Results for 'Brooke Wunnicke'

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  1. Cuddle parties: the queer potential of metonymic space.Joy Brooke Fairfield - 2013 - In Kathleen O'Mara & Liz Morrish (eds.), Queering paradigms III: queer impact and practices. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
  2.  57
    Revisiting William Paley.John Hedley Brooke - 2022 - Zygon 57 (1):141-160.
    Zygon®, Volume 57, Issue 1, Page 141-160, March 2022.
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    Darwin and Religion: Correcting the Caricatures.John Hedley Brooke - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (4-5):391-405.
  4.  46
    Chlorine substitution and the future of organic chemistry. Methodological issues in the Laurent-Berzelius correspondence.John Hedley Brooke - 1973 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 4 (1):47.
  5.  61
    Indestructibility of Vopěnka’s Principle.Andrew D. Brooke-Taylor - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):515-529.
    Vopěnka’s Principle is a natural large cardinal axiom that has recently found applications in category theory and algebraic topology. We show that Vopěnka’s Principle and Vopěnka cardinals are relatively consistent with a broad range of other principles known to be independent of standard (ZFC) set theory, such as the Generalised Continuum Hypothesis, and the existence of a definable well-order on the universe of all sets. We achieve this by showing that they are indestructible under a broad class of forcing constructions, (...)
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  6. Grotius, Stoicism and 'Oikeiosis'.Christopher Brooke - 2001 - Grotiana 29 (1):25-50.
    For thirty years now there has been considerable debate concerning the foundations of modern natural law theory, with Richard Tuck emphasising the role self-preservation plays in anchoring Grotius's system and his critics pointing to the contribution of a principle of sociability. With reference to recent contributions in the literature on Stoicism from Julia Annas, A. A. Long and Tad Brennan, I argue that Grotius's use of the outline of Stoic ethics from Book III of Cicero's De finibus is crucial for (...)
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    Reconciling religious tradition and modern science.John Hedley Brooke - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):322-336.
    Abstract The primary purpose of this essay is to review Nidhal Guessoum's Islam's Quantum Question from a perspective outside Muslim tradition. Having outlined the main contours and contentions of the book, general issues are raised concerning the reconciliation of religious belief with the sciences. Comparisons are drawn between the resources available to Christian and Muslim cultures for achieving reconciliation, with particular reference to scriptural exegesis and natural theology. Speculative questions are then raised concerning possible differences between the Christian and Islamic (...)
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    Aux limites de la volonté générale : silence, exil, ruse et désobéissance dans la pensée politique de Rousseau.Christopher Brooke - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 83 (4):425.
    Résumé — En réaction contre la diversité frappante des interprétations du concept de volonté générale chez Rousseau, cet article – qui entend aussi contribuer à cette interprétation – défend une lecture procédurale de la volonté générale qui serait donc le produit d’un vote majoritaire de l’assemblée ; il montre comment certains des passages du livre IV du Contrat social qui semblent se prêter le moins à cette interprétation peuvent cependant y être entièrement intégrés ; contre l’idée que la volonté générale (...)
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  9. Indications of a Creator: Whewell as Apologist and Priest.John Hedley Brooke - 1991 - In Menachem Fisch & Simon Schaffer (eds.), William Whewell: A Composite Portrait. New York: Clarendon Press.
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  10.  60
    “If I were god”: Einstein and religion.John Hedley Brooke - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):941-954.
  11.  28
    A Poetics of the Self. Ricoeur’s Philosophy of the Will and Living Metaphor as Creative Praxis.Iris J. Brooke Gildea - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (2):90-103.
    This article presents the conceptual groundwork for a “poetics of the self” by theorizing how and why a creative praxis rooted in Ricoeur’s philosophy of the will and hermeneutics of the living metaphor contributes to an individual’s on-going development of self-awareness. Its focus is on the affective fragility that manifests in an individual’s intermediary status of polarities – finitude and infinitude, freedom and nature – in conjunction with Ricœur’s tensional status of metaphorical truth. The act of writing poetry, it suggests, (...)
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  12. Chapter Six. How the Stoics Became Atheists.Christopher Brooke - 2012 - In Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought From Lipsius to Rousseau. Princeton University Press. pp. 127-148.
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    Can we deepen the pool of Australian foster carers through enhanced training and support?Danielle Brooke & James Donnelly - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Darwinism as Religion.John Brooke - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (1-2):171-174.
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  15. Genes, Genesis and God: Values and their Origins in Natural and Human History.John Hedley Brooke - 2000 - Environmental Values 9:401.
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  16. Interpreting the word and the world.John Hedley Brooke - 2011 - Zygon 46 (2):281-290.
    Abstract. The purpose of this essay is to introduce a collection of five papers, originally presented at the 2009 summer conference of the International Society for Science and Religion, which explore the reception of Darwin's science in different religious traditions. Comparisons are drawn between Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Indian responses to biological evolution, with particular reference to the problem of suffering and to the exegetical and hermeneutic issues involved.
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    Jacob Berzelius: The Emergence of His Chemical System. Evan M. Melhado.John Brooke - 1983 - Isis 74 (1):114-114.
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    John Stuart Mill, Socialiste.Christopher Brooke - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (1):182-184.
    Mill wrote in the 1849 edition of Principles of Political Economy that Fourierism presented “in every respect the least open to objection, of the forms of Socialism”. Why did he think this? If we look at Mill's earlier engagements with the Saint-Simonians and Comte side by side a striking pattern of agreements and disagreements emerges: Comte and Mill were anti-utopians, but the Saint-Simonians were not; Mill and the Saint-Simonians were feminists, but Comte was not; and the Saint-Simonians and Comte sought (...)
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    Modernity at the Margins.John Hedley Brooke - 2006 - Minerva 44 (4):463-467.
  20.  52
    Military minds.Christopher Brooke - 2006 - The Philosophers' Magazine 33:91-91.
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    Maria Pia Paganelli, Dennis C. Rasmussen, and Craig Smith , Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics.Christopher Brooke - 2019 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 17 (2):178-180.
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    Presidential address does the history of science have a future?John Hedley Brooke - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Science 32 (1):1-20.
    It has been a singular privilege to preside over the BSHS as it celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. As we share our festivities with the British Association annual meeting at Leeds, I am doubly honoured to be giving this address. A fiftieth anniversary is a sentimental occasion. It is a moment when we can express our gratitude to our many friends and forebears who by their dedication have enabled the Society to grow and flourish. That so many of those friends should (...)
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  23.  63
    Stoicism and anti-Stoicism in the seventeenth century.Christopher Brooke - 2001 - Grotiana 22 (1):93-115.
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    Science, Eastern Orthodoxy, and World Religions.John Hedley Brooke & Ronald L. Numbers - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):592-596.
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    Stages of Thought: The Co-Evolution of Religious Thought and Science. Michael Horace Barnes.John Brooke - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):380-381.
  26.  70
    The Byzantine Empire. By Norman H. Baynes. Home University Library. Pp. 256. London: Williams and Norgate, 1925. 2s. 6d.Z. N. Brooke - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (05):172-.
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    The Fontana History of Chemistry. William H. Brock.John Brooke - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):301-302.
  28.  21
    The letters of the republic: Publication and the public sphere in eighteenth-century America.John L. Brooke - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (4):608-609.
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    The Politics and Rhetoric of Scientific Method: Historical StudiesJohn A. Schuster Richard R. Yeo.John Brooke - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):93-94.
  30. Reconciling Science and Religion: The Debate in Early-Twentieth-Century Britain.Peter J. Bowler, John Hedley Brooke & Margaret J. Osler - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (2):416-418.
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    Ethical Standards for Business Lobbying.J. Brooke Hamilton Iii & David Hoch - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):117-129.
    Rather than being inherently evil, business lobbying is a socially responsible activity which needs to be restrained by ethical standards. To be effective in a business environment, traditional ethical standards need to be translated into language which business persons can speak comfortably. Economical explanations must also be available to explain why ethical standards are appropriate in business. Eight such standards and their validating arguments are proposed with examples showing their use. Internal dialogues regarding the ethics of lobbying objectives and tactics (...)
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    The Ethics of Assisted Colonization in the Age of Anthropogenic Climate Change.G. A. Albrecht, C. Brooke, D. H. Bennett & S. T. Garnett - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):827-845.
    This paper examines an issue that is becoming increasingly relevant as the pressures of a warming planet, changing climate and changing ecosystems ramp up. The broad context for the paper is the intragenerational, intergenerational, and interspecies equity implications of changing the climate and the value orientations of adapting to such change. In addition, the need to stabilize the planetary climate by urgent mitigation of change factors is a foundational ethical assumption. In order to avoid further animal and plant extinctions, or (...)
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    Paternal investment and status-related child outcomes: Timing of father's death affects offspring success.Mary K. Shenk & Brooke A. Scelza - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (5):549-569.
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  34. Does the Habit Make the Nun? A Case Study of Heloise's Influence on Abelard's Ethical Philosophy.Brooke Heidenreich Findley - 2006 - Vivarium 44 (2-3):248-275.
    A careful reading of Heloise's letters reveals both her contribution to Abelard's ethical thought and the differences between her ethical concerns and his. In her letters, Heloise focuses on the innate moral qualities of the inner person or animus. Hypocrisy—the misrepresentation of the inner person through false outer appearance, exemplified by the potentially deceitful religious habit or habitus—is a matter of great moral concern to her. When Abelard responds to Heloise's ideas, first in his letters to her and later in (...)
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  35.  65
    Interpretation and Overinterpretation.Umberto Eco, Richard Rorty, Jonathan Culler, Christine Brooke-Rose & Stefan Collini - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (4):632-634.
  36.  32
    An Environmental Ethic of Home.L. Brooke Rudow - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):28-60.
    Abstract:In this paper, I argue that our lives are situated in territories of natural and built environments that should be included in our conceptions of home. I maintain that this expanded conception is indispensable for an environmental ethic that is both well- grounded and practically efficacious. Thus, I take a serious look at the things, places, and others that ought to be included in our concept of home.In the first section I discuss persistent problems for dominant theories of environmental ethics, (...)
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    Creative Christian living.Walter Brooke Stabler - 1933 - Philadelphia,: Philadelphia.
    This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.
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  38. Index to Volume 41.Marc Bekoff, Kirsten Birkett, Paul R. Laurie M. Boehlke, Rachel L. Kolander, Sjoerd L. Bonting, Donald M. Braxton, John Hedley Brooke, Charlene P. E. Burns, John C. Caiazza & John J. Carvalho Iv - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4).
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    Governing the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Introduction to Special Issue.Steven J. Hoffman, Julian Savulescu, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Isaac Weldon, Brooke Campus, Mark Harrison, Hannah Maslen & Angela McLean - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):1-8.
    Antimicrobial resistance is one of the greatest public health crises of our time. The natural biological process that causes microbes to become resistant to antimicrobial drugs presents a complex social challenge requiring more effective and sustainable management of the global antimicrobial commons—the common pool of effective antimicrobials. This special issue of Health Care Analysis explores the potential of two legal approaches—one long-term and one short-term—for managing the antimicrobial commons. The first article explores the lessons for antimicrobial resistance that can be (...)
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    Apologizing without regret.Brooke Natalie Barnum-Roberts - 2011 - Ratio 24 (1):17-27.
    A common belief about the nature of agent regret is that regretting some event E is closely linked to being sorry for the occurrence of E. Or more specifically, that if one is sorry for E then she must regret E. I will call this ‘the sorry-regret hypothesis’. My contention is that one may be sorry for some action but not regret it. I take the rejection of this ‘truism’ to be a positive development. I offer two lines of argument (...)
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  41. Deference Done Better.Kevin Dorst, Benjamin A. Levinstein, Bernhard Salow, Brooke E. Husic & Branden Fitelson - 2021 - Philosophical Perspectives 35 (1):99-150.
    There are many things—call them ‘experts’—that you should defer to in forming your opinions. The trouble is, many experts are modest: they’re less than certain that they are worthy of deference. When this happens, the standard theories of deference break down: the most popular (“Reflection”-style) principles collapse to inconsistency, while their most popular (“New-Reflection”-style) variants allow you to defer to someone while regarding them as an anti-expert. We propose a middle way: deferring to someone involves preferring to make any decision (...)
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    Rousseau Juge de Jean Jacques Dialogues.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Brooke Boothby - 1780 - Chez J. Jackson, aux Depens de l'Editeur Chez Dodsley, Cadell, Elmsley, Et Strahan.
    One of Rousseau’s later and most puzzling works and never before available in English, this neglected autobiographical piece was the product of the philosopher’s old age and sense of persecution. Long viewed simply as evidence of his growing paranoia, it consists of three dialogues between a character named “Rousseau” and one identified only as “Frenchman” who discuss the bad reputation and works of an author named “Jean-Jacques.” Dialogues offers a fascinating retrospective of his literary career.
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    The qualitative vision for psychology: an invitation to a human science approach.Constance T. Fischer, Leswin Laubscher & Roger Brooke (eds.) - 2016 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press.
    This volume, edited by three leading proponents and practitioners of human science psychology, serves as an invitation to readers new to this approach while also renewing that invitation to those who have long embraced and advanced research in the field from this perspective. It is a timely and important invitation. In 2009, the American Psychological Association declared psychology to be a core STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) discipline and advocated the teaching and practice of psychology with this natural science understanding (...)
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    Thinking Against the Wrath of Capital.Chris J. Cuomo & Brooke Schueneman - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):695-701.
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  45. Book Reviews-Intersex in the Age of Ethics.Alice Domurat Dreger & Brooke Sanders Purves - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (2):174-177.
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    Global Public Health Legal Responses to H1N1.Lance Gable, Brooke Courtney, Robert Gatter & Eleanor D. Kinney - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):46-50.
    Pandemics challenge the law and often highlight its strengths or expose its limits. The novel strain of influenza A virus that emerged in the spring of 2009 and rapidly spread around the globe was no exception. The H1N1 pandemic prompted the first significant application of a number of international legal and policy mechanisms that have been developed in the last decade to respond to this kind of event. Furthermore, it presented a considerable test for public health systems at all levels, (...)
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    Two practical guidelines for resolving truth-telling problems.J. Brooke Hamilton Iii & David Strutton - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (11):899-912.
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    The effect of published reports of unethical conduct on stock prices.Spuma M. Rao & J. Brooke Hamilton - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (12):1321 - 1330.
    This study adds to the empirical evidence supporting a significant connection between ethics and profitability by examining the connection between published reports of unethical behaviour by publicly traded U.S. and multinational firms and the performance of their stock. Using reports of unethical behaviour published in the Wall Street Journal from 1989 to 1993, the analysis shows that the actual stock performance for those companies was lower than the expected market adjusted returns. Unethical conduct by firms which is discovered and publicized (...)
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  49.  20
    Verbal and numeric probabilities differentially shape decisions.Robert N. Collins, David R. Mandel & Brooke A. MacLeod - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (1):235-257.
    Experts often communicate probabilities verbally (e.g., unlikely) rather than numerically (e.g., 25% chance). Although criticism has focused on the vagueness of verbal probabilities, less attention has been given to the potential unintended, biasing effects of verbal probabilities in communicating probabilities to decision-makers. In four experiments (Ns = 201, 439, 435, 696), we showed that probability format (i.e., verbal vs. numeric) influenced participants’ inferences and decisions following a hypothetical financial expert’s forecast. We observed a format effect for low probability forecasts: verbal (...)
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    The intrapsychics of gender: A model of self-socialization.Desiree D. Tobin, Meenakshi Menon, Madhavi Menon, Brooke C. Spatta, Ernest V. E. Hodges & David G. Perry - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):601-622.
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