Results for 'Christian religious education'

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  1.  4
    (1 other version)Gender equality from the perspective of Minahasa ethnicity and Christian religious education.Djoys A. Rantung - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    Gender equality continues to be a topic of ongoing public concern, with various alternatives proposed to achieve the ideal gender equality. Despite the utilisation of various references, the desired outcomes have yet to be realised. Local traditions in Minahasa and Christian religious education (CRE) in Indonesia offer constructive alternatives for gender equality efforts. While the political, religious and social spheres have not strongly supported gender equality, Minahasan culture and philosophy have long advocated for gender equality. Using (...)
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    Embracing mapalus traditional management values for Christian religious education.Christar A. Rumbay, Harol Lumapow, Philoteus E. A. Tuerah, Elni J. Usoh, Viktory N. J. Rotty & Jeffry S. J. Lengkong - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    The relationship between religion and education in the Minahasa community still receives inadequate attention. One local wisdom that has experienced degradation of its noble values over the years is the mapalus culture. Therefore, it is imperative to construct and manage Christian Religious Education (CRE) in Minahasa due to its ability to properly accommodate religious values and issues or local culture. This study tries to determine the right management values in mapalus culture that can contribute to (...)
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    Embracing the Emic of Minahasa celebration culture and Christian Religious Education.Demsy Jura, Pantjar Simatupang & Christar A. Rumbay - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):7.
    Christian Religious Education (CRE) studies are often known to neglect the incorporation of local culture, as regulations primarily mandate the inclusion of Christian dogmatics and social issues. In fact, Christian ethics and biblical doctrine receive massive exploration compared to social and cultural discussions. Therefore, this study explored Minahasan celebration practice as an alternative dimension that can be integrated into the CRE curriculum, thereby bridging the gap between social and religious features. A sensitive analysis was (...)
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    The Philosophy of Christian Religious Education.Brenda Watson & Jeff Astley - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (2):242.
  5. Religious-education in the Christian colleges in india.A. Pushparajan - 1984 - Journal of Dharma 9 (4):389-405.
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    Religious education in social concepts of Christian churches of Ukraine.Mykola Mykhailovych Zakovych - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:282-293.
    In their social concepts, Christian Churches attach particular importance to education. Secular education is considered in the context of modern science and culture. The Church recognizes the authority and achievements of modern science, but believes that the rational picture of the world formed by scientific research is not complete and inclusive. The religious worldview cannot be dismissed as a source of insight into the truth and understanding of history, ethics, and many other humanities that have a (...)
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    (1 other version)Enhancing religious education through emotional and spiritual intelligence.Olivia Andrei - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):7.
    In the context of the changes and challenges of the 21st century, the main focus of education, especially religious education, is to prepare students to live purposeful and meaningful lives with well-developed analytic, emotional and spiritual abilities to assist them in achieving a life perspective that allows them to face the larger world with greater self-confidence and self-awareness. Therefore, the main objectives of the study are: to bring forward the concepts of religious education, emotional intelligence (...)
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    Contextualising religious education – Different understandings of teaching in Sami confirmation courses.Johan Runemark Brydsten - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):8.
    For the last 30 years, the Church of Sweden, along with other institutions, has offered special confirmation courses for the church’s young Sami members. The organisers and teachers involved with these Sami confirmation courses all stress the necessity of adapting their teaching to fit Sami contexts. Their views are supported by various steering documents, but the wording of these documents leaves room for differing interpretations, which has resulted in multiple understandings of what concrete adjustments should be implemented in the teaching. (...)
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    Deuteronomy and Contextual Teaching and Learning in Christian-Jewish religious education.Jeane M. Tulung, Olivia C. Wuwung, Sonny E. Zaluchu & Frederik R. B. Zaluchu - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This research explores the contextual approach within Christian-Jewish religious education, addressing a notable gap in existing literature and offering fresh insights into the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model within Christian contexts. Through a qualitative literature study employing a three-step methodology, including an in-depth analysis of Deuteronomy 11:19–20, this study reveals that this biblical text provides both educational guidance and theological significance, serving as a foundational support for the CTL model in Christian-Jewish (...)
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    Moral education in Hong Kong: Confucian‐parental, Christianreligious and liberal‐civic influences.Roger Cheng - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (4):533-551.
    A brief review of the social and educational context of Hong Kong shows that the publication of the General guidelines on moral education in schools in 1981, by the Hong Kong Education Department, marked a milestone in the development of moral education. The Guidelines explicitly asserted moral education as one function of schooling, whilst also formally recognizing the home and the community as two main influences. This paper narrates how three moral sources of influence – namely (...)
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  11. The modes of religious education: Christianity's contemporary status.Mădălina Tomescu & Liliana Trofin - 2011 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 10:150-155.
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    Modern Christian living: a book on Christian approaches to social and ethical issues for use with the religious education syllabus of the East African Advanced Certificate of Education.B. Sharkey - 1979 - Nairobi: Oxford University Press. Edited by F. G. Welch.
  13.  16
    Enhancing religious education teaching and learning for sustainable development in Lesotho.Rasebate I. Mokotso - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):6.
    This article utilises Gadamerian hermeneutics method and Freirean theory of the purpose of Religious Education to explore how Religious Education can contribute to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, emphasising education for sustainable development. The study contends that Religious Education in Lesotho occupies a distinctive position in the education system, surpassing other countries in its extensive integration. Due to historical factors, Religious Education is taught in nearly all religiously (...)
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    The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk (review).Christian P. B. Haskett - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):192-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist MonkChristian P. B. HaskettThe Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. By Georges B. J. Dreyfus. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. 445 + xv pp.Georges Dreyfus is a uniquely valuable contributor to the academic study of Tibetan Buddhism. He is the first Westerner to have received the Geshe (...)
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    Church Youth Work in the Context of Non-Formal Religious Education: The Case of the Catholic Church.S. U. Mehmet - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):153-166.
    Church youth work is the activities and programs organized by churches for young people. These activities aim to contribute to the religious, spiritual and social development of young people. Church youth work brings young people together and supports them in areas such as religious education, spiritual development, community service, leadership development and active participation in the religious community. It is seen that youth work, which was previously a part of family work, has been organized as a (...)
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    Christian Moral Education.John Hill - 1981 - Journal of Religious Ethics 9 (1):103 - 117.
    The growing secularization of society makes Christian moral education ever more difficult. Many well-meaning approaches to Christian moral education make it ineffective, if not counterproductive. This seems to have occurred because Christians have accepted an unreal polarization of morality, and have consented to do battle for one of the poles. The author of this essay argues for a via media which would be more truly human and so more truly Christian.
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    Theologies of Religious Education.Randolph Crump Miller - 1995
    THEOLOGIES OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION explores the interactive relationships between religious education and thirteen widely different current schools of theologies. Central to this volume is the basic question of whether theology exercises determinative conrol over all phases of religious educaion theory and practice, OR whether theolgy is simply an important contributor to the field of religous educaiton. Does theology in itself possess the capability of directly generating teaching procedures and verifying the instrucitonal effects of these procedures?
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    Home Education and Social Integration.Christian W. Beck - 2008 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 10 (2):59-69.
    If school attendance is important for social integration, then a particular out of school practice like home education could possibly represent a threat to social integration. The findings of a Norwegian research project that surveyed socialization among Norwegian home educated students from different regions are presented and discussed using socialization theory and a theory of cultural order. Among the conclusions are the following: Pragmatically motivated home educated students are often socially well integrated. Religiously motivated home educated students that hold (...)
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    Decolonising the concept of the Trinity to decolonise the religious education curriculum.Anné H. Verhoef - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This article brings into perspective the need to decolonise the concept of the Trinity (as the specific doctrine and Christian name of God) as a crucial step in decolonising the religious education curriculum. It discusses the concept of decolonisation and its applicability to religious education, specifically Christianity, within higher education (e.g. in Teacher Education Programmes) in the South African context. God as the Trinity has throughout the history of Atlantic slavery and colonialism been (...)
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    Performativity, Faith and Professional Identity: Student Religious Education Teachers and The Ambiguities of Objectivity.Hazel Bryan & Lynn Revell - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (4):403-419.
    This paper considers the way in which Christian Religious Education (RE) teachers articulate the difficulties and challenges they experience both in school and with their peers as they navigate their way through their Initial Teacher Education. The paper offers a unique exploration of the relationship between elements of the three discourses of faith identity, emerging professional identity and the requirements of a performative teacher training context. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 184 student RE teachers across three (...)
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    Religion, Bildung und Erziehung bei Schleiermacher: eine Analyse der Beziehungen und des Widerstreits zwischen den "Reden über die Religion" und den "Monologen".Christiane Ehrhardt - 2005 - Göttingen: V&R Unipress.
    Diese transdisziplinäre Studie betritt Neuland in der Forschung, weil sie zeigt, dass die beiden disparaten frühen Schriften Schleiermachers ”Über die Religion, Reden an die Gebildeten unter ihren Verächtern“ und die ”Monologen“ aufeinander bezogen gelesen werden können und müssen. Sichtbar wird ein Kategoriengefüge im Denken Schleiermachers, das dessen Erziehungs- und Glaubenslehre, aber auch seine Ethik und Dialektik sowie seine schulreformerischen Überlegungen als konsequente Weiterführung und Erweiterung von Reflexionsformen ausweist. Es kommt ein Schleiermacher zu Wort, der agonal argumentiert, weil er sich die (...)
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    Children's voices: children's perspectives in ethics, theology and religious education.Annemie Dillen & Didier Pollefeyt (eds.) - 2010 - Leuven: Peeters.
    This book deals with themes concerning religious education and the spirituality of children. Throughout the seventeen chapters, the book stimulates a scholarly discussion about children and theology. The book makes clear that classical Christian theology can benefit from taking seriously children's voices and reflections about children. The volume demonstrates how nuanced and interdisciplinary reflections can be relevant for Christian and social practices of adults with children and how these practices can influence theology. This volume asks the (...)
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  23.  10
    The idea of God in Protestant religious education.Angus Hector MacLean - 1930 - [New York,: AMS Press.
  24.  16
    The Effect of Religious Education on Self-Control - Özdenetimde Din Eğitiminin Etkisi.Şakir Gözütok - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):1035-1060.
    : The concept of Self-Control carried by contemporary criminology has been put forward in order to catch up with increasing crime rates in society, to prevent crime, and to function in anger control. Works done in this area also include measures that must be taken early in the course of a kind of education to prevent crime in general. we see that in some countries Social and Emotional Learning programs are used in areas such as character education, prevention (...)
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    Teaching and Learning in Communities of Faith: Empowering Adults Through Religious Education.Linda J. Vogel - 1999 - Jossey-Bass.
    Why are we here? What is our higher purpose? How can we lead lives of integrity and wholeness? Increasing numbers of adults, looking for some higher meaning in life, are turning to religion for the answers.Teaching and Learning in Communities of Faith explores the growing movement toward adult religious education and draws on knowledge of the field of adult learning and development to offer strategies for teaching adults in both Christian and non-Christian settings. It emphasizes the (...)
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  26. The Ones We Once Loved: A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Abandoned Senior Citizens in Home for the Aged.Christian Dave Francisco, Micaiah Andrea Gumasing Lopez, Elyssa Sison, Galilee Jordan Ancheta, Charles Brixter Sotto Evangelista, Liezl Fulgencio, Jayra Blanco & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):253-260.
    Filipino's love for the elderly is undeniable. However, despite the respect they have for the elderly, an increasing amount of elderly abandonment is rising in the Philippines. The drastic increase in statistics of abandonment will still grow over the years because aging is inevitable. The primary goal of this study is to dig deeper into the experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms of abandoned senior citizens inside of a home for the aged to spread awareness about this certain topic. By the (...)
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    Womanspirit Still Rising? Some Feminist Reflections on ‘Religious Education’ in the UK.Alison Jasper - 2015 - Feminist Theology 23 (3):240-253.
    It is a complex and sometimes frustrating business to effect change that is in accordance with recognizably feminist principles in the world as it is and we inevitably risk confrontation, misunderstanding and compromise. In this paper I consider some of the complexities and obstacles to effecting feminist-friendly changes in educational spaces with specific reference to the field of teaching most familiar to a majority of us – Religion/religious Studies or Theology and Religious Studies. I suggest an approach to (...)
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    Process and Relationship: Issues in Theory, Philosophy, and Religious Education : a Festschrift for Randolph Crump Miller.Iris V. Cully & Randolph Crump Miller - 1978
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    Is God his Law? Or how religious education affects the dehristianization of mass consciousness.Larysa Andreyeva & Katerina Elbakyan - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:104-114.
    In the twentieth century, the Russian Empire acted as a country where the state religion - Orthodoxy - was legally established. According to the census of 1897, the number of Orthodox Christians was 87.3 million, or 69.5% of the population. The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in its report for 1902 stated: "The Orthodox Russian people, who by nature deeply believe, consider all phenomena of life not only family and social, but also state life only in the light of (...)
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  30. Religious-social leadership values and principals’ morality in Christian school.Paul Arjanto, Andi Wahed, Hasmaa N. Jaya, Apriani Safitri, Lutfi Ariefianto & Rody P. Sartika - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):7.
    Leaders’ morality in the context of principals in Christian school is of great significance in the education environment. However, there are gaps between religious insights, western education and principal’s leadership in Christian schools in Indonesia. Anthropological, social, cultural and other differences can pose hindrances to the effective implementation of external ideas. Therefore, this research emphasises the importance of embracing moral religious leadership values from local cultural heritage that are appropriate to the Indonesian context. Tonaas (...)
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    Religious studies for GCSE: philosophy and ethics applied to Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Islam.Dennis Brown - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    This new textbook provides a clear, informative and rigorous guide for students taking Religious Studies GCSE with all the major exam boards. It covers the philosophy and ethics content of the key GCSE specifications and examines these themes from the perspectives of Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Islam. Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on the scriptural basis of each religious view and on other sources of authority in each religious tradition. The development of core ethical and doctrinal (...)
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    Comparative Religious Law: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.Norman Doe - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Comparative Religious Law provides for the first time a study of the regulatory instruments of Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious organisations in Britain in light of their historical religious laws. Norman Doe questions assumptions about the pervasiveness, character and scope of religious laws, from the view that they are not or should not be recognised by civil law, to the idea that there may be a fundamental incompatibility between religious and civil law. It proposes (...)
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    The role of spiritual formation in the education of modern human beings: A European Christian perspective.Constantin V. Necula - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    One of the most considerable changes in the contemporary European educational mentality is a person's disconnection from spiritual life. Christian formation has been replaced with religious pluralism, in terms of syncretism influenced by global economic ideologies. Some consequences are low resilience and low spiritual resistance to contemporary challenges, associated with mental traumas or social behaviour deficits. Is it possible to restore the modern person's spiritual education? There is no evolution in the modern individual's social life without a (...)
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    John D. Caputo’s Undecidability and Flux Model for Korean Christian Educators.Shinae Won - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 24:53-61.
    The goal of this thesis is to undo those assumptions about understanding and the doxastic and social relationships that are concomitant with those assumptions, while offering a different way of construing understanding that is conducive to allowing Christian religious educators to move forward in their work, especially as that work concerns intergenerational strife. This rewriting of our notions of understanding and relationship will be in a direction wherein thedistinctions between faith, knowledge, self-understanding, enculturation, and ethical choice are blurred. (...)
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    Education, religiosity and meaning: Christian perspectives from within the crisis.Mykhailo Cherenkov - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:22-30.
    Recalling the discussions with the religious scholar and friend Natalia Gavrilova, I decided to collect under one title three short and completely different texts - different in genre, time and purpose of writing. It seems to me that Natalia lived and thought precisely in connection with education-religiosity-sense. At least, the experience of our communication testifies to this version. We have repeatedly talked about the triple crisis - education, traditional religiosity and ultimate meanings. In memory of those conversations, (...)
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    No-go zone for Jews? Examining how news on anti-Semitic attacks increases victim blaming.Christian von Sikorski & Pascal Merz - 2023 - Communications 48 (4):539-550.
    Antisemitism is on the rise. Recently, discussions have considered so-called “no-go zones for Jews” (city areas Jews should avoid to reduce the likelihood of being attacked). In this context and drawing from attribution theory, we examined if news consumers perceive a Jewish hate crime victim as partly responsible for being attacked when news coverage explicitly emphasizes that the victim displayed religious symbols (kippah) in a certain inner-city location. We conducted a quota-based survey experiment (N = 392) in Germany (4 (...)
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  37. Incorporating the RCIA process into catholic secondary colleges through the religious education curriculum.Matthew van der Velden - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (2):166.
    van der Velden, Matthew In the context of twenty-first-century Australia, Catholic secondary colleges are facing an ever-dwindling number of student enrolments coming from a Catholic background. Students that identify themselves as members of the Roman Catholic Church occupy a wide spectrum of positions along the faith and sacramental journey of the Catholic tradition. In Catholic colleges around Australia, there are a number of Catholic students, sometimes referred to as 'cradle Catholics', who received all of the sacraments of initiation during their (...)
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    Education without Indoctrination: Teaching Ethics in the Interdisciplinary Core Program of a Religiously Affiliated University.Paul Carron & Charles McDaniel - 2018 - Teaching Ethics 18 (1):79-96.
    Ethics instruction within an interdisciplinary core program involving a diverse student community representing many major fields of study presents unique challenges. Those challenges are in some ways compounded in the context of a religiously affiliated university whose spiritual and ethical commitments are grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition even as its student population reflects increasing religious diversity. The authors present one method of addressing these challenges in hopes of inspiring broader discussions of how to teach ethics across the curriculum (...)
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  39. Catholic Education, An Option For Christian Humanism, From And For Communion: Basic Criteria For The Application Of Veritatis Gaudium.Carlos Arboleda Mora - 2019 - Dissertation, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
    The new Christian humanism is not about concepts and theories. It is a mystical experience of the centrality of Jesus Christ, of His face of mercy, of love given and delivered. Love is the gift that we must accept and respond to with love, especially with an ethic of love that makes us stand in solidarity with nature, with each other, and with the poor in a special way. We are a gift that is communicated. We must use the (...)
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    Religious factor in the mentally oriented Ukrainian educational space.O. Rudakevych - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 67:137-144.
    Ukrainian national pedagogy has always been based on the organic combination of national and Christian ideals. Christian humanity was the norm of interpersonal, interethnic, and everyday social existence of our people. The modern Ukrainian society needs spiritual improvement, which is obviously, according to the author, only in the interaction of four fundamental factors: the state, the Church, the system of education and the family. The features of Ukrainian spirituality and mental characteristics were the object of research by (...)
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  41. Why Education in Public Schools Should Include Religious Ideals.Doret J. de Ruyter & Michael S. Merry - 2009 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (4):295-311.
    In this article we aim to open a new line of debate about religion in public schools by focusing on religious ideals. We begin with an elucidation of the concept ‘religious ideals’ and an explanation of the notion of reasonable pluralism, in order to be able to explore the dangers and positive contributions of religious ideals and their pursuit on a liberal democratic society. We draw our examples of religious ideals from Christianity and Islam, because these (...)
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    The politics of humility: Humility in historical Christian thought and its educational implications.Stephen Chatelier & Liz Jackson - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (2):190-202.
    In recent times, schools have begun to focus on issues of wellbeing, engaging with ideas from various fields such as positive psychology. It is in this context that there is a growing interest in humility, rather than this interest having emerged from debates in moral philosophy and moral education. However, to the extent that education for wellbeing initiatives might promote humility as a virtue, it is important to address the extent to which it can be considered as good. (...)
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    On the religious subject "Ethics of Faith" in Public Schools and the Consolidation of Christian Churches in Ukraine.Oleh Kyselov - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:88-91.
    The problem of religious education is not new to Ukrainian religious studies. The latter was raised in connection with the decree of the Minister of Education and Science on the introduction of the subject "Theology" in higher educational establishments of Ukraine. However, as is often the case in Ukraine, the decree remained only on paper. At the same time, the topic of religious education was discussed in various circles in the circles of religious (...)
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    The introduction of Christian Ethics as a topical issue in Ukraine's religious life.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:43-48.
    Even after 14 years of independence, Ukrainian society has not lost many of its problems, which are rooted in the legacy of Soviet militant atheism. One of the problems that has caused heated debate in religious and educational settings in almost all years of independence is the perception / non-acceptance of the need for religious education by secular school students. Against the backdrop of equally acute property problems related to the return to religious buildings of the (...)
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    The Language Gap and God: Religious Language and Christian Education.Randolph Crump Miller - 1970
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    Faith and the Nation: Education and Religious Identity in the Republic of Ireland.Kevin Williams - 1999 - British Journal of Educational Studies 47 (4):317 - 331.
    Through an examination of selected documents, this article explores the role which the Irish state attributed to education in promoting the Christian, specifically Catholic, identity of its young citizens. The essay also examines the evidence of a desire to distance the state from a direct role in reinforcing the religious dimensions of cultural identity and of an endeavour to reconcile respect for the nation's Christian heritage with respect for other versions of human self-understanding.
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    Interfaith difficulties in implementing Christian ethics in school education.P. Ganulych - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:105-107.
    The arrival of democracy in Ukraine in the 1990s was regarded by Christians as special opportunities in the development of spirituality. Church members, pastors, presbyters went to school and began to teach kindness, talk about God, and lay the foundations of religious ethics. All denominations participated in it. Who is more, who is less, but each did as he saw fit. The Seventh-day Adventist Church also participated in this. An extensive network of teachers, their training, and special textbooks were (...)
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    Bauchman v. West High School Revisited: Religious Text and Context in Music Education.William Michael Perrine - 2017 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 25 (2):192.
    In 1997 the Tenth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that school officials at West High School did not violate Rachel Bauchman's constitutional rights by including Christian religious music as part of its curriculum, or by staging school performances at religious sites. Three philosophical questions are investigated in this paper: whether the performance of religious text constitutes a religious practice, the ways in which instructional and performance context can affect the performance of sacred music, and (...)
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    The combination of religious and national in the Ukrainian educational space.Oksana Rudakevych - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:78-81.
    Ukrainian national pedagogy in its development was based on the organic combination of national and Christian ideals. Christian humanity was the norm of interpersonal, interethnic, and everyday social existence of our people. Modern Ukrainian society needs spiritual rehabilitation, which is obviously only possible in the interaction of four fundamental factors: state, church, education system and family. Today it is right to mention the outstanding Ukrainian educator G.Vaschenko, who insisted, first of all, on the implementation of the principle (...)
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    Christianity-education-upbringing.Mykola Mykhailovych Zakovych - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 15:88-94.
    Under this name, one of the problem groups worked at the international scientific conference "Christianity and the problems of today"The leading group is Professor M. Zakovich, Head of the Department of Cultural Studies at the Ukrainian Pedagogical University named after. M. Drahomanov informed in detail about the existing project of incorporating theology into the courses obligatory in higher educational institutions of all levels of accreditation and about the introduction of the subject "Fundamentals of Christian Ethics" into the program of (...)
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