Results for 'CéCile Bouton'

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  1.  11
    Modulation by nitric oxide of metalloprotein regulatory activities.Jean-Claude Drapier & CéCile Bouton - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (7):549-556.
    In many cells, a nitric oxide (NO) synthase inducible by immunological stimuli produces a sustained flow of NO that lasts a long time. NO is a short‐lived molecule but it is a diffusibel ligand believed to be capable of reaching distal target sites. Further, several lines of evidence indicate that cysteine‐rich motifs of metal‐binding proteins, as well as redox‐sensitive metal clusters of metalloproteins, are natural sensors of bioradicals like NO. In metalloregulatory proteins, metals are often conveniently located at binding sites (...)
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    Spying Through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of Espionage and Counter-Intelligence.Cécile Fabre - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    Cécile Fabre draws back the curtain on the ethics of espionage and counterintelligence. In a book rich with historical examples she argues that spying is only justified to protect against ongoing violations of fundamental rights. Blackmail, bribery, mass surveillance, cyberespionage, treason, and other nefarious activities are considered.
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    Conversation avec Cécile Laborde.Cécile Laborde, François Boucher & Ophélie Desmons - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 15 (15).
    1. La philosophie politique contemporaine : en français et en anglais François Boucher (FB) : Votre travail semble habité par une volonté d'établir des ponts entre la pensée politique française et anglo-américaine. Cette volonté est déjà visible dans votre ouvrage de 2000, Pluralist Thought and the State in Britain and France (1900-1925), qui compare les penseurs pluralistes du début XXe en France et en Angleterre. Elle est également au cœur de Critical Republicanism, The Hijab Controversy an...
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    Time and Freedom.Christophe Bouton - 2014 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Christopher E. Macann.
    Christophe Bouton's Time and Freedom addresses the problem of the relationship between time and freedom as a matter of practical philosophy, examining how the individual lives time and how her freedom is effective in time. Bouton first charts the history of modern philosophy's reengagement with the Aristotelian debate about future contingents, beginning with Leibniz. While Kant, Husserl, and their followers would engage time through theories of knowledge, Schopenhauer, Schelling, Kierkegaard, and, Heidegger, Sartre, and Levinas applied a phenomenological and (...)
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    Bognár Cecil.Cecil Bognár & Erzsébet Hász - 2002 - Budapest: Országos Pedagógai Könyvtár és Múzeum. Edited by Erzsébet Hász.
  6. Distributive Justice and Freedom: Cohen on Money and Labour*: Cécile Fabre.Cécile Fabre - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (4):393-412.
    In his recent Rescuing Justice and Equality, G. A. Cohen mounts a sustained critique of coerced labour, against the background of a radical egalitarian conception of distributive justice. In this article, I argue that Cohenian egalitarians are committed to holding the talented under a moral duty to choose socially useful work for the sake of the less fortunate. As I also show, Cohen's arguments against coerced labour fail, particularly in the light of his commitment to coercive taxation. In the course (...)
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  7.  39
    Liberalism’s Religion.Cécile Laborde (ed.) - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    Liberal societies conventionally treat religion as unique under the law, requiring both special protection and special containment. But recently this idea that religion requires a legal exception has come under fire from those who argue that religion is no different from any other conception of the good, and the state should treat all such conceptions according to principles of neutrality and equal liberty. Cécile Laborde agrees with much of this liberal egalitarian critique, but she argues that a simple analogy (...)
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  8. Republicanism and Political Theory.Cecile Laborde & John Maynor (eds.) - 2008 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Republicanism and Political Theory is the first book to offer a comprehensive and critical survey of republican political theory. Critically assesses its historical credentials, conceptual coherence, and normative proposals Brings together original contributions from leading international scholars in an interactive way Provides the reader with valuable insight into new debates taking place in republican political theory.
  9. Cosmopolitan war.Cécile Fabre - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  10. Whose Body is It Anyway? Justice and the Integrity of the Person.Cécile Fabre - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Do we have the right to deny others access to our body? What if this would harm those who need personal services or body parts from us? Ccile Fabre examines the impact that arguments for distributive justice have on the rights we have over ourselves, and on such contentious issues as organ sales, prostitution, and surrogate motherhood.
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  11.  40
    Time, Free Will, and Modern Physics.Christophe Bouton - 2023 - In Remy Lestienne & Paul A. Harris (eds.), Time and Science, Volume 1: The Metaphysics of Time and Its Evolution. World Scientific Publishing. pp. 109-146.
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  12. (1 other version)Temps et esprit dans la philosophie de Hegel. De Frankfort à Iéna.Christophe Bouton - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (2):419-421.
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  13.  26
    Éternité et présent selon Hegel.Christophe Bouton - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (1):49 - 70.
    L'éternité n'est pour Hegel ni une sempiternité, ni un « maintenant » ponctuel figé, encore moins une atemporalité abstraite. Quelle en est dès lors la signification positive ? L'éternité doit se comprendre plutôt comme un présent absolu, un présent total qui dépasse la négativité destructrice du temps naturel et se déploie dans deux domaines : la logique, où l'éternité est la coprésence des moments de l'Idée, et la sphère de l'esprit absolu, en laquelle l'éternité de l'esprit acquiert la dimension de (...)
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  14.  21
    A perfectionist original position?Cécile Laborde - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
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  15. Cicero and Augustine.Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic - 2021 - In Jed W. Atkins & Thomas Bénatouïl (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Cicero's Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  16.  16
    Die Theorie Des Handelns In Der Hegelschen Kritik Der Physiognomik.Christophe Bouton - 2001 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 3 (1):184-190.
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  17.  5
    Faire l'histoire: de la Révolution française au Printemps arabe.Christophe Bouton - 2013 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
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  18.  30
    La Bible et la «Process Philosophy»: perspectives sur leur autonomie et leur complémentarité.Suzanne Bouton-Parmentier - 1995 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 26 (2):211-217.
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    L'histoire dont les événements sont des pensées.Christophe Bouton - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (2):294-317.
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    Le procès de l'histoire: fondements et postérité de l'idéalisme historique de Hegel.Christophe Bouton - 2004 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    Le procès de l'histoire signifie chez Hegel à la fois que l'histoire est un processus, et qu'elle est un tribunal où l'esprit du monde exerce son droit absolu.
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    Magna voce: effets et pouvoirs de la voix dans la philosophie et la littérature antiques.Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    "Dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine, la voix occupe une place éminente. Phénomène d'abord acoustique, elle se diffracte dans les nombreux domaines où elle est mise en oeuvre : chant, musique, poésie, médecine, philosophie, religion, rhétorique, théâtre. Les dix-huit études de ce volume pluridisciplinaire sont consacrées aux pouvoirs et aux effets de la voix, tels qu'ils sont exposés par la philosophie et la littérature antiques d'Homère à Augustin. Comment les modalités d'émission et de réception des voix sont-elles perçues, comprises et décrites? (...)
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  22.  10
    Temps de la nature, nature du temps: Etudes philosophiques sur le temps dans les sciences naturelles.Christophe Bouton & Philippe Huneman (eds.) - 2018 - CNRS Editions.
    Dans l'histoire de la philosophie, la question du temps a été abordée selon deux tendances opposées : le temps de la nature avec Aristote et le temps de la conscience avec Augustin. Ces deux formes irréductibles l'une à l'autre ont vu leur relation se complexifier, notamment avec la théorie de la relativité au début du XXe siècle, puis la mécanique quantique, qui ont bousculé notre perception et compréhension du temps. Cet ouvrage, écrit par des scientifiques et des philosophes, se concentre (...)
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  23.  11
    Le « temps des femmes » pendant le confinement.Cécile Charlap - 2021 - Temporalités 34.
    À partir des données quantitatives et qualitatives tirées de l’enquête La vie en confinement, cet article analyse les effets du confinement du printemps 2020 en France dans une perspective de genre en questionnant les temporalités, leurs usages et leur articulation au sein des familles. La fermeture des institutions, la cessation d’activité des professionnel.le.s mobilisé.e.s en temps ordinaire et l’assignation à résidence ont entraîné une intensification du travail de care au sein des familles qui a tout particulièrement préoccupé et occupé les (...)
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  24.  5
    Windigo Killings and the Clash of Cultures.Cecil Chabot - 2010 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 6:65-79.
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  25.  18
    Catherine Lacour-Astol, Le genre de la Résistance. La Résistance féminine dans le nord de la France.Cécile Vast - 2016 - Clio 43.
    L'entrée au Panthéon, le 27 mai 2015, de quatre personnalités de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à parité entre les hommes et les femmes, devait signifier, aux yeux du Président de la République François Hollande, un changement notable dans la mise en scène de ce rituel républicain. À bien y regarder, cette forme d'innovation semble se heurter aux réalités de parcours bien plus complexes... Difficilement réductibles, en tout cas, à la trilogie traditionnelle, à laquelle il conviendrait d'ajouter...
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    Praktisches Wissen, Wissenschaft und Katastrophen. Zur Geschichte der sozialwissenschaftlichen Katastrophenforschung, 1949–1989.Cécile Stephanie Stehrenberger - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (4):350-367.
    Practical Knowledge, Science and Disasters. The History of Social Science Disaster Research, 1949–1979. During the second half of the twentieth century several US-American social science “disaster research groups” conducted field studies after earthquakes, factory explosions and “racial riots”. Their aim was to provide practical knowledge that could be applied in the planning and managing of future disasters of both peace- and wartime nature. In this paper, I will elaborate on how this research goal conflicted with some scientists’ aspirations to develop (...)
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  27.  7
    L'accélération de l'histoire: des Lumières à l'Anthropocène.Christophe Bouton - 2022 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Comme une locomotive lancée à toute allure qui aurait perdu son conducteur, l’histoire des sociétés occidentales se caractériserait, à partir du milieu du xviiie siècle, par une accélération exponentielle qui serait devenue hors de contrôle. On a là une vision de la modernité dont Hartmut Rosa est le représentant le plus connu et qui est aujourd’hui largement partagée.Durant ces dernières décennies, les effets destructeurs de l’activité humaine sur la planète ont augmenté à une vitesse spectaculaire. Mais une sorte d’inversion apparaît (...)
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  28. Behavior systems and the contextual control of anxiety, fear, and panic.Mark E. Bouton - 2005 - In Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman (eds.), Emotion and Consciousness. New York: Guilford Press.
  29.  84
    The Meaning of Too, Enough, and So... That.Cécile Meier - 2003 - Natural Language Semantics 11 (1):69-107.
    In this paper, I provide a compositional semantics for sentences with enough and too followed by a to-infinitive clause and for resultative constructions with so... that within the framework of possible world semantics. It is proposed that the sentential complement of these constructions denotes an incomplete conditional and is explicitly or implicitly modalized, as if it were the consequent of a complete conditional. Enough, too, and so are quantifiers that relate an extent predicate and the incomplete conditional (expressed by the (...)
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  30. Political Liberalism and Religion: On Separation and Establishment.Cécile Laborde - 2011 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (1):67-86.
  31. Critical republicanism: the Hijab controversy and political philosophy.Cécile Laborde - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The first comprehensive analysis of the philosophical issues raised by the hijab controversy in France, this book also conducts a dialogue between contemporary Anglo-American and French political theory and defends a progressive republican solution to so-called multicultural conflicts in contemporary societies. It critically assesses the official republican philosophy of laïcité which purported to justify the 2004 ban on religious signs in schools. Laïcité is shown to encompass a comprehensive theory of republican citizenship, centered on three ideals: equality (secular neutrality of (...)
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  32.  66
    Is the Body Special? Review of Cecile Fabre, Whose Body is it Anyway? Justice and the Integrity of the Person.Cécile Fabre - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (2).
  33.  97
    Republicanism and Global Justice.Cécile Laborde - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (1):48-69.
    The republican tradition seems to have a blind spot about global justice. It has had little to say about pressing international issues such as world poverty or global inequalities. According to the old, if apocryphal, adage: extra rempublicam nulla justitia. Some may doubt that distributive justice (as opposed to freedom or citizenship) is the primary virtue of republican institutions; and at any rate most would agree that republican values have traditionally been realized in the polis not in the (oxymoronic) cosmopolis. (...)
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  34.  44
    Learning from History.Christophe Bouton - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 13 (2):183-215.
    In this paper, I would like to show that Koselleck’s thesis on the dissolution of the topos historia magistra vitae in modernity is open to certain objections, to the extent that one finds in modernity a number of practical conceptions of history which are “useful for life”. My own thesis is that the topos of history as the “Guide to Life” is not so much dissolved as rather transformed with modernity, and in a sense which has to be specified. This (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Permissible rescue killings.Cécile Fabre - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt2):149-164.
    Many believe that agent-centred considerations, unlike agent-neutral reasons, cannot show that victims have the right to kill their attackers in self-defence, let alone establish that rescuers have the right to come to their help. In this paper, I argue that the right to kill in self- or other-defence is best supported by a hybrid set of reasons. In particular, agent-centred considerations account for the plausible intuition that victims have a special stake, which other parties lack, in being to thwart the (...)
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  36. Corporate Social Responsibility, Utilitarianism, and the Capabilities Approach.Cecile Renouard - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):85 - 97.
    This article explores the possible convergence between the capabilities approach and utilitarianism to specify CSR. It defends the idea that this key issue is related to the anthropological perspective that underpins both theories and demonstrates that a relational conception of individual freedoms and rights present in both traditions gives adequate criteria for CSR toward the company's stakeholders. I therefore defend "relational capability" as a means of providing a common paradigm, a shared vision of a core component of human development. This (...)
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  37.  45
    The Privilege of the Present: Time and the Trace from Heidegger to Derrida.Christophe Bouton - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):370-389.
    One of the starting points of Derrida’s deconstruction is the idea that metaphysics is dominated by an ontological primacy of the present. It is well known that Derrida took up this thesis of the ‘...
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  38.  38
    Kinetics of pleuridial growth in antithamnion plumula (rhodophyceae).Cécile Lambert, Roger Buis & Marie-Thérèse L'Hardy-Halos - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):169-175.
    The filamentous and branched thallus of Antithamnion plumula is constitued of two different kinds of branches with apical growth: the cladomial axes with a continuous or indefinite growth, and the pleuridia with a limited growth. The size of the pleuridia depends on their position with respect to the lateral cladomial axes.The growth kinetics of 35 pleuridia were analysed using Nelder's generalized logistics. Each sigmoidal curve, which was divided into four growth stages from the instantaneous acceleration variations, was thus characterized by (...)
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  39.  28
    (1 other version)Considérations éthiques sur le temps dans 'Les Ages du monde' de Schelling.Christophe Bouton - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):639-672.
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    À la source du temps.Christophe Bouton - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2 (2):261-282.
    Résumé — Cette étude se propose de poser la question de la source ou de l’origine du temps. Son fil conducteur est la célèbre définition heideggérienne de la temporalité dans le § 65 d’être et temps : la temporalité, c’est-à-dire le temps originaire, est « l’Ckstatikpn sans réserves ». Il s’agit, dès lors : 1 / d’expliciter les significations de la notion d’ekstase à l’aide d’autres concepts qui lui sont liés ; et 2 / de confronter l’ekstase de la temporalité (...)
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    La signification: contribution à une linguistique de la parole.Charles P. Bouton - 1979 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Le langage est le lieu de tous les possibles et de tous les impossibles. Par le langage l'homme exprime la realite, la depasse et la nie au niveau de l'imaginaire. Par quels chemins a-t-il pris conscience de ce pouvoir des mots sur les choses, sur son intelligence et sur sa sensibilite? La theorie de la signification s'est d'abord construite a partir d'une presupposition selon laquelle les mots postulent les choses. Mais le sens d'un enonce se revele bien souvent a partir (...)
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    Sources et modulation de l'expérience chrétienne selon la «Process Theology».Suzanne Bouton-Parmentier - 1997 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 28 (4):441-452.
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  43. The bright night of nothingness time and negativity in Hegel and Heidegger.Christophe Bouton - 2010 - Hegel-Studien 45:103-124.
  44. The history whose events are thoughts-Hegel and the history of philosophy.C. Bouton - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (2):294-317.
  45. Semantic components, meaning, and use in ethnosemantics.Cecil H. Brown - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (3):378-395.
    The epistemological status of semantic components of ethnosemantics is investigated with reference to Wittgenstein's definition of the meaning of a word as its use in language. Semantic components, like the intension of words in logistic philosophy, constitute the conditions which must pertain to objects in order that they are denoted by particular words. "Componential meaning" is determined to be another form of "unitary meaning" and hence subject to the same critical arguments made by Wittgenstein against the latter's three fundamental types: (...)
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    ‘Quelle Horreur!’: On the Latest Posthumous Publication of Isaiah Berlin.Cécile Hatier - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (5):607-609.
  47. La critique aristotélicienne d'une science universelle déductive dans Seconds Analytiques I 32: un texte moins mineur qu'il n'y paraît.Cécile Wartelle - 2005 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 25:356-357.
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    (1 other version)Ethics, spirituality and self: managerial perspective and leadership implications.Cécile Rozuel & Nada Kakabadse - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (4):423-436.
    This paper argues that the self, as both the centre of our identity and the focus of our spiritual life, has not been given enough consideration with regard to the ethics of managers and leaders. Informed by models of self-realisation and the Jungian process of individuation, our discussion suggests that the way we perceive and interpret our self affects our moral behaviour. In particular, integrity of the self fully participates in enhancing servant leadership and consistent ethical practice. We illustrate the (...)
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  49. Guns, food, and liability to attack in war.Cécile Fabre - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1):36-63.
  50. III—Doxastic Wrongs, Non-Spurious Generalizations and Particularized Beliefs.Cécile Fabre - 2022 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 122 (1):47-69.
    According to the doxastic wrongs thesis, holding certain beliefs about others can be morally wrongful. Beliefs which take the form of stereotypes based on race and gender and which turn out to be false and are negatively valenced are prime candidates for the charge of doxastic wronging: it is no coincidence that most of the cases discussed in the literature involve false beliefs. My aim in this paper is to show that the thesis of doxastic wrongs does not turn on (...)
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