Wilfred Beckerman [25]Stephen Beckerman [6]A. Beckerman [2]Bernard Beckerman [1]
  1.  61
    Justice, Posterity, and the Environment.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides a thought-provoking critique the main, existing school of environmental ethics and seeks to build a more coherent and rigorous philosophical basis for future environmental policy.
  2. 'Sustainable Development': Is it a Useful Concept?Wilfred Beckerman - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (3):191 - 209.
    It is argued that 'sustainable development' has been defined in such a way as to be either morally repugnant or logically redundant. 'Strong' sustainability, overriding all other considerations, is morally unacceptable as well as totally impractical; and 'weak' sustainability, in which compensation is made for resources consumed, offers nothing beyond traditional economic welfare maximisation. The 'sustainability' requirement that human well-being should never be allowed to decline is shown to be irrational. Welfare economics can accommodate distributional considerations, and, suitably defined, the (...)
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  3.  85
    How Would you Like your 'Sustainability', Sir? Weak or Strong? A Reply to my Critics.Wilfred Beckerman - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (2):169 - 179.
    This article concentrates on the Jacobs and Daly criticisms (Environmental Values, Spring 1994) of my earlier article in the same journal (Autumn 1994) criticising the concept of 'sustainable development'. Daly and Jacobs agreed with my criticisms of 'weak' sustainability, but defended 'strong' sustainability on the grounds that natural and manmade capital were 'complements' in the productive process and that economists are wrong, therefore, in assuming that they are infinitely substitutable. This article maintains that they are confusing different concepts of 'complementarity' (...)
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  4.  20
    The Rights of Future Generations.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    It is widely believed that environmental conservation has to be guided by respect for the ‘rights’ of future generations. But it is argued in this chapter that it may not be plausible to think in terms of the ‘rights’ of future generations in general or their rights to any specific environmental assets. Future generations may well have rights when they come into existence, but these will only be rights that can be satisfied at the time. But ‘rights’ do not exhaust (...)
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  5.  70
    The impossibility of a theory of intergenerational justice.Wilfred Beckerman - 2006 - In Tremmel J., The Handbook of Intergenerational Justice. Edward Elgar. pp. 53--71.
  6.  65
    (1 other version)Plural Values and Environmental Valuation.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 1997 - Environmental Values 6 (1):65 - 86.
    The paper discusses some of the criticisms of contingent valuation (CV) and allied techniques for estimating the intensity of peoples' preferences for the environment. The weakness of orthodox utilitarian assumptions in economics concerning the commensurability of all items entering into peoples' choices is discussed. The concept of commensurability is explored as is the problem of rational choice between incommensurate alternatives. While the frequent claim that the environment has some unique moral intrinsic value is unsustainable, its preservation often raises ethical and (...)
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  7.  66
    Debate: Intergenerational equity and the environment.Wilfred Beckerman - 1997 - Journal of Political Philosophy 5 (4):392–405.
  8.  28
    The Proximate Causes of Waorani Warfare.Rocio Alarcon, James Yost, Pamela Erickson & Stephen Beckerman - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (3):247-271.
    In response to recent work on the nature of human aggression, and to shed light on the proximate, as opposed to ultimate, causes of tribal warfare, we present a record of events leading to a fatal Waorani raid on a family from another tribe, followed by a detailed first-person observation of the behavior of the raiders as they prepared themselves for war, and upon their return. We contrast this attack with other Waorani aggressions and speculate on evidence regarding their hormonal (...)
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  9. Sustainable Development and Our Obligations to Future.Wilfred Beckerman - 1999 - In Andrew Dobson, Fairness and Futurity: Essays on Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice. Oxford University Press.
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  10.  15
    Valuing Nature? Ethics, Economics and the Environment.Wilfred Beckerman - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (1):122-124.
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  11.  24
    B. Sustainability and Development 'Sustainable Development.Wilfred Beckerman - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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  12.  16
    Conclusions.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    It is recalled that serious doubts can be raised concerning the status of theories such as those pertaining to the rights of future generations, or the constraints imposed on us by theories of intergenerational justice. At the same time, we do have moral obligations to future generations. But these must be based on an appraisal of what are likely to be the main interests that future generations will have and which of these are most likely to be under permanent threat. (...)
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  13.  43
    Economic growth and welfare.Wilfred Beckerman - 1973 - Minerva 11 (4):495-515.
  14.  19
    Ethical Issues and Relationships Between House Staff and Attending Physicians: A Case Study.A. Beckerman, M. Doerfler, E. Couch & J. Lowenstein - 1997 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 8 (1):34-38.
  15.  10
    How Much Richer Will Future Generations Be?Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter leaves the ‘safe’ world of philosophical speculation and turns to the dangerous world of economic prediction. It outlines the economic reasons for believing that, in the very long term—i.e. abstracting from cyclical or other transitory fluctuations in economic activity—future generations will be incomparably richer than people today. Reasons are also given for believing that there will be no significant obstacles to future growth on account of popularly feared environmental developments, such as running out of ‘finite’ resources, or climate (...)
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  16.  8
    Intergenerational Equity.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Discusses one principle that has been suggested as a guide to the way we ought to take account of the interests of future generations, namely the principle of intergenerational ‘equity’ and its related claim of intergenerational equality, particularly in spheres such as the way we should share out ‘finite’ resources among generations. This chapter examines the possible arguments in favour of intergenerational egalitarianism and concludes that they are difficult to defend. It is proposed that egalitarianism should be replaced by the (...)
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  17.  16
    Introduction: Ethics and Economics in Environmental Policy.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    During the last two or three decades, various developments in the environmental sphere have led to increasing concern with our obligations to posterity and to the non‐human part of the natural world. These developments have exposed gaps in both traditional, moral, and political theory and in conventional economics. Environmental issues have exposed these gaps and have brought to the fore questions such as how far the society, with whose welfare we are concerned, includes future generations or is limited to individual (...)
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  18.  10
    International Justice and Sharing the Burden of Environmental Protection.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Some current environmental problems are global and have public good elements that raise, in an acute form, the question of how the costs of a collective effort from which the world as a whole will benefit should be shared out among poor and rich countries. This chapter discusses how far theories of justice provide guidance to this question. It argues that the answer seems to be ‘very little’ and that, in order to arrive at some ground rules for allocating the (...)
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  19.  15
    International Justice and the Environment: Global Warming and Biodiversity.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    It is argued that although there may be some case, on economic grounds, for international cooperative action to deal with the threat of climate change or an excessive depletion of biodiversity, the advantages of participation in such action are probably not very great for most rich countries. Furthermore, some of the ‘ethical’ arguments advanced in support of the view that the rich countries should shoulder most of the burden of international action are weak. Nevertheless, there is a case for the (...)
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  20.  9
    Justice Between Generations.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Although there are many theories of justice, one crucial feature of those that are most widely accepted is that they lay down principles that determine the allocation of rights and obligations in society. They do not eliminate conflicts of interest between different groups but, by specifying such principles, they are designed to enable conflicting interests to be resolved in a peaceful and harmonious manner. But insofar as future generations cannot be said to have any rights, their interests cannot be protected (...)
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  21.  59
    Mating and marriage, husbands and lovers.Stephen Beckerman - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):590-591.
    Human mating strategies are contingent on individual prospects. Gangestad & Simpson provide a useful framework to explore these differing prospects, but do not take sufficient account of what is known ethnographically about mating decisions. Women often do not select their own long term mates. Men often have two or more long term mates, and can invest in the offspring of short term matings also.
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  22.  14
    Our Obligations to Future Generations.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Even if future generations have no rights and intergenerational justice, intergenerational egalitarianism, and sustainable development are all flawed, this does relieve us of a moral obligation to take account of the impact of our policies on the interests of future generations. In this chapter we argue that whereas, in the very long run, it seems that widespread acute poverty will be eliminated and a decent environment will be preserved, there seems to be no prospect of ever eradicating the inherent weaknesses (...)
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  23.  2
    Plural Values and Environmental Valuation.Wilfred Beckerman, Joanna Pasek & Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment - 1996 - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment.
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  24.  10
    Sustainable Development.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Another widely suggested principle governing our obligations to future generations is ‘sustainable development’. The first part of this chapter argues that the mainstream interpretations of the concept of sustainable development are open to serious objections on ethical grounds. The chapter also shows that even if intergenerational egalitarianism were a viable objective there is nothing intergenerationally egalitarian about sustainable development.
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  25.  60
    Sociosexual strategies in tribes and nations.Stephen Beckerman - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):277-278.
    Extending the findings of this work: Tribal peoples need study. Monogamy as marital institution and monogamy as sociosexual orientation must be separated. Sociosexuality must be considered as an aspect of somatic as well as reproductive effort; third-party interventions in sociosexuality need attention; and multiple sociosexual orientations, with frequency-dependent fitness payoffs equal at equilibrium, need to be modeled.
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  26.  31
    The cross cultural method and the incest taboo.Stephen Beckerman - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):263-264.
  27.  50
    The cultural shaping of revenge.Stephen Beckerman - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):18-19.
    There are interesting parallelisms between McCullough et al.'s article and studies of revenge presented by French legal anthropologist Raymond Verdier, particularly as regards the discussion of the increasing likelihood of revenge with increasing social distance. Additionally, the observation that many peoples speak of revenge in the language of debt and repayment, links it with exchanges of benefits as well as costs.
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  28.  16
    The Intrinsic Value of the Environment.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Generations are not homogeneous entities and are composed of individuals and nations that have conflicting interests in the way in which resources are allocated among competing uses. This chapter discusses whether ‘the environment’, or ‘nature’, should enjoy special status in any allocation; whether the economist's approach is too anthropocentric; the concept of ‘intrinsic’ values; and the application of these concepts to environmental valuation. It is argued that while many environmental assets are ‘public goods’, so that the free market is unlikely (...)
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  29. The real reason for the standard view.A. Beckerman - 2001 - In Anthonie Meijers, Explaining Beliefs: Lynne Rudder Baker and Her Critics. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
    According to Lynne Baker, there are three main arguments for the.
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  30.  47
    Violence, sex, and the good mother.Stephen Beckerman - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):215-216.
    Campbell's evolutionary explanation of women's typically lower rates of interpersonal aggression is plausible, but some supporting evidence requires scrutiny. Women may not commit less interpersonal violence than men against small children. Women are more vulnerable than men in same-sex encounters. The link between dominance and reproductive success for males is less secure than was once thought.
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  31.  11
    Review of Counting the Cost of Global Warming. [REVIEW]Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (4):363-364.
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  32. Review of Valuing Nature? Ethics, Economics and the Environment. [REVIEW]Wilfred Beckerman - 2000 - Environmental Values 9.
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