Results for 'Cecilia Montero'

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  1. Crépuscule ou renouveau de la sociologie: Un débat chilien.Cecilia Montero Casassus - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 108:37-56.
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  2. La reiterada ausencia de 'felicidad' en los datos etnográficos.Cecilia Montero Mórtola - 2008 - Aposta 38:4.
    As a result of an anecdote happened in an ecological product store, grass and meals when the fieldwork was carried on migration and food. There different planes are concatenated from the investigation that lead to contemplate the relation of the intellectual property, the migration, the paper of the investigator and the data type that takes shelter habitually. All this is exposed in the article that indicates the continuous lack of humor and happiness in the ethnological analyses, like object or context, (...)
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  3. Datos ciberetnoculinarios. Antropología alimentaria en el barrio de Gràcia de Barcelona.Cecilia Montero Mórtola - 2009 - Aposta 41:1.
    What culinary shifts in the network consulting prescription or buying food. Migration and food have an intimate relationship in the Internet-based exchange of knowledge and conflicts of identity. Anthropological work is framed in a suburb of Barcelona. It describes the daily displayed in grocery stores and cibers scenarios where cooking is an important unsuspected forcing the observer to perform their task with an ethnographic perspective more open and heterodox, incorporating new concepts and recognizing the complexity of a different reality.
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    Bolsas de plástico y lazos sociales. Notas de campo sobre reciclaje.Cecilia Montero Mórtola - 2011 - Aposta 48:1.
    Environmental protection is not just about big media and political campaigns. There is a silent public that has begun to change attitudes, rescue old habits and adapt them to different areas of this globalized world . A cultural change where the reuse of discarded objects, through craft and educational activities serves to launch a series of links and social ties. Studying the recycling of plastic bags, anthropology can restore those curious organizational processes, social practices, visible only from field work continued.
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  5. Las ovejas-lobo y los lobos-ovejas: impresiones etnográficas sobre el mobbing.Cecilia Montero - 2007 - Aposta 32:3.
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    Resolving differing stakeholder perceptions of urban rooftop farming in Mediterranean cities: promoting food production as a driver for innovative forms of urban agriculture.Esther Sanyé-Mengual, Isabelle Anguelovski, Jordi Oliver-Solà, Juan Ignacio Montero & Joan Rieradevall - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):101-120.
    Urban agriculture (UA) is spreading within the Global North, largely for food production, ranging from household individual gardens to community gardens that boost neighborhood regeneration. Additionally, UA is also being integrated into buildings, such as urban rooftop farming (URF). Some URF experiences succeed in North America both as private and community initiatives. To date, little attention has been paid to how stakeholders perceive UA and URF in the Mediterranean or to the role of food production in these initiatives. This study (...)
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    Respuesta local a un déficit habitacional local.María Cecilia Zapata - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
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    Mood, Burnout, and Dispositional Optimism in Kayak Polo Players During Their Competitive Stage.Salvador Angosto, Laura Salmerón-Baños, Francisco José Ortín-Montero, Vicente Morales-Baños & Francisco José Borrego-Balsalobre - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The main objective of performance sport is to obtain achievements at the highest level through the adequate development of the athlete. The scientific literature demonstrates the fundamental role played by the inclusion of certain psychological variables in the training plan. This study examined the psychological profile of kayak polo players through the variables of burnout, optimism, and mood in the hours prior to the competition, relating these to each other and to some sociodemographic data. A sample of 86 canoeists, 60 (...)
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  9. New Inconsistencies in Infinite Utilitarianism: is Every World Good, Bad or Neutral?D. J. Fishkind, B. Hamkins & Montero - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (2):178.
  10.  21
    A Mixed Methods Study to Examine the Influence of CLIL on Physical Education Lessons: Analysis of Social Interactions and Physical Activity Levels.Celina Salvador-García, Carlos Capella-Peris, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll & Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Physical education is often selected for applying multilingual initiatives through the use of the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach. However, it is still unclear whether the introduction of such approach might entail losing Physical Education’s essence and distorting its basic purposes. The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of CLIL on the Physical Education lessons. Given the purpose of this study, a mixed methodological approach based on a sequential exploratory design divided in two different phases (...)
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    Strategic Thinking: A Resource to Generate Value and Cross the Valley of Death of SMEs.Galvarino Casanueva-Yánez, Jorge Torres-Vásquez, Mitzi Linares-Vizcarra, Milena Lukich-Valdivia, Evelyn Montero-Zuñiga, Reina Pérez-Vargas, Claudia Torres-Calvimonte & Raúl Rengifo-Lozano - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:177-191.
    The most challenging period for a company is the first three years following its inception, a period often referred to as the "valley of death." This article examines the factors contributing to the high mortality rate of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the town of Melipilla, Chile, and presents potential strategies for reducing or preventing this mortality. The study employs an exploratory-descriptive approach, utilizing a qualitative methodology and a cross-sectional sample size collected through convenience sampling and semi-structured interviews. Upon (...)
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    Musik - Und Die Geschichte der Philosophie Und Naturwissenschaften Im Mittelalter: Fragen Zur Wechselwirkung von 'Musica' Und 'Philosophia' Im Mittelalter.Jan Aertsen, Calvin Bower, F. A. J. De Haas, Wolfgang Hirschmann, Eva Hirtler, Matthias Hochadel, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Christian Meyer, Klaus Niemöller, Cecilia Panti, Alison Peden, Klaus-Jürgen Sachs, Michael Walter & Stephen Gersh (eds.) - 1998 - Brill.
    In this volume specialists of medieval music and philosophy put the medieval 'musica' into the context of ideas and institutions in which it existed. The significance of 'musica' cannot be understood from a modern point of view since 'music' does not match the medieval 'musica'.
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    Fifteen Years Controlling Unwanted Thoughts: A Systematic Review of the Thought Control Ability Questionnaire.Albert Feliu-Soler, Adrián Pérez-Aranda, Jesús Montero-Marín, Paola Herrera-Mercadal, Laura Andrés-Rodríguez, Natalia Angarita-Osorio, Alishia D. Williams & Juan V. Luciano - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  14. Porque te quiero te aporreo: La violencia contra las mujeres como el sustento Del patriarcado.María Isleny Franco Moreno & Dora Cecilia Rodríguez Avendaño - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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    Repensar el hedonismo: De la felicidad en epicuro a la sociedad hiperconsumista de Lipovetsky.Ramón Román Alcalá & María Del Mar Montero Ariza - 2013 - Endoxa 31.
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    Thought in Action: Expertise and the Conscious Mind.Barbara Montero - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    How does thinking affect doing? There is a widely held view that thinking about what you are doing, as you are doing it, hinders performance. Once you have acquired the ability to putt a golf ball, play an arpeggio on the piano, or parallel-park, reflecting on your actions leads to inaccuracies, blunders, and sometimes even utter paralysis--that's what is widely believed. But is it true? After exploring some of the contemporary and historical manifestations of the idea, Barbara Gail Montero (...)
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  17. Fernando Montero's linguistic phenomenology 473.Fernando Montero'S. - 2003 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Phenomenology World-Wide. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 473.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Cecilia Hynes-higman - 1987 - British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (2):174-176.
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  19. Where do mirror neurons come from.Cecilia Heyes - forthcoming - Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
    1. Properties of mirror neurons in monkeys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (...)
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    Homenaje a Cecilia Braslavsky: conocimiento, historia y política en la educación.Cecilia Braslavsky, Inés Dussel, Pablo Pineau & Marcelo Caruso (eds.) - 2016 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Santillana.
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    Réplica de Cecília L. Allemandi.Cecilia L. Allemandi - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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  22. Escritos marxistas de Santiago Montero Díaz (1930-1933): noticia e antoloxía.Xesús Alonso Montero - 2006 - In Juan Carlos Couceiro-Bueno & Sergio Vences Fernández, Pensar en tiempos de oscuridad: homenaje al profesor Sergio Vences. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacions.
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    Bibliografía de Fernando Montero Moliner.Fernando Montero Moliner - 1998 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 2:273.
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    Oxford physics in the thirteenth century (ca. 1250-1270): motion, infinity, place, and time.Cecilia Trifogli - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume deals with the reception of Aristotle's natural philosophy in Oxford between 1250 and 1270.
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  25. Theory of mind in nonhuman primates.Cecilia M. Heyes - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):101-114.
    Since the BBS article in which Premack and Woodruff (1978) asked “Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?,” it has been repeatedly claimed that there is observational and experimental evidence that apes have mental state concepts, such as “want” and “know.” Unlike research on the development of theory of mind in childhood, however, no substantial progress has been made through this work with nonhuman primates. A survey of empirical studies of imitation, self-recognition, social relationships, deception, role-taking, and perspective-taking suggests (...)
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    Michael J. Kelly, Isidore of Seville and the Liber Iudiciorum: The Struggle for the Past in the Visigothic Kingdom.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2023 - Augustinianum 63 (2):571-574.
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    PharmAD-ventures: A Feminist Analysis of the Pharmacological Imaginary of Alzheimer’s Disease.Cecilia Åsberg & Jennifer Lum - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (4):95-117.
    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may be situated within a cultural landscape produced, in part, by demographics and the marketing strategies of an aggressive biopharmaceutical industry. The simultaneously corporeal and visual domain of advertisements for anti-AD drugs generates dynamic images of gender and embodiment, and it also lends itself to feminist interventions engaging with the images and ideas circulating around aging, medicine and the body. In this article, we investigate advertisements targeting medical practitioners treating patients with AD. Working within a methodological framework (...)
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  28. Ricoeurykant: Reconocimiento, síntesisy tiempo.Sebastian Alejandro Gonzalez Montero - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (50):63-94.
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    Reynolds, Andrew S. Understanding Metaphors in the Life Sciences.Daniel Labrador-Montero - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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  30. Filósofas peruanas.Víctor Andrés Montero Cam - manuscript
    Contemporary Peruvian Philosophers (20th & 21st Centuries).
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    Misiones actuales de las universidades públicas: una perspectiva sociológica.Davinia Palomares Montero, Adela García Aracil & Elena Castro Martínez - 2012 - Arbor 188 (753):171-192.
    Este artículo analiza, desde la perspectiva del Nuevo Institucionalismo Sociológico, cuáles son las misiones que las universidades públicas españolas asumen de forma institucional en sus planes estratégicos. Para tal fin, se ha utilizado el análisis de contenido. En general, los resultados indican que las universidades muestran mayor énfasis en la misión “Docencia”, seguida de la “Investigación”, y en último lugar en la “Transferencia de conocimiento”, si bien este patrón no es homogéneo en todas las universidades. Se han identificado dos tipologías (...)
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  32. The body problem.Barbara Montero - 1999 - Noûs 33 (2):183-200.
  33. Must Physicalism Imply the Supervenience of the Mental on the Physical?Barbara Gail Montero - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (2):93-110.
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    Local Holism and Semantic Change in the Kuhn’s Theory.Daniel Labrador-Montero - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 24 (48).
    This article aims to delve into the concept of taxonomic incommensurability as advocated by Thomas Kuhn from the 1980s onward. According to Kuhn, in this more local and moderate interpretation, the incommensurability between theories results from the semantic alteration of certain central terms, which he refers to as 'taxonomic categories'. He argues that these categories are holistically inter-defined, such that altering the meaning of any one term necessitates a redefinition of the others. To draw examples of such localized holism and (...)
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    Cognition blindness and cognitive gadgets.Cecilia Heyes - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Responding to commentaries from psychologists, neuroscientists, philosophers, and anthropologists, I clarify a central purpose of Cognitive Gadgets – to overcome “cognition blindness” in research on human evolution. I defend this purpose against Brunerian, extended mind, and niche construction critiques of computationalism – that is, views prioritising meaning over information, or asserting that behaviour and objects can be intrinsic parts of a thinking process. I argue that empirical evidence from cognitive science is needed to locate distinctively human cognitive mechanisms on the (...)
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  36. A defense of the via negativa argument for physicalism.Barbara Montero & David Papineau - 2005 - Analysis 65 (3):233-237.
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    Imitation and culture: What gives?Cecilia Heyes - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):42-63.
    What is the relationship between imitation and culture? This article charts how definitions of imitation have changed in the last century, distinguishes three senses of “culture” used by contemporary evolutionists (Culture1–Culture3), and summarises current disagreement about the relationship between imitation and culture. The disagreement arises from ambiguities in the distinction between imitation and emulation, and confusion between two explanatory projects—the anthropocentric project and the cultural selection project. I argue that imitation gives cultural evolution an inheritance mechanism for communicative and gestural (...)
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    On the Concept of Community: Latour, Esposito and Maffesoli.Sebastián Alejandro González Montero & Lucas Uribe Lopera - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 40:11-31.
    RESUMEN El objetivo de este artículo es proponer una reinterpretación del concepto de comunidad a la luz de las transformaciones tecnológicas y de las formas de comunicación recientes, las cuales ponen la idea de lo social no como precepto teórico, sino como elemento a descubrir en los diferentes estudios planteados. Se busca una transversalización teórica de los tres autores, tomando elementos esenciales de sus obras para proponer una nueva clave interpretativa que permita tomar el concepto de comunidad no como un (...)
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  39. Mencius and the Natural Environment.Cecilia Wee - 2009 - Environmental Ethics 31 (4):359-374.
    Environmental ethicists who look toward East Asian philosophies in their quest for a fruitful way of conceiving the relationship of humans to nature often turn to Taoism and Buddhism for inspiration. They rarely turn to Confucianism. Moreover, among those who do look to Confucianism for inspiration, almost no attention is given to the early Confucians, most likely because they are seen as embracing a humanist perspective—that is, they are concerned with how humans should relate to other humans and with the (...)
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    Knowing Ourselves Together: The Cultural Origins of Metacognition.Cecilia Heyes, Dan Bang, Nicholas Shea, Christopher D. Frith & Stephen M. Fleming - 2020 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24 (5):349-362.
    Metacognition – the ability to represent, monitor and control ongoing cognitive processes – helps us perform many tasks, both when acting alone and when working with others. While metacognition is adaptive, and found in other animals, we should not assume that all human forms of metacognition are gene-based adaptations. Instead, some forms may have a social origin, including the discrimination, interpretation, and broadcasting of metacognitive representations. There is evidence that each of these abilities depends on cultural learning and therefore that (...)
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  41. Crossing Lovers: Luce Irigaray's Elemental Passions.Cecilia Sjöholm - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (3):92-112.
    Luce Irigaray's Elemental Passions could be read as a response to Merleau-Ponty's article “The Intertwining—The Chiasm” in The Visible and the Invisible. Like Merleau-Ponty, Irigaray describes corporeal intertwining or vision and touch. Counteracting the narcissistic strain in Merleau-Ponty's chiasm, she assumes that sexual difference must precede the intertwining. The subject is marked by the alterity or the “more than one” and encoded as a historically contingent gendered conflict.
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    Conversatorio a propósito del libro "Que digan dónde están" Una historia de los derechos humanos en Argentina, de Luciano Alonso (Prometeo,2022).Cecilia Vázquez Lareu - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e151.
    Revisión de Actividad Que digan dónde están" Una historia de los derechos humanos en Argentina por L. Alonso.
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    Paranoia: emociones públicas y universidad.Sebastián Alejandro González Montero & Germán Ulises Bula - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (72):221-249.
    This paper addresses the recent challenges faced by universities in teaching, research and outreach. A hermeneutical standpoint is proposed to perform a political analysis of emotions with the aim of revealing how pathological behaviors emerge in academic communities dealing with extreme social pressures. The discussion is developed in two parts: first, the concept of paranoia is characterized; second, appealing to the concept of psychological potentials, the institutional conditions in which paranoia emerges are discussed. The main conclusion of the article is (...)
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    Leyes sociales, reglas sociales.Cecilia Hidalgo, Manuel Comesaña & Amanda Garma - 1994 - Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina. Edited by Manuel Comesaña & Amanda Garma.
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    Sobre la división de la razón en Kant: la ruptura con el sistema de racionalidad absoluta.Daniel Labrador Montero - 2018 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 11:39-74.
    This article intends to show how the philosophy of Kant supposes a rupture with the doctrines based on a system of absolute rationality, where the most important element is the unity of reason. In this way, it will try to underline the main critiques of the Prussian philosopher to theories based on the unity of reason and direct access to reality, as well as exposing the Kantian proposal of a unitary formal rational structure, but with several irreconcilable uses.
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    Ontología y física en la filosofía de Spinoza: un nuevo marco cosmológico para la Natura naturata.Daniel Álvarez Montero - 2017 - Endoxa 39:81.
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    Aspects of the Vocabulary of Chariton of Aphrodisias.Consuelo Ruiz-Montero - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (02):484-.
    There has been little research on the vocabulary of the Greek novelists. Gasda studied that of Chariton in the last century. He compared some of his terms with those of other authors and he concluded he should be placed in the sixth century A.D. Then Schmid considered that Chariton's language was not Atticist, and dated his novel in the second century or beginning of the third. In 1973 Chariton's language was studied by Papanikolaou. His research dealt above all with several (...)
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  48. Post-physicalism.Barbara Montero - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (2):61-80.
    I am going to argue that it is time to come to terms with the difficulty of understanding what it means to be physical and start thinking about the mind-body problem from a new perspective. Instead of construing it as the problem of finding a place for mentality in a fundamentally physical world, we should think of it as the problem of finding a place for mentality in a fundamentally nonmental world, a world that is at its most fundamental level (...)
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    Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of the ethical climate in paediatric cancer care.Cecilia Bartholdson, Margareta af Sandeberg, Kim Lützén, Klas Blomgren & Pernilla Pergert - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (8):877-888.
    Background: How well ethical concerns are handled in healthcare is influenced by the ethical climate of the workplace, which in this study is described as workplace factors that contribute to healthcare professionals’ ability to identify and deal with ethical issues in order to provide the patient with ethically good care. Objectives: The overall aim of the study was to describe perceptions of the paediatric hospital ethical climate among healthcare professionals who treat/care for children with cancer. Research design: Data were collected (...)
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  50. Does bodily awareness interfere with highly skilled movement?Barbara Montero - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (2):105 – 122.
    It is widely thought that focusing on highly skilled movements while performing them hinders their execution. Once you have developed the ability to tee off in golf, play an arpeggio on the piano, or perform a pirouette in ballet, attention to what your body is doing is thought to lead to inaccuracies, blunders, and sometimes even utter paralysis. Here I re-examine this view and argue that it lacks support when taken as a general thesis. Although bodily awareness may often interfere (...)
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