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Carol Nicholson [9]Carol J. Nicholson [5]Caroline Nicholson [1]
  1.  28
    Lactantius, Hermes Trismegistus and Constantinian obelisks.Caroline Nicholson & Oliver Nicholson - 1989 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 109:198-200.
  2.  25
    Philosophy and the Two-Sided Brain.Carol Nicholson - 2012 - Philosophy Now 92:6-8.
  3. Postmodern feminisms.Carol Nicholson - 1995 - In Michael Peters (ed.), Education and the Postmodern Condition. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey.
  4.  26
    Postmodern feminist pedagogy.Carol Nicholson - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):970-974.
  5.  17
    Richard Rorty’s Pragmatic Patriotism.Carol Nicholson - 2003 - Philosophy Now 43:20-21.
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  6.  15
    Rorty's Romantic Polytheism.Carol Nicholson - 2020 - In Alan Malachowski (ed.), A companion to Rorty. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 297–311.
    William James's influence on Richard Rorty's neopragmatism increased during the last decade of his life. I point out two themes that are not entirely consistent in Rorty's vision of the future of philosophy. Rorty's later “romantic polytheism” was more pluralistic and closer to James's view than his earlier atheism, but his commitment to the “linguistic turn” prevented him from accepting James's reconstruction of metaphysics and epistemology. I argue that Rorty's rejection of the concept of experience committed what James called the (...)
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  7.  31
    Why I Am Not a Patriot.Carol Nicholson - 2004 - Philosophy Now 47:23-25.
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  8.  40
    Richard Rorty. [REVIEW]Carol J. Nicholson - 2003 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 31 (95):47-49.
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