Results for 'Business Islam.'

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  1.  49
    Psychology and Business Ethics: A Multi-level Research Agenda.Gazi Islam - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):1-13.
    Arguing that psychology and business ethics are best brought together through a multi-level, broad-based agenda, this essay articulates a vision of psychology and business ethics to frame a future research agenda. The essay draws upon work published in JBE, but also identifies gaps where published research is needed, to build upon psychological conceptions of business ethics. Psychological concepts, notably, are not restricted to phenomena “in the head”, but are discussed at the intra-psychic, relational, and contextual levels of (...)
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  2.  30
    Ethical Research in Business Ethics.Gazi Islam & Michelle Greenwood - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):1-5.
    In this editorial essay, we argue that business ethics research should be aware of the ethical implications of its own methodological choices, and that these implications include, but go beyond, mere compliance with standardized ethical norms. Methodological choices should be made specifically with reference to their effects on the world, both within and outside the academy. Awareness of these effects takes researchers beyond assuring ethics in their methods to more fully consider the ethics of their methods as knowledge practices (...)
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  3.  52
    Business Ethics and Quantification: Towards an Ethics of Numbers.Gazi Islam - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (2):195-211.
    Social practices of quantification, or the production and communication of numbers, have been recognized as important foundations of organizational knowledge, as well as sources of power. With the advent of increasingly sophisticated digital tools to capture and extract numerical data from social life, however, there is a pressing need to understand the ethical stakes of quantification. The current study examines quantification from an ethical lens, to frame and promote a research agenda around the ethics of quantification. After a brief overview (...)
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    Reconnecting to the Social in Business Ethics.Gazi Islam & Michelle Greenwood - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):1-4.
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    Contributing to Business Ethics though Thick Conceptualization.Michelle Greenwood & Gazi Islam - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-4.
    In this editorial essay we argue that contribution to business ethics theory and practice can be achieved through thick ethical conceptualization, that is, by working with concepts in a manner that is both deeply descriptive and normative. Rather than foreclose on what is ethical or unethical, good or bad, permissible or impermissible, we encourage all authors submitting to the _Journal of Business Ethics_ to carefully and clearly explicate _their_ ethical analysis of their study’s focal phenomena. For empirical papers (...)
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    Some Empirical Evidence of Chinese Accounting System and Business Management Practices from an Ethical Perspective.M. Islam & M. Gowing - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (4):353 - 378.
    China is moving from a centralized to a market economy to bring about efficiency in its economy and to form a business partnership with the West. With its reform adopting an open-door policy, there may be a need to assure its partners in the western world that appropriate steps would be taken to develop and foster a business culture with which the western countries and the Chinese businesses can work. The present study attempted to find whether there has (...)
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    A Tribute to Neil Olivier and His Contribution to Business Ethics Publishing.Sivakani Jayaprakash, Michelle Greenwood & Gazi Islam - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (1):1-2.
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    Modern Slavery Disclosure Regulation and Global Supply Chains: Insights from Stakeholder Narratives on the UK Modern Slavery Act.Muhammad Azizul Islam & Chris J. Van Staden - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):455-479.
    The purpose of this article is to problematise a particular social transparency and disclosure regulation in the UK, that transcend national boundaries in order to control slavery in supply chains operating in the developing world. Drawing on notions from the regulatory and sociology literature, i.e. transparency and normativity, and by interviewing anti-slavery activists and experts, this study explores the limitations of the disclosure and transparency requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act and, more specifically, how anti-slavery activists experience and interpret (...)
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  9.  69
    RuleRS: a rule-based architecture for decision support systems.Mohammad Badiul Islam & Guido Governatori - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (4):315-344.
    Decision-makers in governments, enterprises, businesses and agencies or individuals, typically, make decisions according to various regulations, guidelines and policies based on existing records stored in various databases, in particular, relational databases. To assist decision-makers, an expert system, encompasses interactive computer-based systems or subsystems to support the decision-making process. Typically, most expert systems are built on top of transaction systems, databases, and data models and restricted in decision-making to the analysis, processing and presenting data and information, and they do not provide (...)
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  10.  5
    Contributing to Business Ethics though Thick Conceptualization.Michelle Greenwood & Gazi Islam - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (3):495-498.
    In this editorial essay we argue that contribution to business ethics theory and practice can be achieved through thick ethical conceptualization, that is, by working with concepts in a manner that is both deeply descriptive and normative. Rather than foreclose on what is ethical or unethical, good or bad, permissible or impermissible, we encourage all authors submitting to the Journal of Business Ethics to carefully and clearly explicate their ethical analysis of their study’s focal phenomena. For empirical papers (...)
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  11.  52
    The Metrics of Ethics and the Ethics of Metrics.Gazi Islam & Michelle Greenwood - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (1):1-5.
    Metrics shape our social worlds in many and more ways. Everyday quantifications of our preferences, our behaviors and our relationships, alter us and the institutions that we constitute. This essay takes a brief look at the metrics of business ethics through two analytic devices. Representation explains the notion that metrics can capture or demonstrate ethics and performativity explains the notion that metrics can shape or constitute ethics. The analytic distinction between representation and performativity is obscured in practice when metrics (...)
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  12.  8
    Social Compliance Accounting: Managing Legitimacy in Global Supply Chains.Muhammad Azizul Islam - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book covers key discussions involving major US and European multinational companies (MNCs) that source products from suppliers in developing countries. Due to the transfer of production from developed to developing nations, there is an urgent need to establish social compliance as a new form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and a means by which MNCs can meet expected social standards. The cases described are internationally relevant and can be seen to reflect or represent the behavior of many MNCs and (...)
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  13.  12
    Unmasking luxury consumption and its psychology: An experimental approach to understanding the motivations behind ethical and sustainable brand preferences.Tahir Islam, Vikas Arya, Ali Ahmad Bodla, Rosa Palladino & Armando Papa - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This research delved into the dynamics between pride, sustainability detectability, and product consciousness through three experimental studies conducted among Chinese millennials focusing on lavish brand. Grounded in the positive emotions theory, this study sought to discern the circumstances in which individuals with materialistic tendencies exhibit willingness to engage with sustainable luxury brands. The results of this meticulous experimental design indicate a positive relationship between materialism and the intention to purchase sustainable luxury brands, with pride identified as a mediating factor, and (...)
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    (1 other version)CSR and firm performance nexus in a highly unstable political context: institutional influence and community cohesion.Islam Abdeljawad, Mamunur Rashid, Nour Abdul Rahman Arafat, Hadeel Naifeh & Nadeen Ghanem - forthcoming - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics.
    We provide evidence of the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance (CFP) in Palestine, a highly unstable political context. Annual reports of all firms listed on the Palestine Exchange (PEX) for the period 2016-2019 were manually content analysed. A checklist of reported CSR items is summarised into four areas: environmental information, human resources, community involvement, and product and customer service quality. Results indicate a robust positive connection between each of the four dimensions and the composite CSR (...)
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  15.  24
    Impact of servant leadership on employee life satisfaction through Islamic work ethics in the Islamic banking industry.Hina Nazir, Muhammad Haroon Shoukat, Islam Elgammal & Safdar Hussain - 2022 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1):137-157.
    The current study proposes a novel conceptual model in which Islamic work ethics has a mediating role in the relationship between servant leadership and employees’ life satisfaction within Pakistan’s banking sector. The model draws on the theory of leader-member exchange. Data from a sample of 240 were evaluated using structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 3.2.7 software. The findings indicate that servant leadership significantly impacts employees’ life satisfaction. Furthermore, Islamic work ethics mediated this effect. This study introduces ground-breaking bank inputs by (...)
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  16.  39
    Leading with moral courage: The interplay of guilt and courage on perceived ethical leadership and group organizational citizenship behaviors.Juliana Mansur, Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):587-601.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  17.  27
    Generative Artificial Intelligence as Hypercommons: Ethics of Authorship and Ownership.Gazi Islam & Michelle Greenwood - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (4):659-663.
    In this editorial essay, we argue that Generative Artificial Intelligence programs (GenAI) draw on what we term a “hypercommons”, involving collectively produced inputs and labour that are largely invisible or untraceable. We argue that automatizing the exploitation of common inputs, in ways that remix and reconfigure them, can lead to a crisis of academic authorship in which the moral agency involved in scholarly production is increasingly eroded. We discuss the relationship between the hypercommons and authorship in terms of moral agency (...)
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  18.  13
    Ethical issues of reification and recognition in hrm.Gazi Islam - forthcoming - Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World.
  19.  12
    Business ethics in Islam.Ḥusain Muḥīuddīn Qādrī - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Islamic Business Finance is based on strong ethical regulations as suggested by Islamic Literature, such as the Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet of Islam, and could be considered as a subclass of the wider subject of ethical standards in business. This book highlights the basic principles of Islamic Business ethics and their implication in today's global business environment. It highlights the most important features of Islamic banking and finance in relation to the core principles (...)
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  20. Islamic ethics and the implications for business.Gillian Rice - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (4):345 - 358.
    As global business operations expand, managers need more knowledge of foreign cultures, in particular, information on the ethics of doing business across borders. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to share the Islamic perspective on business ethics, little known in the west, which may stimulate further thinking and debate on the relationships between ethics and business, and to provide some knowledge of Islamic philosophy in order to help managers do business in Muslim cultures. The (...)
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  21.  61
    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures, Traditionalism and Politics: A Story from a Traditional Setting.Shahzad Uddin, Javed Siddiqui & Muhammad Azizul Islam - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):409-428.
    This paper demonstrates the political perspective of corporate social responsibility disclosures and, drawing on Weber’s notion of traditionalism, seeks to explain what motivates companies to make such disclosures in a traditional setting. Annual reports of 23 banking companies in Bangladesh are analysed over the period 2009–2012. This is supplemented by a review of documentary evidence on the political and social activities of corporations and reports published in national and international newspapers. We found that, in the banking companies over the period (...)
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  22. Business Ethics in Islamic Context.Tanri Abeng - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):47-54.
    The role of the business leader is key to develop the culture of an enterprise. To exemplify its importance in the national and globalcontext, the Muslim author from Indonesia points with admiration to Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Matsushita Electric Corporation, who already in the 1930s set up the seven ethical principles for healthy business growth, which also are commended by the Islamic imperative. Due to the current dynamic business environment, Muslims find themselves confronted with serious dilemmas and (...)
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  23.  70
    Recognition, Reification, and Practices of Forgetting: Ethical Implications of Human Resource Management. [REVIEW]Gazi Islam - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):37-48.
    This article examines the ethical framing of employment in contemporary human resource management (HRM). Using Axel Honneth's theory of recognition and classical critical notions of reification, I contrast recognition and reifying stances on labor. The recognition approach embeds work in its emotive and social particularity, positively affirming the basic dignity of social actors. Reifying views, by contrast, exhibit a forgetfulness of recognition, removing action from its existential and social moorings, and imagining workers as bundles of discrete resources or capacities. After (...)
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  24.  29
    Islamic business ethics.Rafik Issa Beekun - 1997 - Herndon, Va.: International Institute of Islamic Thought.
    This book addresses Muslim business community members who have to deal with ethical situations on a day-to-day basis. It gives key principles of management from an Islamic point of view. Its goal is to help Muslims engaged in business to act in accordance with the Islamic system of ethics. The writer’s experience with different Islamic activities give him a practical background that supports and enlightens his academic knowledge in the vital fields of business management and administration.
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  25.  22
    Assessing the influence of organisational citizenship behaviour towards environment on economic cost performance in UAE hotels.Rekha Pillai, Aminul Islam, Parul Kumar & Hamza Almustafa - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Organisational citizenship behaviour towards the environment (OCBE) aids in both environmental protection and in harnessing sustainable competitive organisational advantage. This study proposed a conceptual research model which investigated managerial perceptions of the relationship between OCBE and economic cost performance (ECP) in the UAE hospitality sector, with green innovative behaviour (GIB) mediating and green training moderating the relationship. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour and abilities motivation opportunity theory, the study administered 479 structured questionnaires to hotel managers in the UAE (...)
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  26. Data Mining and Privacy of Social Network Sites’ Users: Implications of the Data Mining Problem.Yeslam Al-Saggaf & Md Zahidul Islam - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):941-966.
    This paper explores the potential of data mining as a technique that could be used by malicious data miners to threaten the privacy of social network sites users. It applies a data mining algorithm to a real dataset to provide empirically-based evidence of the ease with which characteristics about the SNS users can be discovered and used in a way that could invade their privacy. One major contribution of this article is the use of the decision forest data mining algorithm (...)
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  27.  15
    Business ethics in Islam.Abbas Ali - 2014 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    The book is the most original and comprehensive treatment of business ethics in Islam. It explores the thinking of early Islamic scholars on ethics, whilst encompassing the modern developments in the field. It is aimed at fostering discourse on business ethics by offering a framework for exploring a wide range of ethical issues and dilemmas that arise in the marketplace and raising ethical awareness and sensitivity of various market and non-market players. The book enables researchers to use Islamic (...)
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    How Islamic Business Ethics Impact Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from Four Arab Middle Eastern Countries.Hayfaa A. Tlaiss - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):859-877.
    This study explores how Islamic business ethics and values impact the way in which Muslim women entrepreneurs conduct their business in the Arab world. Guided by institutional theory as a theoretical framework and social constructionism as a philosophical stance, this study uses a qualitative, interview-based methodology. Capitalizing on in-depth, face-to-face interviews with Muslim Arab women entrepreneurs across four countries in the Arab Middle East region, the results portray how Islamic work values and ethics are embedded in the entrepreneurial (...)
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  29.  44
    Understanding Communication of Sustainability Reporting: Application of Symbolic Convergence Theory.Mohammed Hossain, Md Tarikul Islam, Mahmood Ahmed Momin, Shamsun Nahar & Md Samsul Alam - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):563-586.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the nature of rhetoric and rhetorical strategies that are implicit in the standalone sustainability reporting of the top 24 companies of the Fortune 500 Global. We adopt Bormann’s :396–407, 1972) SCT framework to study the rhetorical situation and how corporate sustainability reporting messages can be communicated to the audience. The SCT concepts in the sustainability reporting’s communication are subject to different types of legitimacy strategies that are used by corporations as a validity (...)
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  30.  35
    Impact of religion on business ethics in Europe and the Muslim world: Islamic versus Christian tradition.Ingmar Wienen - 1999 - New York: P. Lang.
    This research project assesses the extent to which religion influences standards and behaviour in business, by comparing Islamic banking to co-operative banking as carried out by both Christians and Muslims. The study argues that Islamic banks are particu.
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    Ethically Questionable Negotiating: The Interactive Effects of Trust, Competitiveness, and Situation Favorability on Ethical Decision Making. [REVIEW]Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):281-296.
    This study explores the direct and interactive effects of individual differences in interpersonal trust and negotiation style on ethical decision-making processes across commonly faced negotiation situations. Individual differences influence basic ideas about legitimate negotiating behaviors, affect behavioral intentions directly, and interact with the favorability of negotiating situations, resulting in direct, indirect, and interactive effects on ethical decision-making processes. Using a sample of 298 participants in executive education workshops, the study analyzes the relationship between interpersonal trust, competitiveness, moral judgment, and behavioral (...)
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  32.  18
    The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research.Shuili Du, Mayowa T. Babalola, Premilla D’Cruz, Edina Dóci, Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, Louise Hassan, Gazi Islam, Alexander Newman, Ernesto Noronha & Suzanne van Gils - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):1-16.
    Online crowdsourcing platforms have rapidly become a popular source of data collection. Despite the various advantages these platforms offer, there are substantial concerns regarding not only data validity issues, but also the ethical, societal, and global ramifications arising from the prevalent use of online crowdsourcing platforms. This paper seeks to expand the dialogue by examining both the “internal” aspects of crowdsourcing research practices, such as data quality issues, reporting transparency, and fair compensation, and the “external” aspects, in terms of how (...)
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  33.  67
    Global Business Norms and Islamic Views of Women’s Employment.Jawad Syed & Harry J. Van Buren - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (2):251-276.
    ABSTRACT:This article examines the issue of gender equality within Islam in order to develop an ethical framework for businesses operating in Muslim majority countries. We pay attention to the role of women and seemingly inconsistent expectations of Islamic and Western societies with regard to appropriate gender roles. In particular, we contrast a mainstream Western liberal individualist view of freedom and equality—the capability approach, used here as an illustration of mainstream Western liberalism—with an egalitarian Islamic view on gender equality. While the (...)
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  34.  23
    Islam, Responsibility and Business in the Thought of Fethullah Gülen.Simon Robinson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (2):369-381.
    This article examines the contribution of one Islamic scholar, Fetullah Gülen to the debate about the meaning and practice of responsibility. It analyses Gülen’s thinking in terms of three inter-connected modes of responsibility: relational accountability, moral agency and liability. This view of responsibility is contrasted with major western philosophers such as Levinas, Buber and Jonas, Islamic tradition and the major views about corporate responsibility, including stakeholder theory. The role of dialogue in embodying the three modes of responsibility is then analysed. (...)
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  35.  57
    When Crises Hit Home: How U.S. Higher Education Leaders Navigate Values During Uncertain Times.Brooke Fisher Liu, Duli Shi, JungKyu Rhys Lim, Khairul Islam, America L. Edwards & Matthew Seeger - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (2):353-368.
    Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, this study investigates how U.S. higher education leaders have centered their crisis management on values and guiding ethical principles. We conducted 55 in-depth interviews with leaders from 30 U.S. higher education institutions, with most leaders participating in two interviews. We found that crisis plans created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic were inadequate due to the long duration and highly uncertain nature of the crisis. Instead, higher education leaders applied guiding principles on the fly (...)
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  36.  74
    Islamic Business Ethics.Jamal A. Badawi - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:295-323.
    This essay focuses on the normative teachings of Islam. Justice, honesty, and public welfare are the pillars of Islamic business ethics. These values have two major roots: (1) belief in and devotion to Allah (God), and (2) the earthly trusteeship that grounds moral accountability. The business values of productivity, hard work, and excellence are encouraged. However, at the heart of various injunctions relating to business transactions are the imperatives of lawfulness, honesty, and fair play. Products or services (...)
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  37.  33
    Perceptions of and barriers to ethical promotion of pharmaceuticals in Pakistan: perspectives of medical representatives and doctors.Zeeshan Danish, Syed Atif Raza, Imran Imran, Muhammad Islam, Furqan Kurshid Hashmi, Fawad Rasool, Zikria Saleem, Hamid Saeed & Rehan Gul - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundIn Pakistan, drug promotion practices, ethical or unethical, have rarely been in the spotlight. We aimed to assess the perception and barriers of medical representatives (MRs) and doctors (MDs) regarding ethical promotion of pharmaceuticals in Pakistan.MethodsA cross sectional survey was conducted in seven major cities of Pakistan for 6-months period. Self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. Logistic regression and five-point Likert scale scoring was used to estimate the perceptions and barriers.ResultsCompared to national companies (NCs), the medical representatives (MRs) of (...)
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    (1 other version)Islam and socially responsible business conduct: An empirical study of dutch entrepreneurs.Johan Graafland, Corrie Mazereeuw & Aziza Yahia - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):390–406.
    This paper explores the relationship between the Islamic religion and the level of socially responsible business conduct (SRBC) of Islamic entrepreneurs. The authors find that the common ideas of SRBC correspond with the view of business in Islam, although there are also some notable differences. They also find that Muslim entrepreneurs attach a higher weight to specific elements of SRBC than do non‐Muslims. However, they also find that Muslims are less involved with applying SRBC in practice than non‐Muslim (...)
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  39.  29
    Islamic Capitalism? The Turkish Hizmet Business Community Network in a Global Economy.Sabine Dreher - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):823-832.
    The paper develops a critique of the prevailing essentialist and homogenizing approach to business ethics that dominates the field with regard to Islam and proposes a constructivist perspective to the study of religion. It demonstrates the possibilities of this approach with the study of hizmet, a community business network from Turkey that has established itself in over 130 countries over the last 20 years. The implications for business ethics from the study of this movement is that the (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Understanding the framework of business in Islam in an era of globalization: A review.Syed Jamal Uddin - 2003 - Business Ethics: A European Review 12 (1):23–32.
    Despite the fact that Islam is one of the major religions, the frameworks of this faith are yet to be fully understood. As a consequence, it is being confused with activities contrary to its teachings. Islam has an elaborate treatment for almost every aspect of life including the affairs of business. Business is an acceptable and dignified occupation, which has to be conducted within the given frameworks. Islam encourages the creation, acquisition and consumption of wealth, and the fulfilling (...)
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    BCI-Based Consumers' Choice Prediction From EEG Signals: An Intelligent Neuromarketing Framework.Fazla Rabbi Mashrur, Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman, Mohammad Tohidul Islam Miya, Ravi Vaidyanathan, Syed Ferhat Anwar, Farhana Sarker & Khondaker A. Mamun - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:861270.
    Neuromarketing relies on Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology to gain insight into how customers react to marketing stimuli. Marketers spend about$750 billion annually on traditional marketing camping. They use traditional marketing research procedures such as Personal Depth Interviews, Surveys, Focused Group Discussions, and so on, which are frequently criticized for failing to extract true consumer preferences. On the other hand, Neuromarketing promises to overcome such constraints. This work proposes a machine learning framework for predicting consumers' purchase intention (PI) and affective (...)
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    Islamic Family Business: The Constitutive Role of Religion in Business.Mustafa Kavas, Paula Jarzabkowski & Amit Nigam - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):689-700.
    Religion has significantly influenced societies throughout history and across the globe. Family firms—particularly those operating in strongly religious regions—are more likely to be subject to the influence of religion. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which religion affects business activities in family firms. We study how religion impacts business activities through a qualitative study of two Anatolian-based family firms in Turkey. We find that religion provides a dominant meaning system that plays a key role in constituting (...)
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    Islamic Philosophy and Human Business Ethics in Realizing Sustainable Development Goals.Yusril Bariki & Minhatus Saniyah - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (1):23-36.
    This paper aims to explain some economic aspects of sharia by using a widely grasped philosophical approach. The paper presents an Islamic position on business ethics as it is in Qu-ran and in interpretations of sharia elaborated by Islamic thinkers, first of all Indonesian ones. Following results given in selected positions of the literature of the subject the authors come to the following theses and conclusions: Humans must pay attention to few possessions that are basic needs. Humans must avoid (...)
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    Lack of business responsibility: An islamic perspective.Zahid Parvez - 2007 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 3 (1):42-55.
    This paper applies an Islamic perspective to understand the lack of business responsibility witnessed in recent times. A link is developed between the dominant materialistic-secular worldview and lack of business responsibility. The paper argues that a materialistic-secular worldview tends to disconnect economics from ethics, gives privilege to economic values over spiritual values, and confers primacy to legal/bureaucratic mechanisms over ethical and spiritual mechanisms for ensuring compliance to business responsibilities. It suggests that these orientations could account for the (...)
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    Correction to: The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research.Shuili Du, Mayowa T. Babalola, Premilla D’Cruz, Edina Dóci, Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, Louise Hassan, Gazi Islam, Alexander Newman, Ernesto Noronha & Suzanne van Gils - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):17-18.
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    Etika bisnis dari sudut Islam. Masagung - 1990 - Jakarta: Yayasan Masagung.
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    Mandated Social Disclosure: An Analysis of the Response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.Rachel N. Birkey, Ronald P. Guidry, Mohammad Azizul Islam & Dennis M. Patten - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):827-841.
    In this study, we examine investor and firm response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. The CTSCA requires large retail and manufacturing firms to disclose efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains and is a rare example of mandated corporate social responsibility disclosure. Based on a sample of 105 retail companies subject to the CTSCA, we find a significant negative market reaction to the passing of the CTSCA. Furthermore, we find that the (...)
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  48. New Conceptual Foundations for Islamic Business Ethics: The Contributions of Abu-Hamid Al-Ghazali.Yusuf Sidani & Akram Al Ariss - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):847-857.
    The dominant approach to understanding Islamic Business Ethics has been based almost exclusively on either interpretations of the Qur’an and Sunna or influenced by Western understanding of Islam and ethics. However, there is a rich—largely ignored-tradition of ethical analysis conducted by Muslim philosophers which would broaden our understanding of Islamic ethics and hence IBE. We seek to correct this imbalance by examining works of Al-Ghazali, an early Muslim philosopher, scholar, and mystic. His approach to Sufism, combining an interpretation of (...)
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    Handbook of research on Islamic business ethics.Abbas Ali (ed.) - 2015 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    The complex relationship between society and business is vividly captured by ethical standards and obligations. This is especially pertinent in the Islamic world, where religion plays a key role in both social and commercial interactions. Many people see the presence or absence of ethical commitments as an indicator of whether business actors uphold their social responsibilities, and there is an increasing recognition of the significance of ethical value for business. This Handbook explores the interweaving relationship between Islamic (...)
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  50. Islam and CSR: A Study of the Compatibility Between the Tenets of Islam and the UN Global Compact.Geoffrey Williams & John Zinkin - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (4):519-533.
    This paper looks at whether the tenets of Islam are consistent with the 'Ten Principles' of responsible business outlined in the UN Global Compact. The paper concludes that with the possible exception of Islam's focus on personal responsibility and the non-recognition of the corporation as a legal person, which could undermine the concept of corporate responsibility, there is no divergence between the tenets of the religion and the principles of the UN Global Compact. Indeed, Islam often goes further and (...)
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