Results for 'Christianity and atheism '

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  1.  15
    The false dialectic between Christians and atheists.Tom Donovan - 2016 - New York: Algora Publishing.
    I'm nothing -- Socrates's story -- Descartes's joke -- Marx on the trolley -- Sartre the immortal.
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    Who Is the Real Existentialist? Debunking Sartre’s Distinction between Christian and Atheistic Existentialists.Randall S. Firestone - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):342-371.
    In Sartre’s 1946 article “The Humanism of Existentialism,” Sartre places existentialists into two categories, Christian or atheist, and contends that existentialism works differently for each of them. This paper argues that such a distinction should not have been made because existentialist beliefs, views, and themes do not differ based on one’s religiosity. This paper specifically examines three examples in Sartre’s article which undermine his position, and further argues that Sartre made an equivocation fallacy by conflating two different types of essence, (...)
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    Christianity and the Errors of Our Time: Simone Weil on Atheism and Idolatry.Mario von der Ruhr - 2011 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 68:203-226.
    In his 1985 book on philosophy and atheism, the Canadian thinker Kai Nielsen, a prolific writer on the subject, wonders why the philosophy of religion is ‘so boring’, and concludes that it must be ‘because the case for atheism is so strong that it is difficult to work up much enthusiasm for the topic.’ Indeed, Nielsen even regards most of the contemporary arguments for atheism as little more than ‘mopping up operations after the Enlightenment’ which, on the (...)
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  4. Religious Talk Online: The Evangelical Discourse of Muslims, Christians, and Atheists.[author unknown] - 2018
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    Orthodox Christianity, Soviet Atheism and 'Animist' Practices in the Russianized World.Jean-Luc Lambert - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (1):21-31.
    In Russia a monotheism - Orthodox Christianity - and atheism in its Marxist version have succeeded each other as state systems of rites and representations. Rather than contrasting one with the other, term with term, this paper proposes to bring in a third term: the local religious systems of Russia’s animist minorities. We examine how Christianity and atheism tried one after the other to get established there and also consider the reactions they encountered. The analysis as (...)
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  6. Atheism and the Benefits of Theistic Belief.Christian Miller - 2013 - In L. Kvanvig Jonathan (ed.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion. Oxford University Press. pp. 97-125.
    Most atheists are error theorists about theists; they claim that theists have genuine beliefs about the existence and nature of a divine being, but as a matter of fact no such divine being exists. Thus on their view the relevant theistic beliefs are mistaken. As error theorists, then, atheists need to arrive at some answer to the question of what practical course of action the atheist should adopt towards the theistic beliefs held by committed theists. The most natural answer and (...)
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  7. Atheist Overreach: What Atheism Can't Deliver.Christian Smith - 2019 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    In recent years atheism has become ever more visible, acceptable, and influential. Atheist apologists have become increasingly vociferous and confident in their claims. In Atheist Overreach, Christian Smith takes a look at the evidence and explains why we ought to be skeptical of some key atheists' claims about morality, science, and human nature.
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    Darwinism and Atheism.Michael Ruse - 2012 - In J. B. Stump & Alan G. Padgett (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 246–257.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Biblical Literalism Miracles Design Morality Original Sin Natural Evil Contingency Conclusion References Further Reading.
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  9. Christian Humanism and Christianity-Inspired Atheistic Humanism.Martin Vašek - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (8):935-949.
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    Thin Media Images Decrease Women’s Body Satisfaction: Comparisons Between Veiled Muslim Women, Christian Women and Atheist Women Regarding Trait and State Body Image.Leonie Wilhelm, Andrea S. Hartmann, Julia C. Becker, Melahat Kisi, Manuel Waldorf & Silja Vocks - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Research in diverse populations has often found that thin media images negatively affect women’s state body image, with many women reporting lower body satisfaction after exposure to pictures of thin models than before exposure. However, there is evidence that theistic affirmations might buffer against the negative effect of media on body image. Furthermore, based on cross-sectional and correlation analyses, religiosity and the Islamic body covering are discussed as protective factors against a negative trait body image. However, there is no experimental (...)
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    Book review: Stephen Pihlaja, Religious Talk Online: The Evangelical Discourse of Muslims, Christians, and Atheists. [REVIEW]Michael Munnik - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (1):138-141.
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    How religiosity and spirituality influences the ecologically conscious consumer psychology of Christians, the non-religious, and atheists in the United States.Sidharth Muralidharan, Carrie La Ferle & Osnat Roth-Cohen - 2024 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 46 (1):71-87.
    Despite global warming and climate change remaining top environmental issues, many people do not prioritize the environment. However, religious and spiritual beliefs can influence pro-environmental behavior. Therefore, we focused on understanding how religiosity and spirituality among Christians, the non-religious, and atheists, influence ecologically conscious consumer behavior (ECCB) through environmental values (i.e. egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric) and issue involvement. Using Qualtrics, we recruited a US sample of Christians ( n = 362), the non-religious ( n = 132), and atheists ( n (...)
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  13. Darwinism and atheism: A Marriage made in Heaven?: Ruse Darwinism and atheism.Michael Ruse - 2004 - Think 2 (6):51-62.
    Richard Dawkins argues both that Darwin's theory made a God-as-the-designer-of-species redundant, and also that the problem of evil provides overwhelming evidence against God's existence. But Michael Ruse suspects Dawkins may be too hasty….
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    Epicureans and Atheists in France, 1650–1729.Alan Charles Kors - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Atheism was the most foundational challenge to early-modern French certainties. Theologians and philosophers labelled such atheism as absurd, confident that neither the fact nor behaviour of nature was explicable without reference to God. The alternative was a categorical naturalism, whose most extreme form was Epicureanism. The dynamics of the Christian learned world, however, which this book explains, allowed the wide dissemination of the Epicurean argument. By the end of the seventeenth century, atheism achieved real voice and life. (...)
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  15. God?: a debate between a Christian and an atheist.William Lane Craig - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong.
    The question of whether or not God exists is endlessly fascinating and profoundly important. Now two articulate spokesmen--one a Christian, the other an atheist--duel over God's existence in a lively and illuminating battle of ideas. In God?, William Lane Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong bring to the printed page two debates they held before live audiences, preserving all the wit, clarity, and immediacy of their public exchanges. With none of the opaque discourse of academic logicians and divinity-school theologians, the authors make (...)
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  16. Religious Affiliation and Marital Satisfaction: Commonalities Among Christians, Muslims, and Atheists.Piotr Sorokowski, Marta Kowal & Agnieszka Sorokowska - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    God?:A Debate Between a Christian and an Atheist: A Debate Between a Christian and an Atheist.William Lane Craig & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2004 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The question of whether or not God exists is profoundly fascinating and important. Now two articulate spokesmen--one a Christian, the other an atheist--duel over God's existence in an illuminating battle of ideas. In God? A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist, William Lane Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong bring to the printed page two debates they held before live audiences, preserving all the wit, clarity, and immediacy of their public exchanges. Avoiding overly esoteric arguments, they directly address issues such as (...)
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    Christianity and greek philosophy.John Kilcullen - manuscript
    Christianity has had, still has, an important influence in politics and in political thought; and in the part of this course from Augustine to Locke we need to talk about it. In this course I do not assume that you all know about Christianity; some of you are Jews or Muslims, or non-religious. So when I talk about it I will try to explain from scratch. I believe I present Christianity sympathetically, but let me say that I (...)
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  19. Should Jews and Christians fear the gifts of the Greeks? : reflections on Levinas, translation, and atheistic theology.Paul Franks - 2010 - In Kevin Hart & Michael Alan Signer (eds.), The exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas between Jews and Christians. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Theism and Atheism in the Work of W. C. Smith: A Buddhist Case Study.Robert E. Florida - 1990 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 10:255.
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    13. Anaxagoras from Egypt to Herculaneum: A Contribution to the History of Ancient ‘Atheism’.Christian Vassallo & David Sider - 2019 - In Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the University of Trier. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 335-414.
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    In good faith: questioning religion and atheism.Scott A. Shay - 2018 - New York: Post Hill Press.
    Prominent atheists claim the Bible is a racist text. Yet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. read it daily. Then again, so did many ardent segregationists. Some atheists claim religion serves to oppress the masses. Yet the classic text of the French Revolution, What is the Third Estate?, was written by a priest. On the other hand, the revolutionaries ended up banning religion. What do we make of religion's confusing role in history? And what of religion's relationship to science? Some scientists (...)
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    Persaeus on Prodicus on the Gods’ Existence and Nature.Christian Vassallo - 2018 - Philosophie Antique 18:153-167.
    Cet article analyse le problème de l’« athéisme » prétendu de Prodicos. Un ré-examen des sources à notre disposition et, surtout, une nouvelle reconstruction des témoignages fournis par le Sur la piété de Philodème, dont l’un est consacré à la théologie du stoïcien Persaïos, démontre que Prodicos n’était pas un athée mais un critique virulent de la conception traditionnelle des dieux.
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    Der kosmologische Gottesbeweis des Ralph von Battle. Rekonstruktion, Kritik und Einordnung.Christian Tapp & Bernd Goebel - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (3):509-538.
    This paper reconstructs and discusses a proof of God’s existence by Anselm of Canterbury’s friend Ralph of Battle, developed in his recently edited De nesciente, a fictitious dialogue between a Christian and an atheist. Without precedent in antiquity and the Middle Ages, Ralph’s proof has never been examined in detail. It combines a “cogito” argument with a two-part cosmological argument. The paper first presents the textual basis and an exegetical interpretation of Ralph’s reasoning, classifies the parts of the proof historically (...)
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    Atheism, humanism, and Christianity.Hanns Lilje - 1964 - Minneapolis,: Augsburg Pub. House.
  26.  10
    Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism.F. LeRon Shults - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    F. LeRon Shults explores DeleuzeOCOs fascination with theological themes and shows how his entire corpus can be understood as a creative atheist machine that liberates thinking, acting and feeling."e.
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  27. God? A Debate Between a Christian and an Atheist, by William Lane Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. [REVIEW]Nicholas Everitt - 2004 - Ars Disputandi 4.
  28.  55
    Bayle philosophe, and: Teologia senza verita: Bayle contro i "rationaux" (review).John Christian Laursen - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (1):146-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.1 (2001) 146-149 [Access article in PDF] Gianluca Mori. Bayle philosophe. Paris: Champion, 1999. Pp. 416. Paper, N.P. Stefano Brogi. Teologia senza verità: Bayle contro i "rationaux." Milan: FrancoAngeli, 1998. Pp. 306. Paper, N.P. Why do professional philosophers spend so much time on Descartes and so little time on Pierre Bayle, when Bayle was clearly the better philosopher? I hope that the real (...)
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    (1 other version)Suspicion and Faith: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism.Merold Westphal - 1993 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    "An illuminating and powerful reading of three of the most important contemporary professedly antireligious thinkers... stinging critiques of Freud, Marx, and Nietzsche."-C. Stephen Evans, Society of Christian Philosophers.
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    The young Leibniz's tentative acceptance of physical occasionalism.Christian Henkel - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):486-500.
    In this article, I revisit Leibniz's early views on physical causation, more specifically, his relation to physical occasionalism focusing on the period from 1668 to 1676. An in-depth analysis of the Confession of Nature against the Atheists taken together with the Catholic Demonstrations, Leibniz's correspondence with Jakob Thomasius from 1668/69, and the Pacidius Philalethi (1676) serve as evidence that his position leads to physical occasionalism. This receives further confirmation by taking into account Leibniz's familiarity with Weigel's occasionalism in contrast to (...)
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  31. The Immanent Counter-Enlightenment: Christianity and Morality.Charles Taylor - 2005 - South African Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):224-239.
    In this translation of Charles Taylor's paper, ‘Die Immanente Gegenauf klärung: Christentum und Moral', the author discusses the relationship between Christianity and morality, in the light of developments in the West over the past five centuries. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between morality and the development of unbelief, the rejection of God, and atheism. S. Afr. J. Philos. Vol.24(3) 2005: 224-239.
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  32. On Shermer On Morality.Christian Miller - 2016 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences:63-68.
    This paper is part of a six paper exchange with Michael Shermer. This is my critical commentary on Michael Shermer's paper “Morality is real, objective, and natural.” Shermer and I agree that morality is both real and objective. Here I raise serious reservations about both Shermer's account of where morality comes from and his account of what morality tells us to do. His approach to the foundations of morality would allow some very disturbing behaviors to count as moral, and his (...)
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    Reference and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Scriptures: The Same God?D. E. Buckner - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This book proposes a theory of reference--answering the question of whether Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures refer to the same God--within a semantic framework acceptable to atheists and fideists.
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    The 'Returns to Religion': Messianism, Christianity and the Revolutionary Tradition. Part I: 'Wakefulness to the Future'.John Roberts - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (2):59-84.
    The central strength of the Hegelian dialectical tradition is that reason is not divorced from its own internal limits in the name of a reason free from ideological mediation and constraint. This article holds onto this insight in the examination of the recent returns to religious categories in political philosophy and political theory. In this respect the article follows a two-fold logic. In the spirit of Hegel and Marx, it seeks to recover what is 'rational in religion'; and, at the (...)
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  35. An Atheistic Defence of Christian Science.Monton Bradley - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (3):43--54.
    Should the Christian community engage in Christian science – doing science starting from the standpoint of the Christian evidence base? Plantinga asks this question, and I argue that the answer is ‘yes’. Moreover, this is an answer that both Christians and atheists can agree upon. Scientific progress should not be shackled by methodological naturalism; instead we need an ecumenical approach to science, which will allow for various high-level research programmes to count as science (including Christian science). If one does science (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Does Christianity Cause Violence?: The New Atheism and Negative Apologetics.Glenn B. Siniscalchi - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5).
  37.  43
    Atheism Considered as a Christian Sect.Stephen R. L. Clark - 2015 - Philosophy 90 (2):277-303.
    Atheists in general need share no particular political or metaphysical views, but atheists of the most modern, Western, militant sort, escaping from a merely nihilistic mind-set, are usually humanists of an especially triumphalist kind. In this paper I offer a critical analysis and partial history of their claims, suggesting that they are members of a distinctively Christian heretical sect, formed in reaction to equally heretical forms of monotheistic idolatry.
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    From Marx to Christianity, and Back: Michel Henry's Philosophy of Reality.Ruud Welten - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (4):415-431.
    In the 1990s, the French phenomenologist philosopher Michel Henry gets interested in Christianity – but does not join the theological debate. Inspired by Marx – who is usually considered an atheist thinker – Henry develops a radical phenomenology of immanent self-affection. In this paper, I want to explore Henry’s writings on Marx to find out how Henry understands and constructs relations between Marx’ philosophy of reality on the one hand, and Christianity on the other.
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    The History of Scepticism: From Savonarola to Bayle (review).John Christian Laursen - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (1):105-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.1 (2004) 105-107 [Access article in PDF] Richard H. Popkin. The History of Scepticism: From Savonarola to Bayle. Revised and Expanded Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Pp. xxiv + 415. Cloth, $74.00. Paper, $24.95. Richard Popkin tells the story that once a long time ago when he asked a question at a conference that made reference to late-eighteenth-century skeptics like Maimon (...)
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    Blind spots in the toleration literature.John Christian Laursen - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (3):307-322.
    Classic theories of religious toleration from the 17th century regularly made exceptions for various categories of people such as Catholics and atheists who need not be tolerated. From a contemporary perspective these may be understood as blind spots because at least some of us would argue that these exceptions were not necessary. This essay explores the toleration theories of John Milton, Benedict de Spinoza, Denis Veiras, John Locke and Pierre Bayle in order to assess whether they actually called for such (...)
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  41. Atheism and Dialetheism; or, ‘Why I Am Not a (Paraconsistent) Christian’.Zach Weber - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (2):401-407.
    ABSTRACTIn ‘Theism and Dialetheism’, Cotnoir explores the idea that dialetheism can help with some puzzles about omnipotence in theology. In this note, I delineate another asp...
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    Atheistic and Christian Existentialism: A Comparison of Sartre and Marcel.Thomas C. Anderson - unknown
  43. Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and its Fashionable Enemies.David Bentley Hart - 2009
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  44. Disbelief at the Altar Rail.Cody Christian Warta - 2024 - Journal of Analytic Theology 12:1-16.
    In this article, I am interested in forming an account of how an atheist (which I define as someone who believes that God does not exist) might have faith in God. Assuming an involuntarism position regarding the nature of belief, I examine whether an atheist could have non-doxastic propositional faith in God, but conclude that this is not possible since it would force an individual to believe that_ p_ might exist and that _p _does not exist at (what I call) (...)
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    The 'Returns to Religion': Messianism, Christianity and the Revolutionary Tradition. Part II: The Pauline Tradition.John Roberts - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (3):77-103.
    The central strength of the Hegelian dialectical tradition is that reason is not divorced from its own internal limits in the name of a reason free from ideological mediation and constraint. This article holds onto this insight in the examination of the recent returns to religious categories in political philosophy and political theory. In this it follows a twofold logic. In the spirit of Hegel and Marx it seeks to recover what is ‘rational in religion’; at the same time, it (...)
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    From Atheism to Catholicism: How Scientists and Philosophers Led Me to Truth.Kevin Vost - 2010 - Our Sunday Visitor.
    God was dead to Kevin Vost for most of his adult life. Baptized, confirmed, and raised Catholic, at age 17 Vost left it all behind as he immersed himself in atheism for a period that lasted over two decades. Paralleling a successful career as a psychologist and professor, Vost allowed his clinical perspective to drive his faith perspective as well, falling into a common trap for many Catholics. This timely book's unique approach gives credit where credit is due, as (...)
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    Atheism, morality, and meaning.Michael Martin - 2002 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Divided into four parts, this treatise begins with well-known criticisms of nonreligious ethics and then develops an atheistic metaethics. In Part 2, Martin criticizes the Christian foundation of ethics, specifically the ’divine command theory’ and the idea of imitating the life of Jesus as the basis of Christian morality. Part 3 demonstrates that life can be meaningful in the absence of religious belief. Part 4 criticizes the theistic point of view in general terms as well as the specific Christian doctrines (...)
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    Beyond good and evil, Nietzsche is the atheist version of the Christian ascetic.Alina Elena Turcescu - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:79-90.
    Nietzsche is one of the most controversial and disputed philosophers, especially because of his association with Hitler and Nazism, but also through his upsetting philosophical decisions that deny the possibility of any morality centered on good and evil as absolute values in themselves. As for his association with Hitler, the sources prove that Nietzsche’s philosophy has nothing to do with the justification or support of the nationalist-socialist dictatorship. In addition, any connoisseur of his work can easily see that Hitler does (...)
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    Christian Instrumentality of Sport as a Possible Source of Goodness for Atheists.Ivo Jirásek - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (1):30-49.
    The aim of this paper is to differentiate between religion and spirituality more strictly, or, specifically, between the religious and spiritual aspects of sport. The text is written in an autoethnographic genre from an ‘outsider’ position, by an author who is not Christian. Religion, including Christianity, represents a connectedness between the natural world and an ontologically different reality and its transcendence towards the sacrum. But spirituality is the centre of the human way of being and a manifestation of personality. (...)
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    Atheists Finding God: Unlikely Stories of Conversions to Christianity in the Contemporary West.Jana S. Harmon - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    This book examines the unlikely conversion stories of fifty former atheists as they move from belief in naturalistic atheism to strong belief in God and conservative Christianity. Their own perspectives and journeys provide deep insight for those who are interested in why and how such dramatic change is possible.
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