Results for 'Cecilia Ferm Almqvist'

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  1.  26
    (1 other version)Lived music - multi-dimensional musical experience : Implications for music education.Cecilia Ferm Thorgersen - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
    Lived music - multi-dimensional musical experience : Implications for music education.
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  2. Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World.Eva Alerby & Cecilia Ferm - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):177-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Learning Music:Embodied Experience in the Life-WorldEva Alerby and Cecilia FermIn the present age, which is often signified as post-modern or knowledge-intensive, the calls for learning echo loud. Discussions of learning, as well as teaching, permeate almost all levels and arenas of our society, and have a sure place in every-day conversation as well as scientific debate. The concept of learning can be understood and explained in many different (...)
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    Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, "Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World".C. Victor Fung - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):206-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, “Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World”C. Victor FungThe authors' choice of using phenomenology as a foundation of their inquiry is appropriate and appealing. They have, to a great extent, achieved their goal to explain music learning from a life-world approach. Descriptions of absolute musicality and relativistic musicality in the opening paragraphs remind me of the good old "nature versus (...)
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  4. Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, "Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World".Christine A. Brown - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):208-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, “Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World”Christine A. BrownI was recently asked to settle a friendly debate between two college graduates. The first, my daughter's boyfriend, argued that someone with talent and motivation could become as creative a composer without formal musical training as with it. The other, my daughter, vigorously countered that while someone might compose well on one's (...)
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    Belief Change: Introduction and Overview.Eduardo Fermé & Sven Ove Hansson - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explains how the logic of theory change employs formal models in the investigation of changes in belief states and databases. The topics covered include equivalent characterizations of AGM operations, extended representations of the belief states, change operators not included in the original framework, iterated change, applications of the model, its connections with other formal frameworks, and criticism of the model.
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    Réplica de Cecília L. Allemandi.Cecilia L. Allemandi - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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    First Adventures in Philosophy: By Virgilius Ferm.Vergilius Ferm - 1936 - C. Scribner's Sons.
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    Revision by Comparison.Eduardo Fermé & Hans Rott - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 157 (1):5-47.
    Since the early 1980s, logical theories of belief revision have offered formal methods for the transformation of knowledge bases or “corpora” of data and beliefs. Early models have dealt with unconditional acceptance and integration of potentially belief-contravening pieces of information into the existing corpus. More recently, models of “non-prioritized” revision were proposed that allow the agent rationally to refuse to accept the new information. This paper introduces a refined method for changing beliefs by specifying constraints on the relative plausibility of (...)
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    Multiple kernel contraction.Eduardo Fermé, Karina Saez & Pablo Sanz - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (2):183 - 195.
    This paper focuses on the extension of AGM that allows change for a belief base by a set of sentences instead of a single sentence. In [FH94], Fuhrmann and Hansson presented an axiomatic for Multiple Contraction and a construction based on the AGM Partial Meet Contraction. We propose for their model another way to construct functions: Multiple Kernel Contraction, that is a modification of Kernel Contraction, proposed by Hansson [Han94] to construct classical AGM contractions and belief base contractions. This construction (...)
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  10. AGM 25 Years: Twenty-Five Years of Research in Belief Change.Eduardo Fermé & Sven Ove Hansson - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (2):295-331.
    The 1985 paper by Carlos Alchourrón, Peter Gärdenfors, and David Makinson, “On the Logic of Theory Change: Partial Meet Contraction and Revision Functions” was the starting-point of a large and rapidly growing literature that employs formal models in the investigation of changes in belief states and databases. In this review, the first twenty-five years of this development are summarized. The topics covered include equivalent characterizations of AGM operations, extended representations of the belief states, change operators not included in the original (...)
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  11.  68
    Semi-Contraction: Axioms and Construction.Eduardo Fermé & Ricardo Rodriguez - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (3):332-345.
    Semi-contraction is a withdrawal operation defined by Fermé in "On the logic of theory change: Contraction without recovery." In this paper we propose: (1) an axiomatic characterization of semi-contraction; (2) an alternative construction for semi-contraction based on semi-saturatable sets, inspired by Levi's saturatable sets; (3) a special kind of semi-contraction that satisfies the Lindström and Rabinowicz interpolation thesis.
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  12.  15
    Chaos, cosmos and creation in early Greek theogonies: an ontological exploration.Olaf Almqvist - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Cosmological narratives like the creation story in the book of Genesis or the modern Big Bang are popularly understood to be descriptions of how the universe was created. However, cosmologies also say a great deal more. Indeed, the majority of cosmologies, ancient and modern, explore not simply how the world was made but how humans relate to their surrounding environment and the often thin line which separates humans from gods and animals. Combining approaches from classical studies, anthropology, and philosophy, this (...)
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    Homenaje a Cecilia Braslavsky: conocimiento, historia y política en la educación.Cecilia Braslavsky, Inés Dussel, Pablo Pineau & Marcelo Caruso (eds.) - 2016 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Santillana.
  14.  77
    System of Spheres-based Multiple Contractions.Eduardo Fermé & Maurício D. L. Reis - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):29-52.
    We propose a new class of multiple contraction operations — the system of spheres-based multiple contractions — which are a generalization of Grove’s system of spheres-based (singleton) contractions to the case of contractions by (possibly non-singleton) sets of sentences. Furthermore, we show that this new class of functions is a subclass of the class of the partial meet multiple contractions.
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  15.  51
    Epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions.Eduardo Fermé & Maurício D. L. Reis - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):460-487.
    In this article we present a new class of multiple contraction functionswhich are a generalization of the epistemic entrenchment-based contractions (Grdenfors & Makinson, 1988) to the case of contractions by (possibly nonsingleton) sets of sentences and provide an axiomatic characterization for that class of functions. Moreover, we show that the class of epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions coincides with the class of system of spheres-based multiple contractions introduced in Fermé & Reis (2012).
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    Material Falsity and Error in Descartes' Meditations.Cecilia Wee - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    _Material Falsity and Error in Descartes’s Meditations _approaches Descartes’s Meditations as an intellectual journey, wherein Descartes’s views develop and change as he makes new discoveries about self, God and matter. The first book to focus closely on Descartes’s notion of material falsity, it shows how Descartes’s account of material falsity – and correspondingly his account of crucial notions such as truth, falsehood and error – evolves according to the epistemic advances in the Meditations. It also offers important new insights on (...)
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    Livklädnaden som revs sönder.Kurt Almqvist - 1967 - Stockholm,: Natur och kultur.
  18. Religión romana y cristianismo: La mirada de Tertuliano en Apologeticum y Ad nationes.Cecilia Ames - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:37-57.
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  19. Toward an Expansive Christian Theology.V. Ferm - 1964
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  20. Where do mirror neurons come from.Cecilia Heyes - forthcoming - Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
    1. Properties of mirror neurons in monkeys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (...)
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  21.  24
    On the Logic of Theory Change : Extending the AGM Model.Eduardo Fermé - 2011 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    This thesis consists in six articles and a comprehensive summary. • The pourpose of the summary is to introduce the AGM theory of belief change and to exemplify the diversity and significance of the research that has been inspired by the AGM article in the last 25 years. The research areas associated with AGM was divided in three parts: criticisms, where we discussed some of the more common criticisms of AGM. Extensions where the most common extensions and variations of AGM (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Contrasting approaches to the legitimation of intentional language within comparative psychology.Cecilia M. Heyes - 1987 - Behaviorism 15 (1):41-50.
    Dennett, a philosopher, and Griffin, an ethologist, have recently presented influential arguments promoting the extended use of intentional language by students of animal behavior. This essay seeks to elucidate and to contrast the claims made by each of these authors, and to evaluate their proposals primarily from the perspective of a practicing comparative psychologist or ethologist. While Griffin regards intentional terms as explanatory, Dennett assigns them a descriptive function; the issue of animal consciousness is central to Griffin's program and only (...)
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    Imitation and culture: What gives?Cecilia Heyes - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):42-63.
    What is the relationship between imitation and culture? This article charts how definitions of imitation have changed in the last century, distinguishes three senses of “culture” used by contemporary evolutionists (Culture1–Culture3), and summarises current disagreement about the relationship between imitation and culture. The disagreement arises from ambiguities in the distinction between imitation and emulation, and confusion between two explanatory projects—the anthropocentric project and the cultural selection project. I argue that imitation gives cultural evolution an inheritance mechanism for communicative and gestural (...)
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  24.  47
    Framed Before We Know It: How Gender Shapes Social Relations.Cecilia L. Ridgeway - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (2):145-160.
    In this article, I argue that gender is a primary cultural frame for coordinating behavior and organizing social relations. I describe the implications for understanding how gender shapes social behavior and organizational structures. By my analysis, gender typically acts as a background identity that biases, in gendered directions, the performance of behaviors undertaken in the name of organizational roles and identities. I develop an account of how the background effects of the gender frame on behavior vary by the context that (...)
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    Hsun Tzu on family and familial relations.Cecilia Wee - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (2):127 – 139.
    The Confucian tradition is often held to have accorded the family a prominent place in their ethics. This paper distinguishes three different senses in which the family is held to be primary in Confucian morality. It then explores Hsun Tzu's views on the family and familial relations. I argue that, while other early Confucians such as Confucius and Mencius would have held the family to be primary in all three senses, Hsun Tzu held the family to be primary in only (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Shielded Contraction.E. Fermé & S. O. Hansson - 2001 - In M. Williams & Hans Rott (eds.), Frontiers of Belief Revision. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 85-107.
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    What Can Imitation Do for Cooperation?Cecilia Heyes - 2013 - In Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott & Ben Fraser (eds.), Cooperation and its Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 313.
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    Who's the horse? A response to Corlett.Cecilia Heyes - 1991 - Social Epistemology 5 (2):127 – 134.
  29.  32
    Giambattista Vico: imagination and historical knowledge.Cecilia Miller - 1993 - New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.
    The theories of language and society of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) are examined in this textual analysis of the full range of his theoretical writings, with special emphasis on his little-known early works. Vico's fundamental importance in the history of European ideas lies in his strong anti-Cartesian, anti-French and anti-Enlightenment views. In an age in which intellectuals adopted a rational approach, Vico stressed the nonrational element in man - in particular, imagination - as well as social and civil relationships, none of (...)
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    Oxford physics in the thirteenth century (ca. 1250-1270): motion, infinity, place, and time.Cecilia Trifogli - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume deals with the reception of Aristotle's natural philosophy in Oxford between 1250 and 1270.
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  31. Selective revision.Eduardo L. Fermé & Sven Ove Hansson - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (3):331-342.
    We introduce a constructive model of selective belief revision in which it is possible to accept only a part of the input information. A selective revision operator ο is defined by the equality K ο α = K * f(α), where * is an AGM revision operator and f a function, typically with the property ⊢ α → f(α). Axiomatic characterizations are provided for three variants of selective revision.
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    DFT and belief revision.Eduardo Fermé & Ricardo Rodríguez - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (2):373-393.
    Alchourrón devoted his last years to the analysis of the notion of defeasible conditionalization. He developed a formal system capturing the essentials of this notion. His definition of the defeasible conditional is given in terms of strict implication operator and a modal operator f which is interpreted as a revision function at the language level. In this paper, we will point out that this underlying revision function is more general than the well known AGM revision [4]. In addition, we will (...)
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  33.  52
    Beast machines? Questions of animal consciousness.Cecilia Heyes - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies (eds.), Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 259--274.
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    Against the Applicability Argument for Sufficientarianism.Cecilia Maria Pedersen & Lasse Nielsen - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (2):179-195.
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    A Feminist Companion to the Posthumanities.Cecilia Åsberg & Rosi Braidotti (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This companion is a cutting-edge primer to critical forms of the posthumanities and the feminist posthumanities, aimed at students and researchers who want to catch up with the recent theoretical developments in various fields in the humanities, such as new media studies, gender studies, cultural studies, science and technology studies, human animal studies, postcolonial critique, philosophy and environmental humanities. It contains a collection of nineteen new and original short chapters introducing influential concepts, ideas and approaches that have shaped and developed (...)
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    Clarifying perspectives.Cecilia Bartholdson, Kim Lützén, Klas Blomgren & Pernilla Pergert - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (4):421-431.
    Background: Childhood cancer care involves many ethical concerns. Deciding on treatment levels and providing care that infringes on the child’s growing autonomy are known ethical concerns that involve the whole professional team around the child’s care. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore healthcare professionals’ experiences of participating in ethics case reflection sessions in childhood cancer care. Research design: Data collection by observations, individual interviews, and individual encounters. Data analysis were conducted following grounded theory methodology. Participants and research (...)
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  37.  56
    Animal sentience and Descartes's dualism: Exploring the implications of Baker and Morris's views.Cecilia Wee - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (4):611 – 626.
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    Optimism and Hope in Chronic Disease: A Systematic Review.Cecilia C. Schiavon, Eduarda Marchetti, Léia G. Gurgel, Fernanda M. Busnello & Caroline T. Reppold - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  39.  33
    When parenting fails: alexithymia and attachment states of mind in mothers of female patients with eating disorders.Cecilia Serena Pace, Donatella Cavanna, Valentina Guiducci & Fabiola Bizzi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  40. Précis of Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking.Cecilia Heyes - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:1-57.
    Cognitive gadgets are distinctively human cognitive mechanisms – such as imitation, mind reading, and language – that have been shaped by cultural rather than genetic evolution. New gadgets emerge, not by genetic mutation, but by innovations in cognitive development; they are specialised cognitive mechanisms built by general cognitive mechanisms using information from the sociocultural environment. Innovations are passed on to subsequent generations, not by DNA replication, but through social learning: People with new cognitive mechanisms pass them on to others through (...)
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  41. Bias and Conditioning in Sequential medical trials.Cecilia Nardini & Jan Sprenger - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):1053-1064.
    Randomized Controlled Trials are currently the gold standard within evidence-based medicine. Usually, they are conducted as sequential trials allowing for monitoring for early signs of effectiveness or harm. However, evidence from early stopped trials is often charged with being biased towards implausibly large effects. To our mind, this skeptical attitude is unfounded and caused by the failure to perform appropriate conditioning in the statistical analysis of the evidence. We contend that a shift from unconditional hypothesis tests in the style of (...)
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    Filial Obligations: A Comparative Study.Cecilia Wee - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (1):83-97.
    The nature of the special obligation that a child has towards her parent(s) is widely discussed in Confucianism. It has also received considerable discussion by analytic commentators. This essay compares and contrasts the accounts of filial obligation found in the two philosophical traditions. The analytic writers mentioned above have explored filial obligations by relating them to other special obligations, such as obligations of debt, friendship, or gratitude. I examine these accounts and try to uncover the implicit assumptions therein about the (...)
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    Basic philosophy for beginners.Vergilius Ture Anselm Ferm - 1969 - North Quincy, Mass.,: Christopher Pub. House.
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    First chapters in religious philosophy.Vergilius Ture Anselm Ferm - 1937 - New York,: Round table press.
  45.  39
    Immortality and the Present Mood. Julius Seelye Bixler.Vergilius Ferm - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (4):475-476.
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    The spirit of freedom in education.Elizabeth Byrne Ferm - 1923 - Stelton, N.J.: The Modern School. Edited by Mabel Dwight, Alexis C. Ferm & Rockwell Kent.
  47.  19
    Conversatorio a propósito del libro "Que digan dónde están" Una historia de los derechos humanos en Argentina, de Luciano Alonso (Prometeo,2022).Cecilia Vázquez Lareu - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e151.
    Revisión de Actividad Que digan dónde están" Una historia de los derechos humanos en Argentina por L. Alonso.
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    The genetics of autoimmunity.Cecilia M. Lindgren - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (12):1363-1364.
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    La Raza en ámbitos locales de gestión: La comunidad qom en el municipio de Villa Rio bermejito (chaco, argentina).Cecilia Quevedo - 2011 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 7.
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  50. Realismul ca filosofie a stiintei/Realism as a Philosophy of Science.Cecilia Tohaneanu - 2005 - Cartea Universitara.
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