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Christoffer Basse Eriksen [10]Christoffer Eriksen [1]
  1. Introduction: The Making of The Anatomy of Plants.Christoffer Basse Eriksen & Pamela Mackenzie - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (4):685-706.
    In this introduction to Nehemiah Grew's seminal 17th-century publication The Anatomy of Plants (1682), we discuss the various influences on and impacts of Grew's innovative approach to studying plant life. We offer a review of the current literature on Grew and argue for the importance of his work in its contribution to fields ranging from microscopy to agriculture and from comparative anatomy to scientific illustration. The articles included in this special issue on “The Making of The Anatomy of Plants” are (...)
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    Colouring flowers: books, art, and experiment in the household of Margery and Henry Power.Christoffer Basse Eriksen & Xinyi Wen - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (1):21-43.
    This article examines the early modern household's importance for producing experimental knowledge through an examination of the Halifax household of Margery and Henry Power. While Henry Power has been studied as a natural philosopher within the male-dominated intellectual circles of Cambridge and London, the epistemic labour of his wife, Margery Power, has hitherto been overlooked. From the 1650s, this couple worked in tandem to enhance their understanding of the vegetable world through various paper technologies, from books, paper slips and recipe (...)
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    Magnifying the first points of life: Harvey and Descartes on generation and scale.Christoffer Basse Eriksen - 2022 - History of Science 60 (4):524-545.
    In this essay, I study the contested role of magnification as an observational strategy in the generation theories of William Harvey and René Descartes. During the seventeenth century, the grounds under the discipline of anatomy were shifting as knowledge was increasingly based on autopsia and observation. Likewise, new theories of generation were established through observations of living beings in their smallest state. But the question formed: was it possible to extend vision all the way down to the first points of (...)
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    The Embodied Descartes: Contemporary Readings of L’Homme.Charles Wolfe, Christoffer Eriksen & Barnaby Hutchins - 2016 - In Stephen Gaukroger & Delphine Antoine-Mahut (eds.), Descartes' Treatise on Man and Its Reception. Springer.
    A certain reading of Descartes, which we refer to as ‘the embodied Descartes’, is emerging from recent scholarship on L’Homme, in keeping with the interpretive trend which emphasizes Descartes’s identity as a natural philosopher. This reading complicates our understanding of Descartes’s philosophical project: far from strictly separating human minds from bodies, the embodied Descartes keeps them tightly integrated, while animal bodies behave in ways quite distinct from those of other pieces of extended substance. Here, we identify three categories of embodiment (...)
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  5. The collapse of mechanism and the rise of sensibility: science and the shaping of modernity, 1680–1760.Christoffer Basse Eriksen & Charles T. Wolfe - 2016 - Intellectual History Review 26 (4):561-564.
    review essay on Gaukroger, Collapse of Mechanism and Rise of Sensibility (OUP).
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    Redaktionelt forord.Christoffer Basse Eriksen, Nicolai von Eggers & Mathias Hein Jessen - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 72:9-15.
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    Peber, ingefær, nelliker og muskatnød: Koloniale materialer og naturhistorisk ekspertise i Antoni van Leeuwenhoeks mikroskopiske observationer.Christoffer Basse Eriksen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    I takt med at det naturhistoriske vidensideal i løbet af 1600-tallet i højere grad blev knyttet til observationer, eksperimenter og andre former for direkte kontakt med naturens fænomener, fremkom den naturhistoriske ekspert som en vigtig videnskabelig aktør. I denne artikel viser jeg, hvordan den hollandske mikroskopist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek indgik som ekspert i to umiddelbart væsensforskellige netværk, nemlig det engelske videnskabelige selskab Royal Society og det Nederlandske Ostindiske Handelskompagni (VOC). Hvor Royal Society havde som sit erklærede formål at skabe ny, (...)
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  8. Apricots, Plums, and Garden Beans: Reassembling Nehemiah Grew's Collection of Plants.Christoffer Basse Eriksen - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (4):767-791.
    Nehemiah Grew is rightly lauded as one of the first and most sophisticated promoters of the discipline of plant anatomy—the observation and representation of the insides of plants. Overlooked so far, though, are his activities as a plant collector. In this paper, I reconstruct Grew's plant-collection practices from his first medical garden, through his incorporation of specimens from the Royal Society's repository, and to its expansion through his support of intercontinental plant-gathering missions. These activities gave Grew access both to fresh, (...)
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    Er det overhovedet demokratisk at stemme?Christoffer Basse Eriksen & Nicolai von Eggers - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 72:145-146.
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    Stalking the eighteenth-century empiricists: Siegfried Bodenmann and Anne-Lise Rey (eds.): What does it mean to be an empiricist? Empiricisms in eighteenth century sciences, Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 331, Springer Nature, 2018, ix+297pp, 149.99 €.Christoffer Basse Eriksen - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):271-273.
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    Keith Michael Baker; Jenna M. Gibbs . Life Forms in the Thinking of the Long Eighteenth Century. x + 263 pp., figs., index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016. $65. [REVIEW]Christoffer Basse Eriksen - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):907-909.
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