Results for 'Cassandra Gorman'

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    Forms of thinking through poetry and science.Cassandra Gorman - 2024 - Metascience 33 (3):391-394.
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    The role of imagination in facilitating deductive reasoning in 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds.Cassandra A. Richards & Jennifer A. Sanderson - 1999 - Cognition 72 (2):B1-B9.
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    Recovery of 3D volume from 2-tone images of novel objects.Cassandra Moore & Patrick Cavanagh - 1998 - Cognition 67 (1-2):45-71.
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    An extended case study on the phenomenology of sequence-space synesthesia.Cassandra Gould, Tom Froese, Adam B. Barrett, Jamie Ward & Anil K. Seth - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Demythologizing Revelation: A Critical Continuation of Rudolf Bultmann's Project.Chester O'Gorman - 2019 - Fortress Academic.
    Rudolf Bultmann aimed to make the revelation of Jesus a reality for people in the present, but fell short of his objective. In Demythologizing Revelation, Chester O’Gorman picks up where Bultmann left off by demythologizing the Christ event through the philosophy of provocative thinker Slavoj Žižek.
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    Separability and Aggregation: The Collected Works of W. M. Gorman, Volume I.William Moore Gorman - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    W.M. Gorman has been a major figure in the development of economies during the past forty years. His publications on separability, aggregation, duality and the modelling of consumer demand are recognized as fundamental contributions to economic theory. Many of his unpublished papers have achieved similar status as privately-circulated classics.This volume brings together for the first time all Gorman's important work, much of which has never been published before, on aggregation across commodities and agents, including separability, budgeting, representative agents, (...)
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    Gender Segregation in Elite Academic Science.Cassandra Tansey, Anne E. Lincoln & Elaine Howard Ecklund - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (5):693-717.
    Efforts to understand gender segregation within and among science disciplines have focused on both supply- and demand-side explanations. Yet we know little about how academic scientists themselves view the sources of such segregation. Utilizing data from a survey of scientists at thirty top U.S. graduate programs in physics and biology and semistructured interviews with 150 of them, this article examines the reasons academic scientists provide for differences in the distribution of women in biology and physics. In quantitative analyses, gender is (...)
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    Understanding and Modeling Teams As Dynamical Systems.Jamie C. Gorman, Terri A. Dunbar, David Grimm & Christina L. Gipson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  9. The essential and the accidental.Michael Gorman - 2005 - Ratio 18 (3):276–289.
    The distinction between the essential and the accidental characteristics of a thing should be understood not in modal terms (the received view) nor in definitional terms (Fine’s recent proposal) but as follows: an essential characteristic of a thing is one that is not explained by any other of that thing’s characteristics, and an accidental characteristic of a thing is one that is so explained. Various versions of this proposal can be formulated.
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    ‘Fear’ and ‘Hope’ in Graphic Fiction: The Schismatic Role of Law in an Australian Dystopian Comic.Cassandra Sharp - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (3):407-426.
    The rise in popularity in recent times of dystopian fiction is reflective of contemporary anxieties about law: the inhumanity of judicial-coercive machinery; the influence of corporate power; the lack of democratic imagination despite the desperate need for political reform; and the threat of order imposed through violence and victimisation. These dystopian texts often tell fear-inducing stories of law’s failure to protect; or of law’s unsuccessful struggle against unbridled power; or even sometimes of law’s ‘bastardised’ reconstruction. Indeed comics, with their visual (...)
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    Treatment of Deaf Clients: Ethical Considerations for Professionals in Psychology.Cassandra L. Boness - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (7):562-585.
    Providing therapy to deaf clients raises important ethical considerations for psychologists related to competence; multiple relationships and boundary issues; confidentiality; assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation; and communication and using interpreters. In evaluating and addressing these, psychologists must consider the American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code and other relevant issues necessary to provide ethical treatment. The current article provides background, ethical considerations, principles and standards relevant to the treatment of deaf clients, and recommendations to support psychologists, training programs, and the field. Psychologists have (...)
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    Children and Parents and Medical Decisions.Cassandra Aspinall - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (6):3-3.
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    Re-imagining the (Dis)Abled Body.Cassandra Phillips - 2001 - Journal of Medical Humanities 22 (3):195-208.
    Disability imagery, whether photographs, posters, or verbal or written discourse, comprises multiple viewpoints or gazes, ranging from the impaired physical body to the disabling social environment. In some instances, photographic image and accompanying text combine to reinforce the notion of persons with disabilities as helpless and needy people. These conceptualizations not only emphasize obvious prejudices and limited thinking about persons with disabilities, but also illustrate the consequences: persons with disabilities tend to assimilate the oppressive images constructed by society. In order (...)
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  14. The psychology of technological invention.Michael E. Gorman - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman, Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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    Live long and prosper: “ G ermline stem cell maintenance revisited” (retrospective on DOI: 10.1002/bies.201000085).Cassandra G. Extavour - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (9):763-763.
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    Representações femininas e as lutas pela emancipação por meio da educação e da escrita.Cassandra Rúbia Marques da Silva & Luciene Maria Bastos Bastos - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 13 (1):1891-1916.
    Este trabalho visa discutir as representações femininas e o trajeto histórico da mulher em busca de emancipação mediante a instrução e a escrita. Tal discussão se insere no processo de expansão das fontes e dos objetos históricos. Este trabalho foi fundamentado na abordagem da História Cultural, tendo como referencial teórico fundamental o historiador Roger Chartier. Aqui também se objetiva compreender como as representações contribuíram para a construção dos papeis sociais femininos, bem como entender sua influência na manutenção/ transgressão desses papeis.
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    I to we: The role of consciousness transformation in compassion and altruism.Cassandra Vieten, Tina Amorok & Marilyn Mandala Schlitz - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):915-932.
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    Changes in Personality Associated with Deep Brain Stimulation: a Qualitative Evaluation of Clinician Perspectives.Cassandra J. Thomson, Rebecca A. Segrave & Adrian Carter - 2019 - Neuroethics 14 (1):109-124.
    Gilbert et al. argue that the neuroethics literature discussing the putative effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on personality largely ignores the scientific evidence and presents distorted claims that personality change is induced by the DBS stimulation. This study contributes to the first-hand primary research on the topic exploring DBS clinicians’ views on post-DBS personality change among their patients and its underlying cause. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with sixteen clinicians from various disciplines working in Australian DBS practice for movement disorders and/or (...)
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    The effects of acute aerobic activity on cognition and cross-domain transfer to eating behavior.Cassandra J. Lowe, Peter A. Hall, Corita M. Vincent & Kimberley Luu - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  20. Feminist epistemology: Implications for philosophy of science.Cassandra L. Pinnick - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (4):646-657.
    This article examines the best contemporary arguments for a feminist epistemology of scientific knowledge as found in recent works by S. Harding. I argue that no feminist epistemology of science is worthy of the name, because such an epistemology fails to escape well-known vicissitudes of epistemic relativism. But feminist epistemology merits attention from philosophers of science because it is part of a larger relativist turn in the social sciences and humanities that now aims to extend its critique to science, and (...)
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    Against Neuronormativity in Moral Responsibility.August Gorman - 2024 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 10 (1).
    The moral responsibility literature frequently relies on both explicit and implicit claims about “ideal” or “normal” agency that import unjustified normative assumptions into our theorizing. In doing so, it both fails to reckon with and misconstrues the reality of agential diversity. In this article I diagnose the root of this problem, which I trace back to the confluence of two factors: the search for fundamental agential capacities, and systemic discrimination toward psychological variance. I then preview three socially and politically important (...)
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  22. Williams and the Desirability of Body‐Bound Immortality Revisited.A. G. Gorman - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy:1062-1083.
    Bernard Williams argues that human mortality is a good thing because living forever would necessarily be intolerably boring. His argument is often attacked for unfoundedly proposing asymmetrical requirements on the desirability of living for mortal and immortal lives. My first aim in this paper is to advance a new interpretation of Williams' argument that avoids these objections, drawing in part on some of his other writings to contextualize it. My second aim is to show how even the best version of (...)
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    Companionability characterization for the expansion of an o-minimal theory by a dense subgroup.Alexi Block Gorman - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (10):103316.
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  24. What is the Difference between Weakness of Will and Compulsion?August Gorman - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (1):37-52.
    Orthodoxy holds that the difference between weakness of will and compulsion is a matter of the resistibility of an agent's effective motivation, which makes control-based views of agency especially well equipped to distinguish blameworthy weak-willed acts from non-blameworthy compulsive acts. I defend an alternative view that the difference between weakness and compulsion instead lies in the fact that agents would upon reflection give some conative weight to acting on their weak-willed desires for some aim other than to extinguish them, but (...)
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    Youth and Community Work for Climate Justice: Towards an Ecocentric Ethics for Practice.J. Gorman, A. Baker, T. Corney & T. Cooper - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (2):115-130.
    This paper traces an expanded ethical perspective for youth and community work (YCW) practice in response to the climate and biodiversity crises. Discussing ecological ethics, we problematise the liberal humanist emphasis on utilitarianism and reject it as inappropriate for YCW in these times. Instead, we argue for an ecocentric practice ethic which intrinsically values the non-human world. To advance an ecocentric ethical perspective for YCW we draw on decolonial and posthuman theory. Inspired by a Freirean dialogical approach, we apply these (...)
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    Body Image, Prostheses, Phantom Limbs.Cassandra S. Crawford - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (2):221-244.
    The body image with respect to physical disability has long been a woefully under-theorized area of scholarship. The literature that does attend to the body image in cases of physical abnormality or functional impairment regularly offer poorly articulated or problematic definitions of the concept, effectively undermining its historic analytic scope and depth. Here, I revisit the epistemic roots of the body image while also engaging the rich contemporary literature from a body studies perspective in order to situate the narratives of (...)
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    Informed Consent and Voluntariness: Balancing Ethical Demands During Trial Recruitment.Cassandra J. Thomson, Rebecca A. Segrave & Adrian Carter - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):83-85.
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    Audiovisual Temporal Perception in Aging: The Role of Multisensory Integration and Age-Related Sensory Loss.Cassandra J. Brooks, Yu Man Chan, Andrew J. Anderson & Allison M. McKendrick - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Hold the germ cells, I'm on duty.Cassandra G. Extavour - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (12):1263-1267.
    Germ cell segregation and gamete production are developmental problems that all sexually reproducing species must solve in order to survive. Many people are familiar with the complex social structures of some insect species, where specialised castes of adult insects perform specific tasks, one of which is usually to guard the sexually reproductive queen. The parasitic wasp Copidosoma floridanum adds another level of complexity to the caste system: a fertilised egg produces both sterile, short‐lived “soldier” larvae and “reproductive” larvae that complete (...)
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  30. Love without bodies.Cassandra Falke - 2017 - In Antonio Calcagno, Steve G. Lofts, Rachel Bath & Kathryn Lawson, _Breached Horizons: The Philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion_, eds. Rachel Bath, Kathryn Lawson, Steven G. Lofts, Antonio Calcagno. New York; London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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    Alexander Graham Bell: Making Connections. Naomi Pasachoff.Michael Gorman - 1999 - Isis 90 (3):611-612.
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    Some astonishing things.Jonathan L. Gorman - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1-2):28-40.
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  33. Requiem for a digital humanist.Marcel O'Gorman - 2020 - In Sherryl Vint, After the Human: Culture, Theory and Criticism in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Naturalization of Epistemology and Eliminative Materialism.Pascal O’Gorman - 1990 - Irish Philosophical Journal 7 (1-2):79-103.
  35. Approach to the philosophy of science.Cassandra L. Pinnick - 2005 - In Martin Curd & Stathis Psillos, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science. New York: Routledge. pp. 182.
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    The Politics of Epistemology.Cassandra Reed - 2008 - Stance 1:50-55.
    This paper focuses on the metaphysical and conceptual structures of reality organization that exist currently in western culture. Taking a feminist perspective, this paper analyzes how some disfavored social groups actively have their identities manipulated and sometimes conceptually erased from the dominant conceptual scheme. Utilizing this analysis, it is concluded that this conceptual scheme perpetuates oppression; therefore, maintained loyalty to it is incompatible with the belief that all people should be treated as full persons.
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  37. Inhabiting the Cruciform God: Kenosis, Justification, and Theosis in Paul's Narrative Soteriology.Michael J. Gorman - 2009
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  38. Philosophy of science and history of science: A troubling interaction.Cassandra Pinnick & George Gale - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (1):109-125.
    History and philosophy complement and overlap each other in subject matter, but the two disciplines exhibit conflict over methodology. Since Hempel's challenge to historians that they should adopt the covering law model of explanation, the methodological conflict has revolved around the respective roles of the general and the particular in each discipline. In recent years, the revival of narrativism in history, coupled with the trend in philosophy of science to rely upon case studies, joins the methodological conflict anew. So long (...)
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  39. Demystifying the Deep Self View.August Gorman - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (4):390-414.
    Deep Self views of moral responsibility have been criticized for positing mysterious concepts, making nearly paradoxical claims about the ownership of one’s mental states, and promoting self-deceptive moral evasion. I defend Deep Self views from these pervasive forms of skepticism by arguing that some criticism is hasty and stems from epistemic injustice regarding testimonies of experiences of alienation, while other criticism targets contingent features of Deep Self views that ought to be abandoned. To aid in this project, I provide original (...)
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  40. Neurodiversity and the Ethics of Access.August Gorman - 2024 - In Shelley Tremain, _The Bloomsbury Guide to Philosophy of Disability_. London UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Surveys different potential normative underpinnings of neurodiversity-related access claims, focusing both on their legitimacy and the adjudication of conflicts between them.
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    Carbon Emissions from Overuse of U.S. Health Care: Medical and Ethical Problems.Cassandra Thiel & Cristina Richie - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (4):10-16.
    The United States health care industry is the second largest in the world, expending an estimated 479 million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide per year, nearly 8 percent of the country's total emissions. The importance of carbon reduction in health care is slowly being accepted. However, efforts to “green” health care are incomplete since they generally focus on buildings and structures. Yet hospital care and clinical service sectors contribute the most carbon dioxide within the U.S. health care industry, with (...)
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    Patients’ Weighing of the Long-Term Risks and Consequences Associated With Deep Brain Stimulation in Treatment-Resistant Depression.Cassandra Thomson, Rebecca Segrave, John Gardner & Adrian Carter - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4):243-245.
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    Scrutinizing Feminist Epistemology.Cassandra L. Pinnick, Noretta Koertge & Robert F. Almeder (eds.) - 2003 - Rutgers University Press.
    This volume presents the first systematic evaluation of a feminist epistemology of sciences' power to transform both the practice of science and our society. Unlike existing critiques, this book questions the fundamental feminist suggestion that purging science of alleged male biases will advance the cause of both science and by extension, social justice. The book is divided into four sections: the strange status of feminist epistemology, testing feminist claims about scientific practice, philosophical and political critiques of feminist epistemology, and future (...)
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    ‘That golden sentence of Tacitus’: Tacitean quotation as the medium of political knowledge in Boccalini’s Ragguagli di Parnasso.Ellen O’Gorman - 2025 - History of European Ideas 51 (1):76-92.
    Boccalini’s Ragguagli di Parnasso (1612) provides us with a satirically inflected view of how Tacitean quotation was used throughout the sixteenth century as a medium of political knowledge. A detailed analysis of some Tacitean scenes in Ragguagli will help us to elicit some of the issues underlying the turn to Tacitus in the intellectual climate of the period: the search for truth in a new era of moral relativism; debates about the applicability of ancient maxims to contemporary realities; and the (...)
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    Three Philosophical Moralists: Mill, Kant and Sartre. An Introduction to Ethics.J. L. Gorman - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (162):116-117.
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    Confirmation, disconfirmation, and invention: The case of Alexander Graham bell and the telephone.Michael E. Gorman - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (1):31 – 53.
  47. Synchronous vs non-synchronous imitation: using dance to explore interpersonal coordination during observational learning.Cassandra Crone, Lilian Rigoli, Gaurav Patil, Sarah Pini, John Sutton, Rachel Kallen & Michael J. Richardson - 2021 - Human Movement Science 102776 (102776).
    Observational learning can enhance the acquisition and performance quality of complex motor skills. While an extensive body of research has focused on the benefits of synchronous (i.e., concurrent physical practice) and non-synchronous (i.e., delayed physical practice) observational learning strategies, the question remains as to whether these approaches differentially influence performance outcomes. Accordingly, we investigate the differential outcomes of synchronous and non-synchronous observational training contexts using a novel dance sequence. Using multidimensional cross-recurrence quantification analysis, movement time-series were recorded for novice dancers (...)
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    Drag Queens in Play: The Drag Queen as Sign in Contemporary Culture.Cassandra M. Collier - 2017 - Semiotics:115-125.
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    Duties Beyond Borders and the Learning Feedback Theory of Human Rights.F. P. O’Gorman - 1988 - Irish Philosophical Journal 5 (1-2):3-21.
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  50. Intertextuality, time and historical understanding.Ellen O'Gorman - 2006 - In Alexander Lyon Macfie, The philosophy of history: talks given at the Institute of Historical Research, London, 2000-2006. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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