Results for 'Christos Pechlivanidis'

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  1.  13
    The History of Reception of Charles S. Peirce in Greece.Christos A. Pechlivanidis - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    Despite the great interest on Peirce’s work in Europe especially from the 1960s onwards, Peirce’s name in Greek literature could be found only in introductory books of philosophy and in particular in those concerned with the theory of language. An exception is Evangelos Papanoutsos’ Pragmatism or Humanism: Elaboration and Criticism of the Theories of a Great Current of Contemporary Philosophy (Papanoutsos 1924), which studies pragmatism as it had been shaped mainly by F. C. S. Schiller. Refer...
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  2. What powers are not.Elina Pechlivanidi & Stathis Psillos - unknown
    This paper analyses and criticizes the idea that powers are representable as vectors. Mumford and Anjum have recently developed a vector model of powers as part of their account of dispositional causation. The purpose of this model is to represent dispositionality, i.e. a sui generis type of modality introduced by their power-based ontology, as well as to explain various features of their account of causation. In this paper, we criticise both the claim that powers are vectors and the concomitant claim (...)
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  3. The spontaneousness of skill and the impulsivity of habit.Christos Douskos - 2019 - Synthese 196 (10):4305-4328.
    The objective of this paper is to articulate a distinction between habit and bodily skill as different ways of acting without deliberation. I start by elaborating on a distinction between habit and skill as different kinds of dispositions. Then I argue that this distinction has direct implications for the varieties of automaticity exhibited in habitual and skilful bodily acts. The argument suggests that paying close attention to the metaphysics of agency can help to articulate more precisely questions regarding the varieties (...)
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  4. Aristotle's Categories and Porphyry.CHRISTOS EVANGELIOU - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):705-706.
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    Relations in the Metaphysics of Science.Elina Pechlivanidi, Stathis Psillos & Stavros Ioannidis - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):145-175.
    In this paper we examine the status of relations in two prominent views in metaphysics of science, i.e. dispositionalism and structuralism, and argue that the current consensus about the metaphysics of relations, according to which relations are to be viewed as internal and as constituting no addition of being over and above their relata, needs to be re-examined. After discussing what we call internalism and externalism about relations, we show that dispositionalism and structuralism lead to opposite but equally controversial accounts (...)
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    Time reordered: Causal perception guides the interpretation of temporal order.Christos Bechlivanidis & David A. Lagnado - 2016 - Cognition 146:58-66.
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    The Plotinian Reduction of Aristotle’s Categories.Christos C. Evangeliou - 1987 - Ancient Philosophy 7:147-162.
  8.  29
    Is Spinoza's Ethics Metaethically Constructivist?Christos Kyriacou - 2022 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (2):131-146.
    Charles Jarrett and P. D. Zuk have argued on independent grounds that Spinoza's Ethics delineates a moral antirealist/constructivist position. I reconstruct their basic arguments, present their textual evidence, and suggest that the evidence is, in principle, compatible with moral realism. As I argue, Jarrett and Zuk have opted for an antirealist/constructivist interpretation of the adduced textual evidence because they tacitly rely on a mistaken metaethical assumption: that relational normativity entails moral antirealism/constructivism. I explain why this is not the case by (...)
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    KI-gestützte Learning Analytics: Geschenk oder Falle für die Hochschulbildung? Ein ethischer Exkurs.Christos Simis & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann - 2024 - In Peter Salden & Jonas Leschke (eds.), Learning Analytics und Künstliche Intelligenz in Studium und Lehre. Doing Higher Education. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. pp. 127-148.
    Learning Analytics und Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung versprechen individualisierte und personalisierte Verbesserung des Lernens und Lehrens. Bildungstechnologien bieten aus ethischer Perspektive jedoch nicht nur Verbesserungspotentiale und -chancen, sondern sie bringen auch Risiken und potenzielle Gefahren mit sich, für das Individuum, aber auch für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Eine ethische Reflexion und Diskussion der Chancen und Risiken ist für eine ethisch vertretbare Gestaltung, Implementierung und Nutzung von solchen Technologien von fundamentaler Bedeutung, wie z. B. im Rahmen des Projekts KI:edu-nrw an (...)
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  10. Counterterrorism Legislation and the US State Form: Authoritarian Statism, Phase 3.Christos Boukalas - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 151:31.
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    Axelos, Castoriadis, Papaioannou and Marx.Christos Memos - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (10):1029-1047.
    The intellectual ferment that emerged in postwar France was marked by the renaissance of Hegel’s thought and the focus on Marx's early writings. In a parallel way, the death of Stalin, the uprising of 1953 in East Germany and the revolts in Hungary and Poland in 1956 provoked a thorough critique against the theory and practice of orthodox Marxism. The relationship between Marx and Marxism or the issue about the philosophical foundations of Marx’s thinking became the subject of long-standing controversy (...)
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  12. Anaximander and the Multiple Successive Worlds Thesis.Christos Panayides - 2010 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 17 (3):288-302.
    Many commentators suppose that Anaximander subscribes to a multiple worlds thesis. In particular, they assume that: either Anaximander accepts that there are innumerable co-existent worlds, or he accepts that there are innumerable successive worlds. The first of these interpretations has been shown to be problematic. In this discussion note I present two new arguments against the multiple successive worlds reading of Anaximander, with the intent to buttress a single world reconstruction of his cosmology.
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  13.  27
    From the basics to the advanced: Your guide through ontology: Nikk Effingham: An introduction to ontology. Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2013, x+228pp, €68.20 HB.Elina Pechlivanidi - 2014 - Metascience 24 (3):373-376.
    It is essential for an introductory book, addressed to the reader who is new to the philosophical discourse, not only to give a representative picture of the main issues of the philosophical area which it studies, but also to be clear about its aims and its methodological approach. Furthermore, ideally it would not only refer to the literature for further independent investigation, but it would inspire the reader to pursue such an investigation too. Effingham’s Introduction to Ontology meets all the (...)
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    J S Semler se beskouing van geskiedenis, kerkgeskiedenis en heils-geskiedenis - 'n Verkenning.Christo Pretorius & S. J. Botha - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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  15. Geōrgios Gemistos Plēthōn.Christos Soldatos - 1973
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    Assertion and Practical Reasoning, Fallibilism and Pragmatic Skepticism.Christos Kyriacou - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (4):543-561.
    Skeptical invariantism does not account for the intuitive connections between knowledge, assertion, and practical reasoning and this constitutes a significant problem for the position because it does not save corresponding epistemic appearances (cf. Hawthorne (2004:131-5)). Moreover, it is an attraction of fallibilist over infallibilist-skeptical views that they can easily account for the epistemic appearances about the connections between knowledge, assertion, and practical reasoning (cf. Williamson (2000:249-255)). Call this argument ‘the argument from the knowledge norm’. I motivate and develop a Humean, (...)
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  17. The varieties of agential powers.Christos Douskos - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):982-1001.
    The domain of agential powers is marked by a contrast that does not arise in the case of dispositions of inanimate objects: the contrast between propensities or tendencies on the one hand, and capacities or abilities on the other. According to Ryle (1949), this contrast plays an important role in the ‘logical geography’ of the dispositional concepts used in the explanation and assessment of action. However, most subsequent philosophers use the terms of art ‘power’ or ‘disposition’ indiscriminately in formulating central (...)
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    Aristotle's Categories and Porphyry.Christos Evangeliou (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Brill.
    INTRODUCTION. Porphyry the Philosopher The most distinguished disciple of Plotinus, his editor and close friend, was without doubt Porphyry. ...
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  19. Habit and Intention.Christos Douskos - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1129-1148.
    Several authors have argued that the things one does in the course of skilled and habitual activity present a difficult case for the ‘standard story’ of action. They are things intentionally done, but they do not seem to be suitably related to mental states. I suggest that once manifestations of habit are properly distinguished from exercises of skills and other kinds of spontaneous acts, we can see that habit raises a distinctive sort of problem. I examine certain responses that have (...)
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  20. Philosophie de l'Antiquité Christos Evangeliou, Hellenic Philosophy. Origin and Character. Un vol. de x-231 p. Aldershot, Hants; Burlington (Vt.), Ashgate, 2006. Prix. [REVIEW]Christos Evangeliou - 2008 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 106 (1):159-230.
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  21. Ought to Believe, Evidential Understanding and the Pursuit of Wisdom.Christos Kyriacou - 2016 - In Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig (eds.), Epistemic Reasons, Norms and Goals. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 383-406.
    It is almost an epistemological platitude that the goal of inquiry is to pursue truth-acquisition and falsity-avoidance. But further reflection on this dual goal of inquiry reveals that the two (sub)goals are in tension because they are inversely proportionate: the more we satisfy the one (sub)goal the less we satisfy the other and vice versa. I elaborate the inverse proportionality point in some detail and bring out its puzzling implications about the normative question of what one ought to believe. As (...)
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  22.  45
    Towards a More 'Ethically Correct' Governance for Economic Sustainability.Christos N. Pitelis - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (3):655-665.
    In this paper, we propose that economic sustainability is seen in terms of (inter-temporal and inter-national) value creation. We claim that value appropriation (or capture), can become a constraint to economic sustainability. We propose that for sustainable value creation to be fostered, corporate governance needs to be aligned to public and supra-national governance. In order to achieve this, a hierarchically layered set of ‘agencies’, needs to be diagnosed and the issue of incentive alignment addressed. Enlightened self-interest, pluralism and diversity, as (...)
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  23. From Moral Fixed Points to Epistemic Fixed Points.Christos Kyriacou - 2018 - In Christos Kyriacou & Robin McKenna (eds.), Metaepistemology: Realism & Antirealism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Cuneo and Shafer-Landau (2014) argued that there are moral conceptual truths that are substantive in content, what they called ‘moral fixed points’. I argue that insofar as we have some reason to postulate moral fixed points, we have equal reason to postulate epistemic fixed points (e.g. the factivity condition). To this effect, I show that the two basic reasons Cuneo and Shafer-Landau (2014) offer in support of moral fixed points naturally carry over to epistemic fixed points. In particular, epistemic fixed (...)
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  24. Philosophical Management of Stress based on Science and Epicurean Pragmatism: A Pilot Study.Christos Yapijakis, Evangelos D. Protopapadakis & George P. Chrousos - 2022 - Conatus 7 (2):229-242.
    In the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, we created and implemented from November 2020 to February 2021 a monthly educational pilot program of philosophical management of stress based on Science, Humanism and Epicurean Pragmatism, which was offered to employees of 26 municipalities in the Prefecture of Attica, Greece. The program named “Philosophical Distress Management Operation System” (Philo.Di.M.O.S.) is novel and unique in its kind, as it combines a certain Greek philosophical tradition (Epicurean) that concurs with modern scientific knowledge. The (...)
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    Aristotle on Luck and Teleology.Christos Y. Panayides - 2016 - Philosophical Inquiry 40 (3-4):102-119.
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    Philosophy for Children and Logic-based Therapy.Christos Georgakakis - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 8 (1):53-70.
    This article aims to shed light on the interconnectedness between two important projects in applied philosophy: (a) Philosophy for Children (P4C), a movement for the introduction of philosophy in schools, and (b) Logic-based Therapy and Consultation (LBTC), a widely developed form of philosophical counselling. More specifically, it attempts to show how Michael Hand’s (2018) argument in favour of P4C can fruitfully be enhanced by the endorsement of fundamental theoretical assumptions of Elliot Cohen’s (2005, 2019) LBTC. Hand argues that philosophy should (...)
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  27. ‘Enthusiasm’ in Burke’s and Kant’s Response to the French Revolution.Christos Grigoriou - 2022 - Conatus 7 (1):61-77.
    The article sets the most eminent defender of the French Revolution, Immanuel Kant, against its most eminent critic, Edmund Burke, articulating their radically different stance toward the French Revolution. Specifically, this juxtaposition is attempted through the concept of enthusiasm; a psychological state of intense excitement, which can refer to both actors and spectators, to both the motivation of someone, acquiring thus a practical significance, or to their distanced contemplation, thereby acquiring the character of aesthetic appreciation. Using the concept of enthusiasm, (...)
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  28.  60
    Varieties of skeptical invariantism II.Christos Kyriacou - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (10):e12758.
    AbstarctIn the first installment of Varieties of Skeptical Invariantism, we set the scene for subsequent discussion with Unger's (1975) modern classic of global skepticism and distinguished three varieties of skeptical invariantism in recent literature: traditional skeptical invariantism, fallibilist science-based skepticism and practical skepticism. We then presented fallibilist science-based skepticism, that is, the position that relaxes the stringency of the standard of knowledge but still questions parts of our everyday knowledge on the basis of scientific reasons. In particular, we presented Frances’ (...)
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    Victoria Bulgakova, Byzantinische Bleisiegel in Osteuropa. Die Funde auf dem Territorium Altrusslands.Christos Stavrakos - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (1):241-244.
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  30. Aspects de la notion de «mal» chez Proclus et chez Denys l'aréopagite une rencontre.Christos Terezis - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (2):491-506.
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  31. a paraphrase of Pseudo-Dionysius, scientific treatises, and philosophical works as well. The best known of these is a bulky paraphrase of the whole Corpus Aristotelicum1, but there is also a little treatise entitled* H.Christos Terezis - 1996 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 66:156.
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    The History of the Theory of the Platonic Ideas in Damascius as an Expression of the Relation between the One and the Manifold.Christos Terezis & Elias Tempelis - 2008 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 13 (1):107-122.
    This paper addresses the relation between the intelligible and the material world in the works of the Neoplatonic philosopher Damascius (ca. 460-ca. 538 AD), who uses the theory of the Platonic Ideas in order to discuss the evolution from the One to the Manifold. This relation arises through specific laws that lead to the development of a harmonious cosmic system. The vertical and the horizontal segmentation of metaphysical causes is implemented in the process of the generation of the empirical world, (...)
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    The Relation of the ‘Forms’ with the ‘Parts’ and the ‘Elements’ in Damascius the Neoplatonist: Epistemological Foundations.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):164-203.
    In this study, we investigate the way in which Damascius describes the relation of the ‘forms’ with the ‘parts’ and the ‘elements’ in his treatise De Principiis, in which he utilizes aspects of the Pre-Socratic natural philosophy as well as Aristotle’s Physica. We also shed light on the epistemological terms and conditions of his analysis. From a methodological point of view, we follow the categorical schemas found in the text, which reflect the philosopher’s general positions with respect to the formation (...)
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    Human vision reconstructs time to satisfy causal constraints.Christos Bechlivanidis, Marc J. Buehner, Emma C. Tecwyn, D. A. Lagnado, Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2022 - Psychological Science 33 (2):224-235.
    The goal of perception is to infer the most plausible source of sensory stimulation. Unisensory perception of temporal order, however, appears to require no inference, since the order of events can be uniquely determined from the order in which sensory signals arrive. Here we demonstrate a novel perceptual illusion that casts doubt on this intuition: in three studies (N=607) the experienced event timings are determined by causality in real-time. Adult observers viewed a simple three-item sequence ACB, which is typically remembered (...)
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  35. Pollard on Habits of Action.Christos Douskos - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (4):504-524.
    Bill Pollard has recently developed an account of habits of action, endeavoring to rehabilitate the traditional notion of habit in a way that can be used to address current philosophical concerns. I argue that Pollard’s account has important shortcomings. The account is intended to apply indiscriminately to both habitual and skilled acts, but this overlooks crucial distinctions. Moreover, Pollard’s account fails to do justice to the various ways in which the idea of habit figures in the explanation and assessment of (...)
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    Opioids May be Appropriate for Chronic Pain.Paul J. Christo - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (2):241-248.
    Patients living with chronic pain require appropriate access to opioid therapy along with improved access to pain care and additional therapeutic options. It's both medically reasonable and ethical to consider opioid therapy as a treatment option in the management of chronic, non-cancer pain for a subset of patients with severe pain that is unresponsive to other therapies, negatively impacts function or quality of life, and will likely outweigh the potential harms. This paper will examine opioid therapy in the setting of (...)
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  37.  35
    Organ Donation Beyond Brain Death: Donors as Ends and Maximal Utility.Christos Lazaridis & J. S. Blumenthal-Barby - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (8):17-19.
  38.  12
    Accommodating Apnea Testing Not Death Determination Refusal.Christos Lazaridis - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):47-49.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 47-49.
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    On economics and business ethics.Christos Pitelis - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (2):111–118.
    Economics has an impoverished view of virtuous human behaviour in general, and corporate social responsibility in particular. We claim that this is due to a particular, albeit currently dominant approach to economics. This approach focuses on the pursuit of wealth through efficient allocation of scarce resources by ‘rational’ utility‐maximizing economic agents and institutions, such as markets, firms and states, in the exclusive pursuit of ‘efficiency’. This results in an ethic‐free and often inimical approach to virtuous behaviour. However, a different approach (...)
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  40. Learning, Acquired Dispositions and the Humean Theory of Motivation.Christos Douskos - 2018 - Philosophical Papers 47 (2):199-233.
    A central point of contention in the ongoing debate between Humean and anti-Humean accounts of moral motivation concerns the theoretical credentials of the idea of mental states that are cognitive and motivational at the same time. Humeans claim that this idea is incoherent and thereby unintelligible (M. Smith, The Moral Problem, Blackwell 1994). I start by developing a linguistic argument against this claim. The semantics of certain ‘learning to’ and ‘knowing to’ ascriptions points to a dispositional state that has both (...)
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    Default theories that always have extensions.Christos H. Papadimitriou & Martha Sideri - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 69 (1-2):347-357.
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    Cerebral Circulatory Arrest and the Dead Donor Rule.Christos Lazaridis - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (2):43-45.
    Nielsen Busch and Mjaaland argue that controlled donation after circulatory death (DCD), and normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) do not violate the dead donor rule (DDR) (Nielsen Busch and Mjaala...
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    (1 other version)Heroische haltung und moralische handlung.Christos Axelos - 1954 - Kant Studien 46 (1-4):97-128.
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    La fonction de la formule « la liberté est le discernement de la nécessité » dans la sphère de la praxis politique.Christos Axelos - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Teachers’ Certification on Basic Computer Skills.Christos X. Christakoudis, George S. Androulakis & Charalampos Zagouras - 2012 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 2 (2):12-23.
    Teachers need to acquire technology and digital skills in order to be able to follow the rapid changes in society. Since 2003, a national project has been carried out in Greece concerning the certification of teachers in basic computer skills. During this project many teachers participated and certified through a Computer Based Assessment system that has been developed by the Computer Technology Institute & Press - Diophantus. In this paper a brief view of syllabus, item bank, and tools that are (...)
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    Vers Une Linguistique Inachevée.Christos Clairis - 2005 - Peeters.
    Dans ce livre un heritage est deliberement assume: celui de la linguistique structurale et fonctionnelle, celle qui, en Europe, s'inscrit dans la tradition saussurienne et pragoise. A la lumiere d'une experience d'une trentaine d'annees qui associe etroitement la recherche fondamentale en theorie linguistique et la pratique de la description des langues les plus diverses, l'auteur propose les innovations theoriques et methodologiques qui lui semblent necessaires pour maintenir une linguistique fonctionnelle dans le respect du reel et permettre a tous ceux qui (...)
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    A framework for context-driven Web resource discovery.Christo Dichev - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 433--436.
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    Some Consequences of Computerization: the Scientists' Opinion.Christo Domozetov - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (2-3):102-110.
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    The Aristotelian road to enlightenment: the questiion of being and the good for the human being.Christos Evangeliou - 1995 - Philosophical Inquiry 17 (1-2):21-43.
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    The Place of Hellenic Philosophy.Christos C. Evangeliou - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 2:61-99.
    The appellation “Western” is, in my view, inappropriate when applied to Ancient Hellas and its greatest product, the Hellenic philosophy. For, as a matter of historical fact, neither the spirit of free inquiry and bold speculation, nor the quest of perfection via autonomous virtuous activity and ethical excellence survived, in the purity of their Hellenic forms, the imposition of inflexible religious doctrines and practices on Christian Europe. The coming of Christianity, with the theocratic proclivity of the Church, especially the hierarchically (...)
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