Results for 'Christophe Bittolo'

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  1.  7
    Porosité des appartenances et incestualité dans les équipes en institution.Christophe Bittolo - 2019 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 224 (2):39-60.
    À partir d’une clinique d’analyse des pratiques et de supervision d’équipe, cette présentation se propose d’explorer les situations dans lesquelles une équipe soignante est confrontée à une confusion des espaces et des registres, entre le familial et le professionnel. Cette confusion est analysée à la lumière des rapports entre « groupes d’appartenance primaire et secondaire », selon les conceptions de Jean-Claude Rouchy, et de la dynamique singulière et propre à chaque équipe entre ces appartenances. L’auteur pose l’hypothèse que dans un (...)
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  2. The Effect of Clonidine Infusion on Distribution of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Volunteers.Christophe Phillips - unknown
    BACKGROUND: Through their action on the locus coeruleus, ␣ 2-adrenoceptor agonists induce rapidly reversible sedation while partially preserving cognitive brain functions. Our goal in this observational study was to map brain regions whose activity is modified by clonidine infusion so as to better understand its loci of action, especially in relation to sedation. METHODS: Six ASA I–II right-handed volunteers were recruited. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was monitored continuously. After a baseline H215O activation scan, clonidine infusion was started at a rate ranging from (...)
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  3. Quine.Christophe Hookway, Jacques Colson & Paul Gochet - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (1):120-121.
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    Ethical issues in medical research in the developing world: A report on a meeting organised by fondation mérieux.Christophe Perrey, Douglas Wassenaar, Shawn Gilchrist & Bernard Ivanoff - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (2):88-96.
    ABSTRACT This paper reports on a multidisciplinary meeting held to discuss ethical issues in medical research in the developing world. Many studies, including clinical trials, are conducted in developing countries with a high burden of disease. Conditions under which this research is conducted vary because of differences in culture, public health, political, legal and social contexts specific to these countries. Research practices, including standards of care for participants, may vary as a result. It is therefore not surprising that ethical issues (...)
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  5. Les faits dans la perception, Hermann von Helmholtz.Christophe Bouriau - 2003 - Philosophia Scientiae 7 (1):49-78.
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    Nicholas of autrecourt's skepticism: The ambivalence of medieval epistemology.Christophe Grellard - 2010 - In Henrik Lagerlund, Rethinking the history of skepticism: the missing medieval background. Boston: Brill. pp. 103--119.
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    Théorie générale des valeurs et le droit: essai sur les prémisses axiologiques de la pensée juridique.Christophe Grzegorczyk - 1982 - Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence.
  8. Imperium Romanum : grammaire d'un language mythique.Christophe Imbert - 2018 - In Wouter Bracke, Jan Nelis & Jan De Maeyer, Renovatio, inventio, absentia imperii: from the Roman Empire to contemporary imperialism. Bruxelles: Academia Belgica.
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    Politiques de l'amour de soi: La Boétie, Montaigne et Pascal au démêlé.Christophe Litwin - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Initiation de l'amitié -- En lisant en écrivant -- Le dérèglement originel de l'amour de soi humain -- Au démêlé avec Pascal -- Montaigne législateur? -- "Mointaigne a tort" -- "La justice est sujette à dispute" -- L'injustice du moi -- Pascal et Hobbes -- Le règlement de la dispute -- Une vraisemblance de justice.
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  10. Two Distinct Neuronal Networks Mediate the Awareness of Environment and of Self.Christophe Phillips, Athena Demertzi, Manuel Schabus & Quentin Noirhomme - unknown
    ■ Evidence from functional neuroimaging studies on resting state suggests that there are two distinct anticorrelated cortical systems that mediate conscious awareness: an “extrinsic” system that encompasses lateral fronto-parietal areas and has been linked with processes of external input (external awareness), and an “intrinsic” system which encompasses mainly medial brain areas and..
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    Castoriadis and the modern political imaginary—oligarchy, representation, democracy.Christophe Premat - 2006 - Critical Horizons 7 (1):251-275.
    This article examines the link between oligarchy and the notion of representative democracy, which for Castoriadis also implies the bureaucratisation of society. However, in an argument with and against Castoriadis, one has to decipher modern oligarchies before launching into a radical critique of the principle of representation. There is a diversity of representative democracies, and the complexity of modernity comes from a mixture of oligarchy, representation and democracy. Even though the idea of democracy has evolved, we do not live under (...)
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  12. Between Greek and Latin : Eriugena on logic.Christophe Erismann - 2020 - In Adrian Guiu, A companion to John Scottus Eriugena. Boston: Brill.
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    Les sources augustiniennes du concept d'amour chez Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2009 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 107 (2):239-267.
  14.  25
    Tout contre le capitalisme sémantique.Christophe Bruno - 2009 - Multitudes 36 (1):94.
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    The grave-reliefs from Byzantium.Christophe W. Clairmont - 1967 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 91 (2):451-468.
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    La polysémie: essai de sémantique générale.Christophe Cusimano - 2008 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'ouvrage présenté ici est destiné à élaborer une série d'hypothèses quant à l'outillage pour l'analyse sémique afin de proposer une explication originale et plus satisfaisante aux problèmes théoriques posés par la polysémie, en d'autres termes au fait qu'une unité lexicale puisse disposer de plusieurs sens. L'hypothèse centrale s'appuie sur une redéfinition des concepts en vigueur en sémantique, comme le sème, le sémène et les traits sémiques.
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    Olympiodorus on the Reality of Relations and the Order of the World.Christophe Erismann - 2013 - Quaestio 13:103-124.
    This article examines the position of the sixth century Alexandrian Neoplatonist scholar Olympiodorus on the existence of relations. A part of his commentary on chapter VII of the Categories dedicated to relatives (pros ti) contains valuable arguments about the reality of relations. Relations are necessary to guarantee the order of the world, the fitting arrangement of the body, and providence. In the last section, Olympiodorus’s claim about the order of the world is discussed against the background of the so-called “Porphyry’s (...)
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  18.  28
    On Topical Logic During the Late Middle Ages. A Study of Saint-Omer, BA., Ms. 609.Christophe Geudens - 2018 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 60:81-196.
    The present study provides a critical edition of the commentary on Aristotle's Topica I contained in Saint-Omer, Bibliothèque d'Agglomération, Ms. 609, alongside a discussion of its authorship and some preliminary observations regarding its content. It is argued that this commentary was written in the University of Louvain around 1502; that it may have been authored by a Louvain logician named Jean Fabri de Valenciennes ; and that its interpretation of Aristotle's text owes to the commentary on the Topica by Albert (...)
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  19. Atomism and its Place in Natural Philosophy.Christophe Grellard & Aurélien Robert (eds.) - 2009
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  20. Identifying the Default-Mode Component in Spatial IC Analyses of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.Christophe Phillips & Rafael Malach - unknown
    Objectives: Recent fMRI studies have shown that it is possible to reliably identify the defaultmode network (DMN) in the absence of any task, by resting-state connectivity analyses in healthy volunteers. We here aimed to identify the DMN in the challenging patient population of disorders of consciousness encountered following coma. Experimental design: A spatial independent component analysis-based methodology permitted DMN assessment, decomposing connectivity in all its different sources either neuronal or artifactual. Three different selection criteria were introduced assessing anticorrelation-corrected connectivity with (...)
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  21. L'Europe et ses Juifs?Christophe Uehlinger - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137 (2).
  22.  24
    The Santa Fe Institute and Econophysics: A Possible Genealogy?Christophe Schinckus - 2021 - Foundations of Science 26 (4):925-945.
    For the last three decades, physicists have been moving beyond the boundaries of their discipline, using their methods to study various problems usually instigated by economists. This trend labeled ‘econophysics’ can be seen as a hybrid area of knowledge that exists between economics and physics. Econophysics did not spring from nowhere—the existing literature agrees that econophysics emerged in the 1990s and historical studies on the field mainly deal with what happened during that decade. This article aims at investigating what happened (...)
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  23. L’origine et les fondements de la question cartésienne chez Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:333-357.
    Showing a very early interest in Descartes, after having first considered him as a Christian thinker in the perspective of a deconstruction of religious life, Heidegger soon regards him as the major obstacle to the phenomenological analyses he wants to develop, as part of the first ontological search he gave himself: that of a hermeneutics of facticity. Therefore, the latter immediately takes in his work the shape of a hermeneutics of the I think, therefore I am, its author being blamed (...)
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  24.  32
    Meletius Monachus on individuality: a ninth-century Byzantine medical reading of Porphyry’s Logic.Christophe Erismann - 2017 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 110 (1).
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    Ontologie et logique à Byzance. Photius I er de Constantinople et la distinction entre les termes « homme » et « humanité ».Christophe Erismann - 2018 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 126 (3):363-376.
    Le penseur byzantin du neuvième siècle Photius a consacré plusieurs courts traités à la question catégoriale, commentant neuf des dix catégories aristotéliciennes une à une. Il est aussi revenu dans deux courts textes – les Amphilochia 27 et 230 – sur la question de la prédication. Il s’interroge dans ces deux traités sur le mode de prédication propre aux termes « homme » et « humanité », analysant notamment le référent de ces termes. Ces réflexions contiennent plusieurs thèses significatives de (...)
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  26. The poet as herald of the appearance of grace and dignity: The influence of Schiller's twin concepts on Stefan George.Christophe Fricker - 2005 - In Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller, Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context: essays and a new translation. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House.
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    D’une voie sans issue par une voix sans éclat.Christophe Perrin - 2016 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 100 (4):609.
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    Levinas et l'autre solitude.Christophe Perrin - 2009 - Philosophie 3 (3):45.
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  29.  6
    D'un monde à l'autre: la société civile, moteur de la transition écologique.Christophe Schoune (ed.) - 2017 - Mons: Couleur Livres.
    Depuis quatre décennies, les organisations non gouvernementales alertent l'opinion publique face au modèle de croissance destructrice des ressources écologiques de la planète. Quelles leçons tirer de l'histoire récente? Comment accélérer l'innovation sociale afin de construire un autre monde? Autant de questions auxquelles répondent avec conviction douze auteur·e·s dans un ouvrage mosaïque. Sans doute que tout est dans le sous-titre : la société civile, moteur de la transition écologique. A côté des États et des collectivités supra-nationales, ONU, Europe entre autres, les (...)
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  30.  48
    Symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison in children with and without dyscalculia.Christophe Mussolin, Sandrine Mejias & Marie-Pascale Noël - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):10-25.
    Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a pervasive difficulty affecting number processing and arithmetic. It is encountered in around 6% of school-aged children. While previous studies have mainly focused on general cognitive functions, the present paper aims to further investigate the hypothesis of a specific numerical deficit in dyscalculia. The performance of 10- and 11-year-old children with DD characterised by a weakness in arithmetic facts retrieval and age-matched control children was compared on various number comparison tasks. Participants were asked to compare a (...)
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  31.  27
    What's the Use of Conflict in Dewey? Toward a Pedagogy of Compromise.Christophe Point - 2018 - Education and Culture 34 (2):69.
    The reception of Dewey's work has suffered, in terms of his political philosophy, from a certain mistrust. First, in the field of education, Dewey's refusal to grant "ultimate" or "high" status to certain values, even those of the French Republic, has made him a mistrusted figure.1 Apart from the pedagogues of Education Nouvelle, which defied the then dominant "Cartesian tradition of the dualistic philosophy of reason" in France, Dewey was little studied before the 1960s. In 2013, Kambouchner perceived an opposition (...)
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  32. The Shock of the Anthropocene.Christophe Bonneuil & Jean-Baptiste Fressoz - 2016
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  33. [no title].Christophe Feyel & Laetitia Graslin-Thomé - unknown
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  34.  12
    La médiation pénale et la question de la domination.Christophe Béal - 2019 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 61 (1):21-31.
    La médiation pénale fait partie des procédures qui peuvent être proposées comme alternatives aux poursuites. Elle permet aux personnes de se réapproprier la résolution des conflits qui les concernent, en suivant une procédure plus souple et en favorisant à la fois la réparation, la responsabilisation et la resocialisation. L’article vise à analyser le sens et la portée de cette pratique à partir de la théorie pénale républicaine tirée des travaux de Philip Pettit et John Braithwaite. Une telle approche permet de (...)
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  35.  7
    Kant.Christophe Bouriau - 2022 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    Une vie à Königsberg -- Son œuvre philsophique -- Kant, trahi ou servi par ses héritiers?
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  36. Prélèvements royaux et fiscalité civique dans le royaume séleucide.Christophe Chandezon - forthcoming - Topoi.
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  37.  14
    L’erreur invincible et le problème sceptique à la fin du Moyen Âge.Christophe Grellard - 2018 - In Andreas Speer & Maxime Mauriège, Irrtum – Error – Erreur (Miscellanea Mediaevalia Band 40). Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 39-52.
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    Sicut specula sine macula. La perception et son objet chez Nicolas d'Autrécourt.Christophe Grellard - 2005 - Chôra 3:229-250.
  39.  22
    Four Weeks of a Neuro-Meditation Program Improves Sleep Quality and Reduces Hypertension in Nursing Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial.Christophe Hausswirth, Xavier Nesi, Alexandre Dubois, François Duforez, Yann Rougier & Katie Slattery - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a neuro-meditation program to support nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Forty-five nurses were classified into three groups based on their systolic blood pressure: normotensive, hypertensive and control. Using a parallel, randomly controlled design across a 4-week period, 10 × 30-min sessions using the Rebalance© Impulse were completed. Sleep was assessed by wrist actigraphy and subjective sleep questionnaires; perceived sleep quality, Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test questionnaire and the Spiegel (...)
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    Enfant né handicapé : responsabilité du radiologue ayant pratiqué des examens iconographiques complémentaires. Commentaire☆.Christophe Radé - 2009 - Médecine et Droit 2009 (97):107-110.
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  41. Le Traité de dynamique de D'Alembert et son contexte académique (1735-1743).Christophe Schmit - 2023 - In Jean-Pierre Schandeler, D'Alembert: itinéraires d'un savant du siècle. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Sur L'origine du ‘Principe Général’ de Jean Le Rond D'Alembert.Christophe Schmit - 2013 - Annals of Science 70 (4):1-38.
    Summary This article intends to propose new hypotheses concerning the origin of the ?Principe général? of mechanics of Jean Le Rond D'Alembert expressed in its Traité de dynamique in 1743. The examination of the statics of Pierre Varignon and its inheritance suggests that D'Alembert retains, through a case of oblique collision on a hard surface, a method of decomposition and equilibrium of forces which is close to its principle. On the other hand, this principle requires a definition of the equilibrium (...)
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  43.  19
    Mouans-Sartoux.Christophe Sempels, Holy Andrianantenaina, Rola Adra & Coline De Georges - 2013 - Multitudes 52 (1):80.
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    (1 other version)Faire l’amour.Christophe Perrin - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Christophe Perrin ABSTRACT: What does it mean to ‘make love?’ Or, rather, what are we doing when we ‘make love?’ This expression makes of love a praxis on which the history of philosophy, rather modest, has said little. Philosophy has certainly evoked love, but always as a passion, an emotion, a feeling, and rarely as an...
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    Eight journals over eight decades: a computational topic-modeling approach to contemporary philosophy of science.Christophe Malaterre, Francis Lareau, Davide Pulizzotto & Jonathan St-Onge - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2883-2923.
    As a discipline of its own, the philosophy of science can be traced back to the founding of its academic journals, some of which go back to the first half of the twentieth century. While the discipline has been the object of many historical studies, notably focusing on specific schools or major figures of the field, little work has focused on the journals themselves. Here, we investigate contemporary philosophy of science by means of computational text-mining approaches: we apply topic-modeling algorithms (...)
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    Thinking the Problem: From Dewey to Hegel.Christophe Point & Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod - 2020 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 55 (4):408-428.
    It is known today that Hegel's philosophy was at the center of the development of pragmatism. In particular, the relation of Dewey's philosophy to Hegel's has recently been studied with great attention1. Many studies have revealed that the German philosopher had a fundamental influence on the young John Dewey, particularly with regard to his theory of culture, for his logic, as well as for his psychology. These new readings propose a profoundly original view of Dewey and explain why he thought (...)
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  47.  12
    Karl Marx and Alasdair MacIntyre. What Telos? Whose Good?Christophe Rouard - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (1-2):585-610.
    Alasdair MacIntyre’s relationship to Karl Marx and Marxism has been and remains fundamental in his work. Drawing on a number of important MacIntyrean texts, this paper shows how it has animated his Marxist early years, how it has been a crucial element in the epistemological crisis he experienced and how it has left him an important legacy. At the heart of the history of this relationship are the question of truth, the problematics of the right telos of human action, of (...)
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  48.  15
    Reasoning from last conflict(s) in constraint programming.Christophe Lecoutre, Lakhdar Saïs, Sébastien Tabary & Vincent Vidal - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (18):1592-1614.
  49. 'La simplicité en question'dans l'ouvrage collectif: Descartes en Kant.Christophe Bouriau - 2006 - In Michel Fichant & Jean-Luc Marion, Descartes En Kant. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 299--319.
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  50. L'épreuve au miroir.Christophe Perrin - 2009 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 141 (4):377-390.
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