Results for 'Chrysovalantis Petridis'

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  1.  10
    Plato's mythologizing of the myth of Er: the Republic's myth of Er exposed.Chrysovalantis Petridis - 2009 - Portland, Oregon: Inkwater Press.
    The Republic is the quintessential Platonic dialogue concerning justice and politics. This great ten-book work ends with the Myth of Er. This myth has been a source of controversy throughout history. Some claim Plato wrote it, while others claim it is a forgery. Still others claim it is a lost story saved in the annals of history only by Plato. In response to the limited scholarship about Er, Mr. Chrysovalantis Petridis undertook a painstaking analysis of both the Republic (...)
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    Explaining Correlations by Partitions.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (12):1599-1612.
    In this paper two accounts of Reichenbachian common cause systems are compared. Examples are provided which show that Hofer-Szabó and Rédei account and Hofer-Szabó et al. account is compatible, with but not equivalent, to Mazzola’s. Moreover, the difference of the two accounts with respect to their explanatory adequacy is discussed, in the light of Salmon’s statistical-relevance approach to statistical explanation.
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    Corruption in Bank Lending: The Role of Culturally Endorsed Leadership Prototypes.Chrysovalantis Gaganis, Fotios Pasiouras & Menelaos Tasiou - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):193-216.
    This paper examines the impact of three culturally endorsed leadership prototypes on bank lending corruption. We bring together studies that approach the corruption of bank lending officers from the perspective of a principal-agent problem and studies from the leadership literature, suggesting leadership as an alternative to contractual solutions to agency problems. We hypothesize, based on these views, that culturally endorsed leadership styles that improve (worsen) the leader-subordinate relationships have a negative (positive) effect on bank lending corruption. Using a sample of (...)
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    Jonathan Matheson, The Epistemic Significance of Disagreement. Reviewed by.Chrysovalantis Margaritidis - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (3):117-122.
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    Anastasia OIKONOMOU-LANIADO, Argos Paléochrétienne : Contribution à l'étude du Péloponnèse Byzantin. BAR International Series, 1173.Platon Petridis - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):596-597.
    Ce livre constitue une étude de la topographie de la ville d'Argos à l'époque protobyzantine (IVe–VIIe siècles). Il s'agit en effet d'une mise au point de l'état des recherches archéologiques, essentiellement des fouilles de sauvetage, menées par le Service Archéologique grec dont l'auteur fut épimélète responsable du département d'Argos pendant de longues années et jusqu'à sa mort précoce en 1998.
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    Interregional trade during the Early Byzantine era: The testimony of ceramics imported to Delphi.Platon Pétridis - 2019 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 143:817-881.
    Dans la Delphes de l’époque protobyzantine, l’expression artistique et artisanale fait preuve d’une vive interaction entre les Delphiens et leurs homologues de villes proches ou lointaines. La céramique locale plus précisément, bien étudiée et circonscrite dans le temps, couvre un large éventail de produits de bonne qualité, déjà au ive s. de n. è., mais surtout aux vie et viie s. Quant à la céramique importée, amphores, lampes, sigillées et céramique peinte sont examinées ici pour la première fois en détail, (...)
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  7.  38
    Are Metaphysical Claims Testable?Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):801-818.
    To consider metaphysical claims a priori and devoid of empirical content, is a rather commonplace received opinion. This paper attempts an exploration of a contemporary philosophical heresy: it is possible to test metaphysical claims if they play an indispensable role in producing empirical success, i.e. novel predictions. To do so one, firstly, needs to express the metaphysical claims employed in the logico-mathematical language of a scientific theory, i.e. to explicate them. Secondly, one should have an understanding of what it is (...)
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  8.  20
    Causal Processes in C*-Algebraic Setting.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-23.
    In this paper, we attempt to explicate Salmon’s idea of a causal process, as defined in terms of the mark method, in the context of C*-dynamical systems. We prove two propositions, one establishing mark manifestation infinitely many times along a given interval of the process, and, a second one, which establishes continuous manifestation of mark with the exception of a countable number of isolated points. Furthermore, we discuss how these results can be implemented in the context of the Haag–Araki theories (...)
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  9.  22
    Empirical Underdetermination for Physical Theories in C* Algebraic Setting: Comments to an Arageorgis's Argument.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (9):877-892.
    In this paper, I reconstruct an argument of Aristidis Arageorgis against empirical underdetermination of the state of a physical system in a C*-algebraic setting and explore its soundness. The argument, aiming against algebraic imperialism, the operationalist attitude which characterized the first steps of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, is based on two topological properties of the state space: being T1 and being first countable in the weak*-topology. The first property is possessed trivially by the state space while the latter is highly (...)
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  10.  48
    Note on simplicity and statistical explanations of correlations.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - manuscript
    In this note, I discuss the simplicity of rival statistical explanations of a correlation, couched in terms of Reichenbachian Common Cause Systems. Simplicity is analyzed in two components, the so-called intrinsic and contextual simplicity. I show that if one disentangles simplicity from explanatory power then the size of the system provides an adequate for simplicity in both of its dimensions.
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  11.  65
    Two Comments on the Common Cause Principle in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 387--402.
    I present two relatively independent sets of remarks on common causes and the violation of Bell inequalities in algebraic quantum field theory. The first set of remarks concerns the possibility of reconciling Reichenbachian ideas on common causes with quantum field theory in the face of an already known difficulty: the event shown to satisfy statistical relations for being the common cause of two correlated events has been associated with the union, rather than the intersection, of the backward light cones of (...)
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  12.  23
    Searching for the General Science of Evidence: Venn on Probability and Induction.Chrysovalantis Stergiou, Alexandros Apostolidis & Stathis Psillos - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-18.
    In this paper Venn's account of probability inference and induction is examined, tracing their differences as well as how they ‘co-operate’ in inferences from particulars to particulars. We discuss the role of mathematical idealizations in making probability inferences, the celebrated rule of succession and we delve into the nature of the reference class problem arguing that for Venn it is a common problem for both induction and inference in probability. Our approach is both historical and philosophical attempting to sketch Venn's (...)
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  13.  16
    Delphes dans l'Antiquité tardive : première approche topographique et céramologique.Platon Pétridis - 1997 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 121 (2):681-695.
    A study of the topography of Delphi in late antiquity in concert with a study of the pottery, chiefly discovered during recent excavations, casts decisive light on a period in the sites history that is little known and largely ighored in the bibliography. Delphi thus appears as provincial town of moderate size, but more extensive than in previous periods, especially towards the west. The sacred area was transformed into an urban area and the most imposing buildings, public and private, were (...)
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  14.  17
    Les lampes corinthiennes de Kritika.Platon Pétridis, Jean-Yves Empereur, A. Marangou & Nikos Papadakis - 1992 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 116 (2):649-671.
    Le petit lot de lampes corinthiennes du 11e et me siècle de notre ère qui sont publiées dans cet article provient du site de «Kritika», appartenant au cimetière Nord de Corinthe. Leur présentation est suivie de quelques remarques générales concernant leur diffusion en Grèce et en dehors de celle-ci (illustrée par deux cartes), les ateliers de fabrication (origine des potiers, organisation interne, relations entre les ateliers, commercialisation des lampes), leur présence dans les tombes.
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  15.  43
    Causal Processes and Locality in Classical and in Quantum Physics.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Athens & National Technical University of Athems
    In this work we try to study theories of causation based upon causal processes and causal interactions in the context of classical and quantum physics. Our central aim is to find out whether such causal theories are compatible with the world picture suggested by contemporary theories of physics. In the first part, we review, compare and try to place among more general taxonomical schemes, the causal theories by Russell (the causal lines approach), Reichenbach (mark method, probabilistic causality and the principle (...)
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  16. The Debate over Scientific Realism.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2013 - In Aristidis Baltas & Kostas Stergiopoulos (eds.), Philosophy and Sciences in Twentieth Century. Crete University Press. pp. 467-498.
  17. Generalizations of Picard's first theorem.Nicholas C. Petridis - forthcoming - Eleutheria.
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  18.  9
    D’un bout du golfe à l’autre : les lampes corinthiennes découvertes à Delphes.Platon Pétridis - 2011 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 135 (1):313-349.
    Les lampes corinthiennes des Ier-IIIe s. apr. J.-C. découvertes à Delphes proviennent essentiellement des nécropoles et de quelques contextes urbains fouillés systématiquement dans les années 1990. Elles constituent une preuve directe des rapports entre Delphes et la capitale de l’Achaïe, Corinthe, rapports qui n’ont pas eu de suite après le IIIe s. Ces lampes portent toutes les caractéristiques techniques du type (forme, mode de fabrication, pâte) et se distinguent par une certaine variété dans le décor des médaillons, inspiré par la (...)
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  19.  16
    Delphes, Castorion, Castri : l'histoire d'une évolution urbaine ou d'une confusion linguistique?Platon Pétridis - 2003 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 127 (1):301-310.
    Η πολύ διαδεδομένη άποψη ότι το μεσοβυζαντινό χωριό Καστόριον, όπου γεννήθηκε ο Όσιος Λουκάς, ταυτίζεται με το χωριό Καστρί και κατ' επέκταση με τους αρχαίους Δελφούς προσκρούει στα αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα: στον μέχρι τώρα ανασκαφέντα αρχαιολογικό χώρο επικρατεί παντελής έλλειψη μεσοβυζαντινών καταλοίπων. Ξεκινώντας από την ετυμολογική εξέταση των όρων Καστόριον και Καστρί και μετά από μια σειρά συλλογισμών, καταλήγουμε να αποσυνδέσουμε το μεσαιωνικό Καστόριον από το Καστρί που κατέλαβε το χώρο των αρχαίων και πρωτοβυζαντινών Δελφών.
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  20.  87
    On Particle Phenomenology Without Particle Ontology: How Much Local Is Almost Local?Aristidis Arageorgis & Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (8):969-977.
    Recently, Clifton and Halvorson have tried to salvage a particle phenomenology in the absence of particle ontology within algebraic relativistic quantum field theory. Their idea is that the detection of a particle is the measurement of a local observable which simulates the measurement of an almost local observable that annihilates the vacuum. In this note, we argue that the measurements local particle detections are supposed to simulate probe radically holistic aspects of relativistic quantum fields. We prove that in an axiomatic (...)
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  21.  58
    Common causes love to hide: Gábor Hofer-Szabó, Miklós Rédei and László E. Szabó: The principle of the common cause. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, vii+202pp, $99.00 HB. [REVIEW]Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2014 - Metascience 24 (2):247-251.
    Anything other than paraphrasing the well-known Heraclitean aphorism would not be more appropriate to portray the crux of the contribution of the three philosophers of the Budapest School, Gábor Hofer-Szabó, Miklós Rédei and Lázló E. Szabó, in the ongoing discussion of the principle of the common cause . Indeed, ‘common causes love to hide’ and for that reason critics and aspirant falsifiers of PCC find correlations which, at a first level of analysis, might lack a common cause explanation. But as (...)
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  22.  40
    Tracking down space and time: Tim Maudlin: Philosophy of physics: Space and time. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2012, xiv+183pp, $24.55 HB. [REVIEW]Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2013 - Metascience 22 (3):587-590.
  23.  99
    Induction, The Problem of.Stathis Psillos, and & Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2022 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Problem of Induction This article discusses the problem of induction, including its conceptual and historical perspectives from Hume to Reichenbach. Given the prominence of induction in everyday life as well as in science, we should be able to tell whether inductive inference amounts to sound reasoning or not, or at least we should be … Continue reading Induction, The Problem of →.
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  24.  25
    (1 other version)Delphes.Alain Badie, Vincent Déroche & Platon Pétridis - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (2):847-851.
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  25.  21
    Les abords Nord de l’Artémision (Thanar).Stavroula Dadaki, Arthur Muller, Platon Pétridis & Giorgos Sanidas - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:701-709.
    Comme les rapports précédents, celui‑ci rend compte en une fois de deux campagnes, d’étude et de restauration uniquement désormais : en effet, l’équipe est engagée maintenant dans la préparation de la publication de la demeure protobyzantine DOM5 (architecture et trouvailles mobilières) sous la forme d’une monographie destinée à la collection des Études thasiennes. Les campagnes se sont déroulées les deux années de la mi‑juillet à la fin août, avec des effectifs sensiblement équivalents : une...
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    (1 other version)Delphes.Vincent Déroche, Evangelos Pentazos, Platon Pétridis & Évangélia Trouki - 1994 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 118 (2):423-434.
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    Les abords Nord de l’Artémision (Thanar) Campagnes 2008-2009 Collaboration XVIIIe EPKA – 12e EBA – École française d’Athènes. [REVIEW]Francine Blondé, Stavroula Dadaki, Platon Pétridis, Arthur Muller, Christine Aubry, Julien Fournier, Tony Kozelj, Tarek Oueslati & Giorgos Sanidas - 2010 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 134 (2):523-544.
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    Delphes.Jean-Marc Luce, Didier Laroche, Vincent Déroche & Platon Pétridis - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (2):619-644.
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    Delphes.François Lefèvre, Dominique Mulliez, Jacques Oulhen, Denis Rousset, Jean-Marc Luce, Jean-Charles Moretti, Vincent Déroche & Platon Pétridis - 1992 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 116 (2):685-711.
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    (1 other version)Les abords Nord de l’Artémision (THANAR) - Campagnes 2010-2011 - Collaboration XVIIIe EPKA – 12e EBA – EFA.Francine Blondé, Stavroula Dadaki, Arthur Muller, Platon Pétridis, Giorgos Sanidas, Christine Aubry, Julien Fournier, Tony Kozelj & Tarek Oueslati - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (2):541-560.
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