Results for 'Catherine Emmott'

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  1.  24
    Narrative Comprehension: A Discourse Perspective.Catherine Emmott - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Catherine Emmott explores how readers construct and maintain mental representations of fictional characters and contexts, and considers the implications of cognitive modelling for grammatical theory and a literary-linguistic model of narrative text-types.
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    Narratology: Bridging the Old and the New.Catherine Emmott - 2003 - Symploke 11 (1):227-232.
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    Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction.Catherine Malabou - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    After defining plasticity in terms of its active embodiments, Malabou applies the notion to the work of Hegel, Heidegger, Levinas, Levi-Strauss, Freud, and ...
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  4. Aggression, Politeness, and Abstract Adversaries.Catherine Hundleby - 2013 - Informal Logic 33 (2):238-262.
    Trudy Govier argues in The Philosophy of Argument that adversariality in argumentation can be kept to a necessary minimum. On her ac-count, politeness can limit the ancillary adversariality of hostile culture but a degree of logical opposition will remain part of argumentation, and perhaps all reasoning. Argumentation cannot be purified by politeness in the way she hopes, nor does reasoning even in the discursive context of argumentation demand opposition. Such hopes assume an idealized politeness free from gender, and reasoners with (...)
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    Models as Felicitous Falsehoods.Catherine Elgin - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (1):7-23.
    I argue that models enable us to understand reality in ways that we would be unable to do if we restricted ourselves to the unvarnished truth. The point is not just that the features that a model skirts can permissibly be neglected. They ought to be neglected. Too much information occludes patterns that figure in an understanding of the phenomena. The regularities a model reveals are real and informative. But many of them show up only under idealizing assumptions.
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    Empedocles Recycled.Catherine Osborne - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (01):24-.
    It is no longer generally believed that Empedocles was the divided character portrayed by nineteenth-century scholars, a man whose scientific and religious views were incompatible but untouched by each other. Yet it is still widely held that, however unitary his thought, nevertheless he still wrote more than one poem, and that his poems can be clearly divided between those which do, and those which do not, concern ‘religious matters’.1 Once this assumption can be shown to be shaky or actually false, (...)
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  7. Duo de femmes en espèrance: Médiations transatlantiques.Ronnie Scharfman & Anne-Catherine Benchelah - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:215-226.
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  8. Eros Unveiled: Plato and the God of Love.Catherine Osborne - 1994 - Oxford University Press.
    This unique book challenges the traditional distinction between eros, the love found in Greek thought, and agape, the love characteristic of Christianity. Focusing on a number of classic texts, including Plato's Symposium and Lysis, Aristotle's Ethics and Metaphysics,, and famous passages in Gregory of Nyssa, Origen, Dionysius the Areopagite, Plotinus, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas, the author shows that Plato's account of eros is not founded on self-interest. In this way, she restores the place of erotic love as a Christian motif, (...)
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  9. Education and the Advancement of Understanding.Catherine Z. Elgin - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:131-140.
    Understanding, as I construe it, is holistic. It is a matter of how commitments mesh to form a mutually supportive, independently supported system of thought. It is advanced by bootstrapping. We start with what we think we know and build from there. This makes education continuous with what goes on at the cutting edge of inquiry. Methods, standards, categories and stances are as important as facts. So something like E. D. Hirsch’s list of facts every fourth grader should know is (...)
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  10.  60
    Duns Scotus : his historical and contemporary significance.Catherine Pickstock - 2009 - In Simon Oliver & John Milbank (eds.), The radical orthodoxy reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 543-574.
  11.  29
    Bioethics Around the Globe.Catherine Myser (ed.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume brings together contributors from a wide variety of disciplines to take a critical, empirical look at bioethics around the globe, examining how it ...
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    Three-year-olds' comprehension of contrastive and descriptive adjectives: Evidence for contrastive inference.Catherine Davies, Jamie Lingwood, Bissera Ivanova & Sudha Arunachalam - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104707.
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  13. Rethinking early Greek philosophy: Hippolytus of Rome and the Presocratics.Catherine Osborne - 1987 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Antipope Hippolitus.
    A study of Hippolytus of Rome and his treatment of Presocratic Philosophy, used as a case study to argue against the use of collections of fragments and in favour of the idea of reading "embedded texts" with attention to the interpretation and interests of the quoting author. A study of methodology in early Greek Philosophy. Includes novel interpretations of Heraclitus and Empedocles, and an argument for the unity of Empedocles's poem.
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    Feminist Bioethics Perspectives on "Long-COVID Syndrome".Catherine Villanueva Gardner - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):189-191.
    In May of 2020, reports of so-called "long-COVID" began to surface. Long COVID is a collection of post-COVID-19 physical, cognitive and psychological symptoms, such as depression, brain fog, fatigue, and dizziness. As long-COVID is considered a "new" disease, it is not always covered by health insurance or government programs, moreover it is a set of constantly evolving symptoms.While severe cases of COVID-19 itself tend to be mostly in males over fifty-years-old, those individuals affected by long-COVID tend to be mainly female (...)
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  15.  40
    Philosophical Reflections on the Idea of a Universal Basic Income.Catherine Rowett - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 91:81-102.
    A universal basic income is an unconditional allowance, sufficient to live on, paid in cash to every citizen regardless of income. It has been a Green Party policy for years. But the idea raises many interesting philosophical questions, about fairness, entitlement, desert, stigma and sanctions, the value of unpaid work, the proper ambitions of a good society, and our preconceptions about whether leisure or jobs are the thing we should prize above all for free citizens. Coming from the perspective of (...)
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    Defining Spotting in Dance: A Delphi Method Study Evaluating Expert Opinions.Catherine Haber & Andrea Schärli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Spotting is a typical isolated head coordination used by many dancers during rotation. However, with sporadic and inconclusive explanations as to why dancers spot, the critical characteristics and functionalities of spotting have yet to be identified. Therefore, a Delphi method survey was used as a novel methodology for providing greater insights into this under-examined motor behavior, bringing together experts from various disciplines to generate ideas and identify the crucial elements of spotting. Following the selection of experts, three rounds of data (...)
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  17.  7
    UP à contre-sens.Catherine Douay Et Daniel Roulland - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 17.
    Cet article souhaite montrer que les modèles spatiaux, physiques ou expérientiels, proposés généralement pour rendre compte du fonctionnement des particules verbales en anglais, posent de nombreux problèmes. En particulier, il s’avère impossible de réduire le signifié de UP (vs DOWN) à l’expression d’un « mouvement vertical vers le haut » et les valeurs non spatiales sont très nombreuses. L’alternative décrite ici, dans le cadre général de la Théorie de la Relation Interlocutive (Douay & Roulland 2014), consiste à rechercher dans le (...)
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  18.  36
    Thales.Catherine Rowett - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 92:58-63.
  19.  27
    On Self-Conceit in Kant and the Limits of Arrogance-Centered Theories of Immorality.Catherine M. M. Smith - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Research 46:1-25.
    I argue that we have good textual reason to read Kant’s notion of “self-conceit,” and his theory of immorality more generally as being founded on the claim that we have the tendency to think that our ability to achieve happiness is our most valuable feature. I explain how this is not the same as the claim that we are arrogant or think we are better than others. Self-conceit (and the standard of assessment it implies) can lead to the opinion that (...)
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    Grief, Phantoms, and Re-membering Loss.Catherine Fullarton - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (3):284-296.
    Analogies of grief to amputation and phantom limb are common in memoirs and literary accounts of loss.1 Consider, for example, C. S. Lewis's response to the suggestion that he will "get over" the loss of his wife, in A Grief Observed: Getting over it so soon? But the words are ambiguous. To say the patient is getting over it after an operation for appendicitis is one thing; after he's had his leg off it is quite another. … There will be (...)
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  21.  63
    Presocratic Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction.Catherine Osborne - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    This is a book about the invention of Western philosophy, and the first thinkers to explore ideas about the nature of reality, time, and the origin of the universe. Generations of philosophers, both ancient and modern, have traced their inspiration back to the presocratics, even though we have very few of their writings left. In this book, Catherine Osborne invites her readers to dip their toes into the fragmentary remains of thinkers from Thales to Pythagoras, Heraclitus to Protagoras, to (...)
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  22.  79
    On our best behavior: optimality models in human behavioral ecology.Catherine Driscoll - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (2):133-141.
    This paper discusses problems associated with the use of optimality models in human behavioral ecology. Optimality models are used in both human and non-human animal behavioral ecology to test hypotheses about the conditions generating and maintaining behavioral strategies in populations via natural selection. The way optimality models are currently used in behavioral ecology faces significant problems, which are exacerbated by employing the so-called ‘phenotypic gambit’: that is, the bet that the psychological and inheritance mechanisms responsible for behavioral strategies will be (...)
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  23.  88
    Love of God and Love of Creatures: The Masham-Astell Debate.Catherine Wilson - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (3):281-298.
  24.  26
    Ethnographic Insights Regarding the “Social Role” and “Moral Status” of the Fetus as “Patient”: Comparing Developed (United States & Sweden) and Developing (India) Countries.Catherine Myser - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (7):50-52.
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    Shame, Guilt and Reconciliation after War.Catherine Lu - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (3):367-383.
    How do experiences of shame and guilt shape or reflect the ways in which the vanquished are reconciled (or not) to the new world order established by the victors? Shame and guilt are universal experiences in the emotional landscape of post-war politics, albeit for different reasons and with radically different political effects. An examination of Germany after 1918 and of Japan after 1945 reveals that experiences of shame and guilt may be pivotal for creating conditions of possibility for reconciliation marked (...)
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    Analytic Philosophy, the Ancient Philosopher Poets and the Poetics of Analytic Philosophy.Catherine Rowett - 2020 - Rhizomata 8 (2):158-182.
    The paper starts with reflections on Plato’s critique of the poets and the preference many express for Aristotle’s view of poetry. The second part of the paper takes a case study of analytic treatments of ancient philosophy, including the ancient philosopher poets, to examine the poetics of analytic philosophy, diagnosing a preference in Analytic philosophy for a clean non-poetic style of presentation, and then develops this in considering how well historians of philosophy in the Analytic tradition can accommodate the contributions (...)
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    Engaging Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Responsible Innovation.Catherine Flick, Malcolm Fisk & George Ogoh - 2019 - In Katharina Jarmai (ed.), Responsible Innovation : Business Opportunities and Strategies for Implementation. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-83.
    A significant part of responsible innovation is engagement with diverse groups of stakeholders; this remains true for projects investigating responsible innovation practices. This chapter discusses strategies for engaging small and medium-sized enterprises in co-creating visions of and plans for implementing responsible innovation, drawing on the example of engagement with United Kingdom cyber security companies. The key aspect of the engagement was building trust between the responsible innovation researchers and the companies. Trust was built by a movement away from traditional recruitment (...)
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    Charting the Currents of the Third Wave.Catherine M. Orr - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):29-45.
    The term "third wave" within contemporary feminism presents some initial difficulties in scholarly investigation. Located in popular-press anthologies, zines, punk music, and cyberspace, many third wave discourses constitute themselves as a break with both second wave and academic feminisms; a break problematic for both generations of feminists. The emergence of third wave feminism offers academic feminists an opportunity to rethink the context of knowledge production and the mediums through which we disseminate our work.
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    Loving Your Mother: On the Woman-Nature Relation.Catherine Roach - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):46 - 59.
    In this essay I explore the relation between woman and nature. In the first half, I argue that the environmental slogan "Love Your Mother" is problematical because of the way "mother" and "motherhood" function in patriarchal culture. In the essay's second half, I argue that the question, "Are women closer to nature than men?" is conceptually flawed and that the nature-culture dualism upon which it is predicated is in need of being biodegraded for the sake of environmental soundness.
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  30. Searching for the Source of Executive Attention.Catherine Stinson - 2009 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 15 (1):137-154.
    William James presaged, and Alan Allport voiced criticisms of cause theories of executive attention for involving a homunculus who directs attention. I review discussions of this problem, and argue that existing philosophical denials of the problem depend on equivocations between different senses of “Cartesian error”. Another sort of denial tries to get around the problem by offering empirical evidence that such an executive attention director exists in prefrontal cortex. I argue that the evidence does not warrant the conclusion that an (...)
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  31.  16
    Feel-bad postfeminism: impasse, resilience and female subjectivity in popular culture.Catherine McDermott - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In Feel-Bad Postfeminism, Catherine McDermott provides crucial insight into what growing up during empowerment postfeminism feels like, and outlines the continuing postfeminist legacy of resilience in girlhood coming-of-age narratives. McDermott's analysis of Gone Girl (2012), Girls (2012-2017) and Appropriate Behaviour (2012) illuminates a major cultural turn in which the pleasures of postfeminist empowerment curdle into a profound sense of rage and resentment. By contrast, close examination of The Hunger Games (2008-2010), Girlhood (2014) and Catch Me Daddy (2014) reveals that (...)
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  32.  22
    Philosophers and theologians on the trinity.Catherine Mowry Lacugna - 1986 - Modern Theology 2 (3):169-181.
  33.  40
    How many books did Diodorus Siculus originally intend to write?Catherine Rubincam - 1998 - Classical Quarterly 48 (01):229-.
    Diodorus Siculus was notoriously inconsistent in his statements about the terminal date of his survey of history, the Bibliotheca Historica. In the ‘table of contents’ which he included in the general preface to the whole work, written apparently when he was preparing his manuscript for publication , he specifically names the year 60/59 as the last year of his narrative. Elsewhere, however, he not only gives a figure for the period of history encompassed by his work which would bring it (...)
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  34. Is the history of philosophy good for philosophy?Catherine Wilson - 2005 - In Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers (eds.), Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    I. SINKEVIĆ, The Church of St. Panteleimon at Nerezi. Architecture, Programme, Patronage, Wiesbaden, 2000.Lydie Misguich & Catherine Vanderheyde - 2002 - Byzantion 72:283-286.
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    Ambiguous Encounters, Uncertain Foetuses: Women's Experiences of Obstetric Ultrasound.Catherine Mills, Kim McLeod & Niamh Stephenson - 2016 - Feminist Review 113 (1):17-33.
    We examine pregnant women's experiences with routinised obstetric ultrasound as entailed in their antenatal care during planned pregnancies. This paper highlights the ambiguity of ultrasound technology in the constitution of maternal–foetal connections. Our analysis focusses on Australian women's experiences of the ontological, aesthetic and epistemological ambiguities afforded by ultrasound. We argue that these ambiguities offer possibilities for connecting to the foetus in ways that maintain a kind of unknowability; they afford an openness and ethical responsiveness irrespective of the future of (...)
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  37.  17
    Questionner « l’intelligence » des machines.Catherine Malabou & Ariel Kyrou - 2020 - Multitudes 78 (1):134-141.
    La création de « puces synaptiques » qui seraient dotées d’une certaine plasticité ouvre-t-elle la voie à une intelligence artificielle vraiment « intelligente », même si de façon différente des êtres humains? Ou la nature des avancées de ce type, d’une plasticité à des années lumières de celle du cerveau humain, nous contraignent-elles à beaucoup plus de scepticisme? Pour la philosophe Catherine Malabou, l’essentiel est de permettre aux deux intelligences, naturelle et artificielle, de s’enrichir l’une l’autre. De ne jamais (...)
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  38.  10
    How to be an epicurean: the ancient art of living well.Catherine Wilson - 2019 - New York, NY: Basic Books.
    A leading philosopher shows that if the pursuit of happiness is the question, Epicureanism is the answer Epicureanism has a reputation problem, bringing to mind gluttons with gout or an admonition to eat, drink, and be merry. In How to Be an Epicurean, philosopher Catherine Wilson shows that Epicureanism isn't an excuse for having a good time: it's a means to live a good life. Although modern conveniences and scientific progress have significantly improved our quality of life, many of (...)
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    Transparency and the European Union.Catherine Kratz - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (4):387-392.
    . Transparency and the European Union. Cultural Values: Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 387-392.
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    Reading Catharine MacKinnon in Europe.Catherine Labio - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1004-1009.
  41.  11
    Wahlsysteme auf dem Prüfstand: Rousseau, der Contrat social und das Beispiel Venedig.Catherine Labro - 2016 - In Harald Bluhm & Konstanze Baron (eds.), Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Im Bann der Institutionen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 169-182.
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    Lacan's afterlife: Jacques Lacan meets Andy Warhol.Catherine Liu - 2003 - In Jean-Michel Rabaté (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Lacan. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 253--71.
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    Historical Counterfactuals, Transition Periods, and the Constraints on Imagination.Catherine Greene - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (1):305-323.
    Counterfactual analysis is an interesting feature of thought experiments, because it requires the imagination of alternative states of the world (see also publications by Fearon, Lebow and Stein, Reiss, and Tetlock and Belkin, who suggest the same). In historical analysis, the use of imagination is often the focus of criticisms of such counterfactual analysis. In this article, I consider three strategies for constraining imagination: making limited counterfactual changes, limiting counterfactual changes to the decisions of important figures, and using evidence to (...)
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    Person-al Journeys: Reflections on Personhood and Dementia Based on Ethnographic Research and Family Experience.Catherine Myser - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):55-59.
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    Community-Based Participatory Research in United States Bioethics: Steps Toward More Democratic Theory and Policy.Catherine Myser - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):67-68.
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    Oppositional Christian Symbolism and Salvation in Blake’s America: A Prophecy.Catherine M. André - 2018 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 37:199.
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    Psychological Well-Being in a Connected World: The Impact of Cybervictimization in Children’s and Young People’s Life in France.Catherine Audrin & Catherine Blaya - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Compte rendu de F. Pelosi, Plato: on Music, Soul and Body.Catherine Collobert - 2012 - Plato Journal 12 (Plato 12 (2012)).
    Cet ouvrage constitue la version révisée d'une thèse de doctorat soutenue à la Scuola Normale Superiore de Pise, et traduite en anglais. Composé de quatre chapitres, l'ouvrage se propose d'abord d'examiner le rôle que Platon attribue à la musique dans l'éducation, pour ensuite analyser la relation que la musique entretient avec l'âme et le corps. F. Pelosi étudie la conception platonicienne de la musique et envisage son importance pour comprendre non seulement la relation corps-esprit chez Platon, mais (…) - 12. (...)
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    Landscaped Environment and Health in Han China.Catherine Despeux - 2019 - In Florence Bretelle-Establet, Marie Gaille & Mehrnaz Katouzian-Safadi (eds.), Making Sense of Health, Disease, and the Environment in Cross-Cultural History: The Arabic-Islamic World, China, Europe, and North America. Springer Verlag. pp. 79-101.
    Medical and Taoist sources written or compiled during the Han dynasty provide the first accounts, reflections, and theories on the self, on disease, and on the relationships between humans and the world in which they live. This chapter focuses on this particular period of time which, in fact, lays important foundations for Chinese society and culture. Relying mainly on medical and Taoist sources, it firstly sheds light on how the self was thought of and represented at this time and examines (...)
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    Training Executive Functions to Improve Academic Achievement: Tackling Avenues to Far Transfer.Catherine Gunzenhauser & Matthias Nückles - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of training executive functions is usually to improve the ability to attain real-life goals such as academic achievement, that is, far transfer. Although many executive function trainings are successful in improving executive functions, far transfer is more difficult to achieve. In this perspective article, we focus on the transfer of executive function training to academic performance. First, we disentangle possible sources of transfer problems. We argue that executive functions can facilitate academic performance via two specific pathways, namely learning-related (...)
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