Results for 'Christopher Fitzgerald'

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  1.  18
    Maurice FitzGerald Scott 1924-2009.Christopher Bliss - 2011 - In Bliss Christopher, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 172, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, X. pp. 293.
    Maurice Scott, an outstanding economics scholar associated for most of his career with Nuffield College Oxford, was involved in the revolution in economic thought of the 1960s and 1970s. His major work, A New View of Economic Growth, was coolly received. Scott, who wrote an autobiography, My Life, and a philosophical study entitled Peter's Journey: A Search for the True Purpose of Life, was elected Fellow of the British Academy in 1990. Obituary by Christopher Bliss FBA.
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    XVI. Penelope Fitzgerald.Christopher J. Knight - 2010 - In Omissions Are Not Accidents: Modern Apophaticism From Henry James to Jacques Derrida. University of Toronto Press. pp. 162-176.
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    Cantor Fitzgerald and September 11.Christopher Michaelson - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:411-419.
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    The Passions (J.T.) Fitzgerald (ed.) Passions and Moral Progress in Greco-Roman Thought. Pp. xxiv + 392. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2008. Cased, £60. ISBN: 978-0-415-28069-. [REVIEW]Christopher Gill - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):80-.
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    Ludwig wittgenstein’s philosophy in the light of the diagnosis of Autism.Gustavo Augusto Fonseca Silva - 2023 - Griot 23 (1):39-58.
    Psychiatrists such as Michael Fitzgerald, Christopher Gillberg and Yoshiki Ishisaka diagnosed Ludwig Wittgenstein posthumously with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Taking this diagnosis into account, the present paper discusses how Wittgenstein's philosophy reveals his cognitive difficulties. Wittgenstein's grammatical inquiries are particularly investigated here, highlighting his misunderstandings concerning the use of words – specially, his misunderstandings concerning analogies, which he tended to interpret literally.
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    Anerkennung.Christopher F. Zurn & Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch (eds.) - 2009 - Berlin, Germany: Akademie Verlag.
    Theorien der "Anerkennung" zeichnen sich durch eine außergewöhnliche Leistungsstärke aus. In den letzten Jahren haben sie die Forschung auf den Gebieten der Moralphilosophie, der Politischen Philosophie und der Sozialphilosophie, aber auch auf denen der Psychologie und der Sozialwissenschaften sowohl thematisch als auch methodisch sehr stark bereichert. Viele dieser Theorien versuchen zudem, Überlegungen, die von klassischen Autoren wie Fichte oder Hegel entwickelt wurden, für die aktuelle Diskussion systematisch fruchtbar zu machen. Dieser Konstellation trägt der vorliegende Band Rechnung. Durch eine Verzahnung von (...)
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  7. James Risser, Hermeneutics and the Voice of the Other: Re-reading Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics Reviewed by.Christopher F. Zurn - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (1):57-59.
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    A Complete, Type-Free "Second-Order" Logic and its Philosophical Foundations.Christopher Menzel - 1984 - CSLI Publications.
    In this report I motivate and develop a type-free logic with predicate quantifiers within the general ontological framework of properties, relations, and propositions. In Part I, I present the major ideas of the system informally and discuss its philosophical significance, especially with regard to Russell's paradox. In Part II, I prove the soundness, consistency, and completeness of the logic.
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    Joint attention: its nature, reflexivity, and relation to common knowledge?Christopher Peacocke - 2005 - In Naomi Eilan, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Johannes Roessler, Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 298-324.
    The openness of joint awareness between two or more subjects is a perceptual phenomenon. It involves a certain mutual awareness between the subjects, an awareness that makes reference to that very awareness itself. Properly characterized, such awareness can generate iterated awareness ‘x is aware that y is aware that x is aware...’ to whatever level the subjects can sustain. The openness should not be characterized in terms of Lewis–Schiffer common knowledge, the conditions for which are not met in many basic (...)
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    Reasons, Patterns, and Cooperation.Christopher Woodard - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is about fundamental questions in normative ethics. It begins with the idea that we often respond to ethical theories according to how principled or pragmatic they are. It clarifies this contrast and then uses it to shed light on old debates in ethics, such as debates about the rival merits of consequentialist and deontological views. Using the idea that principled views seem most appealing in dilemmas of acquiescence, it goes on to develop a novel theory of pattern-based reasons. (...)
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  11. The moral consequences of social selection.Christopher Boehm - 2014 - In Frans B. M. De Waal, Patricia Smith Churchland, Telmo Pievani & Stefano Parmigiani, Evolved Morality: The Biology and Philosophy of Human Conscience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
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  12. Index.Christopher Brooke - 2012 - In Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought From Lipsius to Rousseau. Princeton University Press. pp. 273-280.
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  13. The Subjecthood of Souls and Some Other Forms: A Response to Granger.Christopher Shields - 1995 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 13:161-176.
  14. (1 other version)Thought and World: An Austere Portrayal of Truth, Reference and Semantic Correspondence.Christopher Hill & Andrew Newman - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (215):330-332.
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  15. Causal Modelling.Christopher Hitchcock - 2009 - In Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock & Peter Menzies, The Oxford Handbook of Causation. Oxford University Press UK.
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  16. Entitlement, self-knowledge, and conceptual redeployment.Christopher Peacocke - 1996 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Sociey 96:117-58.
  17. Recursion Theory on the Reals and Continuous-time Computation.Christopher Moore - 1996 - Theoretical Computer Science 162:23--44.
  18. Christian Involvement in Politics: Presuppositions and Resources.Christopher Duraisingh - 1982 - Journal of Dharma 7 (1):73-88.
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  19. Biophilia.Christopher Kirby - 2011 - In R. K. Rasmussen, Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues.
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    What is philosophy of education?Christopher J. Lucas - 1969 - [New York]: Macmillan.
  21. Will to power in the genealogy.Christopher Janaway - 2007 - In Beyond Selflessness: Reading Nietzsche’s Genealogy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  22. Politicheskiĭ mif: teoreticheskoe issledovanie.Christopher Flood - 2004 - Moskva: Progress-Tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  23. The Usury Prohibition and Natural Law: A Reappraisal.Christopher A. Franks - 2008 - The Thomist 72 (4):625-660.
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    Philosophy in Christian Antiquity.Christopher Stead - 1994 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Christianity began as a little-known Jewish sect, but rose within 300 years to dominate the civilised world. It owed its rise in part to inspired moral leadership, but also to its success in assimilating, criticising and developing the philosophies of the day, which offered rationally approved life-styles and moral directives. Without abandoning their allegiance to their founder and to Holy Scripture, Christians could therefore present their faith as a 'new philosophy'. This book, which is written for non-specialist readers, provides a (...)
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  25. Cognitive factors underlying paranormal beliefs and experiences.Christopher C. French & Wilson & Krissy - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala, Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press.
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  26. Concepts without words.Christopher Peacocke - 1997 - In Richard G. Heck, Language, Thought, and Logic: Essays in Honour of Michael Dummett. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--33.
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  27. Preface.Christopher Brooke - 2012 - In Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought From Lipsius to Rousseau. Princeton University Press.
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  28. The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy.Christopher Peacocke - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
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    Building with quantum correlations.Christopher G. Timpson & Harvey R. Brown - unknown
    'Correlations without correlata' is an influential way of thinking of quantum entanglement as a form primitive correlation which nonetheless maintains locality of quantum theory. A number of arguments have sought to suggest that such a view leads either to internal inconsistency or to conflict with the empirical predictions of quantum mechanics. Here wew explicate and provide a partial defence of the notion, arguing that these objections import unwarranted conceptions of correlation properties as hidden variables. A more plausible account sees the (...)
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  30. Précis of" The apology ritual".Christopher Bennett - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):73-94.
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  31. Objectivity, Simulation and the Unity of Consciousness.Christopher Peacocke - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (1):112-113.
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  32. Practical Ethics and the Principle of Merit: Implications to Disability Rights.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2019 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 29 (1):14-17.
    The merit system is based on a person’s ability to achieve. The concept of merit hence rejects a process that awards any particular entitlement explicitly based on disability. Brian Barry says that under the merit principle, people can compete for positions or advantage. This paper argues that the idea of merit, as explained by Barry, is unjust. Iris Marion Young points out that a person with cognitive disability faces a different situation compared to other people. Under normal circumstances, persons can (...)
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    Objectivity, Simulation and the Unity of Consciousness: Current Issues in the Philosophy of Mind.Christopher Peacocke (ed.) - 1996 - British Academy.
    What is it to be capable of thoughts about an objective world? What is involved in the unity of consciousness? How is the ability to attribute attitudes to other persons to be understood? The three symposia in this volume develop new approaches to these central questions in the philosophy of mind. The contributors include leading philosophers of the middle and younger generation working in Britain. All the issues discussed have an interdisciplinary dimension, and each symposium contains a contribution from a (...)
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  34. The ethics of prescribing low- to no-efficacy stimulants.Christopher Langston - 2021 - Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 57.
    Nourbakhsh et al. found that amantadine, modafinil, and methylphenidate were no better than placebo at reducing fatigue after six weeks. Consequently, physicians have raised ethical concerns about prescribing these medicines as “placebos.” Such concerns are premature and overshadowed by ethical concerns surrounding the habit-forming potential of modafinil and methylphenidate.
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    LFG within King's descriptive formalism.Christopher Manning - unknown
    The ontology of LFG. We need to get straight what is out there in the world and what our model objects are, what are denotations and what are descriptions that get interpreted. The title of Bresnan (1982a), The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations, seems more likely to confuse us than help us. But in the introduction, there are some fairly clear statements of how their model of human use of language is to be constructed. Kaplan & Bresnan (1982, p. 173) (...)
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    Will and nature.Christopher Janaway - 1999 - In The Cambridge Companion to Schopenhauer. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 138--170.
    The chapter examines aspects of Schopenhauer's central concept of will: the role of will in relation to action and to sexual drive, the argument that the individual has no freedom of will, the notion of the will or 'will to life' as the 'inner nature' of the individual, and the notion that the will is the thing in itself.
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    Aristotle on the nature of truth.Christopher P. Long - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book articulates the nature of truth as a cooperative activity between human beings and the natural world that is rooted in our endeavors to do justice to the nature of things.
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  38. Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920.Duggan Christopher - 2008
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  39. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV.Dyer Christopher - 2005
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  40. Of bows and pipelines : can the Bhagavad Gītā direct us to climate justice?Christopher L. Fici - 2024 - In Jeffery D. Long & Steven J. Rosen, Ahiṃsā in the Indic traditions: explorations and reflections. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Commentary on Revonsuo's Can Functional Brain Imaging Discover Consciousness in the Brain?.Christopher D. Frith - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (3):30.
    Antti Revonsuo has given us an engaging and deliberately provocative paper discussing the value of brain imaging in the search for the neural basis of consciousness. In some places, however, his enthusiasm for the controversial nature of the topic has led him to overstate or misdirect his case.
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  42. Reading the Laws.Christopher Bobonich - 1996 - In Christopher Gill & Mary Margaret McCabe, Form and Argument in Late Plato. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 249--82.
  43. The viability of Aristotelian-Thomistic color realism.Christopher A. Decaen - 2001 - The Thomist 65 (2):179-222.
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  44. Zion's Final Destiny: The Development of the Book of Isaiah-A Reassessment of Isaiah 36–39.Christopher R. Seitz - 1991
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  45. A series of goods.Christopher Shields - 2018 - In David Owen Brink, Susan Sauvé Meyer & Christopher John Shields, Virtue, happiness, knowledge: themes from the work of Gail Fine and Terence Irwin. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  46. Plato's Theory of Goods in the Laws and Philebus.Christopher Bobonich - 1995 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 11:101-136.
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  47. (1 other version)Another I" : representing conscious states, perception, and others.Christopher Peacocke - 2005 - In José Luis Bermúdez, Thought, reference, and experience: themes from the philosophy of Gareth Evans. New York : Oxford University Press: Clarendon Press.
    What is it for a thinker to possess the concept of perceptual experience? What is it to be able to think of seeings, hearings and touchings, and to be able to think of experiences that are subjectively like seeings, hearings and touchings? This question is of philosophical interest for multiple reasons. Here are a few, in order of increasing generality. To understand, explain, and predict the thought and action of others, you must know what they perceive. This requires you to (...)
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    Introduction.Christopher Owen Lynch - 2022 - Listening 57 (1):2-2.
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    Reflections on Grassroots Democracy: Its Role in Creating Resilient and Sustainable Communities.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2015 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 25 (3):82-83.
    This paper will attempt to explain the relationship between disaster and human deprivation and trace the ills that result from it to institutional or policy failures. It then proposes grassroots leadership as a way of bridging the gap that faulty and undemocratic structural mechanisms make. The paper argues that democratic leadership is crucial in creating resilient and sustainable communities.
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  50. Modest Transcendental Arguments and Sceptical Doubts: A Reply to Stroud.Christopher Hookway - 1999 - In Robert Stern, Transcendental Arguments: Problems and Prospects. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 173--87.
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