Results for 'Charmine Hartel'

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  1.  59
    Are Authentic Leaders Always Moral? The Role of Machiavellianism in the Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Morality.Sen Sendjaya, Andre Pekerti, Charmine Härtel, Giles Hirst & Ivan Butarbutar - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1):125-139.
    Drawing on cognitive moral development and moral identity theories, this study empirically examines the moral antecedents and consequences of authentic leadership. Machiavellianism, an individual difference variable relating to the use of the ‘end justifies the means’ principle, is predicted to affect the link between morality and leadership. Analyses of multi-source, multi-method data comprised case studies, simulations, role-playing exercises, and survey questionnaires were completed by 70 managers in a large public agency, and provide support for our hypotheses. Our findings reveal that (...)
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  2.  29
    Book Review: Neal M. Ashkanasy, Charmine E.J. Härtel, and Wilfred J. Zerbe. 2000. Emotions in the Workplace: Research, Theory, and Practice. Westport, CT: Quorum. 328 pages, $75.00. [REVIEW]Darlene Bay - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (1):153-160.
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  3. Öko-Portfolio: Methode zur Beurteilung der Recyclingeignung.Marko Hartel & Dieter Spath - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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    Two separate pathways for cerebellar LTD: NO-dependent and NO-independent.Nick A. Hartell - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):453-455.
  5.  11
    Leaving Mother Behind: On the Production and Replacement of the Maternal in Space.Insa Härtel - 2002 - In Insa Härtel & Sigrid Schade (eds.), Body and representation. Opladen: Leske + Budrich. pp. 123--129.
  6.  11
    Wie sich die Dinge präsentieren: Auf den Wegen jüdischer Grabsteine aus Regensburg.Susanne Härtel - 2012 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 46 (1):485-512.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 46 Heft: 1 Seiten: 485-512.
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    Ethics and Environmental Policy: Theory Meets Practice.Frederick Ferré & Peter Hartel (eds.) - 1994 - University of Georgia Press.
    In this collection of essays, leading environmentalists and philosophers explore the relationship between environmental ethics and policy, both in theory and practice. The first section of the book focuses on four approaches to change in ethical theory: ecological science, feminist metaphysics, Chinese philosophy, and holistic postmodern technology. In subsequent sections the contributors emphasize the need for nontraditional solutions and attempt to expand awareness of the most pressing practical problems. Among the topics discussed are the possibilities of real international cooperation, the (...)
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  8.  13
    Agricultural ethics: issues for the 21st century: proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, and the Crop Science Society of America in Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1992.Peter Hartel, Kathryn Paxton George & James Vorst (eds.) - 1994 - Madison, Wis., USA: CSSA.
    Agricultural ethics looks at the philosophical, social, political, legal, economic, scientific, and aesthetic aspects of agricultural problems and provides guidance for decisions about these problems when they involve competing values.
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  9.  37
    Kleinere Schrifttexte.Edwin Gerow, Heinrich Lüders, Herbert Härtel, Heinrich Luders & Herbert Hartel - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):674.
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  10.  30
    The COVID-19 pandemic and organ donation and transplantation: ethical issues.Marie-Chantal Fortin, T. Murray Wilson, Lindsay C. Wilson, Matthew-John Weiss, Christy Simpson, Laura Hornby, David Hartell, Aviva Goldberg, Jennifer A. Chandler, Rosanne Dawson & Ban Ibrahim - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the health system worldwide. The organ and tissue donation and transplantation (OTDT) system is no exception and has had to face ethical challenges related to the pandemic, such as risks of infection and resource allocation. In this setting, many Canadian transplant programs halted their activities during the first wave of the pandemic.MethodTo inform future ethical guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic or other public health emergencies of international concern, we conducted a (...)
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  11.  38
    Representing the NCI Thesaurus in OWL DL: Modeling tools help modeling languages.Natalya F. Noy, Sherri de Coronado, Harold Solbrig, Gilberto Fragoso, Frank W. Hartel & Mark A. Musen - 2008 - Applied ontology 3 (3):173-190.
    The National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Thesaurus is a biomedical reference ontology. The NCI Thesaurus is represented using description logic, more specifically Ontylog, a description logic implemen...
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  12.  20
    Beiträge zur Indienforschung, Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmetBeitrage zur Indienforschung, Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet. [REVIEW]D. Seyfort Ruegg, Herbert Härtel & Herbert Hartel - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (3):649.
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  13.  9
    Zu Ennodius Carm. 2,1 Hartel.Willy Schetter - 1986 - Hermes 114 (4):500-502.
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  14.  61
    Some Greek Grammars Georg Curtius' Griechische Schulgrammatik, achtzehnte wesentlich veränderte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm von Hartel. Leipzig. 1888. Mk. 2.40. Methodik des Grammatischen Unterrichtes im Griechischen im Anschlnsse an W. v. Hartel's Neubearbeitung der Griechischen Sehulgrammatik von Georg Curtius, verfasst von Dr August Scheindler. Leipzig. 1888. Abriss der Grammatik des homerischen nnd herodotischen Dialekts, im Anschlusse an die 18 Auflage, von Dr. Curtius' Griechischen Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm Von Hartel. 60 pf. Kurzgefasste griechische Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Bernhardt Gerth. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig. C. F. Winter. 1 Mk. 60. [REVIEW]W. Gunion Rutherford - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (07):218-.
    Georg Curtius' Griechische Schulgrammatik, achtzehnte wesentlich veränderte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm von Hartel. Leipzig. 1888. Mk. 2.40.Methodik des Grammatischen Unterrichtes im Griechischen im Anschlnsse an W. v. Hartel's Neubearbeitung der Griechischen Sehulgrammatik von Georg Curtius, verfasst von Dr August Scheindler. Leipzig. 1888.Abriss der Grammatik des homerischen nnd herodotischen Dialekts, im Anschlusse an die 18 Auflage, von Dr. Curtius' Griechischen Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm Von Hartel. 60 pf.Kurzgefasste griechische Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Bernhardt Gerth. Zweite verbesserte (...)
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  15.  47
    Escorial Ms. O III 2 And Related Manuscripts Of Seneca's Natural Questions.H. M. Hine - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (2):296-311.
    Löwe and von Hartel have drawn attention to the striking similarity between R's contents and those of a lost manuscript bequeathed by Philippe d' Harcourt to the library at Bee. This manuscript is described in a twelfth-century catalogue as follows:7 ‘in alio Seneca de naturalibus questionibus et Adelermus Batensis [Adhelardus Bathonensis Becker), Proba vates, Aurea Capra, et liber Hildeberti Turonensis archiepiscopi de dissensione interioris et exterioris hominis, et sermones eius et uita ipsius.’.
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  16.  18
    Zwischen Universitätsreformen und katholischer Renaissance.Josef Hlade & Rudolf Meer - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (2):293-328.
    With the first edition of the Philosophical Criticism, published in the 1870s and 1880s, Alois Riehl became the founder and most important representative of Realistic Criticism, and emerged as one of the leading figures in German-speaking philosophy at the turn of the century. In 1901, he applied for a chair at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Vienna. In the appointment procedure for the succession to Ernst Mach, he was chosen by the committee with the recommendation unico loco, (...)
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  17.  16
    Domain Analysis Applied to Online Graffiti Art Image Galleries to Reveal Knowledge Organization Structures Used Within an Outsider Art Community.Ann M. Graf - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 47 (7):543-557.
    Domain analysis is useful for examination of individual spheres of intellectual activity, both academic and otherwise, and has been used in the knowledge organization (KO) literature to explore specific communities and uses, including web pornography (Beaudoin and Ménard 2015), virtual online worlds (Sköld, Olle 2015), gourmet cooking (Hartel 2010), healthy eating (McTavish 2015), art studies (Ørom 2003), the Knowledge Organization journal (Guimarães et al. 2013), and domain analysis itself (Smiraglia 2015). The results of domain analyses are useful for the (...)
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  18.  14
    Esempi animali e pietas filiale nella Dictio 17 di Ennodio.Amedeo Raschieri - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (1):57-77.
    La Dictio 17 (= 239 Vogel) di Ennodio è una controuersia in cui il declamatore si scaglia contro un figlio che non ha provveduto al mantenimento del padre anziano tanto da provocarne la morte. L’argomentazione è rafforzata da esempi di animali, aquile e lupi, che, a differenza dell’accusato, si prendono cura dei genitori. Nell’esempio delle aquile è sfruttato un tema ampiamente diffuso nella tradizione esegetica biblica; in particolare, Ennodio dimostra strette consonanze con la versione di questo motivo che si legge (...)
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  19.  42
    Notes On Paulinus of Nola, Carmina.A. Hudson Williams - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (02):453-.
    Among the Christian Latin poets Paulinus, Bishop of Nola in the early fifth century and for Gronovius the ‘swan’ of that city, occupies a prominent place and his work throws important light on contemporary tendencies in language and literature as well as on religious customs. In editing both his epistles and poems W. von Hartel performed a valuable service. Yet, great as was the improvement upon the Migne edition , numerous questions of text and interpretation have remained to be (...)
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