Results for 'Bruno Sauce'

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    Evolution, brain size, and variations in intelligence.Louis D. Matzel & Bruno Sauce - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought.Bruno Snell - 2013 - Harper & Row.
    European thought begins with the Greeks. Scientific and philosophic thinking--the pursuit of truth and the grasping of unchanging principles of life--is a historical development, an achievement; and, as Bruno Snell writes in The Discovery of the Mind, nothing less than a revolution. The Greeks did not take mental resources already at their disposal and merely map out new subjects for discussion and investigation. In poetry, drama, and philosophy they in fact discovered the human mind. The stages in man's gradual (...)
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    Deleuze and the Work of Death: A Study from the Impulse-Images.Bruno Leites - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (2):229-254.
    When formulating the concept of the impulse-image, Deleuze never tires of asserting that these images are saturated with death and obsessed by degradation. They stand at a curious intersection in the taxonomy of images, a constitutively in-between space: they are formally inserted between affection-image and action-image in The Movement-Image, but produce a direct passage to the time-image. However, they do not reach the time-image due to obsession by the negative effects of time. This article introduces the concept of the impulse-image (...)
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    Developing induction.Bruno G. Bara - 1994 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 8 (1):31 – 34.
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    Music chills: The eye pupil as a mirror to music’s soul.Bruno Laeng, Lise Mette Eidet, Unni Sulutvedt & Jaak Panksepp - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:161-178.
  6.  20
    The Impact of Science Studies on Political Philosophy.Bruno Latour - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (1):3-19.
    The development of science studies has an important message for political theory. This message has not yet been fully articulated. It seems that the science studies field is often considered as the extension of politics to science. In reality, case studies show that it is a redefinition of politics that we are witnessing in the laboratories. To the political representatives should be added the scientific representatives. Thanks to a book by Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, it is possible to reconstruct (...)
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  7. La fabrique du droit. Une ethnographie du Conseil d'État.Bruno Latour - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (4):504-504.
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    Wizualizacja i poznanie: zrysowywanie rzeczy razem.Bruno Latour - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (T).
    The author of the present paper argues that while trying to explain the institutional success of the science and its broad social impact, it is worth throwing aside the arguments concerning the universal traits of human nature, changes in the human mentality, or transformation of the culture and civilization, such as the development of capitalism or bureaucratic power. In the 16th century no new man emerged, and no mutants with overgrown brains work in modern laboratories. So one must also reject (...)
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  9. Diritto e politica.Bruno Leoni - 1961 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 1:83-107.
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  10. Il problema della scienza giuridica.Bruno Leoni - 1940 - Torino,: In vendita presso G. Giappichelli.
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    Lezioni di filosofia del diritto.Bruno Leoni - 2003 - Pavia,: Rubbettino Editore.
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  12. Probabilità e diritto nel pensiero di Leibniz.Bruno Leoni - 1947 - Rivista di Filosofia 38 (1):65-95.
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    Scritti di scienza politica e teoria del diritto.Bruno Leoni - 1980 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  14. The Law as Claim of the Individual.”.Bruno Leoni - forthcoming - Archiv für Rechts-Und Sozialphilosophie.
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    An experience-based holistic account of the other-race face effect.Bruno Rossion & Caroline Michel - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press.
    The term “race,” and the concept it refers to, namely genetically different human populations in the world, is one of the most intellectually and emotionally charged in society, and in science as well. This article focuses on how human beings recognize individual faces of their own versus another “racial group,” and the term “face race” is used in the context of visual recognition, as traditionally done in the scientific literature. The article reviews the well-known phenomenon that people have greater difficulty (...)
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  16. Philosophy as Therapy - A Review of Konrad Banicki's Conceptual Model.Bruno Contestabile & Michael Hampe - manuscript
    In his article Banicki proposes a universal model for all forms of philosophical therapy. He is guided by works of Martha Nussbaum, who in turn makes recourse to Aristotle. As compared to Nussbaum’s approach, Banicki’s model is more medical and less based on ethical argument. He mentions Foucault’s vision to apply the same theoretical analysis for the ailments of the body and the soul and to use the same kind of approach in treating and curing them. In his interpretation of (...)
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  17. Kant e Leibniz sobre o problema da teodiceia.Bruno Cunha - 2024 - Kant Em Diálogo.
    O pensamento de Leibniz foi, sem dúvida, essencial para o desenvolvimento das linhas fundamentais da filosofia crítico-transcendental de Kant. A interlocução entre Kant e Leibniz é evidente no decorrer do pensamento kantiano, seja diretamente, nos diversos momentos em que Kant busca um enfrentamento explícito com seu predecessor, seja indiretamente, quando Kant discute com os autores da escolástica alemã que são considerados discípulos de Leibniz Pretendo observar, em particular, que uma das discussões pouco noticiadas, mas de grande relevância para o desenvolvimento (...)
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    Il n'y a pas de monde commun : il faut le composer.Bruno Latour - 2011 - Multitudes 45 (2):38-41.
  19. Reflections on Etienne Souriau's Les différents modes d'existence.Bruno Latour - 2011 - In Levi R. Bryant, Nick Srnicek & Graham Harman, The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism.
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    Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy. [REVIEW]Bruno Latour - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):107-122.
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  21. Sobre a distinção entre prudência e moralidade em Kant e Crusius: considerações sobre a origem da doutrina do imperativo categórico.Bruno Cunha - 2019 - Studia Kantiana 17 (1):101-126.
    The extent of the originality and relevance of Kant's ethics is undeniable. But it is not so evident the fact that the Kant's moral philosophy as a whole was not suddenly built, but it was dependent on a profound debate with the philosophical tradition, especially with the German scholastic tradition, a debate which led to the assimilation or appropriation of several of its aspects. With special regard to the history of the development of the categorical imperative, it is not possible (...)
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    Zirkulierende Referenz. Bodenstichproben aus dem Urwald am Amazonas.Bruno Latour - 2016 - In Jan Wöpking, Christoph Ernst & Birgit Schneider, Diagrammatik-Reader: Grundlegende Texte Aus Theorie Und Geschichte. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 173-178.
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    Processing Spatial Relations With Different Apertures of Attention.Bruno Laeng, Matia Okubo, Ayako Saneyoshi & Chikashi Michimata - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (2):297-329.
    Neuropsychological studies suggest the existence of lateralized networks that represent categorical and coordinate types of spatial information. In addition, studies with neural networks have shown that they encode more effectively categorical spatial judgments or coordinate spatial judgments, if their input is based, respectively, on units with relatively small, nonoverlapping receptive fields, as opposed to units with relatively large, overlapping receptive fields. These findings leave open the question of whether interactive processes between spatial detectors and types of spatial relations can be (...)
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    Identifying objects in conventional and contorted poses: contributions of hemisphere-specific mechanisms.Bruno Laeng, Jinesh Shah & Stephen Kosslyn - 1999 - Cognition 70 (1):53-85.
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  25. Kant e a sua Crítica a Hutcheson e à Doutrina do Sentimento Moral na Década de 1770.Bruno Cunha - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (1):309-326.
    In this paper, my aim is to reconstruct, through the material presented in the handschrifter Nachlaß, Kant`s criticism to Hutcheson and to the doctrine of moral feeling in the 1770s in the so called silent decade. As we can note, this criticism generally is addressed to the fact that the doctrine of moral feeling is lacking an objective ground on which can be established a categorical conception of ethics. Moreover, I argue that in this context Kant already demonstrates, from his (...)
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    The Human Project: The Year 2000.Nino Langiulli & Bruno Martini (eds.) - 2002 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This book explores human possibility at the end of the twentieth century. It takes the form of discussion between an eminent philosopher and a skilled journalist about “the human measure” as it engages false absolutes and their accompanying utopias. The book proposes a “third way” between capitalism and socialism, and it concludes with comments on end-of-century phenomena, including democracy, intellectuals, and terrorism.
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  27. Technologia jako utrwalone społeczeństwo.Bruno Latour - 2013 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (2):17-49.
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  28. Lições de Metafísica - Immanuel Kant (Estudo Introdutório) [Extrato].Bruno Cunha - 2022 - In Lições de Metafísica (Immanuel Kant). Editora Vozes. pp. 31-56.
    Esta edição contém a única transcrição estudantil sobrevivente das Lições de Metafísica de Kant da década de 1770. A Lição foi ministrada o mais tardar no inverno de 1779/80 e, portanto, antes mesmo da publicação da Crítica da Razão Pura (1781). Um exceção é, contudo, a parte sobre a ontologia que seguramente se remonta a uma Lição que Kant ministrou depois de 1781. Estas transcrições de Lições são de valor inestimável para a história do desenvolvimento da filosofia de Kant e, (...)
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    Il ne faut plus qu'une science soit ouverte ou fermée.Bruno Latour - 2003 - Rue Descartes 41 (3):66-81.
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    Two-valued weak Kleene logics.Bruno da Ré & Damian Szmuc - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (1):1-43.
    In the literature, Weak Kleene logics are usually taken as three-valued logics. However, Suszko has challenged the main idea of many-valued logic claiming that every logic can be presented in a two-valued fashion. In this paper, we provide two-valued semantics for the Weak Kleene logics and for a number of four-valued subsystems of them. We do the same for the so-called Logics of Nonsense, which are extensions of the Weak Kleene logics with unary operators that allow looking at them as (...)
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  31. Kant e a Defesa da Causa de Deus: algumas considerações acerca do opúsculo kantiano sobre a teodiceia.Bruno Cunha - 2018 - Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (21):5-21.
    The article On the Miscarriage of All Philosophical Trials in Theodicy was published in 1791 on the pages of the monthly periodical berlinische Monatsschrift. By itself, the title of the article already seems to us quite enlightening. What would it be but a criticism of every attempt to justify the God's cause? Nevertheless, there are evidences that there is much more at stake. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to raise the question about the true meaning of the Kant`s (...)
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  32. Hegel com e contra Kant no Direito Internacional.Bruno Cunha - 2022 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 21 (2):216-244.
    A filosofia do direito internacional de Hegel tem recebido certa atenção nos últimos anos. As pesquisas mais recentes têm buscado apresentar uma visão diferente daquela, apresentada no século XIX e primeira metade do século XX, que retratava Hegel como um entusiasta do estado de guerra. Com efeito, também se passou a reavaliar a relação de Hegel com Kant no que diz respeito às questões do direito internacional, sobretudo, a possibilidade da paz. Meu objetivo nesse artigo é, primeiramente, apresentar os aspectos (...)
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  33. Verbete: Respeito.Bruno Cunha - 2021 - In Dicionário de Cultura de Paz. Curitiba, PR, Brasil:
    O termo respeito é derivado do latim respectus, que corresponde ao uso substantivo do particípio passado do verbo respicere, cujo significado literal é "olhar para trás", "olhar de volta", "olhar novamente", "considerar" (do latim re "de novo" e spicere "olhar"). Derivações do termo latino respectus são encontradas tanto no francês antigo (sec. VIII-XIX), cujo termo respit significa "descansar", "repousar", quanto no inglês médio (sec. XI-XV), cujo termo respect aparece, assumindo a função de nome, no sentido de "relação ou referência a (...)
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  34. À Paz Perpétua - Immanuel Kant (Estudo Introdutório [extrato]).Bruno Cunha - 2020 - In À Paz Perpétua: um projeto filosófico.
    Em 1795, a maneira sarcástica com a qual Kant inaugura um de seus textos mais influentes referindo-se ao letreiro de uma pousada holandesa sobre o qual está pintado um cemitério cujo lema é a “paz perpétua”, diz muito sobre a situação permanente de guerra em que se encontrava não só os países europeus daquele tempo, mas também, de um modo geral, os povos na história da humanidade. Com o objetivo de colocar um fim definitivo em todas as guerras, Kant propõe (...)
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  35. Lições de Ética - Immanuel Kant (Estudo Introdutório [extrato]).Bruno Cunha - 2018 - In Bruno Cunha & Charles Feldhaus, Lições de Ética - Immanuel Kant. pp. p.7-53.
    No centro da filosofia moral de Kant está sem dúvida sua doutrina do imperativo categórico. Por esse motivo não é de se surpreender que a Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes (1785), na qual Kant explica, em detalhes, essa doutrina pela primeira vez, tenha sido o foco da atenção por décadas. Mas há alguns anos é observável uma significativa mudança na literatura que é univocamente bem vinda: ao lado da pesquisa das Doutrinas da Virtude e do Direito publicadas por Kant nos (...)
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  36. Sonhos de um Visionário e suas contribuições para a ética de Kant.Bruno Cunha - 2013 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade 10:83-106.
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  37. Immanuel Kant: Reflexões de filosofia moral [seleção de notas].Bruno Cunha - 2019 - Estudos Kantianos 7 (1):81-102.
    Apresentamos aqui a tradução de uma pequena seleção das notas kantianas sobre ética. A maioria dos fragmento traduzidos é parte das chamadas Reflexões de Filosofia Moral publicadas no tomo XIX de Kants gesammelte Schriften, que se constituem, em sua maior parte, como as anotações de Kant (algumas em folhas soltas) na margem de um dos exemplares de referência para seus cursos de ética17, a Initia philosophiae practicae primae de Alexander Baumgarten, em sua edição de 1760. Acrescentamos à mesma seleção, no (...)
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    Random Fluctuations of Diathermal and Adiabatic Pistons.Bruno Crosignani & Paolo Di Porto - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (12):1707-1715.
    A comparison between the standard adiabatic piston dynamics and that of a perfectly conducting (diathermal) piston helps to clarify their different behaviors and, in particular, the anomalously large random displacement of the adiabatic piston as compared to the diathermal one. It is shown to be associated with a situation where the presence of a single massive “particle” (the piston), acting as an internal constraint in a many-particle system, plays a somewhat unexpected relevant role. A significant physical insight accounting for the (...)
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  39. Sobre Uma faculdade superior de apetição compreendida como razão prática: Kant em diálogo com Wolff.Bruno Cunha - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (135):641-657.
    RESUMO Neste artigo, busco identificar, por meio de algumas passagens da "Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes" e da "Crítica da Razão Prática", o debate de Kant com a Filosofia Prática Universal de Wolff. Em um primeiro momento, apresento, de forma sucinta, alguns aspectos gerais da metafísica e da ética wolffiana com o intuito de, em um segundo momento, explicitar como algumas considerações de Kant, em suas duas primeiras obras morais, incidem diretamente nas teses de seu predecessor. A crítica de Kant (...)
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  40. A importância das Reflexões sobre o otimismo para o desenvolvimento intelectual kantiano. Tradução e texto introdutório.Bruno Cunha - 2015 - Studia Kantiana 18:206-226.
    As Reflexões sobre o otimismo são as mais antigas reflexões kantianas sobre metafísica que aparecem no legado manuscrito [ handschiftlicher Nachlass ], remetendo-se ao fecho de 1753 ou 1754. Para justificar a importância de sua tradução, eu argumento que as consequências oriundas do problema da teodicéia, que cerceiam sua problemática, apresentam-se como alguns dos aspectos fundamentais do desenvolvimento intelectual kantiano no que concerne aos âmbitos da teologia racional e da ética. Por um lado, argumento que a crítica à teodicéia de (...)
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    (1 other version)Gustav Bergmann et les complexions meinongiennes.Bruno Langlet & Jean-Maurice Monnoyer - 2009 - In Langlet B. Monnoyer J.-M., Gustav Bergmann : Phenomenological Realism and Dialectical Ontology. Ontos Verlag. pp. 29--209.
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    Gustav Bergmann: Phenomenological Realism and Dialectical Ontology.Bruno Langlet & Jean-Maurice Monnoyer (eds.) - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    The texts of the book are concerned with G. Bergmann's open and new problems and their active role on issues in contemporary metaphysics, like the ontology of ties, connexions and relations, problems of exemplification, substrates and tropes theories, particulars, persistence and the metaphysics of space, time and existence. Papers deal with these themes by themselves, or discuss them in an associated way: some of them aim to clarify the complicated conceptual Relations Bergmann have enlarged with major themes of philosophers like (...)
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    Meinong et sa théorie des relations: éléments pour une généalogie de la théorie de l'objet.Bruno Langlet - 2020 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Ordnung in der Polis: Grundzüge der politischen Philosophie des Aristoteles.Bruno Langmeier - 2018 - Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Im Gegensatz zu einer verbreiteten Sichtweise seiner politischen Philosophie sieht Aristoteles gerade in einer mangelhaften oder bruchigen Ordnung das Hauptproblem seiner Zeit. Diese Studie legt eine Deutung vor, die bei den aristotelischen Leitgedanken der Rechtsordnung und der politischen Freundschaft ansetzt und dabei sowohl die normative Dimension als auch den machtpolitischen Realismus dieser Uberlegungen angemessen wurdigt. Diese Arbeit wurde von der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften im Jahr 2018 mit dem Bohlaupreis ausgezeichnet.
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  45. 'Emil Lederer, 1882–1939. I: The Sociologist.Bruno Lasker, Albert Salomon & Hans Staudinger - 1940 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 7 (3):337-58.
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    Acceptance.Bruno Latour - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (3):384-388.
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  47. A social constructivist field study'.Bruno Latour & Steve Woolgar - 1999 - In Robert Klee, Scientific inquiry: readings in the philosophy of science. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 251.
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  48. Biopower and public life.Bruno Latour - 2000 - Multitudes 1.
    Political philosophy reduced man to a speaking being and forgot his old trade with nature. We discover back this trade, as a political object, an issue for militancy, and we don’t believe any longer in mankind power.
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    Den Kühen ihre Farbe zurückgeben.Bruno Latour - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (2):83-100.
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    "Do you believe in reality?" news from the trenches of the science wars.Bruno Latour - 2003 - In Robert C. Scharff & Val Dusek, Philosophy of technology: the technological condition: an anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 126--137.
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