Results for 'Civil religion History.'

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  1. Civil religion: a dialogue in the history of political philosophy.Ronald Beiner - 2010 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Civil Religion offers philosophical commentaries on more than twenty thinkers stretching from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. The book examines four important traditions within the history of modern political philosophy and delves into how each of them addresses the problem of religion. Two of these traditions pursue projects of domesticating religion. The civil religion tradition, principally defined by Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Rousseau, seeks to domesticate religion by putting it solidly in the service (...)
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    Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization (review).Zain Imtiaz Ali - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):495-497.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Islam: Religion, History, and CivilizationZain AliIslam: Religion, History, and Civilization. By Seyyed Hossein Nasr. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 2003. Pp. 224. Paper $9.71."Islam," writes Seyyed Hossein Nasr, "is like a vast tapestry," and in his book Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization he aims to survey the masterpiece that is Islam. The present work is part of a trilogy including Ideal and Realities of Islam (...)
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    Civil religion in modern political philosophy: Machiavelli to Tocqueville.Steven Frankel & Martin D. Yaffe (eds.) - 2020 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A collection of essays on civil religion in modern political philosophy, exploring the engagement between modern thought and the Christian tradition.
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    Civil Religion and the Pursuit of Happiness from Machiavelli to Italian Theory.Miguel Vatter - 2019 - Giornale Critico di Storia Delle Idee 1:73-88.
    In this article I propose a conception of “civil religion” to bridge the tension between immanence and transcendence that has characterized Italian Theory to date. This tension is due to the two central components of Italian Theory, namely, the discourse on biopolitics and the discourse on political theology. In what follows I argue that this conception of “civil religion” originates with Machiavelli and is functional to his vision of democratic constitutionalism. I propose a new genealogy of (...)
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    Beyond ‘civil religion’ – on Pascalian influence in Tocqueville.Yuji Takayama - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):518-535.
    ABSTRACT In volume two of his work Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville argued that religion could guarantee individual liberties against the tyranny of the majority. However, in volume one of this work, Tocqueville presented a conventional ‘civil religion’ as a phenomenon that was identical to or subsumed by American social mores or opinions. Thus, the following questions are raised: How can such a religion represent a brake on potential tyranny? How can genuine religion be (...)
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    Hobbes’s great divorce: civil religion in comparative and historical perspective.Jeremy Kleidosty - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (1):165-181.
    Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan is well known for presenting a political philosophy based on a mechanistic account of human beings that offers the pain–pleasure response (or the peace–fear response) as a basis on which to make political choices. Although it has been subjected to countless treatments over the centuries, its account of civil religion in Part 3, “Of a Christian Commonwealth”, based on a highly original reading of the Bible, is deserving of further examination. Following an overview of a (...)
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    Ideas of Civil Religion in the Creative Work of Cyril Methodians.Leonid Kondratyk - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 85:53-63.
    Kondratyk L. "Ideas of Civil Religion in the Creative Work of Cyril Methodians". The author is based on the fact that the civil religion is such a sociocultural phenomenon in which, through the prism of a peculiar religious language and specific practices, the necessity of acquiring and establishing a national state is substantiated, which originates in the need of the community to find the sacral in the activity that is inherent in the transcendent, eternally -linear character (...)
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  8. Civilized Religion from Renaissance to Reformation and Counter-Reformation.Euan Cameron - 2000 - In Peter Burke & Brian Harrison (eds.), Civil Histories: Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas. Oxford University Press.
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    The ideas of civil religion in the works of Mykola Kostomarov.Timofiy Zinkevich - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:79-85.
    T. Zinkevich. "The ideas of civil religion in the works of Mykola Kostomarov." The author based on the fact that a civil religion - it is a social and cultural phenomenon in which the light of a kind of religious language and the specific practices of the necessity of finding and approval of the national state, which has its roots in the community needs to find the sacred in the work, which is inherent in the transcendent, (...)
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  10. Book Review: Civil Religion: A Dialogue in the History of Political Philosophy. [REVIEW]Robert P. George - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (2):246-249.
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    Beginnings and the essence of civil religion.Timofiy Zinkevich - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:11-17.
    In the article T.Zinkevich "Beginnings and the essence of civil religion" the question of the beginnings of civil religion and the peculiarity of this phenomenon are studied. It is proved that civil religion is a socio-cultural phenomenon, in which, through the prism of a peculiar religious language and specific practices, the ultimate determination of the establishment and confirmation of a national state, which originates from the need of the community to find sacred in a (...)
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    Book Review: American Covenant: A History of Civil Religion from the Puritans to the Present. [REVIEW]Matteo Bortolini - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (4):566-568.
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    Religion Civique, Religion Civile, Religion Séculière L’ombre d’un doute.Patrick Boucheron - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (2):161-183.
    L’usage de la notion de religion civique s’est imposé aux historiens, et notamment aux historiens médiévistes, du fait sans doute de sa souplesse conceptuelle. Le présent article part de l’hypothèse que les historiens auraient beaucoup à gagner à mettre au jour les relations, parfois subreptices, que la notion entretient avec des concepts contigus – ceux, notamment, de la religion civique gréco-romaine, de la religion civile du temps des Lumières ou de la religion séculière telle que les (...)
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    Book Review: American Covenant: A History of Civil Religion from the Puritans to the Present. [REVIEW]Jean-Pierre Reed - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (3):365-367.
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    2012 Arthur O. Lovejoy Lecture Civil Religion—Metaphysical, Not Political: Nature, Faith, and Communal Order in European Thought, c. 1150–c. 1550. [REVIEW]Cary J. Nederman - 2013 - Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (1):1-22.
    Civil religion” has been a topic much on the minds recently of intellectual historians, political theorists, social scientists, and others concerned about the relationship between the “public sphere” broadly construed and forms of religious belief. I argue that certain Christian thinkers during the medieval period accepted the view that religious faith formed a useful feature of social order, but they did so from an essentially metaphysical perspective. I consider the writings of John of Salisbury, Marsilius of Padua, and (...)
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    Liberty and Compulsory Civil Religion in Rousseau’s Social Contract.Charles L. Griswold - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (2):271-300.
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    The Role of Religion amid the Development of Civil Laws: A Brief History.Firas Hamade - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):696-701.
    This comprehensive historical exploration investigates the intricate relationship between religion and the evolution of civil laws. Throughout human history, the interplay between religious beliefs and legal systems has profoundly shaped societies and governance structures. From ancient civilizations to the modern era, religious authorities and teachings have acted as catalysts in shaping civil laws, often with the goal of promoting social justice. This article embarks on a journey through time, unraveling the multifaceted connections between religion and the (...)
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    A Secret Chapter in Civil War History.Charles Callan Tansill - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (2):215-224.
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    The Intoxication of Power: An Analysis of Civil Religion in Relation to Ideology. By Maureen Henry. [REVIEW]Louis A. Barth - 1982 - Modern Schoolman 60 (1):53-54.
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    Religion and civilization in the sociology of Norbert Elias: Fantasy–reality balances in long-term perspective.Andrew Linklater - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (1):56-79.
    Many sociologists have drawn attention to the puzzling absence of a detailed discussion of religion in Elias’s investigation of the European civilizing process. Elias did not develop a sociology of religion, but he did not overlook the importance of beliefs in the ‘spirit world’ in the history of human societies. In his writings such convictions were described as fantasy images that could be contrasted with ‘reality-congruent’ knowledge claims. Elias placed fantasy–reality balances, whether religious or secular, at the centre (...)
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    Religion, Epic, History: Notes on the Underlying Functions of Cults in Benin Civilizations.Claude Tardits & S. Alexander - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (37):16-27.
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    The Paths of Civilization: Understanding the Currents of History.Jaroslav Krejci - 2004 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this ambitious exploration of humanity and civilizations throughout history, major historical events and processes in the history of mankind are looked at in order to understand the "currents" of history. Jaroslav Krejc analyzes the whole history of civilization and considers historical events such as feudalism and the development of science. By bringing both sociological and historical insights to this broad subject, and particular attention to different types of knowledge (such as religion and its impact state law labor and (...)
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  23. A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education: From Ancient Civilizations to the Modern World.Robert A. Mechikoff (ed.) - 2006 - Mcgraw-Hill.
    This engaging and informative text will hold the attention of students and scholars as they take a journey through time to understand the role that history and philosophy have played in shaping the course of sport and physical education in Western and selected non-Western civilizations. Using appropriate theoretical and interpretive frameworks, students will investigate topics such as the historical relationship between mind and body; what philosophers and intellectuals have said about the body as a source of knowledge; educational philosophy and (...)
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    Egyptomania and religion in James Burnett, Lord Monboddo’s ‘History of Man’.R. J. W. Mills - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (1):119-139.
    ABSTRACT The Scottish judge and ‘eccentric’ philosopher James Burnett, Lord Monboddo’s (1714–1799) significance within Enlightenment thought is usually seen as stemming from his Origin and Progress of Language (6 vols., 1773–1792). The OPL was a major contribution to the Enlightenment’s debate over the philosophy of language, and established Monboddo’s reputation as an innovative and influential, yet controversial and credulous proto-anthropologist. In the following I explore Monboddo’s Egyptomania and the role it plays in his account of the origins and development of (...)
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    Civil Histories: Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas.Peter Burke & Brian Harrison (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume is a tribute to one of England's greatest living historians, Sir Keith Thomas, by distinguished scholars who have been his pupils. They describe the changing meanings of civility and civil manners since the sixteenth century. They show how the terms were used with respect to different people - women, the English and the Welsh, imperialists, and businessmen - and their effects in fields as varied as sexual relations, religion, urban politics, and private life.
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  26. Religion in the Making? Animality, Savagery, and Civilization in the Work of A. N. Whitehead.Clare Palmer - 2000 - Society and Animals 8 (3):287-304.
    Constructions of the animal and animality are often pivotal to religious discourses. Such constructions create the possibility of identifying and valuing what is "human" as opposed to the "animal" and also of distinguishing human beliefs and behaviors that can be characterized as being animal from those that are "truly human." Some discourses also employ the concept of savagery as a bridge between the human and the animal, where the form of humanity but not its ideal beliefs and practices can be (...)
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    Civil and uncivil religions: Tocqueville on Hinduism and Islam.Christopher Kelly - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (4-6):845-850.
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    Politics, law, society, history and religion in the "politica" (1590s-1650s): interdisciplinary perspectives on an interdisciplinary subject.Robert von Friedeburg (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Georg Olms.
    The Politica as a specific genre of academic reflection on civil life developed from the later sixteenth century and flourished until at least the mid-seventeenth century, especially at universities in the Holy Roman Empire and where their influence was felt, as in the Dutch Republic. Theologians, Philosophers, Jurists, and Medical Doctors contributed books. Aside from few and only with difficulty accessible surveys, and a few individual well-researched authors, research into this genre remains a task for the future. This survey (...)
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  29. Metaphysics, History, and Civilization: Collingwood's Account of their Interrelationships.J. N. Hartt - 1953 - Journal of Religion 33:198-211.
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    Religion and the philosophy of life.Gavin D. Flood - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Religion and the Philosophy of Life considers how religion as the source of civilization transforms the fundamental bio-sociology of humans through language and the somatic exploration of religious ritual and prayer. Gavin Flood offers an integrative account of the nature of the human, based on what contemporary scientists tell us, especially evolutionary science and social neuroscience, as well as through the history of civilizations. Part one contemplates fundamental questions and assumptions: what the current state of knowledge is concerning (...)
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    Religion and the post-revolutionary mind: idéologues, Catholic traditionalists, and liberals in France.Arthur McCalla - 2023 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    The French Revolution swept away the Old Regime along with many of its ideas about epistemology, history, society, and politics. In the intellectual ferment that followed, debates about religion figured prominently as diverse thinkers grappled with the philosophical and civil status of religion in a post-revolutionary age. Arthur McCalla demonstrates the central place of religion in the intellectual life of post-revolutionary France in Religion and the Post-Revolutionary Mind. Certain questions--What is the nature of religion? (...)
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    Religion and Nothingness.David Edward Shaner - 1987 - Philosophy East and West 37 (4):458-462.
    In _Religion and Nothingness_ the leading representative of the Kyoto School of Philosophy lays the foundation of thought for a world in the making, for a world united beyond the differences of East and West. Keiji Nishitani notes the irreversible trend of Western civilization to nihilism, and singles out the conquest of nihilism as _the_ task for contemporary philosophy. Nihility, or relative nothingness, can only be overcome by being radicalized to Emptiness, or absolute nothingness. Taking absolute nothingness as the fundamental (...)
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    History of Civilization. [REVIEW]Irving Raymond - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (1):163-164.
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    Religion and the use of animals in research: Some first thoughts.David H. Smith - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (2):137 – 147.
    Religious traditions can be drawn on in a number of ways to illuminate discussions of the moral standing of animals and the ethical use of animals in scientific research. I begin with some general comments about relevant points in the history of major religions. I then briefly describe American civil religion, including the cult of health, and its relation to scientific research. Finally, I offer a critique of American civil religion from a Christian perspective.
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    Religion, Modernity, and Politics in Hegel by Thomas A. Lewis.Vincent Lloyd - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):226-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Religion, Modernity, and Politics in Hegel by Thomas A. LewisVincent LloydReligion, Modernity, and Politics in Hegel THOMAS A. LEWIS Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. 277 pp. $135Religion, Modernity, and Politics in Hegel explicates Hegel’s account of religion and contends that Hegel offers important insights for contemporary conversations in religious studies. Specifically, Thomas Lewis argues in this book that Hegel’s thought enriches discussions regarding the relationship between (...)
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  36. The Age of Voltaire a History of Civilization in Western Europe From 1715 to 1756, with Special Emphasis on the Conflict Between Religion and Philosophy.Will Durant - 1965 - Simon & Schuster.
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    Religion and the secular: historical and colonial formations.Timothy Fitzgerald (ed.) - 2007 - Oakville, CT: Equinox.
    The collection of essays in this volume critically explore various aspects of the modern development of the religion-secular dichotomy and its ideological function in the assertion of colonial power since the 16th century. The authors hope to illuminate the role and formation of the modern category of religion, and of the academic study of religion, as colonial instruments in the more general subjection of indigenous concepts of order to the classificatory needs of Euro-America. The methodology tends to (...)
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    The New Politics, History and History of Religions: The World After 11 September 2001.Peter Antes - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (3):23-29.
    The purpose of this paper was to sketch in the outlines of the New Politics that is necessary following recent changes and events. The requirements of this New Politics aim not to restrict international, national and regional politics solely to the area of rational planning, but to increase the number of its partners by bringing in the religions as well and taking on as tasks their demands for justice, their universal ethics and an education in non-violence. This vision of the (...)
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    Progress & Religion.Christopher Dawson - 1991 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    This work evaluates the idea of progress - its origins, its validity, its role in the formation of Western civilization and its future. The author sees progress in its cultural context, and focuses on the vital relationship between religion and culture. Dawson contends that every culturally vital society must possess a religion, whether explicit or disguised, and that this religion will always play a large part in shaping the form of the society's culture.
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    Сivil religion in the light of a comparative analysis.Timofiy Zinkevich - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:18-26.
    In the article "Сivil religion in the light of a comparative analysis" by T. Zinkevych civil religion is seen as a social and cultural phenomenon in which the light of a kind of religious language and the specific practices of the necessity of origin and the approval of the national state, which has its roots in the community needs to find a sacred transcendental eternity-linear action that is rooted in the history of the area. Substantiated the thesis (...)
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    The Role of Religion Rituals in Fostering Community Cohesion: A Philosophical Analysis.Lucia Fernandez & Miguel Ramirez - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):35-51.
    Throughout history, religion has had a significant and lasting influence on the structure of human civilizations. Its effect shapes people's and communities' collective consciousness on a cultural, ethical, and political level. The complex relationship between religion and the different aspects of modern life changes as societies do. In order to better understand the complex relationship between tradition and modernity and the effects of religious rituals, institutions, and beliefs on social cohesiveness, identity formation, and ethical frameworks, this article will (...)
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    Religion and Nothingness.Keiji Nishitani - 1982 - University of California Press.
    In _Religion and Nothingness_ the leading representative of the Kyoto School of Philosophy lays the foundation of thought for a world in the making, for a world united beyond the differences of East and West. Keiji Nishitani notes the irreversible trend of Western civilization to nihilism, and singles out the conquest of nihilism as _the_ task for contemporary philosophy. Nihility, or relative nothingness, can only be overcome by being radicalized to Emptiness, or absolute nothingness. Taking absolute nothingness as the fundamental (...)
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    Civilization and Disease.Henry E. Sigerist - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
    Originally published in 1943, Civilization and Disease was based on a series of lectures that the medical historian Henry E. Sigerist delivered at Cornell University in 1940. Now back in print, the book is a wide-ranging account of the importance of social factors on health and illness and the impact that disease has had on societies throughout human history. Despite considerable advances in both medicine and historiography, Civilization and Disease remains a landmark work in the history of medicine and a (...)
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    A Short History of Civilization. [REVIEW]Irving Raymond - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (4):719-720.
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    Progress & Religion: An Historical Enquiry.Christopher Dawson - 2021 - Hassell Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Religion and Its Modern Fate.Thierry Meynard - 2005 - International Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):483-497.
    Religion” is usually thought of as a Western concept that has penetrated into China in the modern era. This paper, however, argues that the modern concept of religion was in fact shaped through the mutual exchange between the West and China. Three moments of this exchange are examined: (1) the late-Ming and early-Qing periods, when Western missionaries discovered in China a reality that compelled them to invent the term of “civil religion”; (2) the Enlightenment in Europe, (...)
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    From the “Renaissance” to the “Enlightenment”.Francesco Borghesi - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (1):1-10.
    This essay introduces the collection of articles contained in this special issue, explaining their necessity and contextualizing them within the historiographical debates around “ancient theology” and “civil religion”. It does so by referring to well-known influential figures in Renaissance and Enlightenment studies such as Daniel P. Walker, Frances A. Yates, Charles B. Schmitt, Eugenio Garin, Cesare Vasoli and Franco Venturi, as well as to more recent studies such as that by Dmitri Levitin. It further provides a brief overview (...)
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    Constitutional law and religion.Perry Dane - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 119–131.
    This essay on law and religion appears in the second edition of the Blackwell Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, edited by Dennis Patterson. It is a revision of a similar entry in the book’s first edition. The essay opens by broadly discussing the complex relationships between law and religion writ large as movements in human history – social, cultural, intellectual, and institutional phenomena with distinct but often overlapping logics and concerns. It then hones in on (...)
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    John C. Fout : German History and Civilization 1806–1914. A. Bibliography of Scholarly Periodical Literature, The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Metuchen, N. J. 1974, 342 pp. [REVIEW]H. J. Sch - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (3):283.
  50. History of Human Ideas as Autobiography.Marco Andreacchio - forthcoming - Historia Philosophica.
    The effort to penetrate the literary surface of Vico’s Autobiography exposes us to questions worthy of the best minds. What could it mean to understand our own lives as the ordered content of our own Ideas? What if, prior to being appropriated by forms imposed upon them from without, our lives possessed their own original and inalienable forms? What if human life were essentially one interpretative ascent to its own native form? What if Ethics coincided with the “writing” in which (...)
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