Results for 'Bunjirō Horiuchi'

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  1. Bushidō no hongi.Bunjirō Horiuchi - 1939
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  2. Junshi tetsugaku gaisetsu.Shigeru Horiuchi - 1938 - Tōkyō: Kōdōkan.
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  3. Komeniusu kenkyū.Mamoru Horiuchi - 1970
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    Kyōiku tetsugaku no shomondai.Mamoru Horiuchi (ed.) - 1986 - Nagoya-shi: Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    When Science Develops Outside State Patronage: Dutch Studies in Japan At the Turn of the Nineteenth Century.Annick Horiuchi - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (2):148-172.
    It is one of the peculiar features of the movement of translation of Western scientific treatises from Dutch into Japanese, known as Dutch learning , that if first originated in Nagasaki with a group of Japanese interpreters. This group differed from the scholarly community of the capital, Edo, by both training and social status. This article shows how this difference contributes to explaining some of the particularities of rangaku in its initial phase. A case in point is Shizuki Tadao's introduction (...)
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    Alice in systems wonderland: A children's systems learning guidebook accompanying Alice's adventures in wonderland.Yoshihide Horiuchi - 2003 - World Futures 59 (1):37 – 50.
    The author proposes the development of systems learning guidebooks to accompany famous children's classic books. Children's classic books can make excellent bases for children's learning guidebooks on systems thinking and global ecology, because they are fun to read and well known worldwide. If such learning guidebooks are properly designed with humor and entertaining aspects, they could stimulate children to learn more about systems thinking. Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is chosen as a pilot case for developing such a children's (...)
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  7. Bunmei no kiro ni tatsu kyōiku.Mamoru Horiuchi - 1978 - Reimei Shobo.
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    Growth of prismatic dislocation loops caused by the absorption of vacancies released from G.P. zones on reversion.Shigeo Horiuchi - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (171):623-626.
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  9. Ningen shikō kōi.Misao Horiuchi - 1979
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    技術的進歩と民主的社会変革の融合の可能性.Shinnosuke Horiuchi - 2020 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 47 (2):97-107.
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    Sur un point de rupture entre les traditions chinoise et japonaise des mathématiques.Annick Horiuchi - 1989 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 42 (4):375-390.
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    Whitehead and Religion: A Study of the Phrase 'This Universe is the Body of God' in Tenrikyo Scriptures.Midori Horiuchi - 2011 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):74-82.
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    What are the “Purposes” of Buddhist Sūtras? From Vasubandhu’s Logic of Exegesis (Vyākhyāyukti).Toshio Horiuchi - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (4):539-566.
    As its name implies, Vasubandhu’s _Vyākhyāyukti_ (VyY) explains the logic or methodology (_yukti_) of exegesis or sūtra interpretation (_vyākhyā_) and only survives in a Tibetan translation. In recent years, research on this treatise has been gradually accumulating. However, due to the difficulty of the Tibetan translation, some of the arguments therein have been misunderstood. In this article, after reviewing the general framework of Vasubandhu’s method of interpreting the sūtras, I will present a newly discovered parallel regarding his discussion of the (...)
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  14. Taidan ningenkan to kyōikukan.Minoru Murai & Mamoru Horiuchi - 1979 - Edited by Mamoru Horiuchi.
  15. Nihon gendai tetsugaku nyūmon.Toyo Nobechi, Michitaka Nagao & Misao Horiuchi - 1967 - [Tokyo]: Risōsha.
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    Review of Iron Eyes. [REVIEW]Satomi Horiuchi - 2008 - Buddhist Studies Review 25 (1):122-123.
    Iron Eyes: The Life and Teachings of Obaku Zen Master Tetsugen Doko, Helen J. Baroni, pp. ix+259, ISBN 0-7914-6892-5.
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    YuliaFrumerMaking Time: Astronomical Time Measurement in Tokugawa JapanChicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 272 p. [REVIEW]Annick Horiuchi - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (1-2):137-139.
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    MED26‐containing Mediator may orchestrate multiple transcription processes through organization of nuclear bodies.Hidefumi Suzuki, Kazuki Furugori, Ryota Abe, Shintaro Ogawa, Sayaka Ito, Tomohiko Akiyama, Keiko Horiuchi & Hidehisa Takahashi - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (4):2200178.
    Mediator is a coregulatory complex that plays essential roles in multiple processes of transcription regulation. One of the human Mediator subunits, MED26, has a role in recruitment of the super elongation complex (SEC) to polyadenylated genes and little elongation complex (LEC) to non‐polyadenylated genes, including small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) and replication‐dependent histone (RDH) genes. MED26‐containing Mediator plays a role in 3′ Pol II pausing at the proximal region of transcript end sites in RDH genes through recruitment of Cajal bodies (CBs) (...)
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    Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus.John M. Carey, Katherine Clayton & Yusaku Horiuchi - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Media, politicians, and the courts portray college campuses as divided over diversity and affirmative action. But what do students and faculty really think? This book uses a novel technique to elicit honest opinions from students and faculty and measure preferences for diversity in undergraduate admissions and faculty recruitment at seven major universities, breaking out attitudes by participants' race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, and political partisanship. Scholarly excellence is a top priority everywhere, but the authors show that when students consider individual (...)
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    Horiuchi, Yusaku, Institutions, Incentives and Electoral Participation in Japan: Cross-Level and Cross-National Perspectives, RoutledgeCurzon, 2005 (pp. 147), ISBN: 0415331765, $105.00. [REVIEW]Bernard Grofman - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 7 (1):93-95.
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    Pascal Crozet;, Annick Horiuchi . Traduire, transposer, naturaliser: La formation d’une langue scientifique moderne hors des frontieres de l’Europe au XIXe siecle. xxx + 262 pp. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2004. [REVIEW]Jon Sigurdson - 2005 - Isis 96 (1):127-128.
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    Les mathematiques japonaises a l'epoque d'Edo: Une etude des travaux de Seki Takakazu et de Takebe Katahiro . Annick Horiuchi.Karine Chemla - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):548-549.
  23. Review of: Frédéric Girard, Annick Horiuchi, Mieko Macé, ed., Repenser l'ordre, repenser l'heritage: Paysage intellectuel du Japon. [REVIEW]Joseph O'leary - 2004 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 31 (1):213-216.
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    Regime Type, Post-Materialism, and International Public Opinion about US Foreign Policy: The Afghan and Iraqi Wars.Benjamin E. Goldsmith - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 7 (1):23-39.
    Previous research (e.g., Horiuchi, Goldsmith, and Inoguchi, 2005) has shown some intriguing patterns of effects of several variables on international public opinion about US foreign policy. But results for the theoretically appealing effects of regime type and post-materialist values have been weak or inconsistent. This paper takes a closer look at the relationship between these two variables and international public opinion about US foreign policy. In particular, international reaction to the wars in Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003) are examined (...)
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    Heart Sutra Revisited.Jayarava Attwood - 2023 - Buddhist Studies Review 39 (2):229-254.
    A critical review of five articles that appeared in the special issue of Acta Asiatica, i.e. • Saitō, Akira. “Avalokiteśvara in the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya.” • Watanabe, Shōgo. “The Lineage of the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya: With a Focus on Its Introduction and Expressions of Emptiness.” • Horiuchi, Toshio. “Revisiting the ‘Indian’ Commentaries on the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya: Vimalamitra’s Interpretation of the Eight Aspects.” • Ishii, Kōsei. “The Chinese Texts and Sanskrit Text of the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya Seen by Wŏnch’ŭk 円測.” • Silk, Jonathan A. “The Heart Sūtra (...)
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