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  1. The Constitution of Selves.Christopher Williams & Marya Schechtman - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (4):641.
    Can we understand what makes someone the same person without understanding what it is to be a person? Prereflectively we might not think so, but philosophers often accord these questions separate treatments, with personal-identity theorists claiming the first question and free-will theorists the second. Yet much of what is of interest to a person—the possibility of survival over time, compensation for past hardships, concern for future projects, or moral responsibility—is not obviously intelligible from the perspective of either question alone. Marya (...)
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  2. Truth and Conformity on Networks.Aydin Mohseni & Cole Randall Williams - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (6):1509-1530.
    Typically, public discussions of questions of social import exhibit two important properties: they are influenced by conformity bias, and the influence of conformity is expressed via social networks. We examine how social learning on networks proceeds under the influence of conformity bias. In our model, heterogeneous agents express public opinions where those expressions are driven by the competing priorities of accuracy and of conformity to one’s peers. Agents learn, by Bayesian conditionalization, from private evidence from nature, and from the public (...)
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  3. What is Existence?Christopher John Fards Williams - 1981 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    A thorough and closely argued examination of a central issue in philosophical logic, an issue which is shown to have profound implications for the philosophy of language and much of metaphysics.
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  4. The metaphysics of a- and b-time.Clifford Williams - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (184):371-381.
    The traditional description of A- and B-time is that the former consists of a mind-independent past, present, and future, and that the latter consists solely of the time relations--earlier than, simultaneous with, and later than. Although this description makes it look as if there are two clearly contrasting concepts of time, it does not differentiate the passage of A-time from the succession in B-time. Nor does it explain what it means for events in B-time to be equally real and for (...)
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  5.  50
    Religion and the Meaning of Life: An Existential Approach.Clifford Williams - 2020 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    As humans, we want to live meaningfully, yet we are often driven by impulse. In Religion and the Meaning of Life, Williams investigates this paradox – one with profound implications. Delving into felt realities pertinent to meaning, such as boredom, trauma, suicide, denial of death, and indifference, Williams describes ways to acquire meaning and potential obstacles to its acquisition. This book is unique in its willingness to transcend a more secular stance and explore how one's belief in God may be (...)
  6.  33
    Philosophy of Logics.C. J. F. Williams - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (116):277-278.
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  7. What is Identity?Christopher John Fardo Williams - 1989 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    The concept of identity has been seen to lead to paradox: we cannot truly and usefully say that a thing is the same either as itself or as something else. This book is a full examination of this paradox in philosophical logic, and of its implications for the philosophy of mathematics, the philosphy of mind, and relativism about identity. The author's account involves detailed discussion of the views of Wittgenstein, Russell, Frege, and Hintikka.
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  8. (1 other version)What Is Truth?C. J. F. Williams - 1976 - Philosophy 51 (198):482-483.
    A study in philosophical logic of the meaning of 'true'. Dr Williams demonstrates the shortcomings of various analyses which interpret 'true' as a predicate or truth as a relational property, and clears up a number of important points about propositions, quantification, definite descriptions and correspondence. This 'deflationary metaphysics' is interwoven with a positive theory of his own, which seeks to develop ideas about the late Arthur Prior. The work is marked throughout by great clarity, precision and thoroughness.
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    Emphasizing the History of Genetics in an Explicit and Reflective Approach to Teaching the Nature of Science.Cody Tyler Williams & David Wÿss Rudge - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (3-4):407-427.
    Science education researchers have long advocated the central role of the nature of science for our understanding of scientific literacy. NOS is often interpreted narrowly to refer to a host of epistemological issues associated with the process of science and the limitations of scientific knowledge. Despite its importance, practitioners and researchers alike acknowledge that students have difficulty learning NOS and that this in part reflects how difficult it is to teach. One particularly promising method for teaching NOS involves an explicit (...)
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  10.  44
    Gendered Organizations in the New Economy.Kristine Kilanski, Chandra Muller & Christine L. Williams - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (4):549-573.
    Gender scholars draw on the “theory of gendered organizations” to explain persistent gender inequality in the workplace. This theory argues that gender inequality is built into work organizations in which jobs are characterized by long-term security, standardized career ladders and job descriptions, and management controlled evaluations. Over the past few decades, this basic organizational logic has been transformed. In the so-called new economy, work is increasingly characterized by job insecurity, teamwork, career maps, and networking. Using a case study of geoscientists (...)
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  11. Three Philosophers: Aristotle, Aquinas, Frege.C. J. F. Williams, G. E. M. Anscombe & P. T. Geach - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (52):270.
  12.  19
    Exploiting the deep structure of constraint problems.Colin P. Williams & Tad Hogg - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 70 (1-2):73-117.
  13.  93
    Thinking the Political in the Wake of Spinoza: Power, Affect and Imagination in the Ethics.Caroline Williams - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (3):349-369.
    There is currently a growing interest in the philosophy and political thought of Baruch de Spinoza following many years of comparative neglect, particularly within political philosophy. The focus of this paper is Spinoza's major work, the Ethics, and its relation to his political writings. It explores Spinoza's distinctive formulations of imagination and affect and considers some of the ways in which these impact upon his political thought, specifically via his reflections upon democracy and knowledge. The discussion draws particular attention to (...)
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  14.  68
    MAKEUP AT WORK: Negotiating Appearance Rules in the Workplace.Christine L. Williams & Kirsten Dellinger - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (2):151-177.
    This study seeks to understand women's use of makeup in the workplace. The authors analyze 20 in-depth interviews with a diverse group of women who work in a variety of settings to examine the appearance rules that women confront at work and how these rules reproduce assumptions about sexuality and gender. The authors found that appropriate makeup use is strongly associated with assumptions about health, heterosexuality, and credibility in the workplace. They describe how these norms shape women's personal choices to (...)
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  15.  17
    Sociology of Low Expectations: Recalibration as Innovation Work in Biomedicine.Clare Williams, Gabrielle Samuel & John Gardner - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (6):998-1021.
    Social scientists have drawn attention to the role of hype and optimistic visions of the future in providing momentum to biomedical innovation projects by encouraging innovation alliances. In this article, we show how less optimistic, uncertain, and modest visions of the future can also provide innovation projects with momentum. Scholars have highlighted the need for clinicians to carefully manage the expectations of their prospective patients. Using the example of a pioneering clinical team providing deep brain stimulation to children and young (...)
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  16.  59
    Trust Diffusion: The Effect of Interpersonal Trust on Structure, Function, and Organizational Transparency.Cynthia Clark Williams - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (3):357-368.
    This study presents an organizational model to explain when and how trust permeates an organization, when it is constrained and to what extent it informs the perceptions of transparency among stakeholders. Through the use of qualitative research, resulting in five corporate case studies, and a separate quantitative analysis, it was possible to demonstrate ways in which trust can be diffused amongorganizational layers. These findings add to the literature by analyzing trust in organizational settings via reciprocal dyadic relationships in a social-structural (...)
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  17. (1 other version)What is Existence?C. J. F. Williams - 1984 - Mind 93 (369):146-149.
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    The Influence of Supervisory Behavioral Integrity on Intent to Comply with Organizational Ethical Standards and Organizational Commitment.Janie Harden Fritz, Naomi Bell O’Neil, Ann Marie Popp, Cory Williams & Ronald C. Arnett - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):251-263.
    We examined cynicism as a mediator of the influence of managers’ mission-congruent communication and behavior about ethical standards (a form of supervisory behavioral integrity) on employee attitudes and intended behavior. Results indicated that cynicism partially mediates the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and organizational commitment, but not the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and intent to comply with organizational expectations for employee conduct.
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  19. Aristotle's theory of descriptions.C. J. F. Williams - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (1):63-80.
  20.  11
    The hardest constraint problems: A double phase transition.Tad Hogg & Colin P. Williams - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 69 (1-2):359-377.
  21. Being, identity, and truth.Christopher John Fardo Williams - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers have met with many problems in discussing the interconnected concepts being, identity, and truth, and have advanced many theories to deal with them. Williams argues that most of these problems and theories result from an inadequate appreciation of the ways in which the words "be," "same," and "true" work. By means of linguistic analysis he shows that being and truth are not properties, and identity is not a relation. He is thus able to demystify a number of metaphysical issues (...)
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  22.  78
    The Glass Escalator, Revisited: Gender Inequality in Neoliberal Times, SWS Feminist Lecturer.Christine L. Williams - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (5):609-629.
    When women work in male-dominated professions, they encounter a “glass ceiling” that prevents their ascension into the top jobs. Twenty years ago, I introduced the concept of the “glass escalator,” my term for the advantages that men receive in the so-called women’s professions, including the assumption that they are better suited than women for leadership positions. In this article, I revisit my original analysis and identify two major limitations of the concept: it fails to adequately address intersectionality; in particular, it (...)
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  23.  50
    Boundary lines: Labeling sexual harassment in restaurants.Christine L. Williams & Patti A. Giuffre - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (3):378-401.
    Research has shown that a majority of employed women experience sexual harassment and suffer negative repercussions because of it; yet only a minority of these women label their experiences “sexual harassment.” To investigate how people identify sexual harassment, in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 waitpeople in restaurants in Austin, Texas. Most respondents worked in highly sexualized work environments. Respondents labeled sexual advances as sexual harassment only in four specific contexts: when perpetrated by someone who exploited their powerful position for personal (...)
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  24.  30
    Moral outrage! Social work and social welfare.Donna McAuliffe, Charlotte Williams & Linda Briskman - 2016 - Ethics and Social Welfare 10 (2):87-93.
  25.  81
    Examining Ethics in Practice: health service professionals' evaluations of in-hospital ethics seminars.Priscilla Alderson, Bobbie Farsides & Clare Williams - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (5):508-521.
    This article reviews practitioners’ evaluations of in-hospital ethics seminars. A qualitative study included 11 innovative in-hospital ethics seminars, preceded and followed by interviews with most participants. The settings were obstetric, neonatal and haematology units in a teaching hospital and a district general hospital in England. Fifty-six health service staff in obstetric, neonatal, haematology, and related community and management services participated; 12 attended two seminars, giving a total of 68 attendances and 59 follow-up evaluation interviews. The 11 seminars facilitated by an (...)
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  26.  21
    Phase transitions and the search problem.Tad Hogg, Bernardo A. Huberman & Colin P. Williams - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 81 (1-2):1-15.
  27.  51
    Effects of Historical Story Telling on Student Understanding of Nature of Science.Cody Tyler Williams & David Wÿss Rudge - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (9-10):1105-1133.
    Concepts related to the nature of science have been considered an important part of scientific literacy as reflected in its inclusion in curriculum documents. A significant amount of science education research has focused on improving learners’ understanding of NOS. One approach that has often been advocated is an explicit and reflective approach. Some researchers have used the history of science to provide learners with explicit and reflective experiences with NOS concepts. Previous research on using the history of science in science (...)
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  28.  60
    Contemporary French Philosophy: Modernity and the Persistence of the Subject.Caroline Williams - 2001 - Continuum.
    "Caroline Williams marks what is distinctive about 20th Century French philosophy's interrogation of the subject and demonstrates its historical continuity in a ...
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    B-Time Transition.Clifford Williams - 1998 - Philosophical Inquiry 20 (3-4):59-63.
    I argue that the proper way to think of the difference between A- and B-time is not as the difference between transition and the lack of transition, as is common, but as A-transition and B-transition. However, it is not evident what the difference is between these two kinds of transition. Thus, it is not evident what the difference is between A- and B-time.
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  30.  34
    The Seas of Language.C. J. F. Williams - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (2):230-231.
  31. The Phenomenology of B‐Time.Clifford Williams - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):123-137.
    I argue that our experience of time supports the B-Theory of time and not the A-Theory of time. We do not experience pastness, presentness, and futurity as mind-independent properties of events. My method in supporting this experiential claim is to show that our experience of presentness is like our experience of hereness--in neither case are we aware of a mind-independent property over and above the events or objects to which we ascribe the presentness or hereness.
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    The Guodian Laozi: proceedings of the International Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998.Sarah Allan & Crispin Williams (eds.) - 2000 - Berkeley, Calif.: Society for the Study of Early China and Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California.
    The first major publication in English on the bamboo slips excavated from a late fourth century B.C. Chu-state tomb at Guodian, Hubei, in 1993. The slip texts include both Daoist and Confucian works, many previously unknown. Thie monograph is a full account of the international conference held on these texts, at which leading scholars from China, the United States, Europe, and Japan analyzed the Laozi materials and a previously unknown cosmological text. In addition, the contents include nine essays on topics (...)
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  33. Beyond a-and b-time.Clifford Williams - 2003 - Philosophia 31 (1-2):75-91.
    The common assumption in the debate between the A- and B-theories is that there is a difference between A- and B-time. A-time has been said to be characterized by a flow, whereas B-time has been said not to consist of a flow. This way of construing the debate, however, is mistaken. Both A- and B-time possess "flow" or transition. But if this is so, we need to ask how B-time flow differs from A-time flow. I argue that none of the (...)
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  34. A Bergsonian approach to a- and b-time.Clifford Williams - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (3):379-393.
    Debate between the A- and B-theories has rested on the supposition that there is a clear difference between A- and B-time. I argue that this supposition is mistaken for two reasons. We cannot distinguish the two conceptions of time by means of Bergsonian intuition. Unless we can do so, we cannot distinguish them at all. I defend by imagining various ways to intuit the two kinds of time, and maintaining that none of them works. I defend by showing that the (...)
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  35.  38
    Who Purchases From the Informal Economy and Why?Ioana Alexandra Horodnic, Claudia Ioana Ciobanu, Adriana Zaiț & Colin C. Williams - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent decades scholars have acknowledged that transactions in the informal economy have not vanished with modernization and industrialization as expected but rather remain an important contemporary aspect of overall production and consumption across the world, in both developing and developed countries. Yet little is known about the profile of the consumers in this realm or what drives them to purchase from the informal economy. A systematic review of the literature investigating consumption in the informal economy reveals a severely underdeveloped (...)
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    Socio-structural Injustice, Racism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Precarious Entanglement among Black Immigrants in Canada.Joseph Mensah & Christopher J. Williams - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):123-142.
    As several commentators and researchers have noted since late spring 2020, COVID-19 has laid bare the connections between entrenched structurally generated inequalities on one hand, and on the other hand relatively high degrees of susceptibility to contracting COVID-19 on the part of economically marginalized population segments. Far from running along the tracks of race neutrality, studies have demonstrated that the pandemic is affecting Black people more than Whites in the U.S.A. and U.K., where reliable racially-disaggregated data are available. While the (...)
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  37.  26
    Persons and Passions: Essays in Honor of Annette Baier.Joyce Jenkins, Jennifer Whiting & Christopher Williams (eds.) - 2005 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Persons and passions : an introduction / Christopher Williams What are the passions doing in the Meditations? / Lisa Shapiro Love in the ruins : passion in Descartes’ Meditations / William Beardsley The passionate intellect : reading the opposition of reason and emotions in Descartes / Amy Schmitter Material falsity and the arguments for God’s existence in Descartes’ Meditations / Cecilia Wee Reason unhinged : passion and precipice from Montaigne to Hume / Saul Traiger Reflection and ideas in Hume’s account (...)
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  38. Neither Confounding the Persons nor Dividing the Substance.C. J. F. Williams - 1994 - In Richard Swinburne & Alan G. Padgett, Reason and the Christian religion: essays in honour of Richard Swinburne. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 227--243.
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    Responsible research and innovation: A manifesto for empirical ethics?John Gardner & Clare Williams - 2015 - Clinical Ethics 10 (1-2):5-12.
    In 2013 the Nuffield Council on Bioethics launched their report Novel Neurotechnologies: Intervening in the Brain. The report, which adopts the European Commission’s notion of Responsible Research and Innovation, puts forward a set of priorities to guide ethical research into, and the development of, new therapeutic neurotechnologies. In this paper, we critically engage with these priorities. We argue that the Nuffield Council’s priorities, and the Responsible Research and Innovation initiative as a whole, are laudable and should guide research and innovation (...)
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  40. A Programme for Christology.C. J. F. Williams - 1968 - Religious Studies 3 (2):513 - 524.
    Christology seems to fall fairly clearly into two divisions. The first is concerned with the truth of the two propositions: ‘Christ is God’ and ‘Christ is a man’. The second is concerned with the mutual compatibility of these propositions. The first part of Christology tends to confine itself to what is sometimes called ‘positive theology’: that is to say, it is largely given over to examining the Jons revelationis —let us not prejudge currently burning issues by asking what this is—to (...)
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    Helical disclination lines in smectics a.C. E. Williams - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (2):313-321.
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    Referential opacity and false belief in the theaetetus.C. J. F. Williams - 1972 - Philosophical Quarterly 22 (89):289-302.
  43.  62
    Unravelling the subject with Spinoza: Towards a morphological analysis of the scene of subjectivity.Caroline Williams - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (3):342-362.
    Whilst the concept of the subject has been called into question by many diverse approaches within contemporary political and social theory, there remains a focus upon agency, now attributable to reformulated subjectivities or assemblages. I query the persistence of this grammar of agency and ask whether politics can do without a ‘scene of the subject’. Spinoza’s philosophy, in particular, his conception of conatus, has inspired and offered some basis for rethinking agency. I examine two such prominent positions and argue that (...)
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  44. Free Will and Determinism: A Dialogue.Clifford Williams - 1980 - Hackett Publishing Company.
  45.  51
    Setting up a student clinical ethics committee.Carolyn Johnston, Christopher Williams, Charlotte Dias, Amelia Lapraik, Leila Marvdashti & Claire Norcross - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (2):51-53.
  46.  31
    Fair and Effective Resource Allocation in Cancer Care: Uncharted Territory? Paper Two: Allocation of Scarce Resources: The Need for Critical Analysis.Christopher Williams - 1996 - Health Care Analysis 4 (1):28-34.
  47.  65
    On Gilligan's "In a Different Voice".Judy Auerbach, Linda Blum, Vicki Smith & Christine Williams - 1985 - Feminist Studies 11 (1):149.
  48. Symposium: Form and Sensation.C. J. F. Williams & R. J. Hirst - 1965 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 39:139-172.
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    A Cultivated Reason: An Essay on Hume and Humeanism.Christopher Williams - 1991 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    As Plato’s tripartite division of the soul, Descartes’s criterion of clear and distinct ideas, and Kant’s notion of the categorical imperative attest, philosophy has traditionally been wedded to rationalism and its “intellectualist” view of persons. In this book Christopher Williams seeks to wean his fellow philosophers away from an overly rationalistic self-understanding by using resources that are available within the philosophical tradition itself, including some that anticipate strands of Nietzsche’s thought. The book begins by developing Hume’s critique of rationalism, with (...)
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    Evaluating practical negotiating agents: Results and analysis of the 2011 international competition.Tim Baarslag, Katsuhide Fujita, Enrico H. Gerding, Koen Hindriks, Takayuki Ito, Nicholas R. Jennings, Catholijn Jonker, Sarit Kraus, Raz Lin, Valentin Robu & Colin R. Williams - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 198 (C):73-103.
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