergo a process of marginalization and decline as the forces of modernity advanced. Yet recent events have disrupted this seductively straightforward story. As a result, while it is clear that religion has somehow evolved from its tribal beginnings up through modernity and into the current global age, there is no consensus about what kind of narrative of religious change we should alternatively tell. Seeking clarity, Benjamin Schewel organizes and evaluates the prevalent (...)
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    Anarchisms, Postanarchisms and Ethics.Benjamin Franks - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book outlines the various approaches to anarchist thought, explaining differences between rival traditions, and assesses how anarchism challenges hierarchies of power in the generation of social goods.
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  20. A note on bearer-uniqueness and particularised qualities.Benjamin Schnieder - manuscript
    Many friends of the category of particularised qualities subscribe to the view that particularised qualities have a unique bearer in which they inhere; no such quality then can inhere in two different entities. But it seems that this idea is flawed, for there are apparent counterexamples. An apple’s redness is identical with the redness of its skin, though the apple is distinct from its skin. So it seems that a principle of beareruniqueness has to be modified, maybe by excluding certain (...)
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  21. Taxation: Voluntary or compulsory?Benjamin R. Tucker - unknown
    Read Jus, 17 June 1887): The voluntary taxation proposal really means the dissolution of the State into its constituent atoms, and leaving them to recombine in some way or no way, just as it may happen. There would be nothing to prevent the existence of five or six "States" in England, and members of all these "States" might be living in the same house! The proposal is, it appears to me, the outcome of an idea in the minds of those (...)
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    The Neural Time - Factor in Perception, Volition and Free Will.Benjamin Libet - 1992 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (2):255 - 272.
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    Poetry & Philosophy in the 21st Century.Benjamin Lloyd - 2022 - Philosophy Now 153:32-34.
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    Mental defect and prostitution.Benjamin Malzberg - 1920 - The Eugenics Review 12 (2):100.
  25.  7
    Henry Cow: the world is a problem.Benjamin Piekut - 2019 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In its open improvisations, lapidary lyrics, errant melodies, and relentless pursuit of spontaneity, the British experimental band Henry Cow pushed rock music to its limits. The band's rotating personnel, sprung from rock, free jazz, and orchestral worlds, synthesized a distinct sound that troubled genre lines, and with this musical diversity came a mixed politics, including Maoism, communism, feminism, and Italian Marxism. In Henry Cow: The World is a Problem Benjamin Piekut tells the band's story-from its founding in Cambridge in (...)
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    Radical Virtue and Climate Action.Benjamin Hole - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (2):99-117.
    Radical virtue serves two distinct purposes: consolation in unfavorable circumstances, and prescription to achieve better ones. This paper maps out the theoretical nuances important for practical guidance. For a Stoic, radical virtue is a way to live well through environmental tragedy. For a consequentialist, it is an instrument to motivate us to combat climate change. For an Aristotelian, it is both. I argue that an Aristotelian approach fares the best, balancing the aim of external success with the aim of living (...)
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    Concerning a seemingly intractable feature of the accountability gap.Benjamin Lang - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The authors put forward an interesting response to detractors of black box algorithms. According to the authors, what is of ethical relevance for medical artificial intelligence is not so much their transparency, but rather their reliability as a process capable of producing accurate and trustworthy results. The implications of this view are twofold. First, it is permissible to implement a black box algorithm in clinical settings, provided the algorithm’s epistemic authority is tempered by physician expertise and consideration of patient autonomy. (...)
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  28.  46
    Case notes and charting of bioethical case consultations.Benjamin Freedman, Charles Weijer & Eugene Bereza - 1993 - HEC Forum 5 (3):176-195.
    In summary, the usual elements of a typical health care ethics consultation note might reasonably accommodate the needs and expectations of relevant parties, and would therefore include: 1. identification of the relevant ethical issues, questions, or dilemmas; 2. reference to any relevant facts--medical, nursing, social, psychological, spiritual, legal, political, etc.; 3. a prioritized list of recommendations to improve coordinated care; 4. a clear and concise articulation of relevant arguments, wtih specific reference to the list of recommendations as well as to (...)
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  29. 'Resemblance'and Locke's primary-secondary quality distinction.Benjamin Hill - 2004 - Locke Studies 4:89-122.
  30. Neural processes in the production of conscious experiences.Benjamin W. Libet - 1996 - In Max Velmans (ed.), The Science of Consciousness: Psychological, Neuropsychological, and Clinical Reviews. New York: Routledge.
  31. Substanzen Und Eigenschaften.Benjamin Schnieder - 2006 - Metaphysica 7 (2).
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  32. Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Works.Benjamin Daise - 1973 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
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  33. The Pastoral Epistles: First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus.Benjamin Fiore - 2007
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  34. The beginning of Melissus' On Nature or On What-Is: a reconstruction.Benjamin Harriman - 2015 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 135:19-34.
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    Humanity against itself: the retreat from reason.Benjamin Kovitz - 2008 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Human nature -- On mental disorder -- The meaning of anxiety -- To someone considering psychotherapy -- The sinner in the saint -- Our incoherent world -- The contribution of science -- Making sense of experience -- On reason and religion -- The world of religion -- A note on the aesthetic -- Where are we headed?
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  36. The Pursuit of Death.Benjamin P. Kurtz - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:408.
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  37. Redemption Through Sin: Judaism and Heresy in Interwar Europe.Benjamin Lazier - 2002 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    This is a study of the encounter with the problem of heresy in Europe between the World Wars, in Germany and among Jews above all. It is first and foremost an intellectual history, though not exclusively so, and has four related aims. It argues, first, that the advent of a heretical ideal among Jews in the interwar period marked the definitive end of a chapter in German-Jewish history that began with Moses Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn's gambit and the liberal Judaism that arose (...)
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  38. Two Sides to a Tortoise: Darwin and Melville in the Pacific.Benjamin Lease - 1968 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 49 (4):531.
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    Franz Rosenzweig.Benjamin Pollock - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  40. The gift of wonder.Benjamin D. Scott - 1923 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 4 (3):177.
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    Embodied delusions and intentionality.Benjamin Sheredos - unknown
    Derek Bolton has claimed that extant philosophical theories of mind imply accounts of mental disorder, via their accounts of intentionality. The purpose of this paper is to extend Bolton’s claims, by exploring what an embodied/situated theory of mind might imply about mental disorder. I argue that, unlike the more traditional views Bolton considers, embodied/situated accounts can (in principle) provide an observer-independent criterion for distinguishing mental health from disorder in cases of Capgras and Cotard delusions.
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  42. Reason, Mathematics, Science: How Nature Helps Us Discover.Benjamin S. P. Shen - manuscript
    In deductive theorizing using mathematics as our theorizing tool, nature is known to routinely help us discover new empirical truths about itself, whether we want the help or not (“generative phenomenon”). Why? That’s because, I argue, some of our deductive inference rules are themselves of empirical origin, thereby providing nature with a seemingly-trivial but crucial link to our mind’s reason.
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    Ethics in the Anthropocene: Moral Responses to the Climate Crisis.Benjamin S. Lowe - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (3):479-485.
    This review essay looks at Andrew Brei’s edited volume, Ecology, ethics and hope, Candis Callison’s How climate change comes to matter: The communal life of facts, Randall Curren and Ellen Metzger’s Living well now and in the future: Why sustainability matters, Willis Jenkins’ The future of ethics: Sustainability, social justice, and religious creativity, and Byron Williston’s The Anthropocene project: Virtue in the age of climate change. These recent works highlight various normative approaches for engaging with what is often referred to (...)
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    An out‐of‐equilibrium definition of protein turnover.Benjamin Martin & David M. Suter - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2200209.
    Protein turnover (PT) has been formally defined only in equilibrium conditions, which is ill‐suited to quantify PT during dynamic processes that occur during embryogenesis or (extra) cellular signaling. In this Hypothesis, we propose a definition of PT in an out‐of‐equilibrium regime that allows the quantification of PT in virtually any biological context. We propose a simple mathematical and conceptual framework applicable to a broad range of available data, such as RNA sequencing coupled with pulsed‐SILAC datasets. We apply our framework to (...)
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  45. Architectural Philosophy: Repetition, Function, Alterity.Andrew E. Benjamin - 2000 - Athlone Press.
    Architectural Philosophy is the first book to outline a philosophical account of architecture and to establish the singularity of architectural practice and ...
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    The ethics of love: an essay on James Joyce.Benjamin Boysen - 2013 - Portland, OR: Distribution in the United States by International Specialized Book Services.
    Preface -- Amorous overture -- Early love stories -- Joyce's great declaration of love (Ulysses) -- Joyce's co(s)mic love letter (Finnegan's wake) -- An ethics of love?
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    Reflections on lying: a lecture.Benjamin C. Bradlee - 1997 - Riverside, CA: Press-Enterprise.
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  48. Factual vs. evidential?: The past tense forms of spoken Khalkha Mongolian.Benjamin Brosig - 2018 - In Ad Foolen, Helen de Hoop & Gijs Mulder (eds.), Evidence for evidentiality. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  49. Old babylonian inscriptions, edicts, and tariffs.Benjamin R. Foster - 1995 - In K. D. Irani & Morris Silver (eds.), Social justice in the ancient world. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 165.
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    The roles and responsibilities of the ethics consultant: a retrospective analysis of cases.Benjamin Freedman - 2000 - Hagerstown, Maryland: University Publishing. Edited by Françoise Baylis.
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