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Christos Terezis [42]Ch Terezis [2]Christos Ath Terezis [2]C. Terezis [2]
  1.  46
    Aspects on the relation between faith and knowledge according to Gregory Palamas.Athanasios Antonopoulos & Christos Terezis - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (1):1-20.
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  2.  37
    George Pachymeres’ Gnoseological System.Lydia Petridou & Christos Terezis - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (2):405-426.
    This study deals both with the gnoseological system of the byzantine theologian George Pachymeres, which is constructed on the methods of the affirmative, negative and superlative theology and the inductive method that he follows at his Paraphrase of De divinus nominibus of Dionysius the Areopagite, in order general conclusions on causality to be expressed. In the context of a consistent ontological monism, G. Pachymeres, without violating the epistemological approach of the Supreme Principle as Unknown, categorizes the sensible facts according to (...)
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  3.  23
    Aspects of the Revelation of the Divine in St. Gregory Palamas’ Treatise De Operationibus Divinis.Elias Tempelis & Christos Terezis - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (4):3-21.
    In this paper, we examine the concepts ‘destination’, ‘revelation’, ‘foreknowledge’, ‘will’, ‘transmission’, ‘motion’, and ‘grace’, as they appear in Gregory Palamas’ treatise De opera-tionibus divinis. According to the Christian theologian, these terms correspond to specific ways of God’s manifestation, i.e. His natural and supernatural revelation. Since they illuminate God’s energies, but not His essence, they are participated by the beings of the natural world. The first two terms mainly refer to a general version of the revelation, while the third contains (...)
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  4. Aspects de la théorie des «formes» chez G. Pachymère.Christos Terezis - 2004 - Byzantion 74 (1):130-138.
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  5. Aspects de la notion de «mal» chez Proclus et chez Denys l'aréopagite une rencontre.Christos Terezis - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (2):491-506.
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  6.  41
    Angels in the Areopagetic Tradition.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):505-522.
    In this article, we deal with the intelligible world of the angels in the Areopagetic tradition and we compose references found in the De divinis nominibus to form, as far as possible, a complete definition of them. This systematic approach to the Areopagetic corpus takes into consideration Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’s text and George Pachymeres’ Paraphrasis of this treatise. We also offer a methodological proposal on how we can structure theoretically general concepts that refer to objective realities, which however cannot be (...)
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  7.  43
    Aspects of the Relationship Between Politics, Education and Art in Plato's Laws.Christos Terezis & G. Markea - 2006 - Philosophical Inquiry 28 (3-4):57-62.
  8. a paraphrase of Pseudo-Dionysius, scientific treatises, and philosophical works as well. The best known of these is a bulky paraphrase of the whole Corpus Aristotelicum1, but there is also a little treatise entitled* H.Christos Terezis - 1996 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 66:156.
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  9. Christian Approaches to Philosophy and Education in Gregory of Nazianzus.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2024 - Augustinianum 64 (1):169-186.
    In this article we approach the question of philosophy and its relation to education in the Christian light of Gregory of Nazianzus. In particular, based on the example of Heron chosen by the Cappadocian Father, we follow the presentation and discussion of the principles, both on theoretical and practical level, which should govern the thought and life of the man who is active in the capacity of a Christian and a philosopher within society. These principles gradually constitute a genuine proposal (...)
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  10.  18
    Divine Eros and Divine Providence in Proclus’ Educational System.Christos Terezis & Marilena Tsakoymaki - 2014 - Peitho 5 (1):163-176.
    This study examines the way in which the Neoplatonic philosopher Proclus treats an episode of the dialectic communication between Socrates and Alcibiades in the Platonic dialogue Alcibiades I. More specifically, it refers to how the characteristics and the choices of two different types of lovers – the divinely inspired one and the vulgar one – are displayed in the aforementioned text. The characterization ‘divinely inspired lover’ befits a person who communicates in a pure way with his beloved one and attempts (...)
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  11.  68
    Dionysius the Areopagite and the Divine Processions.Ch Terezis - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):441-457.
    In this study we attempt to present the argumentation through which Dionysius the Areopagite constructs his theory concerning the processions – powers – capacities of the supreme Principle, the One or the Good, in order to distinguish it from the multitude of produced beings. His main aim, in our opinion, is to avoid pantheism. With reference both to what the Areopagite has borrowed from the Neoplatonic philosophy, and to the distance he moves away from it, we approach views which have (...)
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  12.  44
    George Pachymeres.Christos Terezis - 1998 - Philosophical Inquiry 20 (1-2):111-118.
  13.  32
    Historical and Systematic Approaches of Pseudo-Dionysious the Areopagite’s De divinis nominibus.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):231-249.
    This is a case study of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’s De divinis nominibus, a text about God’s names and properties in which human effort to comprehend the projections of the divine energies is described. We specifically focus our attention on the Paraphrasis of George Pachymeres, who was one of the most important representatives of the Palaeologan Renaissance and a great commentator on Pseudo-Dionysius’ works. His introduction to the De divinis nominibus provides us with the opportunity to approach it in two ways: (...)
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  14.  14
    Investigating the terms of transition from a dialogue to dialectics in Plato’s Charmides.Christos Terezis - 2019 - Philotheos 19 (2):149-165.
    In this article, following the introductory chapters of the Platonic dialogue Charmides (153a1-154b7), we attempt to investigate the terms of transition from a simple dialogue to dialectics. Interpreting the expressive means used, we attempt to explain how Plato goes from historicity to systematicity, in order to create the appropriate conditions to build a definition about a fundamental virtue as well as to set the criteria to be followed in a philosophical debate. Our study is divided in two sections, each of (...)
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  15.  17
    Notizen zum Begriff ›Hierarchie‹ bei Proklos.Christos Terezis - 2002 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 7 (1):219-226.
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  16.  12
    Ontological and Epistemological Approaches of Proclus in the Process of Psychogony.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2018 - Philotheos 18 (1):26-50.
    This study presents the way in which Proclus structures some aspects of his Epistemology on the basis of his metaphysical Ontology. All those that we discuss – relying on his comments on Parmenides (Εἰς τὸν Πλάτωνος Παρμενίδην) (816.11– 819.29) –, take into account the following: a) his theory on the universal Intellect and the individual intellects, b) his theory on the universal Soul and the individual souls, c) some approaches of his in Plato’s theory of Ideas. Combining the above, our (...)
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  17.  15
    Prolegomena in Proclus’ Theory on the Divine Henads.Christos Terezis - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (3-4):67-82.
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  18.  35
    Proclus’ prolegomena on the ontological status of time.Christos Terezis & Elias Tempelis - 2014 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 17 (1):27-47.
    This paper attempts at showing the basic principles according to which the Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus formulated his theory on time. The argumentation basically focuses on his methodology, since whatever is included in this analysis is used by the Neoplatonist philosopher in almost all his references to the notion of time. His basic position is that time is not simply a cosmological factor, but possesses properties which connect it closely with the metaphysical world. Also, that it is essential to examine its (...)
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  19.  18
    Proclus’ Theoretical Reconstructions on Plato’s Myth of Atlantis.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2021 - Philotheos 21 (2):151-167.
    In this article, we present a proposal for a synthetic theoretical approach of the myth of Atlantis, firstly presented by Plato in his Timaeus, and, subsequently, systematically approached by Proclus. Τhis is first and foremost a literary subject which in Proclus’ texts, involves many disciplines and causes general interest for research. The main question to deal with since Plato’s era is whether this is a myth or a true story. In our view, Proclus’ comments on the Timaeus appear to be (...)
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  20.  25
    Questioning … Linos Benakis.Christos Terezis - 2014 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 17 (1):251-259.
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  21. Réalisme métaphysique chez Proclos.C. Terezis - 1995 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 13 (2):199-223.
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  22.  18
    Аspects of the question on matter in the Byzantine thinker George Pachymeres.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2017 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 1:138-157.
    In this study, focusing our attention on the Paraphrase of Dionysius the Areopagite’s De divinis nominibus, we investigate whether matter is in George Pachymeres a passive condition, which constantly receives the divine intervention, or expresses sensibly the productive projections of the divine energies. Raising a number of questions, we approach, on the one hand, the concept of causality as a relation between God and the creation and as a relation among the created beings and, on the other hand, the meaning (...)
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  23.  57
    The History of the Theory of the Platonic Ideas in Damascius as an Expression of the Relation between the One and the Manifold.Christos Terezis & Elias Tempelis - 2008 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 13 (1):107-122.
    This paper addresses the relation between the intelligible and the material world in the works of the Neoplatonic philosopher Damascius (ca. 460-ca. 538 AD), who uses the theory of the Platonic Ideas in order to discuss the evolution from the One to the Manifold. This relation arises through specific laws that lead to the development of a harmonious cosmic system. The vertical and the horizontal segmentation of metaphysical causes is implemented in the process of the generation of the empirical world, (...)
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  24.  28
    The Metaphysical Foundation of Gnosiology in Neoplatonic Proclus (412-485).Christos Terezis - 1994 - Philosophical Inquiry 16 (3-4):62-73.
  25.  35
    The Metaphysical Grounds of Anthropology and Morality in Neoplatonic Proclus.Christos Terezis & Despoina Potari - 2011 - Philosophical Inquiry 35 (3-4):8-22.
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  26.  23
    The metaphysical “monistic” approach of the Platonic Timaeus by the Neo-Platonist Proclus.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2020 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):116-160.
    In this article, we focus on Proclus' commentary on Plato's Timaeus about how the divine Demiurge intervenes in matter. It is an interesting extract due to the fact that Proclus manages to combine philosophical perspective with theological interpretation and scientific analysis. In the six chapters of the article, we present the theory on dualism established by the representatives of Middle Platonism, we approach the question of the production of the corporeal hypostases, we examine limit and unlimited as productive powers, we (...)
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  27.  31
    The Ontological Relation "One-Many" according to the Neoplatonist Damascius.Christos Terezis - 1996 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 1 (1):23-37.
    In his commentary on the Platonic dialogue Philebus, the Neoplatonic philosopher Damascius investigates the ontological question of the relation between the One as the highest principle and the many sensible beings produced through it. Three points are emphasized: 1. Damascius attempts to situate movement in the metaphysical realm and avoid a static metaphysical model by propounding a connection between sensible beings and their productive archetype through what he conceives as metaphysical amplification. 2. His explication of the relation between the physical (...)
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  28.  12
    The Question on the Divine Distinction and the Divine Energies in Gregory Palamas.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2017 - Philotheos 17:72-83.
    In this study, focusing our attention on Gregory Palamas’ treatise under the title Περί θείας ενώσεως και διακρίσεως, we attempt to investigate, first of all, the volitional nature and the polymorphism of the divine energies and their relation to the divine essence. We also attempt to approach the divine distinction as a good “procession” and to prove, relying exclusively on the Christian thinker’s text, the inconsistencies according to his view that arise from the positions supported by Barlaam and Akindynos regarding (...)
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  29.  22
    The Relation of the ‘Forms’ with the ‘Parts’ and the ‘Elements’ in Damascius the Neoplatonist: Epistemological Foundations.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):164-203.
    In this study, we investigate the way in which Damascius describes the relation of the ‘forms’ with the ‘parts’ and the ‘elements’ in his treatise De Principiis, in which he utilizes aspects of the Pre-Socratic natural philosophy as well as Aristotle’s Physica. We also shed light on the epistemological terms and conditions of his analysis. From a methodological point of view, we follow the categorical schemas found in the text, which reflect the philosopher’s general positions with respect to the formation (...)
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  30.  19
    The theological controversy between eunomius and Basil the great: A philosophical approach.Christos Terezis & Spyros P. Panagopoulos - 2013 - Perichoresis 11 (1):5-30.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we examine an aspect of the conflict between Eunomius of Cyzicus and Basil the Great, as it referred to supreme dogmatic matters, such as the relationships between the Persons of the Holy Trinity. This theological rupture appears in a period, during which Christian doctrines are composed at advanced levels of maturity, also with the development among other things of impressive leaps toward which had been attempted by Origen, who was basically also the founder of Christian Hermeneutics. (...)
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  31.  22
    The Comentaries of Byzantine G. Pachymeris (1242-1310) on Ontological Pair «One-Being» of the Platonic Dialogue «Parmenides». [REVIEW]Christos Terezis - 1995 - Philosophical Inquiry 17 (1-2):79-92.