Results for 'Bente Hoeck'

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  1.  63
    Theoretical development in the context of nursing—The hidden epistemology of nursing theory.Bente Hoeck & Charlotte Delmar - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12196.
    This article is about nursing theories, the development of nursing knowledge and the underlying, hidden epistemology. The current technical–economical rationality in society and health care calls for a specific kind of knowledge based on a traditional Western, Socratic view of science. This has an immense influence on the development of nursing knowledge. The purpose of the article was therefore to discuss the hidden epistemology of nursing knowledge and theories seen in a broad historical context and point to an alternative epistemology (...)
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    “Organizing practice”: The hidden work of homecare nurses in fighting health inequity and advancing social justice.Anitha M. Tind, Bente Hoeck, Helle Elisabeth Andersen & Charlotte Delmar - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12681.
    The nursing profession has a long history of advocating for social justice and health equity, and both values profoundly infuse nursing ethics, theory, and education. Homecare nursing occurs between the patient's daily life at home and the public health care system. Therefore, homecare nurses ideally possess insight into the living conditions and social determinants of health that their patients experience. This interpretive phenomenological study explores the strategies employed by homecare nurses to fight health inequity and advance social justice. Data were (...)
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    Bent Schultzer.Bent Schultzer - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 4:403-403.
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    Law as communication.Mark van Hoecke - 2002 - Oxford: Hart.
    Human interaction and communication are not only regulated by law,but such communication plays an increasing role in the making and legitimation of law, involving various kinds of participants in the communication process. The precise nature of these communications depends on the legal actors involved -- for instance legislators, judges, legal scholars, and the media -- and on the situations where they arise – for instance at the national and supra-national level and within or between State law and non-State law. The (...)
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    Making social science matter: why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again.Bent Flyvbjerg - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Making Social Science Matter presents an exciting new approach to the social and behavioral sciences including theoretical argument, methodological guidelines, and examples of practical application. Why has social science failed in attempts to emulate natural science and produce normal theory? Bent Flyvbjerg argues that the strength of social sciences lies in its rich, reflexive analysis of values and power, essential to the social and economic development of any society. Richly informed, powerfully argued, and clearly written, this book opens up a (...)
  6.  53
    Cognitive neuroscience of human counterfactual reasoning.Nicole Van Hoeck - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7. Judicial Review and Deliberative Democracy: A Circular Model of Law Creation and Legitimation.Mark Van Hoecke - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (4):415-423.
    In this paper the author discusses the legitimation of judicial review of legislation. He argues that such a legitimation is not just a moral matter but is to be considered more generally in terms of societal acceptability, since it is based on a wide range of reasons including moral, social and pragmatic concerns. Moreover, the paper stresses that the legitimation of judicial decisions should be properly viewed in a circular perspective, so that the relationship between legislators and judges cannot be (...)
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    Jurisprudence.Marc Van Hoecke - 1999 - In Christopher Berry Gray, The philosophy of law: an encyclopedia. New York: Garland.
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  9. Methodologies of legal research: which kind of method for what kind of discipline?Mark Van Hoecke (ed.) - 2011 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    Until quite recently questions about methodology in legal research have been largely confined to understanding the role of doctrinal research as a scholarly discipline. In turn this has involved asking questions not only about coverage but, fundamentally, questions about the identity of the discipline. Is it (mainly) descriptive, hermeneutical, or normative? Should it also be explanatory? Legal scholarship has been torn between, on the one hand, grasping the expanding reality of law and its context, and, on the other, reducing this (...)
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  10.  34
    Some considerations on the logics PFD A logic combining modality and probability.Wiebe van der Hoeck - 1997 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7 (3):287-307.
    ABSTRACT We investigate a logic PFD, as introduced in [FA]. In our notation, this logic is enriched with operators P> r(r € [0,1]) where the intended meaning of P> r φ is “the probability of φ (at a given world) is strictly greater than r”. We also adopt the semantics of [FA]: a class of “F-restricted probabilistic kripkean models”. We give a completeness proof that essentially differs from that in [FA]: our “peremptory lemma” (a lemma in PFD rather than about (...)
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  11.  20
    A Perestroikan Straw Man Answers Back: David Laitin and Phronetic Political Science.Bent Flyvbjerg - 2004 - Politics and Society 32 (3):389-416.
    This article addresses three main issues. First, it argues that David Laitin, in a misguided critique of Bent Flyvbjerg’s book Making Social Science Matter for being a surrogate manifesto for Perestroika, misrepresents the book in the extreme. Second, the article argues that Laitin’s claim that political science may become normal, predictive science in the natural science sense is unfounded; the claim is a dead end that perestroikans try to get beyond. Finally, the article proposes that political scientists substitute phronesis for (...)
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  12. Pragmatism : A learning theory for the future.Bente Elkjaer - 2009 - In Knud Illeris, Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists -- In Their Own Words. Routledge. pp. 74-89.
    A theory of learning for the future advocates the teaching of a preparedness to respond in a creative way to difference and otherness. This includes an ability to act imaginatively in situations of uncertainties. John Dewey’s pragmatism holds the key to such a learning theory his view of the continuous meetings of individuals and environments as experimental and playful. That pragmatism has not yet been acknowledged as a relevant learning theory for the future may be due to the immediate connotation (...)
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  13.  13
    Real Social Science: Applied Phronesis.Bent Flyvbjerg, Todd Landman & Sanford Schram (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a (...)
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  14.  92
    Mantendo práticas não-racionalizadas: corpo-mente, poder e ética situacional: uma entrevista com Hubert & Stuart Dreyfus.Bent Flyvbjerg - 1993 - Trans/Form/Ação 16:119-143.
  15. Der Nachlass Albert Ehrhards und seine Bedeutung für die Byzantinistik.Johannes M. Hoeck - 1951 - Byzantion 21:171-178.
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  16.  67
    Epistemological Perspectives in Legal Theory.Mark van Hoecke & François Ost - 1993 - Ratio Juris 6 (1):30-47.
  17.  31
    The Use of Unwritten Legal Principles by Courts.Mark van Hoecke - 1995 - Ratio Juris 8 (3):248-260.
  18.  21
    Ng, Benjamin Wai-ming, ed., The Making of the Global Yijing in the Modern World: Cross-cultural Interpretations and Interactions: Singapore: Springer, 2021, xx + 221 pages.Bent Nielsen - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (2):325-329.
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  19.  20
    A primazia da música em Schopenhauer.André Luiz Bentes - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):243-251.
    O presente artigo pretende evidenciar o valor atribuído à arte, em especial à música, por Arthur Schopenhauer. Será articulada a relação do autor com a filosofia de Fichte e Schelling, contextualizando o seu pensamento com o movimento romântico alemão. Ademais, por meio da apresentação da sua hierarquia estética, serão apontados alguns aspectos fundamentais do autor de O mundo como vontade e representação, na medida em que essa dualidade é apontada também ao referir-se aos diferentes estilos artísticos.
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    (1 other version)Beyond Stereotypes: Analyzing Gender and Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Rapport.Gary Bente, Eric Novotny, Daniel Roth & Ahmad Al-Issa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current paper addresses two methodological problems pertinent to the analysis of observer studies in nonverbal rapport and beyond. These problems concern: the production of standardized stimulus materials that allow for unbiased observer ratings and the objective measurement of nonverbal behaviors to identify the dyadic patterns underlying the observer impressions. We suggest motion capture and character animation as possible solutions to these problems and exemplarily apply the novel methodology to the study of gender and cultural differences in nonverbal rapport. We (...)
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  21.  29
    Savedoff, frames, and parergonality.Bente Kiilerich - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (3):320–323.
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  22.  15
    An apologetic praising of derridean deconstruction.Bente Larsen - 2022 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31 (63).
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  23. (2 other versions)Relativitet i filosofisk belynsning.Bent Schultzer - 1957 - København,: G. E. C. Gad.
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    Transcendence and the logical difficulties of transcendence.Bent Schultzer - 1935 - London,: H. Milford, Oxford university press. Edited by Annie Fausbøll.
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  25. Transcendence and the Logical Difficulties of Transcendence: A Logical Analysis.Bent Schultzer - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (42):234-239.
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  26.  11
    Diminished responsibility as a cultural phenomenon.Emma van Hoecke - 2009 - In Annie Bartlett & Gillian McGauley, Forensic Mental Health: Concepts, systems, and practice. Oxford University Press.
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    De Vlaamse inbreng in de VWR.Mark Van Hoecke - 2019 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 48 (2):185-202.
    De Vlaamse inbreng in de VWR Na een beperkte Vlaamse participatie tussen 1935 en 1970, kwam er een geleidelijke verankering van de VWR in Vlaanderen, met een grote bloei in de jaren tachtig en negentig, met jonge professoren die voltijds actief waren op het gebied van de rechtsfilosofie en/of de rechtstheorie. Na 2000 vermindert de inbreng van Vlaanderen echter in belangrijke mate. Er wordt nog vrij veel gepubliceerd in R&R/NJLP, maar nauwelijks nog door professionele rechtsfilosofen of rechtstheoretici. Institutioneel wordt de (...)
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  28.  13
    Ideologische Grenzen der Gesetzesinterpretation: Der König von Belgien und das Abtreibungsgesetz.Marc Van Hoecke - 1991 - Rechtstheorie:215-220.
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  29. Nasalisation et dénasalisation en français: un examen critique des «indices» diachroniques.Willy Van Hoecke - 1994 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 27 (1-2):189-222.
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    Rechtstheorie als iterdisziplinäre Integrationswissenschaft.Marc Van Hoecke - 1985 - Rechtstheorie:85-91.
    Die historische Entwicklung der Rechtstheorie. Die Rechtstheorie als interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft. Die interdisziplinarität als Forschungsmethode.
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  31. The use of unwritten legal principles in european judicial practice.Mark Van Hoecke - 1993 - In K. B. Agrawal & Rajendra Kumar Raizada, Sociological Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy: Random Thoughts On. University Book House.
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    Nurses' dilemmas concerning support of relatives in mental health care.Bente M. Weimand, Christina Sällström, Marie-Louise Hall-Lord & Birgitta Hedelin - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (3):285-299.
    Relatives of persons with severe mental illness face a straining life situation and need support. Exclusion of relatives in mental health care has long been reported. The aim of this study was to describe conceptions of nurses in mental health care about supporting relatives of persons with severe mental illness. Focus group interviews with nurses from all levels of mental health care in Norway were performed. A phenomenographic approach was used. The nurses found that their responsibility first and foremost was (...)
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  33. Reply (Paper 96JB03888)-Source complexity of the October 1, 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake by Allison L. Bent and Donald V. Helmberger. [REVIEW]Allison L. Bent - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (2).
  34.  71
    The unconscious: How does it speak to us today?Bent Rosenbaum - 2003 - Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 26 (1):31-40.
  35. The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Protectionism in Turn of the Century America.Peter H. Bent - 2015 - Economic Thought 4 (2):68.
    One of the main economic debates taking place in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century America was between supporters of protectionism and advocates of free-trade policies. Protectionists won this debate, as the 1897 Dingley Tariff raised tariff rates to record highs. An analysis of this outcome highlights the overlapping interests of Republican politicians and business groups. Both of these groups endorsed particular economic arguments in favour of protectionism. Contemporary studies by academic economists informed the debates surrounding protectionist policies at this time, and also (...)
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    Readability of patient information and consent documents in rheumatological studies.Bente Hamnes, Yvonne van Eijk-Hustings & Jette Primdahl - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):42.
    BackgroundBefore participation in medical research an informed consent must be obtained. This study investigates whether the readability of patient information and consent documents corresponds to the average educational level of participants in rheumatological studies in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway.Methods24 PICDs from studies were collected and readability was assessed independently using the Gunning’s Fog Index and Simple Measure of Gobbledygook grading.ResultsThe mean score for the FOG and SMOG grades were 14.2 and 14.2 respectively. The mean FOG and SMOG grades were (...)
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  37.  15
    Em torno do nascimento da tragédia: teoria do trágico e intuição estética.André Luiz Bentes - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):338-347.
    O presente artigo pretende apresentar um recorte da filosofia da arte na Alemanha, nos séculos XVIII e XIX, tendo como foco o contexto em que se insere O nascimento da tragédia, de Nietzsche. Para isso, serão discutidos mais especificamente os conceitos de intuição estética e princípio de individuação, a partir de Schelling e Schopenhauer, respectivamente.
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    Functional genomics studied by proteomics.Bent Honoré, Morten Østergaard & Henrik Vorum - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (8):901-915.
    The human genome contains about 30,000 genes, each creating several transcripts per gene. Transcript structures and expression are studied by high‐throughput transcriptomic techniques using microarrays. Generally, transcripts are not directly operating molecules, but are translated into functional proteins, post‐translationally modified by proteolysis, glycosylation, phosphorylation, etc., sometimes with great functional impact. Proteins need to be analyzed by proteomic techniques, less suited for high‐throughput. Two‐dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D‐PAGE), separating thousands of proteins has developed slowly over the past quarter of a century. (...)
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  39. Et forsøg på en afklaring af forholdet mellem tavs viden, processens dialog og læring.Bent Mynster Illum - forthcoming - Techne.
  40. A PhD abstract: Pragmatic Meaning in Court Interpreting: An empirical study of additions in consecutively interpreted qustion-answer dialogues.Bente Jacobsen - 2004 - Hermes 32:237-249.
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  41. Il cammino della vita.Bent Parodi - 1987 - Palermo: Altilia.
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    Almene begreber fra logik, mængdelære og algebra.Bent Christiansen - 1964 - [Copenhagen]: Munksgaard. Edited by Jonas Lichtenberg, Pedersen, Johs & [From Old Catalog].
  43. Habermas a Foucault: myslitelé občanské společnosti?Bent Flyvbjerg - 1999 - Filosoficky Casopis 47 (6):945-973.
    [Habermas and Foucault: Thinkers for Civil Society?; ].
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  44. Moralfilosofiske overvejelser over en bæredygtig udvikling: det fronetiske imperativ.Bent Flyvbjerg - 1995 - Philosophia (Misc.) 23 (3-4):157-173.
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  45. Udrzování nezracionalizovaných praxí: Telo-duch, moc a situacní etika: interview Benta Flyvbjerga s Hubertum a Stuartem Dreyfusovými (Dokoncení).Bent Flyvbjerg - 1993 - Filosoficky Casopis 6:1063-1076.
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    Darwinisme: en tekstsamling til belysning af sammenhængen mellem naturvidenskab og samfundsopfattelse.Bent Sigurd Hansen & Knud Ryg Olsen (eds.) - 1980 - København: Gyldendal.
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    Transformationen in mentalen Zuständen der Traumatisierung.Bent Rosenbaum & Sverre Varvin - 2022 - Psyche 76 (9-10):826-855.
    Traumatisierte Menschen haben mit vorübergehenden oder anhaltenden Symbolisierungsschwierigkeiten zu kämpfen. Diese treten entweder in psychisch eingekapselter, umgrenzter Form in Erscheinung oder als psychische Funktionsabläufe, die sich in umfassenderer Weise auf die Lebensprojekte, politischen Einstellungen und kulturellen Normvorstellungen der Person auswirken, und zeigen sich in ihrer Körper-Welt-Beziehung, ihrer Individuum-Gruppen-Beziehung und/oder ihrer Individuum-Diskurs-Beziehung. Die Schwierigkeiten können in imaginativen und symbolischen Funktionsmodi auftreten. Gravierende Störungen der Symbolisierung lassen sich aus psychoanalytischer Sicht beschreiben als Begleiterscheinungen der paranoid-schizoiden und der autistisch-berührenden Position (Ogden), als Evakuierung (...)
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    The others: Universals and cultural specificities in the perception of status and dominance from nonverbal behavior☆.Gary Bente, Haug Leuschner, Ahmad Al Issa & James J. Blascovich - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):762-777.
    The current study analyzes trans-cultural universalities and specificities in the recognition of status roles, dominance perception and social evaluation based on nonverbal cues. Using a novel methodology, which allowed to mask clues to ethnicity and cultural background of the agents, we compared impression of Germans, Americans and Arabs observing computer-animated interactions from the three countries. Only in the German stimulus sample the status roles could be recognized above chance level. However we found significant correlations in dominance perception across all countries. (...)
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  49.  30
    Collectivism viewed in a Psychological Light.Bent Schultzct - 1946 - Theoria 12 (1-2):69-90.
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    (1 other version)Empiricism as a Logical Problem.Bent Schultzer - 1949 - Theoria 15 (1-3):298-314.
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