Results for 'Chia-Hsiang Pi'

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  1. Sheng tsʻun ting lü.Chia-Hsiang Pi - 1977
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    A nationwide evaluation on electronic medication‐related information provided by hospital websites.Hsiang-Wen Lin, Chung-Hui Ku, Jui-fen Li, An Chee Tan & Chia-Hung Chou - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):304-310.
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    Experiential ownership and body ownership are different phenomena.Caleb Liang, Wen-Hsiang Lin, Tai-Yuan Chang, Chi-Hong Chen, Chen-Wei Wu, Wen-Yeo Chen, Hsu-Chia Huang & Yen-Tung Lee - 2021 - Scientific Reports 10602 (11):1-11.
    Body ownership concerns what it is like to feel a body part or a full body as mine, and has become a prominent area of study. We propose that there is a closely related type of bodily self-consciousness largely neglected by researchers—experiential ownership. It refers to the sense that I am the one who is having a conscious experience. Are body ownership and experiential ownership actually the same phenomenon or are they genuinely different? In our experiments, the participant watched a (...)
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  4. Neurodynamic and Particle Swarm Optimization-Application of a Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization for the Multilevel Thresholding in Image Processing.Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen & Chiuh-Cheng Chyu - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1183-1192.
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    科学哲学与科学社会学.Stewart Richards, Erh-Ch Iang Yao & Pin-Hsiang Chia - 1989
    译自: Philosophy and sociology of science: an introduction/Stewart Richards. -- 英国: Blackwell, 1983.
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  6. Hsin ju chia ssu hsiang shih.Chia-sen Chang - 1979
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  7. (1 other version)Chung-kuo ku tai ssŭ hsiang chia.Chia-hua Shih - 1962
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    The Impact of a Flipped Classroom on the Creativity of Students in a Cake Decorating Art Club.Li-Chu Tien, Shih-Yen Lin, Hsiang Yin & Jen-Chia Chang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study explored the effect of learning strategies in a student organization on cake art creativity. The participants were 27 student members of a cake decorating art club from one central university in Taiwan. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design was adopted, with 90 h of experimental teaching over 16 weeks. The results, which included the use of a questionnaire, classroom observation, and in-depth interviews, suggest that in terms of creativity, the group participating in flipped classroom learning significantly outperformed the group using (...)
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    How Can Manufacturers Promote Green Innovation in Food Supply Chain? Cost Sharing Strategy for Supplier Motivation.Jianhong He, Yaling Lei, Xiao Fu, Chia-Hsun Lin & Chih-Hsiang Chang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Chung-kuo ssŭ hsiang ming chu. Yang, Chia-lo & [From Old Catalog] - 1959
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  11. Kʻung-tzu chiao yü ssu hsiang yen chiu.Chia-ho Wang - 1975
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  12. Chou Chʻin ming chia san tzŭ chiao chʻüan.Chʻi-Hsiang Wang - 1957 - I Wen Yin Shu Kuan. Edited by Wen Yin & Long Gongsun.
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  13. The educational front is an important battlefield of class-struggle-after reading'kung, Chiu chiao-yu ssu-hsiang pi-pan'[critique of confucius educational outlook].T. Shih - 1980 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 11 (2):12-18.
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  14. Kʻung Meng Hsün chiao yü che hsüeh ssu hsiang pi chiao fen hsi yen chiu.Yung-hsi Lin - 1976 - Wen Ching Shu Chü.
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  15. Ju chia ssu hsiang yü San min chu i.Mien Hu - 1980
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  16. Ju Chia Ssu Hsiang Hsin Lun Ch Uang Tsao Hsing Chuan Huan Ti Tzu Wo.Wei-Ming Tu, Wen-Chang Chou, Ting Shan & Yu-hua Ts ao - 1996
  17. Ju chia ssu hsiang yü kuo chi she hui.Chao-Hsiung Chʻeng - 1975 - Tʻai-pei : Ho lo tʻu shu chʻu pan she yin hsing,:
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  18. Ju chia jen pen ssu hsiang.Wen-ho Yang - 1976 - Tʻai-pei : Li ming wen hua shih yeh ku fen yu hsien kung ssu,:
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  19. Ju chia ssŭ hsiang yü kuo chi shê hui.Chao-Hsiung ChʻêNg - 1960
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  20. Hsien Chʻin ju chia cheng chih ssu hsiang lun.Kʻo-hao Chung - 1975 - Chin Jih T Ai-Wan She.
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  21. Jen pen ssu hsiang ti nei han chi chʻi chia chih.Sung-po Tu - 1978
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  22. Yin yang wu hsing chia ssu hsiang chih shu pʻing.Wei Kuo - 1979
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  23. Ju fa tao san chia ssu hsiang ti chieh ho tui Chung-kuo ku tai cheng chih chih ying hsiang.Shu-fan Yang - 1976
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  24. Shih chieh ta ssu hsiang chia lieh chuan.Yün Chʻin - 1975
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  25. Hsien Ch in Fa Chia Ssu Hsiang Shih Lun.Hsiao-po Wang - 1991
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  26. Hsien Chʻin ju chia cheng chih ssu hsiang yen chiu.Chʻung-chʻin Chung - 1977 - Hua Kang Ch U Pan Yu Hsien Kung Ssu.
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  27. Hsien Chʻin ju tao liang chia hsing shang ssu hsiang ti yen chiu.Ling-Ling Chao - 1974 - [s.l.: : S.N.].
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  28. Hsien Chʻin ju tao Mo fa ssu chia hsüeh shu ssu hsiang chih yen chiu.Kʻai-ti Pʻeng - 1974 - [s.l.: : s.n.] ; Tʻai-pei : Yin shua chen Chen i tsʻai se yin shua yu hsien kung ssu.
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  29. Wen i fu hsing shih tai ssu hsiang chia.Tso-min Feng (ed.) - 1974
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  30. Hsien Chʻin ju tao liang chia chih yü chou kuan pi chiao.Feng-I. Teng - 1976
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    Ming mo san ta ssŭ hsiang chia.Tingfu Yang - 1955
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  32. Hsien Chʻin ju tao liang chia hsing shang ssu hsiang ti yen chiu.Ling-Ling Chao - 1977 - [s.l.: : S.N.].
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  33. Chung-kuo ku tai ta ssŭ hsiang chia.Ying Li - 1956
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  34. San min chu i yü hsien Chʻin ju chia cheng chih ssu hsiang.Chʻun-Fang Li - 1978
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  35. Fo tʻo yü Kʻung-tzu chiao yü ssu hsiang ti pi chiao.Po-ta Chʻen - 1973
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  36. Kʻung-tzu--wan ku ti wei hu nu li chih ti ssu hsiang chia.Jung-kuo Yang - 1973
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  37. Kʻai chʻuang hsing ti hsien Chʻin ssu hsiang chia.Cheng-tʻung Wei - 1972
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  38. Tsʻung fa shih cheng chu i chih kuan tien lun Chung-kuo fa chia ssu hsiang.Tung-Hsiung Tai - 1973 - Tai Tung-Hsiung : San Min Shu Chü Tsung Ching Hsiao.
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    The effects of issue characteristics on the recognition of moral issues.Andrey Chia & Swee Mee Lim - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (3):255-269.
    The construct of moral intensity, proposed by Jones (1991), was used to predict the extent to which individuals were able to recognize moral issues. We tested for the effects of the six dimensions of moral intensity: social consensus, proximity, concentration of effect, probability of effect, temporal immediacy and magnitude of consequences. A scenario-based study, conducted among business individuals in Singapore, revealed that social consensus and magnitude of consequences influenced the recognition of moral issues. The study provided evidence for the effects (...)
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    Pi Xirui ru xue lun ji.Xirui Pi - 2010 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Bin Pan.
    皮锡瑞, 晚期著名学者, 经学家.其主张解经不应"护党妒真".皮氏为各家公认的晚清经学大师.皮氏为学不主一家, 多持平允之论, 著述宏富.本书收入皮锡瑞代表性经学著作"经学历史", "经学通论", "经学家法讲义"以及其所作序跋19种.
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  41. Mei-kuo ssu hsiang shih.Paul Stanislaus Hsiang - 1972
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    Sacrificing the Career or the Family?: Orthodox Jewish Women between Secular Work and the Sacred Home.Chia Longman - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (3):223-239.
    This article addresses the question of women's agency in traditionalist religion, through a study of self-narratives by women in the Orthodox Jewish community of Antwerp, Belgium. Women who study or work outside the boundaries of their community were interviewed about their experiences in negotiating gender ideologies by moving in and between the `secular' and `religious' spaces of higher education, work and home. Various subject positions emerged in terms of either rejecting, separating or reconciling dominant community norms regarding women's proper role (...)
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    ¿Inmortalidad digital? La transferencia mental y la búsqueda de la vida eterna.Roland Chia - 2023 - Medicina y Ética 34 (4):1036-1088.
    La búsqueda de la inmortalidad es probablemente tan antigua como la propia humanidad. En las últimas décadas, un grupo de científicos y futuristas que se describen a sí mismos como transhumanistas, han explorado la posibilidad de cargar la mente humana en un ordenador como una posible forma de alcanzar la “inmortalidad”. Este artículo analiza la idea de cargar la mente desde el punto de vista de la antropología teológica y la escatología. Examina las implicaciones de la transferencia mental en nuestra (...)
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    Dream Big: Effects of Capitals, Socioeconomic Status, Negative Culture, and Educational Aspirations Among the Senior High School Student Athletes.Chia-Wen Lee, Ming-Chia Yeh & Huang-Chia Hung - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    To understand the impact of social, financial, cultural capitals, negative culture, and socioeconomic status of families on educational aspiration in the senior high school student athletes, it will be beneficial to promote their career developments. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of ethnicity, year of sport experience family income, the educational expectations of significant others, and the three aforementioned types of capital on educational aspiration among the senior high school student athletes. This study was conducted with (...)
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    CSR for Happiness: Corporate determinants of societal happiness as social responsibility.Austin Chia, Margaret L. Kern & Benjamin A. Neville - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):422-437.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Bulgakov's Economic Man—Re-thinking the Construction of Capitalist Economic Ethics Theory.Hsiang Yi Lin - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):189-202.
    An economic man, i.e., the leading role in economic ethics, has been deeply investigated in our study considering a human being’s economic behavior and the hypotheses for an economic man in traditional economics based on M. Weber’s and S. N. Bulgakov’s Christian economic man. Among various channels to study business ethics and economic ethics, we chose the definition of an economic man given by Weber and Bulgakov to review a hypothesis about a rational economic man in economics and discussed L. (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Contextualism and the Semantics of "Woman".Hsiang-Yun Chen - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    Contextualist accounts of “woman,” including Saul (2012), Diaz-Leon (2016), and Ichikawa (2020), aim to capture the variability of the meaning of the term, and do justice to the rights of trans women. I argue that (i) there is an internal tension between a contextualist stance and the commitment to trans-inclusive language, and that (ii) we should recognize and tackle the broader and deeper theoretical and practical difficulties implicit in the semantic debates, rather than collapsing them all into semantics. Moving on, (...)
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    Towards the Methodological Turn in the Philosophy of Science.Hsiang-Ke Chao, Szu-Ting Chen & Roberta L. Millstein - 2013 - In Hsiang-Ke Chao, Szu-Ting Chen & Roberta L. Millstein, Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics. Dordrecht: Springer.
    This chapter provides an introduction to the study of the philosophical notions of mechanisms and causality in biology and economics. This chapter sets the stage for this volume, Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics, in three ways. First, it gives a broad review of the recent changes and current state of the study of mechanisms and causality in the philosophy of science. Second, consistent with a recent trend in the philosophy of science to focus on scientific practices, it in (...)
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  49. Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics.Hsiang-Ke Chao, Szu-Ting Chen & Roberta L. Millstein - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This volume addresses fundamental issues in the philosophy of science in the context of two most intriguing fields: biology and economics. Written by authorities and experts in the philosophy of biology and economics, Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics provides a structured study of the concepts of mechanism and causality in these disciplines and draws careful juxtapositions between philosophical apparatus and scientific practice. By exploring the issues that are most salient to the contemporary philosophies of biology and economics and (...)
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  50. To Mask or Not to Mask.Hsiang-Yun Chen, Li-an Yu & Linus Ta-Lun Huang - 2021 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):503-512.
    Reluctance to adopt mask-wearing as a preventive measure is widely observed in many Western societies since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemics. This reluctance toward mask adoption, like any other complex social phenomena, will have multiple causes. Plausible explanations have been identified, including political polarization, skepticism about media reports and the authority of public health agencies, and concerns over liberty, amongst others. In this paper, we propose potential explanations hitherto unnoticed, based on the framework of epistemic injustice. We show how (...)
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