Results for 'Bohm's implicate order'

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  1.  59
    Response to conference papers on "David Bohm's implicate order: Physics, philosophy, and theology".David Bohm - 1985 - Zygon 20 (2):219-220.
  2. Quantum Mechanics, Metaphysics, and Bohm's Implicate Order.George Williams - 2019 - Mind and Matter 2 (17):155-186.
    The persistent interpretation problem for quantum mechanics may indicate an unwillingness to consider unpalatable assumptions that could open the way toward progress. With this in mind, I focus on the work of David Bohm, whose earlier work has been more influential than that of his later. As I’ll discuss, I believe two assumptions play a strong role in explaining the disparity: 1) that theories in physics must be grounded in mathematical structure and 2) that consciousness must supervene on material processes. (...)
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    Coherent self, cohrent world: a new synthesis of myth, metaphysics & Bohm's implicate order: reclaiming value in a fractured age.Diana Durham - 2019 - Winchester, UK: O-Books.
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    Tuning the Mind in the Frequency Domain: Karl Pribram's Holonomic Brain Theory and David Bohm's Implicate Order.Shelli R. Joye - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):166-184.
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  5. Still or Sparkling? Past, Present and Future in Bohm’s Implicate Order Approach.Paavo Pylkkänen - 2023 - In Eero Kaila, Henri Pettersson & Jani Sinokki, Past. Future. Philosophy. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Finland Colloquium 2022. Acta Philosophica Fennica Vol. 99, 2023. The Philosophical Society of Finland. pp. 107-125.
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  6. Wholeness and the Implicate Order.David Bohm - 1980 - New York: Routledge.
    David Bohm was one of the foremost scientific thinkers and philosophers of our time. Although deeply influenced by Einstein, he was also, more unusually for a scientist, inspired by mysticism. Indeed, in the 1970s and 1980s he made contact with both J. Krishnamurti and the Dalai Lama whose teachings helped shape his work. In both science and philosophy, Bohm's main concern was with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular. In this classic work he (...)
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  7.  78
    The implicate order and Prigogine's notions of irreversibility.David Bohm - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (7):667-677.
    In this paper, a very close relationship between Prigogine's notions of irreversibility and the implicate order is brought out. Certain of Prigogine's basic assumptions with regard to irreversible processes are also shown to be the equivalent of the introduction of nilpotent operators in the algebra underlying the implicate order.
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    The essential David Bohm.David Bohm - 2003 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Lee Nichol.
    There are few scientists of the twentieth century whose life's work has created more excitement and controversy than that of physicist David Bohm (1917-1992). Exploring the philosophical implication of both physics and consciousness, Bohm's penchant for questioning scientific and social orthodoxy was the expression of a rare and maverick intelligence. For Bohm, the world of matter and the experience of consciousness were two aspects of a more fundamental process he called the implicate order. Without a working sensibility (...)
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    David Bohm's World: New Physics and New Religion.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1993 - Kendall Hunt.
    David Bohm is a physicist with a broad range of other interests including religion, philosophy, education, art, and linguistics. This book surveys Bohm's physical theories including the quantum potential theory and the implicate order or holomovement theory.
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  10. Two ontic orders (Hayek's concept of endogenous and exogenous orders, Bohm's concept of implicative and explicative orders and Popper's concept of three worlds).J. Smajs - 2001 - Filozofia 56 (1):13-24.
    The author beginns with a brief commentary on three philosophically remarcable concepts: F. A. Hayek's concept of endogenous and exogenous orders, D. Bohm's concept of implicative and explicative orders and K. R. Popper's concept of the three worlds. On Hayek he appreciates particularly his emphasizing the endogenous order, on Bohm on the other hand his distinguishing between the explicative and implcative orders. He, however criticises Bohm´s conception for its not offe_ring a possibility of definig the ontic opposition of (...)
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  11. Bohm's approach and individuality.Paavo Pylkkänen, Basil Hiley & Ilkka Pättiniemi - 2015 - In Thomas Pradeu & Alexandre Guay, Individuals Across The Sciences. New York, État de New York, États-Unis: Oxford University Press.
    Ladyman and Ross argue that quantum objects are not individuals and use this idea to ground their metaphysical view, ontic structural realism, according to which relational structures are primary to things. LR acknowledge that there is a version of quantum theory, namely the Bohm theory, according to which particles do have denite trajectories at all times. However, LR interpret the research by Brown et al. as implying that "raw stuff" or haecceities are needed for the individuality of particles of BT, (...)
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  12.  62
    Partners in passage: The experience of marriage in mid-life.Evelyn Bohm & Cathy Appleton - 2001 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 32 (1):41-70.
    The purpose of this phenomenological study is to describe the experience of enduring marriage in mid-life. The literature reveals a lack of research about contemporary mid-life marriage, reflecting only theoretical pieces and research studies on marital happiness, factors that make a marriage successful, and variables contributing to divorce. Noticeably absent are studies conducted from a phenomenological philosophical perspective. Questioning what enduring marriage involves for individuals in mid-life served to orient the researchers to the meaning of the experience. Seventeen volunteers participated (...)
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  13.  20
    Wholeness and the Implicate Order[REVIEW]H. R. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (1):114-117.
    Rumors of David Bohm's new ideas on cosmology, in the philosophical sense, have been circulating for some time. It was a pleasure to finally have the book in one's hands. The argument falls neatly into a number of stages.
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  14.  61
    Time and Higher-Order Wholeness: A Response to David Bohm.Steven M. Rosen - 1986 - In David Ray Griffin, Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time: Bohm, Prigogine, and Process Philosophy. State University of New York Press. pp. 219--230.
    This paper explores the meaning of time from three points of view: (1) David Bohm's concepts of "vertical implicate order" and "holomovement"; (2) Alfred North Whitehead's idea of the "actual occasion"; and (3) the author's notion of "nondual duality." The author argues that Bohm and Whitehead alike implicitly divide time into dual and nondual aspects and that, in failing to adequately reconcile these, time, in effect, is denied. The alternative offered seeks to thoroughly integrate dual and nondual (...)
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  15.  53
    Was David Bohm a Wave Function Realist?Paavo Pylkkänen - 2025 - In Avril Styrman, Paavo Pylkkänen & Saara Wuokko, Physics and Reality: International Conference on Philosophy of Physics 4.-6.6.2024 Helsinki, Finland. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing.
    One of the more radical ideas to have emerged in recent metaphysics of quantum theory is wave function realism, according to which the fundamental spatial framework of the world is one of very many dimensions. At first sight this idea sounds similar to the notion of a multidimensional implicate order the physicist David Bohm proposed on the basis of quantum theory in the 1980s. This paper briefly considers Bohm’s various attempts to provide a realist interpretation of the wave (...)
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    The Essential David Bohm.Lee Nichol (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    There are few scientists of the twentieth century whose life's work has created more excitement and controversy than that of physicist David Bohm . For the first time in a single volume, The Essential David Bohm offers a comprehensive overview of Bohm's original works from a non-technical perspective. Including three chapters of previously unpublished material, and a forward by the Dalai Lama, each reading has been selected to highlight some aspect of the implicate order process, and to (...)
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  17.  29
    Wholeness and the Implicate Order.David Bohm - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (3):303-305.
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  18. Characteristics of consciousness in collapse-type quantum mind theories.Imants Baruss - 2008 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 29 (3):257-267.
    The purpose of this paper is to look at some of the apparent characteristics of consciousness in theories in which consciousness is said to play a role in the collapse of the state vector. In particular, these reflections are based primarily on the work of three theorists: Amit Goswami, Henry Stapp, and Evan Harris Walker. Upon looking at such theories, three characteristics of consciousness become apparent. The first is a volitional aspect of the mind that needs to be distinguished from (...)
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  19.  70
    Modern nursing and modern physics: does quantum theory contain useful insights for nursing practice and healthcare management?John Hastings - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):205-212.
    In recent years, a number of articles have appeared in the nursing literature proposing that the branch of modern physics known as quantum theory offers insights that may be useful in nursing practice and healthcare management. This paper critiques this literature in the light of key concepts in quantum theory. The conclusion is that quantum theory has been misunderstood and misapplied within the nursing journals. Quantum theory is essentially mathematical and is based on quantitative experimentation. To successfully apply this theory (...)
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  20.  87
    Hidden variables and the implicate order.David Bohm - 1985 - Zygon 20 (2):111-124.
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    The Implicate Order.David Bohm & Dean R. Fowler - 1978 - Process Studies 8 (2):73-102.
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  22. Time, the implicate order and pre-space.David Bohm - 1986 - In David Ray Griffin, Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time: Bohm, Prigogine, and Process Philosophy. State University of New York Press. pp. 172--208.
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  23. The implicate order and the super-implicate order.David Bohm - 1986 - In Renée Weber, Dialogues with scientists and sages: the search for unity. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 23--52.
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  24.  69
    Quantum theory as an indication of a new order in physics. B. Implicate and explicate order in physical law.David Bohm - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (2):139-168.
    In this paper, we inquire further into the question of the emergence of new orders in physics, first raised in an earlier paper. In this inquiry, we are led to suggest that the quantum theory indicates the need for yet another new order, which we call “enfolded” or “implicate.” One of the most striking examples of the implicate order is to be seen by considering the function of the hologram, which clearly reveals how a total content (...)
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  25.  98
    Unfolding meaning: a weekend of dialogue with David Bohm.David Bohm - 1985 - Loveland [Colo.]: Foundation House. Edited by Donald Factor.
    David Bohm argues that our fragmented, mechanistic notion of order permeates not only modern science and technology today, but also has profound implications ...
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  26. Science, Order and Creativity Second Edition.David Bohm & F. David Peat - 2000 - Routledge.
    In Science, Order and Creativity, David Bohm and F. David Peat argue that science has lost its way in recent years and needs to go beyond a narrow and fragmented view of nature and embrace a wider holistic view that restores the importance of creativity and communication for all humanity - not just scientists. The result of a close collaboration by one of the 20th century's greatest physicists and thinkers, David Bohm, with leading science writer F. David Peat, provides (...)
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  27. The Special Theory of Relativity.David Bohm - 1965 - New York,: Routledge.
    Based on his famous final year undergraduate lectures on theoretical physics at Birkbeck College, Bohm presents the theory of relativity as a unified whole, making clear the reasons which led to its adoption and explaining its basic meaning. With clarity and grace, he also reveals the limited truth of some of the "common sense" assumptions which make it difficult for us to appreciate its full implications. With a new foreword by Basil Hiley, a close colleague of David Bohm's, _The (...)
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  28.  75
    Dialogue on science, society, and the generative order.David Bohm & Sean Kelly - 1990 - Zygon 25 (4):449-467.
    This article is an edited transcription of two conversations at Birkbeck College, London, in February 1987. Its primary concern is a transdisciplinary consciousness that refuses to comply with the tendency toward reductionism and simplification. Some of the problems the dialogue explores are (1) the notion of order (with particular reference to Bohm's recent reflections on the concept of the generative order), (2) the limits of knowledge and the concept of the Absolute, (3) the nature of perceptive or (...)
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  29.  75
    The implicate order, algebras, and the spinor.F. A. M. Frescura & B. J. Hiley - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (1-2):7-31.
    We review some of the essential novel ideas introduced by Bohm through the implicate order and indicate how they can be given mathematical expression in terms of an algebra. We also show how some of the features that are needed in the implicate order were anticipated in the work of Grassmann, Hamilton, and Clifford. By developing these ideas further we are able to show how the spinor itself, when viewed as a geometric object within a geometric (...)
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  30. Memory as a Property of Nature.Ted Dace - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (5):507-519.
    Prerequisite to memory is a past distinct from present. Because wave evolution is both continuous and time-reversible, the undisturbed quantum system lacks a distinct past and therefore the possibility of memory. With the quantum transition, a reversibly evolving superposition of values yields to an irreversible emergence of definite values in a distinct and transient moment of time. The succession of such moments generates an irretrievable past and thus the possibility of memory. Bohm’s notion of implicate and explicate order (...)
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  31. Multi-field and Bohm’s theory.Davide Romano - 2020 - Synthese (11):29 June 2020.
    In the recent literature, it has been shown that the wave function in the de Broglie–Bohm theory can be regarded as a new kind of field, i.e., a "multi-field", in three-dimensional space. In this paper, I argue that the natural framework for the multi-field is the original second-order Bohm’s theory. In this context, it is possible: i) to construe the multi-field as a real-valued scalar field; ii) to explain the physical interaction between the multi-field and the Bohmian particles; and (...)
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  32.  37
    Space-Time-Event-Motion : A New Metaphor for a New Concept Based on a Triadic Model and Process Philosophy.Joseph Naimo - 2003 - In David G. Murray, Proceedings Metaphysics 2003 Second World Conference. Foundazione Idente di Studi e di Ricerca,. pp. 372-379.
    The disciplinary enterprises engaged in the study of consciousness now extend beyond their original paradigms providing additional knowledge toward an overall understanding of the fundamental meaning and scope of consciousness. A new transdisciplinary domain has resulted from the syncretism of several approaches bringing about a new paradigm. The background for this overarching enterprise draws from a variety of traditions. In this paper however elaboration is restricted to the quantum-mechanical account in David Bohm’s theoretical work in relation to his ideas about (...)
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  33.  70
    Jordan blocks and exponentially decaying higher-order Gamow states.A. Bohm, M. Loewe, P. Patuleanu & C. Püntmann - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (5):613-624.
    In the framework of the rigged Hilbert space, unstable quantum systems associated with first-order poles of the analytically continued S-matrix can be described by Gamow vectors which are generalized vectors with exponential decay and a Breit-Wigner energy distribution. This mathematical formalism can be generalized to quasistationary systems associated with higher-order poles of the S-matrix, which leads to a set of Gamow vectors of higher order with a non-exponential time evolution. One can define a state operator from the (...)
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  34.  57
    Meaning as being in the implicate order philosophy of David Bohm: a conversation.Renée Weber - 1987 - In Basil J. Hiley & D. Peat, Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm. Methuen. pp. 440.
  35.  43
    The case of holography among Media Studies, art and science.Pier Luigi Capucci - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):247-253.
    In the last few years holography has celebrated some important anniversaries: in 2010 the 50th anniversary of the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) invention; in 2011 the 40th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to the Hungarian scientist Dennis Gabor for inventing holography and in 2012 the 50th anniversary of the first holograms. Holography can create an accurate visual simulation, with total parallax: a replica of the real object made of light, which has the real object’s visual (...)
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  36.  92
    Nonlocality in quantum theory understood in terms of Einstein's nonlinear field approach.D. Bohm & B. J. Hiley - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (7-8):529-546.
    We discuss Einstein's ideas on the need for a theory that is both objective and local and also his suggestion for realizing such a theory through nonlinear field equations. We go on to analyze the nonlocality implied by the quantum theory, especially in terms of the experiment of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen. We then suggest an objective local field model along Einstein's lines, which might explain quantum nonlocality as a coordination of the properties of pulse-like solutions of the nonlinear equations (...)
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  37.  69
    Touching the mind of God: Patristic Christian thought on the nature of matter.Joshua Schooping - 2015 - Zygon 50 (3):583-603.
    This paper seeks to examine the nature of matter from an Orthodox Christian patristic perspective, specifically that of St. Gregory of Nyssa, and compare this with David Bohm's concept of wholeness and the implicate order. By examining the ramifications of the doctrine of creation ex nihilo, the basic nature of matter as being rooted in the mind of God reveals itself, and furthermore shows that certain conceptions of quantum physics can provide language with which to give voice (...)
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  38.  27
    Der Begriff Ernst. Zur Kritik ironischer Selbstverhältnisse bei Hegel und Kierkegaard.Sebastian Böhm - 2023 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 28 (1):249-279.
    The article aims at giving an account of and comparing Hegel’s and Kierkegaard’s critique of contemporary culture by focussing on the category of seriousness. Both thinkers diagnose a general tendency of downplaying, in fact, suppressing or even abolishing consciousness of sin and a concomitant disappearance of seriousness in what they consider „the modern age of reflection.“ First, the concept of seriousness is spelled out within their respective philosophies of religion, and this in relation to the reality of sin as a (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Corporate social responsibility as cultural meaning management: a critique of the marketing of 'ethical' bottled water.Vinicius Brei & Steffen Böhm - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (3):233-252.
    To date, the primary focus of research in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been on the strategic implications of CSR for corporations and less on an evaluation of CSR from a wider political, economic and social perspective. In this paper, we aim to address this gap by critically engaging with marketing campaigns of so-called ‘ethical’ bottled water. We especially focus on a major CSR strategy of a range of different companies that promise to provide drinking water for (...)
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  40.  25
    Ethics in context: the art of dealing with serious questions.Gernot Böhme (ed.) - 2001 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    In this clear and accessible book, Gernot Bohme places philosophical ethics in the context of our individual and social lives. Arguing against the conception of ethics as a body of knowledge, Bohme defines morality as a matter of 'serious questions'. In the case of an individual, a serious question is one that determines that person's mode of living. In the case of society, a serious question is one that shapes our social norms. In Ethics in Context, Bohme explores the key (...)
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  41. Trouble-Shooting Creativity: A Critical Appraisal of David Bohm and F. David Peat's "Science Order & Creativity".Menachem Fisch - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (1):141 - 153.
    The problems divulged, analyzed and allegedly solved in Science, Order & Creativity are not scientific problems. They attest to a fundamental failure of science but not to scientific failure per se. Bohm and Peat's meta-scientific undertaking cannot afford, therefore, to remain negative. However, neither science itself nor current professional philosophy are capable of the radical positive rethinking required, in their view, in order to restore and ensure scientific creativity.
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  42.  1
    Understanding German Consumers’ Intention to Adopt COVID-19 Infection Prevention Measures: A Moral Decoupling Perspective.Rebekka A. Böhm & Ulrich R. Orth - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):988-1029.
    Getting consumers to adopt infection prevention measures is important for society to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. This research adopts a moral decoupling perspective to examine how consumers in Germany respond to perceived transgressions of COVID-19 infection prevention regulations. Focusing on two nonpharmaceutical measures (mask wearing, social distancing) as well as a pharmaceutical one (vaccination), two empirical studies indicate that transgression relevance influences intention to adopt the measure (in parallel) through judgment of performance and judgment of morality. Type of transgression moderates (...)
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  43.  46
    Pilot-Wave Quantum Theory with a Single Bohm’s Trajectory.Francesco Avanzini, Barbara Fresch & Giorgio J. Moro - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (5):575-605.
    The representation of a quantum system as the spatial configuration of its constituents evolving in time as a trajectory under the action of the wave-function, is the main objective of the de Broglie–Bohm theory. However, its standard formulation is referred to the statistical ensemble of its possible trajectories. The statistical ensemble is introduced in order to establish the exact correspondence between the probability density on the spatial configurations and the quantum distribution, that is the squared modulus of the wave-function. (...)
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  44.  70
    Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm.Basil Hiley & F. David Peat (eds.) - 1987 - Routledge.
    David Bohm is one of the foremost scientific thinkers of today and one of the most distinguished scientists of his generation. His challenge to the conventional understanding of quantum theory has led scientists to reexamine what it is they are going and his ideas have been an inspiration across a wide range of disciplines. _Quantum Implications_ is a collection of original contributions by many of the world' s leading scholars and is dedicated to David Bohm, his work and the issues (...)
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  45. Being, Becoming and the Undivided Universe: A Dialogue Between Relational Blockworld and the Implicate Order Concerning the Unification of Relativity and Quantum Theory.Michael Silberstein, W. M. Stuckey & Timothy McDevitt - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (4):502-532.
    In this paper two different approaches to unification will be compared, Relational Blockworld (RBW) and Hiley’s implicate order. Both approaches are monistic in that they attempt to derive matter and spacetime geometry ‘at once’ in an interdependent and background independent fashion from something underneath both quantum theory and relativity. Hiley’s monism resides in the implicate order via Clifford algebras and is based on process as fundamental while RBW’s monism resides in spacetimematter via path integrals over graphs (...)
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  46. Second-Order Cybernetics as a Fundamental Revolution in Science.S. A. Umpleby - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):455-465.
    Context: The term “second-order cybernetics” was introduced by von Foerster in 1974 as the “cybernetics of observing systems,” both the act of observing systems and systems that observe. Since then, the term has been used by many authors in articles and books and has been the subject of many conference panels and symposia. Problem: The term is still not widely known outside the fields of cybernetics and systems science and the importance and implications of the work associated with second- (...) cybernetics is not yet widely discussed. I claim that the transition from cybernetics to second-order cybernetics is a fundamental scientific revolution that is not restricted to cybernetics or systems science. Second-order cybernetics can be regarded as a scientific revolution for the general methodology of science and for many disciplines as well. Method: I first review the history of cybernetics and second-order cybernetics. Then I analyze the major contents of von Foerster’s fundamental revolution in science and present it as a general model for an alternative methodology of science. Subsequently, I present an example of practicing second-order socio-cybernetics from within. I describe some consequences of doing science from within, and I suggest some new horizons for second-order cybernetics. Results: Second-order cybernetics leads to a new foundation for conducting science and offers important contributions for a new way of organizing science. It expands the conception of science so that it can more adequately deal with living systems. Implications: Second-order cybernetics extends the traditional scientific approach by bringing scientists within the domain of what is described and analyzed. It provides models of research processes for when the scientist is within the system being studied. In this way it offers a new foundation for research in the social sciences, in management science, and in other fields such as the environmental sciences or the life sciences. Keywords: Epistemology, general scientific methodology, cybernetics, social sciences, action research, Heinz von Foerster. (shrink)
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  47.  63
    From Bohm’s Vision of Quantum Processes to Quantum Field Theory... to the Transactional Approach. Variations on the Theme. [REVIEW]Davide Fiscaletti - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (3):1-25.
    The vision of quantum physics developed by David Bohm, and especially the idea of the implicit order, can be considered the true epistemological foundation of quantum field theory and the idea of a quantum vacuum that underlies the observable forms of matter, energy and space-time. Assuming the non-locality as the crucial visiting card of quantum processes, it is thus possible to arrive directly to the transactional interpretation and to the idea of a non-local quantum vacuum in which the behaviour (...)
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  48. Second-Order Science: Logic, Strategies, Methods.S. A. Umpleby - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):16-23.
    Context: Philosophy of science is the branch of philosophy that deals with methods, foundations, and implications of science. It is a theory of how to create scientific knowledge. Presently, there is widespread agreement on how to do science, namely conjectures, ideally in the form of a mathematical model, and refutations, testing the model using empirical evidence. Problem: Many social scientists are using a conception of science created for the physical sciences. Expanding philosophy of science so that it more successfully encompasses (...)
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  49. Conceptualising the structure of the biophysical organising principle: Triple-aspect-theory of being.Joseph Naimo - 2012 - In Patricia Hanna, An Anthology of Philosophical Studies Vol. VI,. ATINER. pp. 121-132.
    When examining the human being as a conscious being, we are still to arrive at an understanding of, firstly, the conditions required whereby physical processes give rise to consciousness and secondly, how consciousness is something fundamental to life as an intrinsic part of nature. Humans are complex organisms with myriad interacting systems whereby the convergence of the activities toward the support and development of the whole organism requires a high level of organisation. Though what accounts for the dynamic unity of (...)
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  50. Classical Levels, Russellian Monism and the Implicate Order.William Seager - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (4):548-567.
    Reception of the Bohm-Hiley interpretation of quantum mechanics has a curiously Janus faced quality. On the one hand, it is frequently derided as a conservative throwback to outdated classical patterns of thought. On the other hand, it is equally often taken to task for encouraging a wild quantum mysticism, often regarded as anti-scientific. I will argue that there are reasons for this reception, but that a proper appreciation of the dual scientific and philosophical aspects of the view reveals a powerful (...)
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