Results for 'Brendan Canavan'

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  1. Defusing easy arguments for numbers.Brendan Balcerak Jackson - 2013 - Linguistics and Philosophy 36 (6):447-461.
    Pairs of sentences like the following pose a problem for ontology: (1) Jupiter has four moons. (2) The number of moons of Jupiter is four. (2) is intuitively a trivial paraphrase of (1). And yet while (1) seems ontologically innocent, (2) appears to imply the existence of numbers. Thomas Hofweber proposes that we can resolve the puzzle by recognizing that sentence (2) is syntactically derived from, and has the same meaning as, sentence (1). Despite appearances, the expressions ‘the number of (...)
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  2. The Political Reason of Edmund Burke.Francis P. Canavan - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (4):529-529.
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  3. The Readings of plural noun phrases in English.Brendan S. Gillon - 1987 - Linguistics and Philosophy 10 (2):199 - 219.
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    Lakatos: An Introduction.Brendan Larvor - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    _Lakatos: An Introduction_ provides a thorough overview of both Lakatos's thought and his place in twentieth century philosophy. It is an essential and insightful read for students and anyone interested in the philosophy of science.
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  5. Metaphysics, Verbal Disputes and the Limits of Charity.Brendan Balcerak Jackson - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86 (2):412-434.
    Intuitively, (1)-(3) seem to express genuine claims (true or false) about what the world is like, attempts to correctly describe parts of extra-linguistic reality. By contrast, it is tempting to regard (4)-(6) as merely reflecting decisions (or conventions, or dispositions, or rules) concerning the terms in which that extra-linguistic reality is described, decisions about which things to label with 'vixen', 'bachelor' or 'cup'.
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  6. Towards a common semantics for English count and mass nouns.Brendan S. Gillon - 1992 - Linguistics and Philosophy 15 (6):597 - 639.
    English mass noun phrases & count noun phrases differ only minimally grammatically. The basis for the difference is ascribed to a difference in the features +/-CT. These features serve the morphosyntactic function of determining the available options for the assigment of grammatical number, itself determined by the features +/-PL: +CT places no restriction on the available options, while -CT, in the unmarked case, restricts the available options to -PL. They also serve the semantic function of determining the sort of denotation (...)
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    Delusions: Contemporary Etiological Hypotheses.Brendan A. Maher - 1992 - Psychiatric Annals 22 (5):260-268.
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    Inferential practical knowledge of meaning.Brendan Balcerak Jackson - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Speakers of a natural language regularly form justified beliefs about what others are saying when they utter sentences of the language. What accounts for these justified beliefs? At one level, we already have a plausible answer: there is a perfectly good ordinary sense in which users of a language know what its sentences mean, and it is very plausible that the hearer’s knowledge of the meaning of S helps explain her justification for her belief about what is said by an (...)
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    The Vision of Gabriel Marcel: Epistemology, Human Person, the Transcendent.Brendan Sweetman - 2008 - Rodopi.
    This book illustrates the profound implications of Gabriel Marcel's unique existentialist approach to epistemology not only for traditional themes in his work concerning ethics and the transcendent, but also for epistemological issues, concerning the objectivity of knowledge, the problem of skepticism, and the nature of non-conceptual knowledge, among others. There are also chapters of dialogue with philosophers, Jacques Maritain and Martin Buber. In focusing on these themes, the book makes a distinctive contribution to the literature on Marcel.Brendan Sweetman, a (...)
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    Stodgy Historicism and the Ancient Novel.Brendan Boyle - 2010 - Arion 18 (2):33-48.
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    Cancer: An Oncologist's View.Barbara C. Canavan - 2011 - Spontaneous Generations 5 (1):103-105.
    When The Emperor of All Maladies was published in late 2010, I knew it would be near the top of my stack of books to read. Since I am a PhD student in the History of Science and Medicine, reading a notable book on the history of cancer and its treatments is a must. Sadly, at the time of its publication, my mother had just died unexpectedly at age 82 of a disease for which she had never received a prior (...)
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    Historical Literature Related to Zoonoses and Pandemics.Barbara Canavan - 2023 - Isis 114 (S1):104-142.
    The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is the latest but not the first deadly pathogen to jump from animals to humans. The history of pandemics is replete with such events. The convergence of animal health, human health, and ecosystem health is a twenty-first century reality, as human activities that drive climate change also contribute to pandemic risk. Understanding the past and future of zoonotic diseases requires new models in the way we research human-animal-environment interconnections. This bibliographic essay discusses the historical development of these (...)
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  13. John Milton and Freedom of Expression.Francis Canavan - 1978 - Interpretation 7 (3):50-65.
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    Knowledge and Politics.Francis Canavan - 1975 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 50 (4):432-437.
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  15. Lydia: Open-hearted to mission.Rosemary Canavan - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (4):421.
    Even today entering Neapolis, modern day Kavala, in Greece it is possible to imagine Paul stepping off a ship onto the landing. This is the craft of the author of Luke's Gospel and the Acts of the Apostle to engage the hearer in the narrative he constructs: in Acts, the birth and mission of the church is a story in which the audience have a role. According to Acts, Paul followed a vision, a call from a certain Macedonian to 'Come (...)
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    Making Men Moral: Civil Liberties and Public Morality.Francis Canavan - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):512-514.
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    Natural Law and Judicial Review.Francis Canavan - 1993 - Public Affairs Quarterly 7 (4):277-286.
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    Robert Burton, Jonathan Swift, and the Tradition of Anti-Puritan Invective.Thomas L. Canavan - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (2):227.
  19. The Popes and the Economy.Francis Canavan - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 11 (2):429-444.
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  20. Discovery in medicine.Brendan Clarke - 2016 - In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon & Harold Kincaid (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  21. The Imaginative Character of Pragmatic Inquiry.Brendan Hogan - 2008 - Cognitio Estudos 5 (2).
    John Dewey’s lifelong labor to articulate an alternative account of logic from -/- the ‘abstract thought’ predominant in discussions of logic culminates in his 1938 Logic: the -/- theory of inquiry. In this text Dewey argues that all inquiry involves the instantiation of a general -/- pattern of inquiry. Articulating the role of imagination in the general pattern of inquiry is crucial -/- to illuminating the practical character and theoretical scope of this activity. Specifically, the -/- agency of the inquirer (...)
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    Redeeming Chenu? A Reconsideration of the Neoplatonic Influence on Aquinas's Summa Theologiae.Brendan Thomas Sammon - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (6):971-987.
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    Irreplaceable Design: On the Non-Instrumental Value of Biological Variation.Brendan Cline - 2020 - Ethics and the Environment 25 (2):45.
    The protection of species ranks highly among environmentalist priorities, and many environmentalists expect the public to respect and support efforts to protect and rehabilitate endangered species. There are a range of instrumental and anthropocentric justifications for these attitudes, yet some environmentalists want more. It is unclear that more is to be had. In particular, it is challenging to justify some environmentalist attitudes without appealing to some version of the claim that species are intrinsically valuable. However, this has been a notoriously (...)
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    Against the perceptual model of utterance comprehension.Brendan Balcerak Jackson - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (2):387-405.
    What accounts for the capacity of ordinary speakers to comprehend utterances of their language? The phenomenology of hearing speech in one’s own language makes it tempting to many epistemologists to look to perception for an answer to this question. That is, just as a visual experience as of a red square is often taken to give the perceiver immediate justification for believing that there is a red square in front of her, perhaps an auditory experience as of the speaker asserting (...)
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    Episodic mindreading: Mentalizing guided by scene construction of imagined and remembered events.Brendan Gaesser - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104325.
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  26. Modelling mechanisms with causal cycles.Brendan Clarke, Bert Leuridan & Jon Williamson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (8):1-31.
    Mechanistic philosophy of science views a large part of scientific activity as engaged in modelling mechanisms. While science textbooks tend to offer qualitative models of mechanisms, there is increasing demand for models from which one can draw quantitative predictions and explanations. Casini et al. (Theoria 26(1):5–33, 2011) put forward the Recursive Bayesian Networks (RBN) formalism as well suited to this end. The RBN formalism is an extension of the standard Bayesian net formalism, an extension that allows for modelling the hierarchical (...)
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  27. Delusional thinking and perceptual disorder.Brendan A. Maher - 1974 - Journal of Individual Psychology 30 (1):98-113.
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    Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations.Brendan Wilson - 1998 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Brendan Wilson leads the reader through Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, revealing a new clarity, singleness of purpose and contemporary relevance in this acknowledged masterpiece.
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    The relationship between delusions and hallucinations.Brendan A. Maher - 2006 - Current Psychiatry Reports 8 (3):179-183.
  30. Against deliberative indispensability as an independent guide to what there is.Brendan Cline - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (12):3235-3254.
    David Enoch has recently proposed that the deliberative indispensability of irreducibly normative facts suffices to support their inclusion in our ontology, even if they are not necessary for the explanation of any observable phenomena. He challenges dissenters to point to a relevant asymmetry between explanation and deliberation that shows why explanatory indispensability, but not deliberative indispensability, is a legitimate guide to ontology. In this paper, I aim to do just that. Given that an entity figures in the actual explanation of (...)
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    Philosophy in Classical India: The Proper Work of Reason.Brendan S. Gillon - 2003 - Mind 112 (448):707-711.
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  32. The Evidence that Evidence-based Medicine Omits.Brendan Clarke, Donald Gillies, Phyllis Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson - unknown
    According to current hierarchies of evidence for EBM, evidence of correlation (e.g., from RCTs) is always more important than evidence of mechanisms when evaluating and establishing causal claims. We argue that evidence of mechanisms needs to be treated alongside evidence of correlation. This is for three reasons. First, correlation is always a fallible indicator of causation, subject in particular to the problem of confounding; evidence of mechanisms can in some cases be more important than evidence of correlation when assessing a (...)
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    The political reason of Edmund Burke.Francis Canavan - 1960 - Durham, N.C.,: Published by the Lilly Endowment Research Program in Christianity and Politics by the Duke University Press.
  34. Beyond logical form.Brendan Jackson - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 132 (2):347 - 380.
    Notice that each of (1)–(4) is an instance of a more general pattern. For example, we could replace ‘black’ in (1) with any of a wide range of other adjectives such as ‘furry’ or ‘hungry’ or ‘three-legged’, without rendering the entailment invalid or any less obvious. Similarly, there are a number of verbs that occur in entailments parallel to (3): ‘Moe boiled the water; so the water boiled’; ‘Bart blew up the school; so the school blew up’; ‘Homer sank the (...)
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    Naturalism.Brendan Larvor - 2015 - In Andrew Copson & A. C. Grayling (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 37–54.
    Naturalism is sometimes cast as the claim that there is nothing supernatural, nothing ‘spooky’ in the world. One can see that naturalism has two aspects: it makes claims about what there is, and it makes claims about knowledge and explanation. This chapter considers the ontological aspect first, so that one can see what is at stake when comes to the second, epistemological, aspect. The great advantage of methodological naturalism is that it leaves open the question of whether full‐strength, unconditional naturalism (...)
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    The Role of Semantic Diversity in Word Recognition across Aging and Bilingualism.Brendan T. Johns, Christine L. Sheppard, Michael N. Jones & Vanessa Taler - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:195083.
    Frequency effects are pervasive in studies of language, with higher frequency words being recognized faster than lower frequency words. However, the exact nature of frequency effects has recently been questioned, with some studies finding that contextual information provides a better fit to lexical decision and naming data than word frequency ( Adelman et al., 2006 ). Recent work has cemented the importance of these results by demonstrating that a measure of the semantic diversity of the contexts that a word occurs (...)
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  37. Emily Grosholz and Herbert Breger, editors. The Growth of Mathematical Knowledge.Brendan P. Larvor - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (1):93-96.
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    Moral imagination: Facilitating prosocial decision-making through scene imagery and theory of mind.Brendan Gaesser, Kerri Keeler & Liane Young - 2018 - Cognition 171 (C):180-193.
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  39. Promises as Proposals in Joint Practical Deliberation.Brendan Kenessey - 2020 - Noûs 54 (1):204-232.
    This paper argues that promises are proposals in joint practical deliberation, the activity of deciding together what to do. More precisely: to promise to ϕ is to propose (in a particular way) to decide together with your addressee(s) that you will ϕ. I defend this deliberative theory by showing that the activity of joint practical deliberation naturally gives rise to a speech act with exactly the same properties as promises. A certain kind of proposal to make a joint decision regarding (...)
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    Who Inspects the Inspector?: The Evaluation of Catholic Education Offices in Australia.Kelvin Canavan - 2004 - The Australasian Catholic Record 81 (1):49.
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    Why parents choose (or don't choose) a Catholic school.Kelvin B. Canavan - 1995 - The Australasian Catholic Record 72 (3):295.
  42.  12
    The Foundations of Economic Policy: Values and Techniques.Brendan Jones (ed.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Recent developments in public economics have largely been in the direction of reaffirming the limits of the market and of establishing new ones. The possible existence of fundamental non-convexities, imperfect and asymmetric information, incentive compatibility, imperfect competition, strategic complementarity, and scale economies led to the conclusion that a large set of market failures exist; such situations also imply government failure. Acocella, considers this complicated picture and provides a discussion of the different approaches to establishing social 'rankings' of the possible situations (...)
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    The Undead Gourmet.Brendan Riley - 2013 - Philosophy Now 96:12-14.
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    Corrigendum: Watching More Closely: Shot Scale Affects Film Viewers' Theory of Mind Tendency But Not Ability.Brendan Rooney & Katalin E. Bálint - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ethical practice in clinical medicine.Brendan Callaghan Sj - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (3):164-1.
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    Why Politics Needs Religion: the place of religious arguments in the public square.Brendan Sweetman - 2006 - InterVarsity Press.
    Presents a convincing argument as to why religion should be mixed with politics, ascertaining that certain religious beliefs should be made public and ...
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  47. The Focolare movement.Brendan Purcell - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (2):161.
    Purcell, Brendan The Focolare Movement is officially known as the Work of Mary, and since it is primarily a lay movement, it falls under the authority of the Congregation for the Laity. Its founder, Chiara Lubich, was born in Trent in 1920, the second of four children, into a close-knit family. Her mother was a devout daily Massgoing Catholic, her father, a socialist, uninterested in religion, but a man of principle, whose refusal to join the Fascist party lost him (...)
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    The person of the voice: narrative identities in informed consent.Brendan McCormack - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (2):114-119.
    This paper explores the dominant rational approach to informed consent and challenges the appropriateness of this approach to ethical decision‐making with people with dementia. In dementia care a dominant assumption exists that people are not autonomous because of their inability to make decisions and exercise freedom of choice. The rational understanding of autonomy being the capacity to exercise freedom of choice means that health and social care professionals feel justified in making decisions on behalf of the person with dementia. If (...)
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    Putting Descartes before the horse (again!).Brendan McGonigle & Margaret Chalmers - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):142-143.
    The stance espoused in the target article confounds cultural symbolic achievements with individual cognitive competences. With no explicit role for learning, the core rationale for claiming a major functional discontinuity between humans and other species rests on a hybrid formal model LISA (Learning and Inference with Schemas and Analogies) now overtaken by new models of cognitive growth and new empirical studies within an embodied systems stance.
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  50. Why did Kuhn’s S tructure of Scientific Revolutions Cause a Fuss?Brendan Larvor - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (2):369-390.
    After the publication of The structure of scientific revolutions, Kuhn attempted to fend off accusations of extremism by explaining that his allegedly “relativist” theory is little more than the mundane analytical apparatus common to most historians. The appearance of radicalism is due to the novelty of applying this machinery to the history of science. This defence fails, but it provides an important clue. The claim of this paper is that Kuhn inadvertently allowed features of his procedure and experience as an (...)
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