Results for 'Black bodies'

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  1.  73
    Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race.George Yancy - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race understands Black embodiment within the context of white hegemony within the context of a racist, anti-Black world. Yancy demonstrates that the Black body is a historically lived text on which whites have inscribed their projections which speak equally forcefully to whites' own self-conceptualizations.
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    Pathologizing Black bodies: the legacy of plantation slavery.Constante González Groba - 2023 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Ewa Barbara Luczak & Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis.
    Pathologizing Black Bodies reconsiders the black body as a site of cultural and corporeal interchange; one involving violence and oppression, leaving memory and trauma sedimented in cultural conventions, political arrangements, social institutions and, most significantly, materially and symbolically engraved upon the body, with "the self" often deprived of agency and sovereignty. Consisting of three sections, this text focuses on works of the 20th and 21st century fiction and cultural narratives by mainly African American authors, aiming to highlight (...)
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    Black bodies, white gazes: The continuing significance of race (review).Melvin L. Rogers - 2010 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 (2):192-194.
    In Black Bodies, White Gazes, George Yancy investigates how the experiences of blacks both come into view and are simultaneously distorted by the racialized gaze of whites. In the process of distortion by whites, often unbeknownst to themselves, they are continually implicated in the oppression of blacks that reflexively reinvests "whiteness as the transcendental norm" (xxiii). Precisely because whiteness is tied to socially embedded historical power and privilege that functions on multiple levels of social life, undoing its ill (...)
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    Black bodies and Bioethics: Debunking Mythologies of Benevolence and Beneficence in Contemporary Indigenous Health Research in Colonial Australia.Chelsea J. Bond, David Singh & Sissy Tyson - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):83-92.
    We seek to bring Black bodies and lives into full view within the enterprise of Indigenous health research to interrogate the unquestioned good that is taken to characterize contemporary Indigenous health research. We articulate a Black bioethics that is not premised upon a false logic of beneficence, rather we think through a Black bioethics premised upon an unconditional love for the Black body. We achieve this by examining the accounts of two Black mothers, fictional (...)
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    Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race in America.George Yancy & Linda Martin Alcoff - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing from the lives of Ossie Davis, Frantz Fanon, Malcolm X, and W. E. B. Du Bois, as well as his own experience, and fully updated to account for what has transpired since the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, Yancy provides an invaluable resource for students and teachers of courses in African American Studies, African American History, Philosophy of Race, and anyone else who wishes to examine what it means to be Black in America.
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    Black bodies and quantum cats: tales from the annals of physics.Jennifer Ouellette - 2005 - New York: Penguin Books.
    Physics, once known as “natural philosophy,” is the most basic science, explaining the world we live in, from the largest scale down to the very, very, very smallest, and our understanding of it has changed over many centuries. In Black Bodies and Quantum Cats , science writer Jennifer Ouellette traces key developments in the field, setting descriptions of the fundamentals of physics in their historical context as well as against a broad cultural backdrop. Newton’s laws are illustrated via (...)
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    Fearing the Black Body. The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia.Sabrina Strings - 2019 - New York University Press.
    Winner, 2020 Body and Embodiment Best Publication Award, given by the American Sociological Association Honorable Mention, 2020 Sociology of Sex and Gender Distinguished Book Award, given by the American Sociological Association How the female body has been racialized for over two hundred years There is an obesity epidemic in this country and poor Black women are particularly stigmatized as “diseased” and a burden on the public health care system. This is only the most recent incarnation of the fear of (...)
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    Black Bodies Matter: A Reading of Ta-Nehisi Coates's Between the World and Me.Jill Gordon - 2017 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 38 (1):199-221.
    Some scholars read the black body as constructed by white consciousness or perceptions; Coates indicates, to the contrary, that violence against the black body and threats to black embodiment ground and make possible particular ideations of race and (white) American self-concepts. Coates takes an implicitly anti-Hegelian, anti-DuBoisian stance against any spirit or history that might redeem or affirm the black body as the grounding of black experience. Like repeated speech-acts, bodily violence is “world creating.” Although (...)
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  9. Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Iconography of Female Sexuality in Late Nineteenth-Century Art, Medicine, and Literature.Sander L. Gilman - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):204-242.
    This essay is an attempt to plumb the conventions which exist at a specific historical moment in both the aesthetic and scientific spheres. I will assume the existence of a web of conventions within the world of the aesthetic—conventions which have elsewhere been admirably illustrated—but will depart from the norm by examining the synchronic existence of another series of conventions, those of medicine. I do not mean in any way to accord special status to medical conventions. Indeed, the world is (...)
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  10. The 'Black Body' and generalized theory of physical dimensions.E. Recami - 1975 - Scientia 69 (10):205.
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    Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912. Thomas S. Kuhn.Allan Needell - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):604-605.
  12.  28
    Where Bodies End and Artefacts Begin: Tools, Machines and Interfaces.Daniel Black - 2014 - Body and Society 20 (1):31-60.
    Our use of artefacts has at different moments been characterised as either replacing or impoverishing our natural human capacities, or a key part of our humanity. This article critically evaluates the conception of the natural invoked by both accounts, and highlights the degree to which engagement with material features of the environment is fundamental to all living things, the closeness of this engagement making any account that seeks to draw a clear boundary between body and artefact problematic. By doing this (...)
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    (1 other version)Celling Black Bodies: Black Women in the Global Prison Industrial Complex.Julia Sudbury - 2002 - Feminist Review 70 (1):57-74.
    The 1980s and 1990s have witnessed an explosion in the population of women prisoners in Europe, North America and Australasia, accompanied by a boom in prison construction. This article argues that this new pattern of women's incarceration has been forged by three overlapping phenomena. The first is the fundamental shift in the role of the state that has occurred as a result of neo-liberal globalization. The second and related phenomenon is the emergence and subsequent global expansion of what has been (...)
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  14. Approached as a textual system, both Black Males (1983) and The Black Book (1986) catalogue a series of perspectives, vantage points and'takes' on the black male body. The first thing to notice-so obvious it goes without saying-is that all the men are nude. Each of the camera's points of view lead to a unitary vanishing point: an erotic/aesthetic objec. [REVIEW]Black Book - 1999 - In Jessica Evans & Stuart Hall, Visual culture: the reader. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications in association with the Open University. pp. 435.
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    Machines with Faces: Robot Bodies and the Problem of Cruelty.Daniel Black - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (2):3-27.
    Even if it is never possible to create a sentient robot that might lay claim to the status of personhood, a convincingly realistic robotic simulation of the human body could alter how human beings act towards one another. This article argues that the human face exerts a powerful influence over interpersonal interaction, creating empathetic connections that limit our capacity to engage in acts of cruelty; an ability to convincingly simulate the human face would detach it from the attribution of human (...)
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    White Embodied Gazing, the Black Body as Disgust, and the Aesthetics of Un-Suturing.George Yancy - 2016 - In Sherri Irvin, Body Aesthetics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 243-260.
  17.  53
    The dynamical equations of black-body radiation.John Stachel - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (12):1163-1168.
    The dynamical equations for black-body radiation are derived from the vanishing of the stress-energy tensor and shown to imply a theorem which generalizes that of Tolman and Ehrenfest[Phys. Rev. 36,1791 (1930)]. A method for finding the general solution of these equations is given.
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  18. Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race. [REVIEW]Timothy Chambers - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 156.
  19. Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912. [REVIEW]A. F. L. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (3):639-641.
    An excellent account of one of those rare occasions in history when a number of great minds, working on a common problem independently, come up with sufficiently new answers as to send their science, and in this case a good part of human thinking, in a completely new direction.
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    Narrating the Black Body in “Under the Skin” - Review of Linda Villarosa, 2022. Under the Skin: The Hidden Toll of Racism on American Lives and on the Health of Our Nation. Doubleday.Keisha Ray - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):275-279.
    Poor health is not inherently a part of Black Americans’ bodies; poor health is not in our DNA. But as Linda Villarosa says in Under the Skin “something about being Black has led to the documented poor health of Black Americans.”1 Like many other scholars of Black health have said, Villarosa proposes, and evidence supports, that “the something is racism.”2 Villarosa attributes Black people’s generally inferior health outcomes in areas like pregnancy and birth, pain (...)
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  22. George Yancy, Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race.Timothy Chambers - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 156:56.
  23.  15
    Killing the Black Body.Kishonna L. Gray - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):181-98.
    The purpose of this essay is to explore the patterns of antiblackness within contemporary gaming. Video games are sites of necropolitical logics that use Black death to propel narratives. But even more concerning, is that these games might make sense of larger desires of white colonial supremacy, attempting to remove and destroy its troubled racialized past. Ethnographic observations also engage gaming as a carceral logic that seeks to surveil, police, and criminal Blackness. Under these conditions, it is imperative to (...)
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  24.  15
    What Is a Face?Daniel Black - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (4):1-25.
    The face is a shifting, multiplex, distributed and layered phenomenon. It is by far the most mercurial feature of the human body, and even a single face cannot be isolated in, on or outside any one body. In the following discussion I will employ a variety of differing accounts of the face and suggest that the differences separating each account are merely reflective of the multiplex nature of the face itself.
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  25.  44
    Black Bodies, White Gazes. [REVIEW]Richard A. Jones - 2010 - Radical Philosophy Review 13 (1):69-75.
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  26. The logical inconsistency of the old quantum theory of Black body radiation.John Norton - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (3):327-350.
    The old quantum theory of black body radiation was manifestly logically inconsistent. It required the energies of electric resonators to be both quantized and continuous. To show that this manifest inconsistency was inessential to the theory's recovery of the Planck distribution law, I extract a subtheory free of this manifest inconsistency but from which Planck's law still follows.
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    White Embodied Gazing, the Black Body as Disgust, and the Aesthetics of Un-Suturing.George Yancy - 2016 - In Sherri Irvin, Body Aesthetics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 243-260.
  28.  82
    Between History and Philosophy of Science: The Relationship between Kuhn’s Black-Body Theory and Structure.Adam Timmins - 2019 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 9 (2):371-387.
    Thomas Kuhn’s book Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity has come to be seen as something like the odd man out among his oeuvre. In particular, while the book has undoubtedly made a significant impact on the historiography of the discovery of the quantum, reconstructive accounts of Kuhn’s philosophy of science have generally paid little attention to Black-Body Theory. This is a lacuna I will attempt to rectify in part in this article. I will argue that Black-Body (...)
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  29. Videos, Police Violence, and Scrutiny of the Black Body.Sherri Irvin - 2022 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 89 (4):997-1023.
    The ability of videos to serve as evidence of racial injustice is complex and contested. This essay argues that scrutiny of the Black body has come to play a key role in how videos of police violence are mined for evidence, following a long history of racialized surveillance and attributions of threat and superhuman powers to Black bodies. Using videos to combat injustice requires incorporating humanizing narratives and cultivating resistant modes of looking.
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    Body Image Concerns in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Longitudinal Study.Melissa Henry, Justine G. Albert, Saul Frenkiel, Michael Hier, Anthony Zeitouni, Karen Kost, Alex Mlynarek, Martin Black, Christina MacDonald, Keith Richardson, Marco Mascarella, Gregoire B. Morand, Gabrielle Chartier, Nader Sadeghi, Christopher Lo & Zeev Rosberger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveHead and neck cancer treatments are known to significantly affect functionality and appearance, leading to an increased risk for body image disturbances. Yet, few longitudinal studies exist to examine body image in these patients. Based on a conceptual model, the current study aimed to determine, in patients newly diagnosed with HNC: the prevalence, level, and course of body image concerns; correlates of upon cancer diagnosis body image concerns; predictors of immediate post-treatment body image concerns; and association between body image concerns (...)
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  31. An Unnerving Otherness: English Nationalism and Rusedski's Smile.Jack Black, Robert J. Lake & Thomas Fletcher - 2021 - Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 26 (4):452-472.
    In view of scholarly work that has explored the socio-psycho significance of national performativity, the body and the “other,” this article critically analyses newspaper representations of the Canadian-born British tennis player Greg Rusedski. Drawing on Lacanian interpretations of the body, it illustrates how Rusedski’s media framing centered on a particular feature of his body—his “smile.” In doing so, we detail how Rusedski’s “post-imperial” Otherness—conceived as a form of “extimacy” (extimité)—complicated any clear delineation between “us” and “them,” positing instead a dialectical (...)
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    Familial Communication of Research Results: A Need to Know?Lee Black & Kelly A. McClellan - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):605-613.
    In recent years, the research participant’s family’s need, if not right, to know their disease risk has comprised a great deal of the genetic testing discourse. This most often arises in the context of clinical genetic tests for hereditary cancers, especially colorectal and breast cancer, and other genetic disorders where the presence of a genetic mutation greatly increases the likelihood of the disease’s manifestation. However, this discussion has not led to comprehensive or cohesive guidance for health care professionals or patients. (...)
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    Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty by Dorothy Roberts. [REVIEW]Susan Smith - 1999 - Isis 90:101-102.
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  34. Trust me! Parental embodied mentalizing predicts infant cognitive and language development in longitudinal follow-up.Dana Shai, Adi Laor Black, Rose Spencer, Michelle Sleed, Tessa Baradon, Tobias Nolte & Peter Fonagy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Children’s cognitive and language development is a central aspect of human development and has wide and long-standing impact. The parent-infant relationship is the chief arena for the infant to learn about the world. Studies reveal associations between quality of parental care and children’s cognitive and language development when the former is measured as maternal sensitivity. Nonetheless, the extent to which parental mentalizing – a parent’s understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of a child, and presumed to underlie sensitivity – (...)
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  35. The Polemical as Non-Violent Protest: James Baldwin and the “Gendered” Black Body.Anwar Uhuru - 2021 - APA Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience 21 (1):4-12.
    This essay is to invite a new form of theorizing Baldwin’s intellectual archive beyond a work of protest or as being contributory to Queer writing. I argue that Baldwin’s thought often in the form of the polemic is a form of non-violent resistance. Baldwin’s contestation against whiteness and the methods of Black erasure in general and Black male annihilation in particular is why he is challenging the complexity of protest. In pushing against traditional or what has become traditional (...)
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    Blair, Francis, 51 Blanton v. North Las Vegas 1989, 217n. 4 body images, 145-60; bounded, anticensorship/antipornography and, 147-55; differences in, 146-47, 151. [REVIEW]Richard L. Abel, James J. Alfini, Amherst Seminar, Douglas Amy, Johannes Andenae, Alexander Bickel, Gail Bingham, Egon Bittner & Donald J. Black - 1998 - In Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat, How does law matter? Evanston, Ill.: American Bar Foundation. pp. 248.
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    Reflections on the ethics of participatory visual methods to engage communities in global health research.Gillian F. Black, Alun Davies, Dalia Iskander & Mary Chambers - 2017 - Global Bioethics 29 (1):22-38.
    ABSTRACTThere is a growing body of literature describing conceptual frameworks for working with participatory visual methods. Through a global health lens, this paper examines some key themes within these frameworks. We reflect on our experiences of working with with an array of PVM to engage community members in Vietnam, Kenya, the Philippines and South Africa in biomedical research and public health. The participants that we have engaged in these processes live in under-resourced areas with high prevalence of communicable and non-communicable (...)
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    Black women’s bodies as reformers from the dungeons: The Reformation and womanism.Fundiswa A. Kobo - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):9.
    While it cannot be denied that the 16th-century Reformation, which challenged papal authority and questioned the Catholic Church’s ability to define Christian moral practice in a just manner, indeed came with deep and lasting political changes, it remained a male-dominated discourse. The Reformation was arguably patriarchal and points to a patriarchal culture of subordination and oppression of women that prevailed then and is still pertinent in the church and all spheres of society today. The absence of Elmina and the silenced (...)
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    Dark Lovely Yet And; Or, How To Love Black Bodies While Hating Black People.Paul C. Taylor - 2015 - In Black is Beautiful: A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 104–131.
    The complexities of black hair care provide a useful point of entry to the problem of theorizing, experiencing, judging, and pursuing bodily beauty in racialized contexts. This chapter aims to catalogue and clarify some of the philosophical questions that arise from the negrophobic somatic aesthetics. It provides answers to the most pressing questions, questions that demand the attention not just of aestheticians and ethicists, but also of students of natural science and the philosophy of existence. The chapter focuses on (...)
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    Introduction: Sport and physical activity in catastrophic environments – Tuning to the 'weird' and the 'eerie'.Jim Cherrington & Jack Black - 2022 - In Jim Cherrington & Jack Black, Sport and Physical Activity in Catastrophic Environments. Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 1--18.
    In challenging orthodox notions of space, place, and identity, as well as examining how new ideas, communities and ways of living might emerge from the ruins of catastrophe, this Introduction Chapter outlines the importance of the collection. We introduce Mark Fisher’s weird and eerie distinctions, emphasising how both terms, when applied to catastrophe, demand new ways of thinking that go beyond what we know about disasters in order to recalibrate our bodies and minds to thrive in an era without (...)
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    Am I Too Pixelated?Alethea Black - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (1):107-132.
    In 2003, Nick Bostrom published his highly influential “Simulation Argument” in _Philosophical Quarterly_(Bostrom, 2003), an idea taken so seriously that even Bank of America has sent out alerts to its clients. But what, exactly, would that mean? And, more importantly, why is the idea of a simulated universe not being pursued in regard to cancer—and every other disease? We understand, in magnificently precise, granular ways, exactly what is going wrong in the body. But do we understand, in a coarser way, (...)
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    Conceptual Foundations of Antitrust.Oliver Black - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a philosophical study of concepts that lie at the foundation of antitrust - a body of law and policy designed to promote or protect economic competition. Topics covered are: the nature of competition; the relation between competition and welfare; the distinction between per se rules and rules of reason; agreements; concerted practices; and the spectrum from independent action to collusion. Although there are many legal and economic books on antitrust, this is the first book devoted to the philosophical (...)
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    Digital interfacing: action and perception through technology.Daniel Black - 2018 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    The myth of the myth of transparency - Where do bodies end and objects begin? -- Beside ourselves -- Aesthesiogenesis -- Real time.
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    ‘Ordinary People Come through Here’: Locating the Beauty Salon in Women's Lives.Paula Black - 2002 - Feminist Review 71 (1):2-17.
    Beauty therapy is part of a vast multi-national, multi-million pound beauty industry. The beauty salon lies at the heart of a complex set of discourses and practices. Research conducted in the salon sheds light upon a number of key sociological debates including; issues of health and well-being; gendered employment practices; the construction and maintenance of gender identity and sexuality; body practices; and leisure activities. In this sense the salon may be used as a microcosm in which to investigate wider sociological (...)
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    T. S. Kuhn, Black Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894–1912. New York: Oxford University Press (1978), 254 pp., cloth $24.00. [REVIEW]John Nicholas - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 49 (2):295-297.
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    Nonuniqueness of the Bose-Einstein statistical processes for the black body radiation.A. N. Pechenkov - 2011 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 18 (4):377.
  47. Chicago Press, 1977), and Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Disconti-nuity: 1894-1912 (Oxford University Press, 1978). Howard Sankey is senior lecturer in philosophy of science in the Depart-ment of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne. He studied philosophy as an undergraduate at the University of Otago. [REVIEW]Wobbe de Vos - 2000 - Science & Education 9:215-218.
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    Book Review: Fearing the Black Body. The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings. [REVIEW]Kathy Davis - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):190-192.
  49. Whiteness and the return of the Black body.George Yancy - 2005 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 19 (4):215-241.
  50.  11
    Book Review: The Black Body in Ecstasy: Reading Race, Reading Pornography. [REVIEW]Joseph Winters - unknown
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