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Carlos Morujão [41]Carlos A. Morujão [3]
  1.  21
    The Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset Reevaluated.Carlos Morujão, Samuel Dimas & Susana Relvas - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The present text surveys and reevaluates the meaning and scope of Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy. The chapters reveal the most important aspects of his history such as the Neokantian training he went thru in Germany as well as his discovery of Husserl’s phenomenology around 1912. The work also covers his original contributions to philosophy namely vital and historical reason - and the cultural and educational mission he proposed to achieve. The Spanish – and to a certain extent the European – (...)
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    Phenomenology and artificial intelligence: introductory notes.Steven S. Gouveia & Carlos Morujão - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (5):1009-1015.
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    A recepção das Investigações Lógicas por Paul Natorp.Carlos Morujão - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):55-80.
    The paper offers a survey of the debate between Husserl and Paul Natorp that followed the publication, by the former, of Logical Investigations, in 1900-1901. Beyond a general agreement on the nature of psychologism and the ways to struggle against it, Husserl and Natorp disagreed, at the time, on the nature and function of consciousness. As Natorp defended, since his Introduction to Psychology of 1888, that the objective contents of consciousness are distinct from the I as the subjective (and unobjectifiable) (...)
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    (1 other version)Husserl e a história--Sobre o “Im Zickzack Vor- Und Zurückgehen”, no § 9 da Crise das Ciências Europeias.Carlos Morujão - 2007 - Phainomenon 14 (1):143-156.
    O presente ensaio procura compreender a concepção husserliana da história a partir de conceitos tais como Urstiftung, Wiedererinnerung e Nachstiftung. Tentar-se-á, não só perceber as razões subjacentes à concepção teleológica da história, presente no livro da Crise (e nos textos que Ihe andam associados) e na Conferência de Viena de 1935, bem como o tipo de concepção do tempo histórico que é correlativa dela, mas também, sobretudo, detectar a possibilidade - a partir dos textos mesmos de Husserl - de uma (...)
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  5.  10
    The Importance of William James’ Theory of “Fringes” to the Constitution of a Phenomenology of Perception.Carlos Morujão - 2017 - Phainomenon 26 (1):117-138.
    This paper focus on the phenomenological theories of perception and intuitive acts in general, and aims to show the relevance of William James’ concept of fringe to understand them. Although Husserl claims that James’ analysis were carried on without the phenomenological reduction and were thus biased by psychological and physiological prejudices, the paper stresses the high value of those analysis: James’ intended to remain faithful to the meaning of lived experience and avoided any considerations where descriptions could be entangled with (...)
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  6.  9
    A Fenomenologia da experiência jurídica em Adolf Reinach.Carlos Morujão - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):403-422.
    In this paper I will focus on Adolf Reinach’s work A Priori Foundations of Civil Law. Reinach, a member of the so-called “Circle of Göttingen”, formed around Edmund Husserl, sought in this work to apply phenomenology, understood as a doctrine of essences, to the problem of the constitution of legal norms. Surprisingly, however, his starting point is an analysis of the promise – whose legal status is weak, appearing only in some civil codes (as the Portuguese), in expressions such as (...)
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    Delfim Santos (1908-1966) e a Fenomenologia.Carlos Morujão - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):137-150.
    Delfim Santos was not a phenomenologist, but his interest concerning phenomenological issues was more than an accident. Familiar with the philosophy of the Vienna Circle, but above all strongly influenced by Nicolai Hartmann, Delfim Santos sees in Husserl’s phenomenology (mainly in Ideas I) the recognition of several kinds or regions of objectivity, each with its peculiar regional essence. At the same time, he looks at the theory of intentionality as acknowledging the necessary relation between any realm of reality that requests (...)
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  8.  9
    The Husserlian Doctrine about the Modalities of Attention.Carlos Morujão - 2022 - Phainomenon 33 (1):69-84.
    In this paper, I address Husserl’s theory of intentionality focusing on the problems of attention. I claim that without phenomenological reduction the specific phenomenological content of modalizations – in intentional acts – would be hard to explain. It would be impossible to understand why constant external factors (for instance, variations in the intensity of a stimulus) are accompanied by fluctuations in attention. It would also be impossible to understand the reasons why only the lived experience of causality – which I (...)
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  9.  15
    Subjective Meanings and Normative Values in Alfred Schutz's Philosophy of Human Action.Carlos Morujão - 2023 - Phenomenology and Mind 24:130-139.
    In his explanation of human action Alfred Schutz resorts mainly to Max Weber’s notion of subjective meaning and Husserl’s notion of type. For him subjective meaning seems more important to understand human action than the fact that social actors internalize normative values. Accordingly, validity has mainly to do with projects of action, with fulfilled (or unfulfilled) expectations and to the stock of knowledge available, along with the actor’s system of relevances. This raises two characteristic Schutzian problems: 1) the relation between (...)
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    Introdução à “experiência e juízo”.Ludwig Landgrebe & Carlos Morujão - 2001 - Phainomenon 3 (1):143-189.
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  11. Husserl's Ideen in the Portuguese Speaking Community.Pedro M. S. Alves & Carlos A. Morujão - 2013 - In Lester Embree & Thomas Nenon (eds.), Husserl’s Ideen. Dordrecht: Springer.
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  12.  6
    Alexandre Fradique Morujão.Carlos Morujão - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):163-185.
    This paper addresses the meaning and importance of Alexandre Morujão’s work for the reception of husserlian phenomenology in the Portuguese university. It gives also an overall view of his philosophical activity and interests, either as a university professor and researcher, or as a translator of philosophical works. The paper tracks also some of philosophical influences, sometimes hidden in the author’s published works, such as the influence of the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gassett. Regarding phenomenology (and especially husserlian phenomenology), the paper (...)
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    A Genealogia da Lógica e a Filosofia da Lebenswelt.Carlos Morujão - 2010 - Phainomenon 20-21 (1):179-200.
    This paper is divided into three parts. The first part addresses the main tenets of Husserl ‘s conception of formal logic, its different levels and its relationship with formal mathematics and formal ontology. It will, therefore, undertake a delimitation of the logical domain, in its autonomy, taking as its point of departure the presentation Husserl makes of this subject in his works of maturity, particularly in Forma/e und. transzendentale Logik. The second ·part shows why, for phenomenology, the analysis of objective (...)
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  14.  26
    Doctrina de la Ciencia nova methodo : análisis del § 17 = Doctrine of Science nova methodo : analysis of § 17.Carlos Morujao - 2012 - Endoxa 30:345.
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    Fenomenologia e psicologia descritiva (A propósito de algumas relações entre a fenomenologia, a lógica e a matemática).Carlos Morujão - 2003 - Phainomenon 5-6 (1):87-98.
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  16.  22
    Husserl, Heidegger y Freud y el problema de la crisis europea.Carlos A. Morujão - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 3:293.
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    Intersubjectivity and the Project of a Phenomenology of the Social World.Carlos Morujão - 2023 - Phainomenon 35 (1):5-24.
    In this paper, I discuss the guidelines of a phenomenology of the social world in the wake of Alfred Schutz and José Ortega y Gasset. While the latter was not, for a long time, acknowledge as a phenomenologist, the former is a well-known critique of Husserl’s theory of intersubjectivity and of the possibility of grounding a community of transcendental Egos. Both, however, remained faithful to some basic phenomenological tenets, namely, that individual subjectivity has a relational character, the circumstances in which (...)
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    Inédito de Alexandre Morujão.Carlos Morujão - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):373-400.
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  19. Karl Leonhard Reinhold e Kant.Carlos Morujao - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):731-745.
    O presente ensaio aborda o pensamento de Karl Leonhard Reinhold entre 1789 e 1792. Após um curto período em que apareceu como discípulo e divulgador da filosofia de Kant, Reinhold procurou conduzir o kantismo na direcção que lhe parecia a mais adequada para a resolução de dois problemas que Kant deixara em aberto: a clarificação da natureza da coisaemsi e o acabamento dos intentos sistemáticos da sua filosofia. Este último desiderato, Reinhold procurou resolvêlo por meio de uma teoria da faculdade (...)
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  20.  32
    O sentido do idealismo de Husserl.Carlos Morujão - 2016 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):13-36.
    This paper addresses the meaning of Husserl’s idealism between the Ideas of 1913 and the Cartesian Meditations of 1931. In the work of 1913, the idealism stems from a distinction between consciousness and world based in a difference in the corresponding modes of giveness: consciousness gives itself absolutely and without profiles, and the world is given as an identity pole of a multiplicity of profiles. The fact that Husserl offered a second definition of his idealism in the same work proves (...)
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  21.  16
    Sensation, affection et corps de chair.Carlos Morujão - 2016 - Cultura:231-245.
    Este ensaio tem como objectivo apresentar, num primeiro momento, os resultados da análise intencional do processo de constituição dos objectos físicos, do corpo somático e da psique, tal como ela foi levada a cabo por Edmund Husserl. Na base desses resultados, será possível elaborar uma teoria da afecção que permitirá, num segundo momento, algumas aproximações com a Psicanálise de Freud e a teoria freudiana das pulsões. A especificidade do corpo somático relativamente a qualquer objecto físico – apesar de algumas semelhanças (...)
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    Sobre a existência de uma “Redução Fenomenológica” em Psicanálise.Carlos Morujão - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):193-210.
    This paper adresses both the phenomenological theories of intentionality, reduction, and passive synthesis, and Freud’s theory of the inconscious. Its main purpose is to develop some ideas that will allow an answer to the two following questions. First: is there anything in Husserl’s phenomenology that authorizes the foundation, from a philosophical point of view, of the main psychoanalytical concepts, or at least opens the possibility of thinking them, regardless their specific therapeutically value? Secondly: is there anyting in psychoanalysis that excedes (...)
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  23.  4
    Shadows: A Phenomenological Analysis.Carlos A. Morujão - 2020 - Phainomenon 30 (1):17-39.
    Shadows are intriguing phenomena. They do not have mass or energy. So, they are unable to have some basic characteristics of the objects of which they are shadows: they cannot move by themselves and they cannot experience the same kind of changes. At first sight, any theory of perception can skip this optical phenomenon or look at it only as a side-effect. Actually, in order to be seen objects must be illuminated and one of the consequences of this is that (...)
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  24.  21
    (2 other versions)Crónica / Chronicle.Orlando Poblete Ortúzar, Daria Drozdova, Alberto Castaldini, Vanda B. Martins, Pablo López López & Carlos Morujão - 2009 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 65 (1/4):737 - 763.
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