Results for 'Benjamin Sylvand'

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  1.  29
    L'institution du langage – by Michel Seymour.Benjamin Sylvand - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (1):119–123.
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    Delegation, subdivision, and modularity: How rich is conceptual structure?Damián Justo, Julien Dutant, Benoît Hardy-Vallée, David Nicolas & Benjamin Q. Sylvand - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):683-684.
    Contra Jackendoff, we argue that within the parallel architecture framework, the generality of language does not require a rich conceptual structure. To show this, we put forward a delegation model of specialization. We find Jackendoff's alternative, the subdivision model, insufficiently supported. In particular, the computational consequences of his representational notion of modularity need to be clarified.
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  3. Smell's puzzling discrepancy: Gifted discrimination, yet pitiful identification.Benjamin D. Young - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (1):90-114.
  4. Olfactory Amodal Completion.Benjamin D. Young & Bence Nanay - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (2):372-388.
    Amodal completion is the representation of those parts of the perceived object that we get no sensory stimulation from. While amodal completion is rife and plays an essential role in all sense modalities, philosophical discussions of this phenomenon have almost entirely been limited to vision. The aim of this paper is to examine in what sense we can talk about amodal completion in olfaction. We distinguish three different senses of amodal completion – spatial, temporal and feature-based completion – and argue (...)
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  5. Odors: from chemical structures to gaseous plumes.Benjamin D. Young, James A. Escalon & Dennis Mathew - 2020 - Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 111:19-29.
    We are immersed within an odorous sea of chemical currents that we parse into individual odors with complex structures. Odors have been posited as determined by the structural relation between the molecules that compose the chemical compounds and their interactions with the receptor site. But, naturally occurring smells are parsed from gaseous odor plumes. To give a comprehensive account of the nature of odors the chemosciences must account for these large distributed entities as well. We offer a focused review of (...)
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    In Defense of Sophisticated Theories of Welfare.Benjamin Yelle - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1409-1418.
    “Sophisticated” theories of welfare face two potentially devastating criticisms. They are based upon two claims: that theories of welfare should be tested for what they imply about newborn infants and that even if a theory of welfare is intended to apply only to adults, we might still have sufficient reason to reject it because it implies an implausible divergence between adult and neonatal welfare. It has been argued we ought reject sophisticated theories of welfare because they have significantly counterintuitive implications (...)
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    Pragmatic conceptualism.Benjamin C. Zipursky - 2000 - Legal Theory 6 (4):457.
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    Back to the future: Autobiographical planning and the functionality of mind-wandering.Benjamin Baird, Jonathan Smallwood & Jonathan W. Schooler - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1604-1611.
    Given that as much as half of human thought arises in a stimulus independent fashion, it would seem unlikely that such thoughts would play no functional role in our lives. However, evidence linking the mind-wandering state to performance decrement has led to the notion that mind-wandering primarily represents a form of cognitive failure. Based on previous work showing a prospective bias to mind-wandering, the current study explores the hypothesis that one potential function of spontaneous thought is to plan and anticipate (...)
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  9. Das ethische element in der ästhetik Fichtes und Schillings..Benjamin Franklin Battin - 1901 - [n. p.]:
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    Interpreting great power rights in international society: Debating China’s right to a sphere of influence.Benjamin Zala - 2020 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (2):210-230.
    The special rights and responsibilities of the great powers have traditionally been treated as a key component – even a primary institution – of international society in the English School literatu...
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  11. The embarrassment of being human: a critical essay on the new materialisms and modernity in an age of crisis.Benjamin Boysen - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    With the message that everything in a sense is alive, thus allowing us to join forces with new politico-ethical communities stretching across human and nonhuman realms, the new materialisms have captivated the minds of many academics, artists, and intellectuals by stressing that it is time to return to a premodern mindset and discard modernity and its concepts of secularization, autonomy, and finitude. The Embarrassment of Being Human not only demonstrates how these magical materialisms are beset by grave theoretical and practical (...)
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  12. Subjective referral of the timing for a cognitive sensory experience.Benjamin W. Libet, Feinstein E. W. & Pearl B. - 1979 - Brain 102:193-224.
  13. Leitgeb and Pettigrew on Accuracy and Updating.Benjamin Anders Levinstein - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (3):413-424.
    Leitgeb and Pettigrew argue that (1) agents should minimize the expected inaccuracy of their beliefs and (2) inaccuracy should be measured via the Brier score. They show that in certain diachronic cases, these claims require an alternative to Jeffrey Conditionalization. I claim that this alternative is an irrational updating procedure and that the Brier score, and quadratic scoring rules generally, should be rejected as legitimate measures of inaccuracy.
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  14. Cognitive and Physiological Measures in Well-Being Science: Limitations and Lessons.Benjamin D. Yetton, Julia Revord, Seth Margolis, Sonja Lyubomirsky & Aaron R. Seitz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Social and personality psychology have been criticized for overreliance on potentially biased self-report variables. In well-being science, researchers have called for more “objective” physiological and cognitive measures to evaluate the efficacy of well-being-increasing interventions. This may now be possible with the recent rise of cost-effective, commercially-available wireless physiological recording devices and smartphone-based cognitive testing. We sought to determine whether cognitive and physiological measures, coupled with machine learning methods, could quantify the effects of positive interventions. The current 2-part study used a (...)
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    Krise og kritikk.Benjamin Yazdan - 2020 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (1-2):548-559.
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    “Psyosphere”: A GPS Data-Analysing Tool for the Behavioural Sciences.Benjamin Ziepert, Peter W. de Vries & Elze Ufkes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Positioning technologies, such as GPS are widespread in society but are used only sparingly in behavioural science research, e.g., because processing positioning technology data can be cumbersome. The current work attempts to unlock positioning technology potential for behavioural science studies by developing and testing a research tool to analyse GPS tracks. This tool—psyosphere—is published as open-source software, and aims to extract behaviours from GPSs data that are more germane to behavioural research. Two field experiments were conducted to test application of (...)
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    Quality of frequency-following response to speech sounds linked with left prefrontal hemodynamic activity using fNIRS+EEG.Benjamin Zinszer, Todd Hay, Alex Athey & Bharath Chandrasekaran - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  18.  38
    Unnoticed intrusions: Dissociations of meta-consciousness in thought suppression.Benjamin Baird, Jonathan Smallwood, Daniel Jf Fishman, Michael D. Mrazek & Jonathan W. Schooler - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):1003-1012.
    The current research investigates the interaction between thought suppression and individuals’ explicit awareness of their thoughts. Participants in three experiments attempted to suppress thoughts of a prior romantic relationship and their success at doing so was measured using a combination of self-catching and experience-sampling. In addition to thoughts that individuals spontaneously noticed, individuals were frequently caught engaging in thoughts of their previous partner at experience-sampling probes. Furthermore, probe-caught thoughts were: associated with stronger decoupling of attention from the environment, more likely (...)
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    On the Political: Schmitt contra Schmitt.Benjamin Arditi - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (142):7-28.
    Enmity, War, Intensity Norberto Bobbio once gave a minimal definition of politics, characterizing it as the activity of aggregating and defending our friends, and dispersing and fighting our enemies.1 We know that the instigator of this definition is Carl Schmitt, although his critics have often misunderstood the reference to enmity. What resonates most is the claim that friend-enemy oppositions constitute the basic code of the political and that such oppositions can lead to the extreme case of war. This might explain (...)
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  20.  31
    (1 other version)Free Will Denial, Punishment, and Original Position Deliberation.Benjamin Vilhauer - 2024 - Diametros 21 (79):91-106.
    I defend a deontological social contract justification of punishment for philosophers who deny free will and moral responsibility (FW/MR). Even if nobody has FW/MR, a criminal justice system is fair to the people it targets if we would consent to it in a version of original position deliberation where we assumed that we would be targeted by the justice system when the veil is raised. Even if we assumed we would be convicted of a crime, we would consent to the (...)
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  21.  36
    The Concept of Man in Early China.Benjamin E. Wallacker - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (4):615.
  22. Mental simulation in literal and figurative language understanding.Benjamin Bergen - 2005 - In Seana Coulson & Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, The literal and nonliteral in language and thought. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 255--280.
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    Moral comprehension and what it might tell us about moral reasoning and political orientation.Benjamin Marx, R. F. Job, Fiona White & J. Wilson - 2007 - Journal of Moral Education 36 (2):199-219.
    Comprehension of moral reasoning is important both for successful moral education and for Kohlbergian claims that moral reasoning development is cognitive in nature. Because a psychometrically appropriate moral comprehension instrument does not appear to exist, the Moral Comprehension Questionnaire (MCQ) was constructed in Study 1 and displayed some positive reliability and validity findings. Study 2 used this questionnaire to examine whether the increased Defining Issue Test (DIT) p scores shown by liberals is indicative of increased cognitive development. While liberals displayed (...)
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    Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics - By Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl.Martin Benjamin - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (1):92-93.
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    Polemicization: The Contingency of the Commonplace.Benjamin Arditi & Jeremy Valentine - 1999 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Covering the theories of, among others, Derrida, Lefort and Laclau, this volume opens up space to the political (polemicisation). Chapters cover themes such as social structure, ethical arguments, and political organisation.
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  26. Noncognitivism and the Frege‐Geach Problem in Formal Epistemology.Benjamin Lennertz - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1):184-208.
    This paper makes explicit the way in which many theorists of the epistemology of uncertainty, or formal epistemologists, are committed to a version of noncognitivism—one about thoughts that something is likely. It does so by drawing an analogy with metaethical noncognitivism. I explore the degree to which the motivations for both views are similar and how both views have to grapple with the Frege‐Geach Problem about complex thoughts. The major upshot of recognizing this noncognitivism is that it presents challenges and (...)
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  27. Nietzsches Problem der Rangordnung.Benjamin Alberts - 2022 - Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter.
    Gerade weil das Bestehen auf Rangordnungen in der heutigen Gesellschaft anstößig und fremd wirkt, ist es lohnenswert, sich ihnen mit Nietzsche neu zu stellen, der sie als sein Problem bezeichnete. Er richtet sie gezielt gegen die Gleichheit, von der er befürchtet, ihr Anspruch auf Universalität verunmögliche Individualität, Anders-Sein und damit auch alle Größe. Den moralischen Wert der Gleichheit kritisieren heißt nicht, sich von demokratischen Grundprinzipien oder Errungenschaften zu verabschieden. Geklärte Rangverhältnisse reduzieren Komplexität, vereinfachen die Kommunikation, machen Verhalten erwartbar und vereinfachen (...)
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    Human Rights as Social Construction.Benjamin Gregg - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Most conceptions of human rights rely on metaphysical or theological assumptions that construe them as possible only as something imposed from outside existing communities. Most people, in other words, presume that human rights come from nature, God, or the United Nations. This book argues that reliance on such putative sources actually undermines human rights. Benjamin Gregg envisions an alternative; he sees human rights as locally developed, freely embraced, and indigenously valid. Human rights, he posits, can be created by the (...)
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  29. Navigating Growth Attenuation in Children with Profound Disabilities.Benjamin S. Wilfond, Paul Steven Miller, Carolyn Korfiatis, Douglas S. Diekema, Denise M. Dudzinski & Sara Goering - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (6):27-40.
    A twenty‐person working group convened to discuss the ethical and policy considerations of the controversial intervention called “growth attenuation,” and if possible to develop practical guidance for health professionals. A consensus proved elusive, but most of the members did reach a compromise.
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  30. I. How Swiss is Rousseau?Benjamin R. Barber - 1985 - Political Theory 13 (4):475-495.
  31. Liberal democracy and the costs of consent.Benjamin Barber - 1989 - In Nancy L. Rosenblum, Liberalism and the Moral Life. Harvard University Press. pp. 54--68.
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    L’exercice de la critique en art écologique.Benjamin Arnault - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):67-75.
    Le Manifeste du rio Negro (in Journal du rio Negro, 1978-2014) est l’un des premiers textes majeurs publiés en France au sujet de l’art écologique. Quoique d’un impact limité lors de sa diffusion, il est désormais repris et commenté par les acteurs de l’art contemporain. Dans ce texte, Pierre Restany s’inquiète de la relation art-nature, une fois n’est pas coutume. À partir de notre lecture de son journal, nous interrogeons les gestes des successeurs de Restany. Depuis l’émergence de l’art écologique, (...)
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    Book ReviewsWilliam Connolly,. Pluralism.Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. Pp. 195. $69.95 ; $19.95.Benjamin Barber - 2007 - Ethics 117 (4):747-754.
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    Critical Reasoning and the Inferential Transparency Method.Benjamin Winokur - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (1):23-42.
    Alex Byrne (2005; 2011a; 2011b; 2018) has argued that we can gain self-knowledge of our current mental states through the use of a transparency method. A transparency method provides an extrospective rather than introspective route to self-knowledge. For example, one comes to know whether one believes P not by thinking about oneself but by considering the world-directed question of whether P is true. According to Byrne, this psychological process consists in drawing inferences from world-directed propositions to mind-directed conclusions. In this (...)
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    Is there such a thing as populism?: 3 provocations and 5 1/2 proposals.Benjamín Arditi - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Is There Such a Thing as Populism? calls into question our common understanding of populism. Taken on their own, commonplace references to the people, leaders, or elites are more like dog whistles or false positives of populism than part of a serious attempt to address the phenomenon. Scholars asked themselves, "What is populism?" without realizing that this assumed there was such a thing and that we just needed to figure out what it meant. That was a mistake. Benjamin Arditi (...)
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    Implementation and profitability of sustainable investment strategies: An errors-in-variables perspective.Benjamin R. Auer - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):619-638.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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  37. Oleg gelikman.Benjamin'S. Ground Benjamin - forthcoming - Angelaki.
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  38. Towards an affective structure of subjectivity. Notes on Kant's an answer to the question: What is the enlightenment?Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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    An introduction to human problems.Harold Raymond Wayne Benjamin - 1930 - [Boston]: Houghton Mifflin company.
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  40. Architectural Projections.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  41. BADER Ralf M. and John MEADOWCROFT (eds): The Cambridge.Andrew Benjamin, Of Jews, David Boucher, Andrew Vincent, British Idealism, G. de Callatay, B. Halflants & N. El-Bizri - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):213-216.
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  42. Delacroix, Henri, Au seuil du langage.Benjamin Benjamin - 1935 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 4:263.
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  43. Gesammelte Schriften, Band V. 1 und V. 2, Das Passagen-Werk.Walter Benjamin & Rolf Tiedemann - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (3):520-521.
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  44. Knots and the place of experimentation: Minimaforms and architectural practice.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  45. Lepota in videz.Walter Benjamin - 2006 - Problemi 5.
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  46. Notes on the surfacing of walls: NOX, Kiesler, Semper.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  47. Notes on the line.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  48. Operationism.A. Cornelius Benjamin - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):89-90.
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  49. (1 other version)Perception, Judgment and Individuation: Towards a Metaphysics of Particularity.Andrew Benjamin - 2001 - Pli 12:83-103.
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  50. Recovering holiness and the place of others: Notes on Vayikra 19:34.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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