Results for 'Chief Minister Jon Stanhope'

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  1.  20
    Law Week 2005 Highlights.Nasrin Housaini Ryan, Julie Stubbs, Quiz Master Richard Refshauge Sc, Jason Parkinson, Master David Harper & Chief Minister Jon Stanhope - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Law week 2005 highlights." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (196), pp. 33.
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    Greek popular religion in Greek philosophy.Jon Mikalson - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The chief concepts involved are those of piety and impiety, and after a thorough analysis of the philosophical texts Mikalson offers a refined definition of ...
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  3. Lost in Transition: Puzzles of Reconciliation.Jón Ólafsson - 2015 - Res Cogitans 10 (1).
    This paper discusses reconciliation as a strategy to heal social wounds caused by dictatorial regimes or deep economic crises. The paper treats two such examples: The failed attempts of the Icelandic government to reach a deal with the UK and the Netherlands about the repayment of debts incurred by the bankrupt Landsbanki Íslands and the prosecution of Mr. Geir Haarde, formerly Prime Minister of Iceland. It is argued that although reconciliation strategies have in some cases been partially successful, it (...)
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  4. Joint letter to the chairman of the conference of chief ministers of the states.H. Schleusser & D. Breitenbach - 1992 - Minerva 30 (3):424-429.
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    The Prime Minister v the Chief Justice of Canada: the Attorney General's failure of responsibility.Brent Cotter - 2015 - Legal Ethics 18 (1):73-77.
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    Photographic art and technology in contemporary India.Aileen Blaney - 2019 - Philosophy of Photography 10 (1):23-40.
    The algorithmic turn in photography raises the question of whether an algorithmically generated image is even a photograph at all. This paradox is abundant on India's urban streets, where the pedestrian or road user is met with giant photo saturated flex hoardings printed with political and community messages and photo-shopped portraits of gods, chief ministers and party workers. In this article, attention to photo-based political posters alongside art practices sharing common elements of digital capture and postproduction contextualizes a reading (...)
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    What If Zhào Dùn Had Fled? Border Crossing and Flight into Exile in Early China.Newell Ann van Auken - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3):569-590.
    According to the Zuǒ zhuàn, in 607 BCE Zhào Chuān murdered Lord Líng of Jìn, but the Spring and Autumn ascribes the assassination to Zhào Dùn, senior member of the Zhào lineage and chief minister of Jìn. Remarks attributed to Confucius defend the ascription to Zhào Dùn, stating that had he fled across the border, he would have avoided blame. That Zhào Dùn was assigned responsibility for a crime he did not commit has been a source of much (...)
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    Rhetorical Bodies and Movement-Images in the 1949 Tamil Film Velaikari.Gopalan Ravindran - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (1):45-65.
    The notion of ‘rhetorical bodies’ argues the cause of the rhetorical elements in the material and the material elements in the rhetorical in ways that can be seen as analogous to the bi-partite modes of Deleuzian film philosophy, ‘movement-image’ and ‘time-image’. Tamil films of the 1940s and 1950s bear the strong imprints of the rhetorical elements of the Self-Respect Movement and Dravidian Movement, which took root in different versions during the 1920s–60s. The narrative locations of the bodies in the Tamil (...)
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    Rome Personified, Rome Epitomized: Representations of Rome in the Poetry of the Early Fifth Century.Michael Roberts - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (4):533-565.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.4 (2001) 533-565 [Access article in PDF] Rome Personified, Rome Epitomized: Representations of Rome in the Poetry of the Early Fifth Century Michael Roberts The last years of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century (the reigns of Theodosius and his sons) mark a crucial stage in the Christianization of Rome. 1 The hold of the city and all it stood for on (...)
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    Johann Christian von Boineburg, Samuel Pufendorf, and the foundation myth of modern natural law.Gábor Gángó - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (3):523-542.
    The aim is to contribute to a better understanding of Samuel Pufendorf’s road from his early Elementa jurisprudentiae universalis, published in late 1660 to the eight ‘books’ of De jure naturae et gentium from 1672. In the latter, Pufendorf completed a methodical shift from the more geometrico method to a universal jurisprudence based upon a wide range of humanistic arts, including history. In this connection, Pufendorf gave more credit to Hugo Grotius and his De jure belli ac pacis than in (...)
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    Just Peace: A Dangerous Objective.Yossi Beilin - 2006 - In Alexis Keller (ed.), What is a Just Peace? Oxford University Press.
    Beilin was a former chief negotiator for the Israeli government in the Oslo process at Camp David and Taba. He brings a valuable contribution to this volume as a practitioner and political scientist involved directly in conflict negotiations. After fulfilling his post as the Minister of Justice for the Israeli government, he became one of the lead Israeli representatives in the Geneva Accord negotiations. In this sceptical work, Beilin points to the possible dangers of speaking about the combined (...)
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    Thomas Cromwell: Machiavellian Statecraft and the English Reformation.Patrick Coby - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Thomas Cromwell, chief architect of the English Reformation, served as minister of Henry VIII from 1531 to 1540, the period during which more political and religious reform was accomplished than at any other time in Henry's thirty-seven-year reign. This biography_the first in a generation and the only one now in print_looks at his work and achievements during this period, and includes earlier and more critical assessments that view Cromwell as a disciple of Machiavelli.
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    Neither One Thing Nor The Other.Jon Adams - 2006 - Metascience 15 (3):613-615.
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    The history of Ukrainian Association of Researchers of Religion to the 25th anniversary of establising.Viktoriia Borodina & Ihor Kozlovskyi - 2021 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 92:166-175.
    In this issue, the founder of the Donetsk regional branch of the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies, theologian, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of the Department of Religious Studies of the GS Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Center for Religious Studies member of the Expert Council on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, member of the Strategic Council under the Minister of (...)
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  15.  14
    Theodor von Mopsuestia Und Junilius Africanus Als Exegeten: Nebst Einer Kritischen Textausgabe von des Letzteren Instituta Regularia Divinae Legis.Heinrich Kihn - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this foundational study, originally published in 1880, Heinrich Kihn, professor of theology at Würzburg, compared the exegetical work of two significant figures in late antiquity. Theodore, born at Antioch and a friend of John Chrysostom, was an influential bishop of Mopsuestia from 392 to 428. His work was widely regarded as heretical in the centuries following his death. A century later Junillus Africanus served as chief legal minister to the Byzantine emperor Justinian and wrote a handbook of (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Video Games as Self‐Involving Interactive Fictions.Jon Robson & Aaron Meskin - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (2):165-177.
    This article explores the nature and theoretical import of a hitherto neglected class of fictions which we term ‘self-involving interactive fictions’. SIIFs are interactive fictions, but they differ from standard examples of interactive fictions by being, in some important sense, about those who consume them. In order to better understand the nature of SIIFs, and the ways in which they differ from other fictions, we focus primarily on the most prominent example of the category: video-game fictions. We argue that appreciating (...)
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    Berkeley's Impact on Scottish Philosophers.G. E. Davie - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):222 - 234.
    In 1728, when the sixteen-year-old Hume, still apparently ‘at college’, was beginning, all unknown to his family, to turn his attention to philosophy, Edinburgh and Glasgow were swarming with earnest metaphysicians, many of them not much older than Hume himself. ‘It is well known’, the Ochtertyre papers relate, ‘that between the years 1723 and 1740 nothing was in more request with the Edinburgh literati, both laical and clerical, than metaphysical disquisitions’, and Locke, Clarke, Butler and Berkeley are mentioned as the (...)
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    Ethical and professional concerns in research utilisation.Paul C. Snelling - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (7):784-797.
    Intentional rounding, a process involving the performance of regular checks on all patients following a standardised protocol, is being introduced widely in the United Kingdom. The process has been promoted by the Prime Minister and publicised by the Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health as well as by influential think tanks and individual National Health Service organisations. An evidence base is offered in justification. This article subjects the evidence base to critical scrutiny concluding that it consists (...)
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    Coercive persuasion in the rebranding Nigeria campaign discourse.Adeyemi Adegoju - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (1):36-52.
    ABSTRACT This article examines the discursive practices of coercive persuasion deployed by Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Communications to justify the rebranding Nigeria campaign as a policy designed for value reorientation of the citizenry in the wake of the country’s image crisis both domestically and internationally. Sampling data from select addresses and interviews of the country’s chief image maker during the campaign, the study analyses some discourse structures and strategies in the public discourse, drawing theoretical insights from van (...)
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  20.  24
    In Search of the Origin of the Enumeration of Hell-kings in an Early Medieval Chinese Buddhist Scripture: Why did King Bimbis?ra become Yama after his Disastrous Defeat in Battle in the Wen diyu jing???? (‘S?tra on Questions on Hells’)?Frederick Shih-Chung Chen - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 31 (1):53-64.
    The idea of a purgatorial journey to the Ten Kings of the Ten Hells is a distinctive feature of funerals and ancestral worship in Chinese Buddhism and Chinese popular religions. In Indian Buddhism ideas emerged of chief deities presiding over others in a few of many heavens and of various hells with different tortures governed by Yama and his messengers, yet the idea that each hell was governed by a ‘king’ is not found in early Indian Buddhist sources. This (...)
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    Executive Turnovers in 2000.Masaru Kohno & Atsuko Suga - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (2):329-331.
    On April 5 2000, the Diet elected Yoshiro Mori as Japan's 55th prime minister. His predecessor, Keizo Obuchi, had suffered a stroke and became unable to carry out his official responsibility. Mori, who was the former Secretary General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), inherited the three party coalition between the LDP, the new Komei Party and the Conservative Party, and reappointed all of Obuchi's cabinet members. Yohei Kono was reposted as the Minister of Foreign Affairs; Hideo (...)
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  22. Rawls on global economic justice: a critical examination.Jon Mandle & Sarah Roberts-Cady (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
  23.  18
    De functie van de kabinetschef.Aloïs Van De Voorde - 1985 - Res Publica (Misc) 27 (2-3):297-310.
    In Belgium, as in most countries, each Minister or Secretary is assisted by a limited number of trusted collaborators who constitute the Ministerial Office.The article is an attempt to shed a light on the Chief Ministerial Officer who is the closest collaborator of the Minister.In order to show the role of the Chief Ministerial Officer, the article first describes the tasks, powers and composition of the Ministerial Office to proceed to a more extensive analysis of the (...)
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    Foucault & the political.Jon Simons - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    This is the first major study of Michel Foucault as a political thinker. Written in clear prose, Foucault and the Political explores the ramifications for political theory of the whole range of Foucault's writing, including materials only recently made available. Jon Simons argues that Foucault's work is animated by a tension between his presentation of modern life as "unbearably heavy" and his temptation to escape its limitations by aiming for "unbearable lightness." Through expositions of Foucault's ideas on power/knowledge, subjectification, governmentality, (...)
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  25.  49
    Ageism in the COVID-19 pandemic: age-based discrimination in triage decisions and beyond.Jon Rueda - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-7.
    Ageism has unfortunately become a salient phenomenon during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, triage decisions based on age have been hotly discussed. In this article, I first defend that, although there are ethical reasons (founded on the principles of benefit and fairness) to consider the age of patients in triage dilemmas, using age as a categorical exclusion is an unjustifiable ageist practice. Then, I argue that ageism during the pandemic has been fueled by media narratives and unfair assumptions which have (...)
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  26. Semiosic Synechism: A Peircean Argumentation.Jon Alan Schmidt - manuscript
    Although he is best known as the founder of pragmatism, the name that Charles Sanders Peirce prefers to use for his comprehensive system of thought is "synechism" because the principle of continuity is its central thesis. This paper arranges and summarizes numerous quotations and citations from his voluminous writings to formalize and explicate his distinctive mathematical conceptions of hyperbolic and topical continuity, both of which are derived from the direct observation of time as their paradigmatic manifestation, and then apply them (...)
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    Length contraction and clock synchronisation: The empirical equivalence of the Einsteinian and lorentzian theories.Jon Dorling - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (1):67-69.
  28. The Multiple Self.Jon Elster - 1986 - Ethics 98 (3):566-578.
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  29. Bicollective Ground: Towards a (Hyper)graphic Account.Jon Erling Litland - 2018 - In Ricki Bliss & Graham Priest (eds.), Reality and its Structure: Essays in Fundamentality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 140-164.
    Grounding is bicollective if it is possible for some truths δ,δ,... to be grounded in the some truths γ,γ,... without its being the case that each δi is grounded in some subcollection of γ,γ,.... In this paper I show how to do develop a hypergraph-theoretic account of bicollective ground, taking the notion of immediate ground as basic. I also indicate how bicollective ground helps with formulating mathematical structuralism.
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    Evidence and Epistemic Causality.Michael Wilde & Jon Williamson - unknown
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    The Israel-hezbollah war and the Winograd committee.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - unknown
    On July 12, 2006, the Hezbollah terrorist organization attacked two Israeli Defense Forces' armored Hummer jeeps patrolling along the border with gunfire and explosives, in the midst of massive shelling attacks on Israel's north. Three soldiers were killed in the attack and two were taken hostage. The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) began heavy artillery and tank fire. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert convened the government on Wednesday night, June 12, 2006 to decide Israel's reaction. The government agreed that the attack (...)
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    Policy Brief.Shamima Parvin Lasker - 2020 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 10 (2).
    Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC20) was held on 22-25 Nov. 2019 at DGHS (Directorate General of Health Services) auditorium, Mohakhali and NEC (National Election Commission) Auditorium, Agargoan, Dhaka. Conference was organized by Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS) in cooperation of DGHS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare; Social Science Research Council Bangladesh, Ministry of Planning; Bangladesh Medical Research Council, Mohakhali Dhaka; Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) and Eubios Ethics Institute, Thailand, New Zealand’s and Japan. Mr MA Mannan MP, Honorable Planning Minister, Government (...)
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  33. How Can Causal Explanations Explain?Jon Williamson - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (2):257-275.
    The mechanistic and causal accounts of explanation are often conflated to yield a ‘causal-mechanical’ account. This paper prizes them apart and asks: if the mechanistic account is correct, how can causal explanations be explanatory? The answer to this question varies according to how causality itself is understood. It is argued that difference-making, mechanistic, dualist and inferentialist accounts of causality all struggle to yield explanatory causal explanations, but that an epistemic account of causality is more promising in this regard.
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  34. Keywords.Jon Williamson - unknown
    Machamer, Darden and Craver: ‘Mechanisms are entities and activities organized such that they are productive of regular changes from start or set-up to finish or termination conditions.’ (Machamer, Darden and Craver 2000 p3.) Glennan: ‘A mechanism for a behavior is a complex system that produces that behavior by the interaction of a number of parts, where the interactions between parts can be characterized by direct, invariant, change-relating generalizations.’ (Glennan 2002b pS344.) Bechtel and Abrahamsen: ‘A mechanism is a structure performing a (...)
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    Philosophical ideas in spiritual culture of the indigenous peoples of north America.S. V. Rudenko & Y. A. Sobolievskyi - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:168-182.
    The purpose of the article is to reveal philosophical ideas in the mythology and folklore of the indigenous peoples of North America. An important question: "Can we assume that the spiritual culture of the American Indians contained philosophical knowledge?" remains relevant today. For example, European philosophy is defined by appeals to philosophers of the past, their texts. The philosophical tradition is characterized by rational argumentation and formulation of philosophical questions that differ from the questions of ordinary language. However, the problem (...)
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  36.  42
    Attention and the crossmodal construction of space.Jon Driver & Charles Spence - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (7):254-262.
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    Enlightened moderation under Pervez musharraf regime.Afshan Aziz & Tanweer Khalid - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (1):113-122.
    Pervez Musharraf was the thirteenth Chief of the Army staff and tenth president of Pakistan. In October 1999, he took over as a Chief Executive of Pakistan by dismissing then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Military takeover was savored by the people of Pakistan due to bad governance of democratic Governments. Unlike the former dictator Gen Zia ul Haq, Gen. Pervez Musharraf gave the impression of being secular and liberal. He was an ardent admirer of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk (...)
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    Sozzini's Ghost: Pierre Bayle and Socinian Toleration.Barbara Sher Tinsley - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (4):609-624.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sozzini’s Ghost: Pierre Bayle and Socinian TolerationBarbara Sher TinsleyPierre Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary (1686–87), a Huguenot exile’s response to the Revocation of Nantes, established its author as a defender of free conscience for pagans, Muslims, Jews, atheists, Catholics, Protestants, Anabaptists, and Socinians. 1 The virtues of Pagans and Atheists are most fully treated in Bayle’s work on the comet. 2 In this work pagans, Catholics (whom Bayle equated with pagan (...)
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    Extrapolating from model organisms in pharmacology.Veli-Pekka Parkkinen & Jon Williamson - unknown
    In this chapter we explore the process of extrapolating causal claims from model organisms to humans in pharmacology. We describe and compare four strategies of extrapolation: enumerative induction, comparative process tracing, phylogenetic reasoning, and robustness reasoning. We argue that evidence of mechanisms plays a crucial role in several strategies for extrapolation and in the underlying logic of extrapolation: the more directly a strategy establishes mechanistic similarities between a model and humans, the more reliable the extrapolation. We present case studies from (...)
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    The Place of Ethics in Business.Jon M. Shepard, Jon Shepard, James C. Wimbush & Carroll U. Stephens - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):577-601.
    This article uses concepts from sociology, history, and philosophy to explore the shifting relationship between moral values and business in the Western world. We examine the historical roots and intellectual underpinnings of two major business-society paradigms in ideal-type terms. In pre-industrial Western society, we argue that business activity was linked to society’s values of morality (the moral unity paradigm}-for good or for ill. With the rise of industrialism, we contend that business was freed from moral constraints by the alleged “invisible (...)
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  41. Naturalism.Jon Jacobs - 2002 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Teaching business ethics through literature.Jon M. Shepard, Michael G. Goldsby & Virginia W. Gerde - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (1):33-51.
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    Being an abortion provider as a conflict of interest.Michal Pruski - 2022 - Catholic Medical Quarterly 72 (4):23.
    Dear Editor, -/- One of the recent changes in the UK cabinet, after Liz Truss became the Prime Minister, was that Dr Therese Coffey become the new Health Secretary. Some news outlets were quick to point out her anti-abortion stance (see e.g. (1–3)) and that this, according to them, might be a problem. While pro-lifers might not completely rejoice over this situation as Coffey stated that ‘she wouldn’t “seek to undo” abortion laws’(3), I do not wish to focus here (...)
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    Maxwell's attempts to arrive at non-speculative foundations for the kinetic theory.Jon Dorling - 1970 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 1 (3):229-248.
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    Gilles Deleuze's Empiricism and Subjectivity: A Critical Introduction and Guide.Jon Roffe - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Jon Roffe shows how Empiricism and Subjectivity is the precursor for some of Deleuze's most well-known philosophical innovations. For those already familiar with Deleuze, he emphasises its novelty within his corpus. And, for all readers, he shows how it outlines Deleuze's powerful and striking theory of subjectivity, and of philosophy itself. Empiricism and Subjectivity is Gilles Deleuze's first book, and yet it is infrequently read and poorly understood. In fact, it constitutes a unique project in its own right, deserving of (...)
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    Discourses of defense: Self and other positioning in public responses to accusations of corruption in Jordan.Muhammad A. Badarneh - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (4):399-417.
    Public accusations of corruption leveled against public figures and institutions in Jordan have recently become a prominent feature of public discourse in the country. Informed by positioning theory as an analytical framework, this study focuses on public responses to such accusations through a discourse analysis of two major apologetic statements, or apologiae, issued in Jordan in 2018 and 2019: one by a controversial former royal court chief and minister of planning in response to public accusations of corruption and (...)
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    The Oldest and Most Respected Uniform in the World.Zelig R. Weinstein - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):212-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Oldest and Most Respected Uniform in the World1Zelig R. Weinstein“And all the peoples of the earth shall see that the name of the LORD is called upon thee; and they shall be afraid of thee.”(Deuteronomy 28:10)Rabbi Eliezer the Great says that this verse alludes to the Tefillin Shel Rosh, the small leather box containing Biblical verses that are worn by Jewish men on their head. During Talmudic times (...)
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  48. Objective Bayesianism with predicate languages.Jon Williamson - 2008 - Synthese 163 (3):341-356.
    Objective Bayesian probability is often defined over rather simple domains, e.g., finite event spaces or propositional languages. This paper investigates the extension of objective Bayesianism to first-order logical languages. It is argued that the objective Bayesian should choose a probability function, from all those that satisfy constraints imposed by background knowledge, that is closest to a particular frequency-induced probability function which generalises the λ = 0 function of Carnap’s continuum of inductive methods.
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    Art and Delusion.Jon Jureidini - 2003 - The Monist 86 (4):556-578.
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    In philosophical defence of Bayesian rationality.Jon Dorling - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):249-250.
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