Results for 'Chin Simone'

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    Gravity and grace.Simone Weil - 1963 - New York: Routledge.
    Gravity and Grace was the first ever publication by the remarkable thinker and activist, Simone Weil. In it Gustave Thibon, the priest to whom she had entrusted her notebooks before her untimely death, compiled in one remarkable volume a compendium of her writings that have become a source of spiritual guidance and wisdom for countless individuals.
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    Sartre, images d'une vie: Commentaire de Simone de Beauvoir.Liliane Siegel, Simone de Beauvoir & Jean Paul Sartre - 1978 - Editions Gallimard.
    Album photographique consacré au philosophe et écrivain français. Au total, 181 documents en noir et blanc assortis de commentaires assez brefs, répartis dans un ordre thématique (le professeur, l'écrivain, etc.) et en partie chronologique.
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    Reasonable Democracy: Jürgen Habermas and the Politics of Discourse.Simone Chambers - 1996 - Cornell University Press.
    While discourse and deliberation cannot replace voting, bargaining, or compromise, Chambers argues, it is important to maintain a background moral conversation in which to anchor other activities.
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    Toward an Account of Relational Autonomy in Healthcare and Treatment Settings.Simone Joannou - 2016 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 24 (1):1-20.
    Currently held conceptions of autonomy that inform biomedicine are inadequate and oppressive. Liberal notions of individualism are anti-humanist and constitute pernicious socialization, which leads to internalized oppression and dehumanization, especially among already oppressed groups. Women in recovery from addiction and other mental illnesses are especially affected by anti-humanist conceptions of autonomy. I argue that these women need to receive treatment that supports autonomy through supplementing psychiatric and rehabilitative therapy with humanistic education and group therapy. Treatment must encourage the construction of (...)
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    (1 other version)Waiting for God.Simone Weil - 1951 - Harpercollins. Edited by Joseph Marie Perrin.
    Emerging from thought-provoking discussions and correspondence Simone Weil had with the Reverend Father Perrin, this classic collection of essays contains her most profound meditations on the relationship of human life to the realm of the transcendant.An enlightening introduction by Leslie Fiedler examines Weil's extraordinary roles as a philosophy teacher turned mystic. "One of the most neglected resources of our century ", Waiting for God will continue to influence spiritual and political thought for centuries to come.
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  6. Gravity and Grace.Simone Weil - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):276-278.
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    Idee per il governo: l'università.Raffaele Simone & Riccardo Chiaberge - 1995 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by Riccardo Chiaberge.
  8. Parafrasi critica e traducibilità della poesia nell'estetica di Galvano della Volpe.R. Simone - 1966 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 2:258-73.
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  9. The mutual accusations of theologism in italian idealism as seen in Croce and Gentile.A. Simone - 1988 - Filosofia 39 (1):71-77.
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    Oppression and Liberty.Simone Weil - 1988 - Routledge.
    _Oppression and Liberty_ is one of Simone Weil's most important books on political theory.Here she discusses political and social oppression, its permanent causes, the way it works and its contemporary forms. Simone Weil's writings on oppression and liberty continue to be as valid and thought-provoking today as they were in her lifetime.
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  11. Including students with special needs in inquiry-based science education: what can we learn from special needs education?Simone Abels - 2012 - In Silvija Markic, Ingo Eilks, David Di Fuccia & Bernd Ralle, Issues of heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research: a collection of invited papers inspired by the 21st Symposium on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Dortmund, May 17-19, 2012. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
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  12. The need for roots: prelude to a declaration of duties towards mankind.Simone Weil - 1952 - New York: Routledge.
    "What is required if men and women are to feel at home in society and are to recover their vitality? Into wrestling with that question, Simone Weil put the very substance of her mind and temperament. The apparently solid edifices of our prepossessions fall down before her onslaught like ninepins, and she is as fertile and forthright in her positive suggestions . . . she can be relied upon to toss aside the superficial and to come to grips with (...)
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    3.11 Selbstmord.Simone Francesca Schmidt - 2017 - In Hans-Gerd Winter, Inge Stephan & Julia Freytag, J.M.R.-Lenz-Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 406-416.
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    L.M.CASTELLI, Problems and Paradigms of Unity, Aristotle's Accounts of the One("International Aristotle Studies"), Academia Verlag Sankt Augustin 2010.Simone G. Seminara - 2011 - Elenchos 32 (2):374-382.
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  15. Emmanuel Lévinas. Altérité et responsabilité.SIMONE PLOURDE - 1996
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    La Cristologia filosofica di Xavier Tilliette nel Trentennio 1975-2005 dei suoi Lavori.Simone Stancampiano - 2006 - In Steffen Dietzsch & Gian Franco Frigo, Vernunft Und Glauben: Ein Philosophischer Dialog der Moderne Mit Dem Christentum. Père Xavier Tilliette Sj Zum 85. Geburtstag. Akademie Verlag. pp. 9-26.
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  17. A new education for "Young India": exploring Nai Talim from the perspective of a connected history.Simone Holzwarth - 2014 - In Barnita Bagchi, Connecting histories of education: transnational and cross-cultural exchanges in (post-)colonial education. London: Berghahn Books.
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    On the fine structure of the exponential rule.Simone Martini Andrea Masini - 1995 - In Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont & Laurent Regnier, Advances in linear logic. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 197.
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    In condillac.Raffaele Simone - 1987 - In D. D. Buzzetti & M. Ferriani, Speculative Grammar, Universal Grammar, and Philosophical Analysis of Language. John Benjamins. pp. 42--65.
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  20. Miscellanea di studi e ricerche sul Quattrocento francese. Torino, Giapichelli 1967. XXXI, 567 S. Rc.F. Simone - 1968 - Paideia 23:85.
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    How Religion Speaks to the Agnostic: Habermas on the Persistent Value of Religion.Simone Chambers - 2007 - Constellations 14 (2):210-223.
  22.  37
    Differential effects of a visual illusion on online visual guidance in a stable environment and online adjustments to perturbations.Simone R. Caljouw, John van der Kamp, Moniek Lijster & Geert J. P. Savelsbergh - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1135-1143.
    In the reported, experiment participants hit a ball to aim at the vertex of a Müller–Lyer configuration. This configuration either remained stable, changed its shaft length or the orientation of the tails during movement execution. A significant illusion bias was observed in all perturbation conditions, but not in the stationary condition. The illusion bias emerged for perturbations shortly after movement onset and for perturbations during execution, the latter of which allowed only a minimum of time for making adjustments . These (...)
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  23. Liberation theology and leaning in latin America.Simone Conceição & Augusto Marcos Fagundes Oliveira - 2007 - In Sharan B. Merriam, Non-Western Perspectives on Learning and Knowing. Krieger Pub. Co..
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  24. Vorträge Aus Dem Warburg-Haus, Band 6.Simone Michel - 2002 - Akademie Verlag.
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    The Feminine and the Sacred.Simone Roberts - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (2):364-364.
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    (1 other version)Les femmes dans les métiers parisiens : XIIIe-XVe siècles.Simone Roux - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:2-2.
    Les statuts de métiers du XIIIe siècle, la grande Ordonnance de Jean le Bon (1350) et le statut des lingères (1485) jalonnent ce parcours de l'histoire des Parisiennes qui gagnent leur vie dans l'atelier et la boutique à l'époque médiévale. Le travail féminin est reconnu, il doit obéir aux mêmes règles que le travail masculin. Il s'exerce dans quelques métiers uniquement féminins, et dans des métiers où hommes et femmes travaillent ensemble. La recherche ne permet pas encore de dire si, (...)
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  27. George Sand: créer pour vivre, vivre pour créer.Simone Vierne - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:197-210.
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  28. ... In un'arja di vetro: Appunti per una distinzione fenomenologica tra non essere e nulla.Simone Zacchini - 2005 - Giornale di Metafisica 27 (2):517-538.
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    O encontro com o mal. O jovem Nietzsche diante da doença.Simone Zacchini - 2019 - Cadernos Nietzsche 40 (3):171-186.
    Resumo Este artigo examina um período muito breve da juventude de Nietsche, de seu nascimento a 1862. Durante estes anos Nietzsche descobre progressivamente que o mundo encantado ao interno do qual ele nascera, protegido e seguro, não é imune ao mal e às doenças. Neste estudo examina-se todas as doenças que Nietzsche viu entrar em casa, através do pai, dos parentes e dos amigos. Antes mesmo que sua biografia registrasse patologias que ele carregará consigo até o fim, Nietzsche encontrará as (...)
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    The Many Faces of Good Citizenship.Simone Chambers - 2013 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 25 (2):199-209.
    ABSTRACT Diana Mutz's individual-level data show that participation and deliberation are often inversely related. This, according to Mutz, undermines many claims made by deliberative-democratic theory. However, a systemic approach to deliberative democracy challenges the significance of this finding. Although it is true that some citizens are political activists not open to hearing the other side and other citizens are less active but more open minded, both types of citizens make equally important and positive contributions to deliberative politics when it is (...)
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  31. Il potere delle passioni. Descartes antropologo politico.Simone Guidi - 2013 - Lo Sguardo. Rivista di Filosofia 13.
    Did Descartes ever develop a political thought of his own? This question, still open in the field of cartesian studies, is maybe doomed to remain without a definitive answer, mainly because of the lack of a specific work dedicated by him to politics. Nevertheless, we have a long letter to Princess Elisabeth in which the French philosopher, starting from his reading of Machiavelli's masterpiece, Il Principe, discusses political matters, and especially the political instruments that a good prince should use in (...)
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    Fooling Them, Not Me? How Fake News Affects Evaluators’ Reputation Judgments and Behavioral Intentions.Simone Mariconda, Marta Pizzetti, Michael Etter & Patrick Haack - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    The volume of fake news in the digital media landscape is increasing, creating a new threat to organizations’ reputations. At the same time, individuals are more aware of the existence of fake news. It thus remains unclear how fake news affects evaluators’ reputation judgments. In this article, we draw on the distinction between first-order judgments (i.e., an individual evaluator’s reputation judgment) and second-order judgments (i.e., an individual evaluator’s belief about the reputation judgments of other evaluators). We integrate this distinction with (...)
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  33. Aquinas: Will.Lara Kathryn Simone - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (3):281-282.
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    Democracy and constitutional reform: Deliberative versus populist constitutionalism.Simone Chambers - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1116-1131.
    Constitutional reform has been an important means to push populist authoritarian agendas in Hungary, Poland, Turkey and Venezuela. The embrace of constitutional means and rhetoric in pursuit of these agendas has led to the growing recognition of ‘populist constitutionalism’ as a contemporary political phenomenon. In all four examples mentioned above, democracy, popular sovereignty and direct plebiscitary appeal to the people is the rhetorical and justificatory framework for constitutional reform. This, I worry, gives democracy a bad name and reinforces the widespread (...)
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    Cities of Uncertainty: Jakarta, the Urban Majority, and Inventive Political Technologies.AbdouMaliq Simone - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (7-8):243-263.
    When people inhabit a city, they situate themselves and are situated through the intersections of infrastructure and technical systems, and the particular domains and modalities of occupation – settlement and work – that are configured by them. At the same time, people are also inhabited by the city, as a kind of possession, endowment, and series of conundrums. People figure themselves out through figuring arrangements of materials, of designing what is available to them in formats and positions that enable them (...)
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  36. Citizen Participation, Digital Agency, and Urban Development.Simone Tappert, Asma Mehan, Pekka Tuominen & Zsuzsanna Varga - 2024 - Urban Planning 9:1-6.
    Today’s exponential advancement of information and communication technologies is reconfiguring participatory urban development practices. The use of digital technology implies new forms of decentralised governance, collaborative knowledge production, and social activism. The digital transformation has the potential to overcome shortcomings in citizen participation, make participatory processes more deliberative, and enable collaborative approaches for making cities. While digital tools such as digital mapping, e‐participation platforms, location‐based games, and social media offer new opportunities for the various actors and may act as a (...)
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  37. Intimations of Christianity among the ancient Greeks.Simone Weil - 1957 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Elisabeth Chase Geissbuhler.
    In Intimations of Christianity Among the Ancient Greeks , Simone Weil discusses precursors to Christian religious ideas which can be found in ancient Greek mythology, literature and philosophy. She looks at evidence of "Christian" feelings in Greek literature, notably in Electra, Orestes, and Antigone , and in the Iliad , going on to examine God in Plato, and divine love in creation, as seen by the ancient Greeks.
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    Retooling Techno-Moral Scenarios. A Revisited Technique for Exploring Alternative Regimes of Responsibility for Human Enhancement.Simone Arnaldi - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):283-300.
    The techno-moral scenarios approach has been developed to explore the interplay between technology, society and morality. Focused on new and emerging sciences and technologies, techno-moral scenarios can be used to inform and enhance public deliberation on the desirability of socio-technical trajectories. The article presents an attempt to hybridise this scenario tool, complementing the focus on ethics with an explicit acknowledgement of the multiple meanings of responsibility and of the plurality of its regimes, i.e. the institutional arrangements presiding over the assumption (...)
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    Jacques Derrida: l'impossibile, la politicità dell'umano e il bestiario filosofico.Antonio De Simone - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  40. Rationality and the Wason Selection Task: a Logical Account.Simone Duca - 2009 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 15 (1):109-131.
    The main goal of the paper is to investigate the relation between indicative conditionals and rationality. We wil l do this by consider- ing several interpretations of a very wel l-known example of reasoning involving conditionals, that is the Wason selection task, and showing how those interpretations have different bearings on the notion of ra- tionality. In particular, in the first part of the paper, after having briefly presented the selection task, we wil l take a look at two prag- (...)
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    Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion.Simone Roberts - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (3):540-540.
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    Histoire économique.Simone Roux, Henri Morsel, Rémi Mallet, Andrée Corvol-Dessert, Joël Cornette & Jacques Portes - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (1-2):157-174.
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    Cleansing and separation procedures reflect resource concerns.Simone Schnall & Robert K. Henderson - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    We propose that procedures of separation have two functions, namely first, to establish the integrity of individual parts, and second, to make previously joint entities discreet and therefore countable. This allows taking stock of available resources, including evaluating the use of individual objects, a process that is especially adaptive under conditions of threat of contagious disease and resource scarcity.
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  44. First and Last Notebooks.Simone Weil & Richard Rees - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (177):274-276.
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  45. Moral Motivation across Ethical Theories: What Can We Learn for Designing Corporate Ethics Programs?Simone De Colle & Patricia H. Werhane - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):751 - 764.
    In this article we discuss what are the implications for improving the design of corporate ethics programs, if we focus on the moral motivation accounts offered by main ethical theories. Virtue ethics, deontological ethics and utilitarianism offer different criteria of judgment to face moral dilemmas: Aristotle's virtues of character, Kant's categorical imperative, and Mill's greatest happiness principle are, respectively, their criteria to answer the question "What is the right thing to do?" We look at ethical theories from a different perspective: (...)
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  46. Œuvres, coll. « Quarto ».Simone Weil & Florence de Lussy - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (4):554-554.
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    Wybór pism.Simone Weil - 1958 - Paryż,: Instytut Literacki.
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    Justice or Legitimacy, Barricades or Public Reason?Simone Chambers - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson, Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 17.
  49. Behind Closed Doors: Publicity, Secrecy, and the Quality of Deliberation.Simone Chambers - 2004 - Journal of Political Philosophy 12 (4):389-410.
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  50. Cognition as Organism-Environment Interaction.Simone Pinna - 2017 - In Extended Cognition and the Dynamics of Algorithmic Skills. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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