  1.  11
    Thank You for Dying for Our Country: Commemorative Texts and Performances in Jerusalem.Chaim Noy - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Combining ethnographic, semiotic, and performative approaches, this book examines texts and accompanying acts of writing of national commemoration. The commemorative visitor book is viewed as a mobilized stage, a communication medium, where visitors' public performances are presented, and where acts of participation are authored and composed. The study contextualizes the visitor book within the material and ideological environment where it is positioned and where it functions. The semiotics of commemoration are mirrored in the visitor book, which functions as a participatory (...)
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    ‘My Holocaust experience was great!’: Entitlements for participation in museum media.Chaim Noy - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (3):274-290.
    This interdisciplinary study brings together research on audiences’ participation in the media, and an up-close exploration of communicative entitlement of and for such participation. Viewing visitor books as situated, public media, the study asks two related questions: how museums and institutions that employ this medium frame participation of ‘ordinary’ people in the public sphere, and how, in return, visitors variously articulate their participation. The article first examines the context in which visitor books mediate participation, and how museums frame them so (...)
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    Inhabiting the family-car: Children-passengers and parents-drivers on the school run.Chaim Noy - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (191).
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    `I was here!': addressivity structures and inscribing practices as indexical resources.Chaim Noy - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (4):421-440.
    The article examines how practices of inscription and structures of addressivity at a symbolic site provide implicit indexical means for establishing subjectivities and agencies. By examining a visitor book located in a national commemoration site in Jerusalem, Israel, the article first argues that inscribing practices themselves can function as implicit indexical mechanisms. In ritualized environments, inscribing assumes the function of a non-referential indexical because discourse is materially engraved unto a surround. These environments are also characterized by prescribed addressivity structures. The (...)
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    Polemic polyphony : Voices of the fools and the righteous in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem.Chaim Noy - 2022 - Pragmatics and Society 13 (5):815-836.
    Bakhtin famously argued that language-as-used is essentially dialogic. One pragmatic implication concerns how dialogicity is established in various contexts. In political discourse, polemic polyphony emerges from the juxtaposition of adversarial voices of political actors: a dialogue in which different voices index different ideological orientations. Polyphonic ensembles establish discoursal scenes and make them recognizable, enabling distinctions such as those between ‘us’ and ‘them’, and between heroes and villains. Overall, they assist speakers in the semiotic mediation of political relations.
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