Results for 'Candraśekhara Śarmā'

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    Classical Indian Philosophy: A Reader.Deepak Sarma - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Deepak Sarma completes the first outline in more than fifty years of India's key philosophical traditions, inventively sourcing seminal texts and clarifying language, positions, and issues. Organized by tradition, the volume covers six schools of orthodox Hindu philosophy: Mimamsa (the study of the earlier Vedas, later incorporated into Vedanta), Vedanta (the study of the later Vedas, including the _Bhagavad Gita_ and the _Upanishads_), Sankhya (a form of self-nature dualism), Yoga (a practical outgrowth of Sankhya), and Nyaya and Vaisesika (two forms (...)
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    Economic Philosophy of Deendayal Upadhyaya.Maheśacandra Śarmā - 2002 - Research and Development Foundation for Integral Humanism.
    On economic ideas of Deendayal Upadhyaya, 1916-1968, politician and nationalist leader of India.
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    Smr̥tiyoṃ Meṃ Ācāra-Mīmāṃsā: Manu, Yājñavalkya Aura Pārāśara-Smr̥ti Ke Sandarbha Meṃ.Ushā Jośī Śarmā - 2012 - Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāūsa.
    On Hindu ethics and code of conduct in Hindu smr̥tis.
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  4. Jijñāsā.K. Madhava Sarma - 1969 - Edited by Raghuvīra Caturvedi.
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  5. Śābarabhāṣya vyākhyā Granthayojanā.E. R. Sreekrishna Sarma, Jaimini & Śabarasvāmi (eds.) - 1989 - Madras: Adyar Library and Research Centre.
    Granthayojanā, anonymous supercommentary, on Śābarabhāṣya, commentary on the Mīmāṃsāsūtra of Jaimini; based on a rare manuscript preserved in the Adyar Library.
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  6. Mīmāṃsāmañjarī.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1996 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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  7. Studies on Indian culture, science, and literature: being Prof. K.V. Sarma felicitation volume presented to him on his 81st birthday.K. V. Sarma, N. Gangadharan, S. A. S. Sarma & S. S. R. Sarma (eds.) - 2000 - Chennai: Sree Sarada Education Society Research Centre.
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    Epistemologies and the limitations of philosophical inquiry: doctrine in Mādhva Vedānta.Deepak Sarma - 2005 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
    Do you have to be one to know one? Madhvàcàrya, the founder of the thirteenth century school of Vedànta, answered this question with a resounding 'yes!' Madhvàcàrya's insistence that one must be a Màdhva to study Màdhva Vedànta led him to employ various strategies to exclude outsiders and unauthorized readers from accessing the root texts of his tradition and from obtaining oral commentary from living virtuosos. Deepak Sarma explores the degree to which outsiders can understand and interpret the doctrine of (...)
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  9. Citsukha's contribution to Advaita: with special reference to the Tattva-pradīpikā.V. Anjaneya Sarma - 1974 - Mysore: Kavyalaya Publishers.
    Study on the contribution of Citsukha, 13th century Indian philosopher, to the non-dualistic (advaita) school of Hindu philosophy.
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  10. Reign of realism: English exposition of Daśaprakaranas of Śrī Ānandatīrtha.R. Nagaraja Sarma - 2008 - Bangalore: Dvaita Vedanta Studies and Research Foundation. Edited by Madhva.
    Exposition of Daśaprakaraṇa (ten minor collective tracts) on Dvaita Vedanta by Madhva, 13th cent. ; includes complete text in Sanskrit.
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  11. Reign of Realism in Indian Philosophy.R. Nagaraja Sarma - 1931 - National Press.
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    The epistemology of the Prabhakara school of Purvamimamsa.Rajendra Nath Sarma - 2005 - Guwahati: Dr. Rajendra Nath Sarma.
    On theory of Knowledge and semantics accroding to Mimamsa philosophy.
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  13. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Vedic Astro Sciences.S. Sudarsana Sarma (ed.) - 2009 - Tirupati: Sri Venkateswara Vedic University.
    Contributed research papers presented as National Seminar on Vedic Astro Sciences, organized by S.V. Vedic University on 7th and 8th June, 2008 in association with the Centre for Theoritical Studies and Research, Birbhum, West Bengal).
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  14. Bhāratīyadarśaneṣu pratyakṣapramāṇavimarśaḥ.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1995 - Madrāsa: Aḍayāra Pustakālayaḥ Anusandhānakendraśca.
    Study on perception in Indian philosophy.
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    The political thought of Harold J. Laski.Gollapalli Nagabhushana Sarma - 1965 - Bombay,: Orient Longmans.
  16. The Vision of Sri Aurobindo.G. N. Sarma (ed.) - 1973 - Pondicherry: Dipti Publications.
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  17. Advaitavedāntasāhityetihāsakośaḥ.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1980 - Madras: University of Madras.
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  18. Darśanamañjarī.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1985 - [Madras]: University of Madras.
    Digest of published and unpublished texts on Indic philosophy.
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  19. On Causal and constructive Modeling of Belief Change.Ravishankar Sarma - manuscript
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    The Fair Balance: Justice as an Equilibrium-setting Exercise.Ioannis Sarmas - 2014 - Athens: Sakkoulas Publications.
    Emergence of the requirement of justice -- Justice's major platforms -- Justice within human rights -- Judges' balancing exercise -- The calculus of social harmonization -- Equilibrating the forces of attraction and repulsion -- Principles of justice and the reasons for their mixing -- Metrics and dialectics for a reflective equilibrium -- Social institutions as equilibrium setting tools.
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    Verbal knowledge in Prābhākara-Mīmāṁsā.Rajendra Nath Sarma - 1990 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
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    An Introduction to Mādhva Vedānta.Deepak Sarma - 2003 - Routledge.
    This introduction to the Madhva school of Vedanta is accessible to a wide audience with interest in Hinduism, Indian thought and in the comparative philosophy of religion.Deepak Sarma explores the philosophical foundations of Madhva Vedanta and then presents translations of actual debates between the Madhva and Advaita schools of Vedanta, thus positioning readers at the centre of the 700 year-old controversy between these two schools of Vedanta. Original texts of Madhvacarya are included in an appendix, in translation and in Sanskrit.
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    Padmapurāṇa and KālidāsaPadmapurana and Kalidasa.H. Śarmā & H. Sarma - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:95.
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    Radius of electron, magnetic moment and helical motion of the charge of electron.S. Ghosh, A. Choudhury & J. K. Sarma - 2012 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 19 (3):247.
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    Grahaṇamaṇḍana of ParameśvaraGrahanamandana of Paramesvara.David Pingree & K. V. Sarma - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):337.
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  26. Albert Camus' Conception of the Absurd.Maina Sarma - 1997 - In Dilip Kumar Chakraborty (ed.), Perspectives in contemporary philosophy. Delhi: Ajanta Publications. pp. 244.
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    A Simple Technique to Record Mental Events.Gopal P. Sarma - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (7-8):172--182.
    In recent years, there has been growing interest in bridging bodies of knowledge from introspective and contemplative traditions with modern neuroscience. By making the primary object of study an individual’s subjective experience, scientists are then confronted with the challenging problem of how to record a given mental state at a given point in time. For simple experiences, such as in facial recognition tasks, an external recording device such as a button box or computer keyboard is adequate. However, these devices pose (...)
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  28. Cultura Indica Tributes to an Indologist : Professor Dr. Asoke Chatterjee Sastri.Vi Svanatha Deva Sarma, Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya, Dipak Ghosh, Ratna Basu & Asoke Chatterjee - 1994
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  29. Energy, Environment and Quality of Life.Eas Sarma - 1993 - In Syed Zahoor Qasim (ed.), Science and quality of life. New Delhi, India: Offsetters. pp. 105.
  30. Is Anvitabhidhana Preferable to Abhihitanvaya?Rajendra Nath Sarma - 1991 - In Hajime Nakamura & V. N. Jha (eds.), Kalyāṇa-mitta: Professor Hajime Nakamura felicitation volume. Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications. pp. 179.
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    Indian Philosophical Systems: An Attempt at Synthesis.E. R. Sreekrishna Sarma - 1973 - Dharwar : Karnatak University.
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    Non-canonical word order: Topic and Focus in adult and child Tamil.Vaijayanthi Sarma - 2003 - In Simin Karimi (ed.), Word order and scrambling. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 4--238.
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  33. On the advent of Sri krsna.Mv Sridatto Sarma - 2002 - In Ravīndra Kumāra Paṇḍā (ed.), Studies in Vedānta philosophy. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan.
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  34. Paramārthadarśana: saṅkshipta paricaya.Ramavatara Sarma & Hari Mohan Jha - 1986 - Paṭanā: Bihāra-Rāshṭrabhāshā-Parishad. Edited by Harimohana Jhā.
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    Sri Aurobindo and the Indian renaissance.Gollapalli Nagabhushana Sarma - 1997 - Bangalore: Ultra Publications.
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    The Hindu standpoint.Dittakavi Subrahmanya Sarma - 1956 - Madras,: M. L. J. Off..
  37. Truth, Logic and Experience.Sibnath Sarma - 1997 - In Dilip Kumar Chakraborty (ed.), Perspectives in contemporary philosophy. Delhi: Ajanta Publications. pp. 139.
  38. Universals - Essence or Mental Construction: Buddhist View.Ramala Sarma - 2012 - Philosophy Pathways 177 (1).
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    D.V.G. Gita dharma: philosophy of living.Gollapalli Nagabhushana Sarma - 1999 - Bangalore: Ultra Publications.
    Study on Śrīmadbhagavadgītātparya, exposition of Bhagavadgītā, Hindu philosophical text, by D.V. Gundappa.
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    Mīmāṁsā theory of meaning: based on the Vākyārthamātr̥kā.Rajendra Nath Sarma - 1988 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
    On semantics according to the Vākyārthamātr̥kā of Śālikanāthamiśra, fl. 780-825.
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  41. No confidentiality. Assam.S. C. Sarma - forthcoming - Nexus.
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  42. Prabhakara's Concept of Relation.Rajendra Nath Sarma - 1992 - In Vashishtha Narayan Jha (ed.), Relations in Indian philosophy. Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications. pp. 169.
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    Reign of realism in Indian philosophy.R. Naga Raja Sarma - 1937 - Madras [India]: National Press.
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  44. Sarikaracarya in the Perspective of His Time.Dr Er Sreekrishna Sarma - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam (ed.), Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi.
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  45. Swami Vivekananda's leadership formulas to become courageous.A. R. K. Sarma - 2011 - Belgaum: Sole distributors, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama.
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  46. The discovery of master yoga.V. Rama Krishna Sarma - 1971 - Madras: Crescent Books.
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    Tamil Siddhas: a study from historical, socio-cultural, and religio-philosophical perspectives.Shuddhananda A. Sarma - 2007 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Illustrations: 14 B/w Illustrations Description: Tamil Siddhas hav ebeen known as iconoclastic in their writings and tendencies. Here this misunderstanding is cleared and correct knowledge of the writings is given. For the first time also, the writings is given. For the first time also, the das adiksa and gymnosophy of the Tamil Siddhas are adumberated here in a new light, which the students of the Tamil Siddhas will appreciate. The author has attempted, successfully to prove some of the concepts and (...)
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    High resolution bitter patterns on superconductors.N. V. Sarma & J. R. Moon - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (141):433-445.
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  49. Does the Snake Really Exist in the Rope?: An Exposition of the Advaita Vada's view on Error.Arup Sarma - 2011 - Philosophy Pathways 164.
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    Evil and the State: interdisciplinary perspectives.Kiran Sarma & Ben Livings (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    Situational and experiential factors provide a moral lens through which people judge the morality or otherwise of actions. The research in this volume goes a step further and illustrates that individual differences may interact with these situational and experiential factors to explain the acquisition of positive attitudes to immoral behaviour.
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