Results for 'Christian Philosophy '

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  1. Group agency: the possibility, design, and status of corporate agents.Christian List & Philip Pettit - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Philip Pettit.
    Are companies, churches, and states genuine agents? Or are they just collections of individuals that give a misleading impression of unity? This question is important, since the answer dictates how we should explain the behaviour of these entities and whether we should treat them as responsible and accountable on the model of individual agents. Group Agency offers a new approach to that question and is relevant, therefore, to a range of fields from philosophy to law, politics, and the social (...)
  2. Perceiving reality: consciousness, intentionality, and cognition in Buddhist philosophy.Christian Coseru - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the epistemic function of perception and the relation between language and conceptual thought, and provides new ways of conceptualizing the Buddhist defense of the reflexivity thesis of consciousness: namely, that each cognitive event is to be understood as involving a pre-reflective implicit awareness of its own occurrence.
  3. Methodological Individualism and Holism in Political Science: A Reconciliation.Christian List & Kai Spiekermann - 2013 - American Political Science Review 107 (4):629-643.
    Political science is divided between methodological individualists, who seek to explain political phenomena by reference to individuals and their interactions, and holists (or nonreductionists), who consider some higher-level social entities or properties such as states, institutions, or cultures ontologically or causally significant. We propose a reconciliation between these two perspectives, building on related work in philosophy. After laying out a taxonomy of different variants of each view, we observe that (i) although political phenomena result from underlying individual attitudes and (...)
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  4. Editorial the Human in Architecture and Philosophy: Steps Towards an “Architectural Anthropology”.Martin Düchs & Christian Illies - 2018 - Architecture Philosophy 3 (1).
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  5. Faith, Freedom, Conscience. Luther, Fichte, and the Principle of Inwardness.Christian Lotz - 2011 - In Jennifer Hockenbery & Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth, The Devil's Whore: Reason and Philosophy in the Lutheran Tradition. Minneapolis, MN, USA: Fortress. pp. 95-101.
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  6. Tendencias constructivas en la obra de Frege.Christian Thiel - 1976 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):147-160.
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  7. What’s Wrong with the Consequence Argument: A Compatibilist Libertarian Response.Christian List - 2019 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 119 (3):253-274.
    The most prominent argument for the incompatibility of free will and determinism is Peter van Inwagen’s consequence argument. I offer a new diagnosis of what is wrong with this argument. Proponents and critics typically accept the way the argument is framed, and only disagree on whether the premisses and rules of inference are true. I suggest that the argument involves a category mistake: it conflates two different levels of description, namely, the physical level at which we describe the world from (...)
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  8. Gedanken zum hundertsten Geburtstag Leopold Löwenheims.Christian Thiel - 1978 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 8 (3-4):263-267.
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  9. The rise and fall of the Socratic notion of piety.Christian Wildberg - 2003 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 18:1-28.
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  10. Cosmogony.Ehrenfels Christian & Focht Mildred - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):346-347.
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  11. The will and its freedom : Epictetus and Simplicius an what is up to us.Christian Wildberg - 2014 - In P. Destrée, What is Up to Us? Studies on Agency and Responsibility in ancient Philosophy. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    A Passport Photo of Two: On an Allusion in the Pictures of Wittgenstein and von Wright in Cambridge.Christian Eric Erbacher & Bernt Österman - 2014 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 3 (1):139-149.
    The article draws a connection between three items preserved at the von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Helsinki (WWA), namely a book by Wilhelm Busch and two copies of the photos of von Wright and Wittgenstein in Cambridge taken by Knut Erik Tranøy in 1950, by suggesting that the photos contain an allusion by Wittgenstein.
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  13. Toward a Christian Philosophy of Education, a Symposium.John Paul von Grueningen - unknown
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  14. Honesty.Christian Miller - 2017 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Christian Miller, Moral Psychology, Volume V: Virtue and Character. MIT Press. pp. 237-273.
    No one in philosophy has paid much attention to the virtue of honesty in recent years. Here is a trait for which it is easy to find consensus that it is a virtue, and furthermore, a very important virtue. It also has obvious relevance to what we see going on in contemporary politics, for instance, or in sports, the entertainment world, and education. Yet as far as I can tell, only one article in a philosophy journal has appeared (...)
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    The Methodological Implications of the Schutz-Parsons Debate.Christian Etzrodt - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):29-38.
    The aim of this paper is an analysis of the different standpoints of Parsons and Schutz concerning Weber’s suggestion that sociological explanations have to include the subjective point of view of the actors, the Cartesian Dilemma that the actor’s consciousness is not accessible to the researcher, and the Kantian Problem that theories are necessary in order to interpret sensory data, but that there is no guarantee that these theories are true. The comparison of Schutz’s and Parsons’s positions shows that Parsons’s (...)
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    A Short Introduction to Löwenheim's Life and Work and to a Hitherto Unknown Paper.Christian Thiel - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (4):289-302.
    On 5 May 1957, Leopold Löwenheim passed away in a Berlin hospital following a short but severe illness, unnoticed by the community of mathematical logicians who believed that he had perished in a Nazi concentration camp in or shortly after 1940 (the year of publication in the Journal of Symbolic Logic of his last paper before the end of World War II). The 50th anniversary of his death seems an appropriate date for the posthumous publication of a paper that was (...)
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  17. 'Doing good to do well': The new spirit of'civic capitalism', and three ways to criticise it.Christian O. Christiansen - 2017 - In Christiansen Christian O., Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy. Springer.
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    The Nature of Material Reality.Charles Christian & Benno van den Toren - 2022 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 9 (2):173.
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  19. Arendtian Constitutionalism: Law, Politics and the Order of Freedom.Christian Volk - unknown
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  20. An Introduction to Kant's Aesthetics: Core Concepts and Problems.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2005 - New York (USA), Oxford (UK): Wiley-Blackwell.
    In _An Introduction to Kant’s Aesthetics_, Christian Wenzel discusses and demystifies Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment, guiding the reader each step of the way and placing key points of discussion in the context of Kant’s other work. Explains difficult concepts in plain language, using numerous examples and a helpful glossary. Proceeds in the same order as Kant’s text for ease of reference and comprehension. Includes an illuminating foreword by Henry E. Allison. Offers twenty-six further-reading sections, commenting briefly (...)
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    Moral Decision-Making Under Uncertainty.Christian Tarsney, Teruji Thomas & William MacAskill - 2024 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Overcoming the modal/amodal dichotomy of concepts.Christian Michel - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):655-677.
    The debate about the nature of the representational format of concepts seems to have reached an impasse. The debate faces two fundamental problems. Firstly, amodalists (i.e., those who argue that concepts are represented by amodal symbols) and modalists (i.e., those who see concepts as involving crucially representations including sensorimotor information) claim that the same empirical evidence is compatible with their views. Secondly, there is no shared understanding of what a modal or amodal format amounts to. Both camps recognize that the (...)
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  23. Real self-respect and its social bases.Christian Schemmel - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (5):628-651.
    Many theories of social justice maintain that concern for the social bases of self-respect grounds demanding requirements of political and economic equality, as self-respect is supposed to be dependent on continuous just recognition by others. This paper argues that such views miss an important feature of self-respect, which accounts for much of its value: self-respect is a capacity for self-orientation that is robust under adversity. This does not mean that there are no social bases of self-respect that such theories ought (...)
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    Conservative Reductionism.Michael Esfeld & Christian Sachse - 2011 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Christian Sachse.
    _Conservative Reductionism_ sets out a new theory of the relationship between physics and the special sciences within the framework of functionalism. It argues that it is wrong-headed to conceive an opposition between functional and physical properties and to build an anti-reductionist argument on multiple realization. By contrast, all properties that there are in the world, including the physical ones, are functional properties in the sense of being causal properties, and all true descriptions that the special sciences propose can in principle (...)
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    Opportunity and Preference Learning.Christian Schubert - 2015 - Economics and Philosophy 31 (2):275-295.
    Abstract:Robert Sugden has suggested a normative standard of freedom as ‘opportunity’ that is supposed to help realign normative economics – with its traditional rational choice orientation – with behavioural economics. While allowing preferences to be incoherent, he wants to maintain the anti-paternalist stance of orthodox welfare economics. His standard, though, presupposes that people respond to uncertainty about their own future preferences by dismissing any kind of self-constraint. We argue that the approach lacks psychological substance: Sugden's normative benchmark – the ‘responsible (...)
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    The Capitalist Schema: Time, Money, and the Culture of Abstraction.Christian Lotz - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    The Capitalist Schema uses marxist philosophy to explain how money frames all social relations in our capitalist world and how money regulates and conditions social references to past and future social life. Consequently, modern life becomes ever more abstract and leveled, and all human desire becomes channeled towards profit and making money.
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  27. How to prove that some acts are wrong (without using substantive moral premises).Christian Coons - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (1):83-98.
    I first argue that there are many true claims of the form: Φ-ing would be morally required, if anything is. I then explain why the following conditional-type is true: If φ-ing would be morally required, if anything is, then anything is actually morally required. These results allow us to construct valid proofs for the existence of some substantive moral facts—proofs that some particular acts really are morally required. Most importantly, none of my argumentation presupposes any substantive moral claim; I use (...)
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  28. Nietzsche's Will to Power: Biology, Naturalism, and Normativity.Christian J. Emden - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (1):30-60.
    There can be little doubt that the “will to power” remains one of Nietzsche’s most controversial philosophical concepts. Leaving aside its colorful and controversial political history in the first half of the twentieth century, the will to power poses considerable problems for any serious reconstruction of Nietzsche’s project. This is particularly the case for analytic reconstructions, which view Nietzsche’s philosophical naturalism largely through the lens of metaethical concerns that are themselves grounded in a psychological reading of will, affect, value, or (...)
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    Perspectives on Christian Philosophy.Edward A. Sillem - 1961 - Philosophy Today 5 (1):3.
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    Shane Denson (2020), Discorrelated Images.Christian de Mouilpied Sancto - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (2):272-275.
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    Outlines of a Christian Philosophy.G. A. Ferguson - 1930 - Williams & Norgate.
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  32. (2 other versions)Generosity: A Preliminary Account of a Surprisingly Neglected Virtue.Christian B. Miller - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (3):216-245.
    There have only been three articles in mainstream philosophy journals going back at least to the 1970s on generosity. In this paper, I hope to draw attention to this neglected virtue. By building on what work has already been done, and trying to advance that discussion along several different dimensions, I hope that others will take a closer look at this important and surprisingly complex virtue. More specifically, I formulate three important necessary conditions for what is involved in possessing (...)
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    Mechanism, Occasionalism and Final Causes in Johann Christoph Sturm’s Physics.Christian Henkel - 2021 - Early Science and Medicine 26 (4):314-340.
    This paper argues that mechanism, occasionalism and finality (the acceptance of final causes) can be and were de facto integrated into a coherent system of natural philosophy by Johann Christoph Sturm (1635–1703). Previous scholarship has left the relation between these three elements understudied. According to Sturm, mechanism, occasionalism and finality can count as explanatorily useful elements of natural philosophy, and they might go some way to dealing with the problem of living beings. Occasionalism, in particular, serves a unifying (...)
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    Colin Ruloff, ed. Christian Philosophy of Religion: Essays in Honor of Stephen T. Davis.Eric T. Yang - 2017 - Journal of Analytic Theology 5:956-960.
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    Art in Christian Philosophy.Ananda K. Coomaraswamy - 1947 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 5 (3):228-229.
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    The human genome project and the social contract: A law policy approach.Christian Byk - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (4):371-380.
    For the first time in history, genetics will enable science to completely identify each human as genetically unique. Will this knowledge reinforce the trend for more individual liberties or will it create a ‘brave new world’? A law policy approach to the problems raised by the human genome project shows how far our democratic institutions are from being the proper forum to discuss such issues. Because of the fears and anxiety raised in the population, and also because of its wide (...)
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  37. Existential theology.I. Attempts at A. Christian - 2010 - In Alan D. Schrift, The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 177.
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    Moral, believing animals: human personhood and culture.Christian Smith - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What kind of animals are human beings? And how do our visions of the human shape our theories of social action and institutions? In Moral, Believing Animals>, Christian Smith advances a creative theory of human persons and culture that offers innovative, challenging answers to these and other fundamental questions in sociological, cultural, and religious theory. Smith suggests that human beings have a peculiar set of capacities and proclivities that distinguishes them significantly from other animals on this planet. Despite the (...)
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  39. Content-Related and Attitude-Related Reasons for Preferences.Christian Piller - 2006 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 59:155-182.
    In the first section of this paper I draw, on a purely conceptual level, a distinction between two kinds of reasons: content-related and attitude-related reasons. The established view is that, in the case of the attitude of believing something, there are no attitude-related reasons. I look at some arguments intended to establish this claim in the second section with an eye to whether these argument could be generalized to cover the case of preferences as well. In the third section I (...)
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    Ungrounded semantics: Searle’s chinese room thought experiment, the failure of meta-and subsystemic understanding, and some thoughts about thought-experiments.Christian Beenfeldt - 2007 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 42 (1):75-96.
  41. Reality in-itself and the Ground of Causality.Christian Onof - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (2):197-222.
    This article presents a metaphysical approach to the interpretation of the role of things-in-themselves in Kant’s theoretical philosophy. This focuses upon identifying their transcendental function as the grounding of appearances. It is interpreted as defining the relation of appearing as the grounding of empirical causality. This leads to a type of dual-aspect account that is given further support through a detailed examination of two sections of Kant’s first Critique. This shows the need to embed this dual-aspect account within a (...)
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  42. The Principal Principle and subjective Bayesianism.Christian Wallmann & Jon Williamson - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (1):1-14.
    This paper poses a problem for Lewis’ Principal Principle in a subjective Bayesian framework: we show that, where chances inform degrees of belief, subjective Bayesianism fails to validate normal informal standards of what is reasonable. This problem points to a tension between the Principal Principle and the claim that conditional degrees of belief are conditional probabilities. However, one version of objective Bayesianism has a straightforward resolution to this problem, because it avoids this latter claim. The problem, then, offers some support (...)
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  43. Should Extinction be Forever? Restitution, Restoration, and Reviving Extinct Species.Christian Diehm - 2015 - Environmental Ethics 37 (2):131-143.
    “De-extinction” projects propose to re-create or “resurrect” extinct species. Perhaps the most common justification offered for these projects is that humans have an obligation to make restitution to species we have eradicated. There are three versions of this argument for de-extinction—one individualistic, one concerned with species, and one that emphasizes ecological restoration—and all three fail to provide a compelling case for species revival. A general critique of de-extinction can be sketched that highlights how it can both facilitate inattentiveness to biological (...)
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    Norms of Legitimate Dissensus.Christian Kock - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (2):179-196.
    The paper calls for argumentation theory to learn from moral and political philosophy. Several thinkers in these fields help understand the occurrence of what we may call legitimate dissensus: enduring disagreement even between reasonable people arguing reasonably. It inevitably occurs over practical issues, e.g., issues of action rather than truth, because there will normally be legitimate arguments on both sides, and these will be incommensurable, i.e., they cannot be objectively weighed against each other. Accordingly, ‘inference,’ ‘validity,’ and ‘sufficiency’ are (...)
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  45. (2 other versions)Problem : The Christian Philosophy of Monsignor Edward A. Pace; Its Relevance for the Sixties.William M. Walton - 1962 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 36:127.
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    Did Anselm Define God? Against the Definitionist Misrepresentation of Anselm’s Famous Description of God.Christian Tapp & Geo Siegwart - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):2125-2160.
    Anselm of Canterbury’s so-called ontological proofs in the Proslogion have puzzled philosophers for centuries. The famous description “something / that than which nothing greater can be conceived” is part and parcel of his argument. Most commentators have interpreted this description as a definition of God. We argue that this view, which we refer to as “definitionism”, is a misrepresentation. In addition to textual evidence, the key point of our argument is that taking the putative definition as what Anselm intended it (...)
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  47. Dante Alighieri and the Christian philosophy in the interpretation of Etienne Gilson.R. Di Ceglie - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 97 (4):627-649.
  48. "Aeterni Patris", Gilson and Christian Philosophy.Vernon J. Bourke - 1979 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 53:5.
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  49. Kierkegaard and Christian Philosophy.James Collins - 1951 - The Thomist 14:441.
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  50. Towards a Christian Philosophy.Leonard Hodgson - 1944 - Philosophy 19 (72):89-90.
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