Results for 'Carl Winsløw'

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  1. The role of disagreement in semantic theory.Carl Baker - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy (1):1-18.
    Arguments from disagreement often take centre stage in debates between competing semantic theories. This paper explores the theoretical basis for arguments from disagreement and, in so doing, proposes methodological principles which allow us to distinguish between legitimate arguments from disagreement and dialectically ineffective arguments from disagreement. In the light of these principles, I evaluate Cappelen and Hawthorne's [2009] argument from disagreement against relativism, and show that it fails to undermine relativism since it is dialectically ineffective. Nevertheless, I argue that an (...)
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    Midstream Modulation of Technology: Governance From Within.Carl Mitcham, Roop L. Mahajan & Erik Fisher - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (6):485-496.
    Public “upstream engagement” and other approaches to the social control of technology are currently receiving international attention in policy discourses around emerging technologies such as nanotechnology. To the extent that such approaches hold implications for research and development (R&D) activities, the distinct participation of scientists and engineers is required. The capacity of technoscientists to broaden the influences on R&D activities, however, implies that they conduct R&D differently. This article discusses the possibility for more reflexive participation by scientists and engineers in (...)
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    Ethics Across the Curriculum: Prospects for Broader (and Deeper) Teaching and Learning in Research and Engineering Ethics.Carl Mitcham & Elaine E. Englehardt - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1735-1762.
    The movements to teach the responsible conduct of research and engineering ethics at technological universities are often unacknowledged aspects of the ethics across the curriculum movement and could benefit from explicit alliances with it. Remarkably, however, not nearly as much scholarly attention has been devoted to EAC as to RCR or to engineering ethics, and RCR and engineering ethics educational efforts are not always presented as facets of EAC. The emergence of EAC efforts at two different institutions—the Illinois Institute of (...)
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  4. Physics: Frightful, but fun. Pupils' and teachers' views of physics and physics teaching.Carl Angell, Øystein Guttersrud, Ellen K. Henriksen & Anders Isnes - 2004 - Science Education 88 (5):683-706.
  5.  41
    Political Philosophy of Technology: After Leo Strauss (A Question of Sovereignty).Carl Mitcham - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (3):331-338.
    Bernard Stiegler’s contributions to political philosophy in the presence of technology are honored and complemented by imagining an encounter with the thought of Leo Strauss. The concept of sovereignty is taken as pivotal. Notions of sovereignty find expression not only in nation state politics but also in engineering and technology. Pierre Manent calls attention to further roots in Christian theology. The complexities and challenges of this interweaving point suggest the need for a “Tractatus Politico-Technologicus.”.
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    The infinite, the indefinite and the critical turn: Kant via Kripke models.Carl Posy - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (6):743-773.
    I thank the editors for inviting me to contribute to this issue on critical views of logic. Kant invented the critical philosophy. He fashioned its doctrines (Understanding versus Reason, synthetic...
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    The relations between the sciences.Carl Frederick Abel Pantin - 1968 - London,: Cambridge University Press. Edited by A. M. Pantin & William Homan Thorpe.
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    Error Detection Processes in Statistical Problem Solving.Carl Martin Allwood - 1984 - Cognitive Science 8 (4):413-437.
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    Intuitionism and philosophy.Carl Posy - 2005 - In Stewart Shapiro (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 319--355.
    After sketching the essentials of L. E. J. Brouwer’s intuitionistic mathematics—separable mathematics, choice sequences, the uniform continuity theorem, and the intuitionistic continuum—this chapter outlines the main philosophical tenets that go hand in hand with Brouwer’s technical achievements. It presents his views about general and mathematical phenomenology and shows how these views ground his positive epistemological and ontological positions and his stinging criticisms of classical mathematics and logic. The chapter then turns to intuitionistic logic and its philosophical side. It first sets (...)
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    Varieties of indeterminacy in the theory of general choice sequences.Carl J. Posy - 1976 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (1):91 - 132.
  11. Empiricism, Objectivity, and Explanation.Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Carl G. Anderson - 1993 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):121-131.
    We sley Salmon, in his influential and detailed book, Four Decades of Scientific Explanation, argues that the pragmatic approach to scientific explanation, “construed as the claim that scientific explanation can be explicated entirely in pragmatic terms” (1989, 185) is inadequate. The specific inadequacy ascribed to a pragmatic account is that objective relevance relations cannot be incorporated into such an account. Salmon relies on the arguments given in Kitcher and Salmon (1987) to ground this objection. He also suggests that Peter Railton’s (...)
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    Big Data, data integrity, and the fracturing of the control zone.Carl Lagoze - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    Despite all the attention to Big Data and the claims that it represents a “paradigm shift” in science, we lack understanding about what are the qualities of Big Data that may contribute to this revolutionary impact. In this paper, we look beyond the quantitative aspects of Big Data and examine it from a sociotechnical perspective. We argue that a key factor that distinguishes “Big Data” from “lots of data” lies in changes to the traditional, well-established “control zones” that facilitated clear (...)
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  13. Brouwer's constructivism.Carl J. Posy - 1974 - Synthese 27 (1-2):125 - 159.
  14. A Philosophical Inadequacy of Engineering.Carl Mitcham - 2009 - The Monist 92 (3):339-356.
  15. Reverse mathematics and π21 comprehension.Carl Mummert & Stephen G. Simpson - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):526-533.
    We initiate the reverse mathematics of general topology. We show that a certain metrization theorem is equivalent to Π2 1 comprehension. An MF space is defined to be a topological space of the form MF(P) with the topology generated by $\lbrace N_p \mid p \in P \rbrace$ . Here P is a poset, MF(P) is the set of maximal filters on P, and $N_p = \lbrace F \in MF(P) \mid p \in F \rbrace$ . If the poset P is countable, (...)
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    New Directions in Interdisciplinarity: Broad, Deep, and Critical.Carl Mitcham & Robert Frodeman - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (6):506-514.
    Aristotle launched Western knowledge on a trajectory toward disciplinarity that continues to this day. But is the knowledge management project that began with Aristotle adequate for the age of Google? Perhaps an undisciplined discourse more evocative of Plato can help us constitute new, more relevant inter- and transdisciplinary forms of knowledge. This article explores the history of disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, arguing for a new, critical form of interdisciplinarity that moves beyond the academy into dialogue with the public and private sectors. (...)
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  17. Linguistic Essays.Carl Abel - 1883 - Mind 8 (30):291-295.
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    Borrowing and Lending: Is there anything Christian about either?Carl E. Armerding - 2001 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 18 (3):146-154.
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    Über Hegels System und die Notwendigkeit einer nochmaligen Umgestaltung der Philosophie.Carl Friedrich Bachmann - 1833 - Aalen,: Scientia-Verlag.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  20. A free IPC is a natural logic: Strong completeness for some intuitionistic free logics.Carl J. Posy - 1982 - Topoi 1 (1-2):30-43.
    IPC, the intuitionistic predicate calculus, has the property(i) Vc(A c /x) xA.Furthermore, for certain important , IPC has the converse property (ii) xA Vc(A c /x). (i) may be given up in various ways, corresponding to different philosophic intuitions and yielding different systems of intuitionistic free logic. The present paper proves the strong completeness of several of these with respect to Kripke style semantics. It also shows that giving up (i) need not force us to abandon the analogue of (ii).
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    Virtual killing.Carl David Https://Orcidorg191X Mildenberger - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (1):185-203.
    Debates that revolve around the topic of morality and fiction rarely explicitly treat virtual worlds like, for example, Second Life. The reason for this disregard cannot be that all users of virtual worlds only do the right thing while online—for they sometimes even virtually kill each other. Is it wrong to kill other people in a virtual world? It depends. This essay analyzes on what it depends, why it is that killing people in a virtual world sometimes is wrong, and (...)
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    Introduction.Carl Mitcham - 2020 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):1-4.
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  23. The importance of philosophy to engineering.Carl Mitcham - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):27-47.
    Philosophy has not paid sufficient attention to engineering. Nevertheless, engineers should not use this as an excuse to ignore philosophy. The argument here is that philosophy is important to engineering for at least three reasons. First, philosophy is necessary so that engineers may understand and defend themselves against philosophical criticisms. In fact, there is a tradition of engineering philosophy that is largely overlooked, even by engineers. Second, philosophy, especially ethics, is necessary to help engineers deal with professional ethical problems. A (...)
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    Do Artifacts Have Dual Natures? Two Points of Commentary on the Delft Project.Carl Mitcham - 2002 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 6 (2):93-95.
  25. New Directions in the Philosophy of Science: Toward a Philosophy of Science Policy.Carl Mitcham & Robert Frodeman - 2004 - Philosophy Today 48 (5):3-15.
    This is the introduction to a special, guest-edited issue of Philosophy Today. It lays out the extent to which the philosophy of science has ignored science policy and argues that policy issues deserve attention in parallel with epistemological ones. It further reviews the historical development of science policy in the United States since World War II, identifies some recent contributions to critical reflection on basic science policy assumptions, and outlines a set of issues to be addressed by any comprehensive philosophy (...)
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  26. Kant and conceptual semantics.Carl J. Posy - 1991 - Topoi 10 (1):67-78.
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    Enhancing Engineering Ethics: Role Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.Carl Mitcham, Jessica M. Smith, Qin Zhu & Nicole M. Smith - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (3):1-21.
    Engineering ethics calls the attention of engineers to professional codes of ethical responsibility and personal values, but the practice of ethics in corporate settings can be more complex than either of these. Corporations too have cultures that often include corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and policies, but few discussions of engineering ethics make any explicit reference to CSR. This article proposes critical attention to CSR and role ethics as an opportunity to help prepare engineers to think through the ethics of (...)
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    School Exclusion: The Will to Punish.Carl Parsons - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (2):187 - 211.
    This paper examines perspectives on student disaffection in education at the levels of culture and policy. It considers the balance between punitive/exclusionary and therapeutic/restorative positions. The paper engages with concepts of retributive punishment (Murray, 2004a; 2004b), social welfare ideologies (Esping-Andersen, 1990) and discourses of social exclusion (Levitas, 1998). The conclusion is that policy choices are made about how disaffected, at risk young people are to be provided for, and these policy choices are not contained simply within an education policy and (...)
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  29. Where have all the objects gone?Carl J. Posy - 1986 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 25 (S1):17-36.
  30. Intuition and infinity: A Kantian theme with echoes in the foundations of mathematics.Carl Posy - 2008 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 63:165-193.
    Kant says patently conflicting things about infinity and our grasp of it. Infinite space is a good case in point. In his solution to the First Antinomy, he denies that we can grasp the spatial universe as infinite, and therefore that this universe can be infinite; while in the Aesthetic he says just the opposite: ‘Space is represented as a given infinite magnitude’ (A25/B39). And he rests these upon consistently opposite grounds. In the Antinomy we are told that we can (...)
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  31. Testimony: Evidence and Responsibility.Matthew Carl Weiner - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    Testimony is an indispensable way of gaining knowledge and also a voluntary act for which the teller can be held responsible. This dissertation analyzes these two aspects of testimony, the epistemological and the normative. Indeed, it argues that these two aspects cannot be separated: A satisfactory account of testimony's epistemology must allow for testimony's normative status, while an account of testimony's normative status can be derived from testimony's epistemology. ;Epistemologically, the general reliability of testimony should be treated differently from the (...)
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  32. Stephen J. Field: Craftsman of the Law.Stephen J. Field & Carl Brent Swisher - 1970 - Ethics 81 (1):77-79.
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  33. Einleitung Zu den Vorlesungen Über Theoretische Physik. Hrsg. Von Arthur König Und Carl Runge.Hermann von Helmholtz, Arthur Peter König & Carl Runge - 1903 - J.A. Barth.
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  34. New Directions in Theology Today.William Hordern & Carl E. Braaten - 1966
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  35. Protestantism—Its Modern Meaning.David A. Rausch & Carl Hermann Voss - 1987
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    Red Empty.Carl Michael von Hausswolff & Anthony Elms - 2005 - Whitewalls.
    Light and darkness transform city buildings into surreal structures: an ordinary gray concrete building in plain daylight changes at night into a mysterious monolith or, under a blue-tinted lens, into an ethereal edifice. Swedish artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff harnessed these transformative powers of light to create a powerful spectacle that presents Chicago architecture from a wholly original perspective in this collection of striking photographs. Red Empty is the latest in a series of urban-centered works spanning from Bangkok to (...)
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    The theory of empirical sequences.Carl J. Posy - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):47 - 81.
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    Fugitive politics: the struggle for ecological sanity.Carl Boggs - 2022 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Fugitive Politics explores the intersection between politics and ecology, between the requirements for radical change and the unprecedented challenges posed by the global crisis, a dialectic has rarely been addressed in academia. Across eight chapters, Carl Boggs explores how systemic change may be achieved within the current system, while detailing attempts at achieving change within nation states. Boggs states that any notion of revolution seems fanciful in the current climate, contending that controlling elites have concentrated their hold on corporate (...)
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    Sämtliche Werke / Kurze Abhandlung von Gott, dem Menschen und dessen Glück.Baruch de Spinoza & Carl Gebhardt - 1991 - Meiner, F.
    Spinozas Kurze Abhandlung gilt als früher Grundriß seines Hauptwerkes, der Ethik. Etwa 1660 entstanden, ist diese Schrift durch eine niederländische Übersetzung aus seinem Freundeskreis erhalten. Neben der eigenständigen Bedeutung, die dem Text zukommt, werden hier wesentliche Hinweise auf die Quellen und Problemstellungen gegeben, an die Spinoza anknüpft und an denen sich sein Denken entzündet.
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  40. Sämtliche Werke in Sieben Bänden.Benedictus de Spinoza, Carl Gebhardt, Otto Baensch, Günter Gawlick & Artur Buchenau - 1965
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    Brief for Political Philosophy of Engineering and Technology.Carl Mitcham - 2024 - NanoEthics 18 (3):1-6.
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    William Paul, Laughing Screaming: Modern Hollywood Horror and Comedy.Carl Plantinga - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (3):332-334.
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    History and Innovation.Carl Pletsch & Richard Shiff - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 7 (3):634-638.
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    Monism and the Antinomies.Carl V. Poland - 1915 - The Monist 25 (4):624-627.
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    Editors' introduction.Carl J. Posy & Michael T. Ferejohn - 1993 - Synthese 96 (3):333-334.
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    Introduction.Carl J. Posy - 1984 - Topoi 3 (2):97-98.
  47.  49
    Mathematical Knowledge, Objects and Applications: Essays in Memory of Mark Steiner.Carl Posy & Yemima Ben-Menahem (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
    This book provides a survey of the major issues in the philosophy of mathematics, such as ontological questions regarding the nature of mathematical objects, epistemic questions about the acquisition of mathematical knowledge, and the intriguing riddle of the applicability of mathematics to the physical world. Some of these issues go back to the nascent years of mathematics itself, others are just beginning to draw the attention of scholars. In addressing these questions, some of the papers in this volume wrestle with (...)
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  48. Strong Completeness for Some Intuitionistic Free Logics.Carl J. Posy - 1991 - In Karel Lambert (ed.), Philosophical applications of free logic. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 49.
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    Why Science, Technology, and Society Studies?Carl Mitcham - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (2):128-134.
    This article presents a brief argument for STS studies as grounded in fundamental historical transformations of the human condition, outlines seven distinct approaches to STS, and concludes with a brief for STS as the new form of a liberal education.
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  50. Centraal-lokale relaties in Vlaanderen: verdeel of heers?Koenraad De Ceuninckiii, Carl Devos, Herwig Reynaert, Sofie STAELRAEVEiii, Kristof STEYVERSii, Tony VALCKEiii & Dries VERLETii - 2005 - Res Publica 1:19.
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