Results for 'Bastiaan Willink'

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  1.  79
    Ethics of Care: More Than Just Another Tool to Bash the Media?Bastiaan Vanacker & John Breslin - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (2):196-214.
    In this article, we explore the potential contribution of care ethics to the field of media ethics. In the first part of this article, we discuss the theoretical and philosophical background of the ethics of care. In the second part, we suggest some specific avenues for theoretical, critical, and practical applications of care ethics to the field of journalism and media ethics.
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    Steps, stages, and structure: Finding compensatory order in scientific theories.Bastiaan T. Rutjens, Frenk van Harreveld, Joop van der Pligt, Loes M. Kreemers & Marret K. Noordewier - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2):313.
  3. Een luie wil.Bastiaan Hoorneman - 2008 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 100 (1):77-79.
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    De waarde van het parlement: Van der Pot bij de VWR, Schmitt en het parlement als architectonisch-ordeningsprincipe.Bastiaan Rijpkema - 2019 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 48 (2):222-243.
    De waarde van het parlement: Van der Pot bij de VWR, Schmitt en het parlement als architectonisch-ordeningsprincipe In dit artikel wordt de waarde van het instituut parlement verkend. Daartoe analyseert de auteur eerst een lezing die de Nederlandse staatsrechtsgeleerde C.W. van der Pot in 1925 over dit thema hield bij de VWR. Vervolgens wordt Van der Pots opvatting gecontrasteerd met de diametraal tegengestelde benadering van Carl Schmitt, die zich, rond dezelfde tijd, over dit vraagstuk boog in Duitsland. Tot slot schetst (...)
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    Why does the immune system of Atlantic cod lack MHC II?Bastiaan Star & Sissel Jentoft - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (8):648-651.
    Graphical AbstractMHC II, a major feature of the adaptive immune system, is lacking in Atlantic cod, and there are different scenarios (metabolic cost hypothesis or functional shift hypothesis) that might explain this loss. The lack of MHC II coincides with an increased number of genes for MHC I and Toll-like receptors (TLRs).
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    Can truth alone guide journalism?Bastiaan Vanacker - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (1):69 – 71.
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  7. Covering the private lives of public officials : comparing the United Kingdom, Flanders, and the Netherlands.Bastiaan Vanacker - 2014 - In Wendy N. Wyatt (ed.), The ethics of journalism: individual, institutional and cultural influences. New York: I.B. Tauris.
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    Spinozas "Cogitata metaphysica" als anhang zu seiner darstellung der cartesianischen prinzipienlehre..Bastiaan Wielenga - 1899 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Aeschylus, Supplices 40–85.Charles Willink - 2009 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 153 (1):26-41.
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    Critical notes on the cantica of euripides' heracles.Charles Willink - 2004 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 148 (2):197-221.
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    Critical notes on the cantica of euripides' andromache.Charles Willink - 2005 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 149 (2):187-208.
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    Critical Studies in the Cantica of Sophocles: III. Electra, Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus.C. W. Willink - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):75-110.
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    Euripides, Iphigenia in tauris 392–455.C. W. Willink - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56 (2):404-413.
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  14.  24
    On the Transmission of the Bacchae.C. W. Willink - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (02):347-.
    In the last number of CQ,, I mistakenly attributed to Professor Zuntz the view that P's exemplar was, before correction, the ‘parent’ of L. The possibility that the parent of L became, after corrections derived from its own parent , the parent of P is in fact considered by Zuntz only as an alternative to the hypothesis, propounded by him on p. 122 and set out in his stemma on p. 192, that the parent of P was a copy of (...)
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  15. The Holy and the Living God.M. D. R. Willink - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (25):117-117.
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    The Prologue of Iphigenia at Aulis.C. W. Willink - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):343-364.
    Iphigenia at aulis presents many problems to the literary and textual critic. Among these the problem of the prologue is as clear-cut as it is controversial. It may be summarized as follows: Our text opens abruptly with an anapaestic dialogue between Agamemnon and the Retainer, instead of the usual monologue in trimeters.In reply to a question from the Retainer, Agamemnon launches into a long iambic narrative, describing much that the Retainer must know already, and with no sign, for more than (...)
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  17.  21
    The Problem with Apu: Recognizing Moral Issues in Media Ethics.Bastiaan Vanacker - 2023 - Journal of Media Ethics 38 (4):255-266.
    The task of media ethicists is not only to shine a light on the dilemmas facing our field, but also to point out what the moral issues of the day are. Why is it that some cases and issues appear on our radar, in our textbooks, web sites and journals? Using the example of how the problematic nature of the Apu character in The Simpsons escaped the attention of this author and other media ethicists, this essay explores how media ethicists (...)
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  18.  24
    Some Problems of Text and Interpreation in the Hippolytus.C. W. Willink - 1968 - Classical Quarterly 18 (01):11-.
    Phaedra's long speech is one of the most important elements in Euripides’ most intricate play; we may confidently assume that with his surpassing interest in women and in rhetoric the dramatist will have lavished more than usual pains upon it. Interpretation of it has suffered in the past from false preconceptions and lexicological imprecision; the nature of the speech is such that we can be led far astray by a small misjudgement of the connotation of such words as at the (...)
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  19.  19
    Belief systems and the perception of reality.Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Taylor & Francis.
    This book focuses on the social psychology of belief systems and how they influence perceptions of reality. These belief systems, from politics to religion to science, shape one¿s thoughts and views, but also can be the cause of conflict and disagreement over values, particularly when they are enacted in political policies. ¿ In¿Belief Systems and the Perceptions of Reality, editors Bastiaan Rutjens and Mark Brandt examine the social psychological effects at the heart of the conflict, by bringing together contributions (...)
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  20.  36
    The Situationist Critique of Virtue Ethics and Its Implications for the Media Ethics Classroom.Bastiaan Vanacker - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (3):139-151.
    This essay discusses the impact of the situationist challenge to Aristotelian virtue ethics for media ethics instruction. Since virtue ethics is a theory that is centered around character building,...
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  21.  17
    Euripides, Supplices 42–70.C. W. Willink - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (01):41-.
    In a previous article I discussed some textual and metrical issues in the lyric-iambic stanzas Supplices 71–8/79–86, and the problematic persona and constitution of the Chorus. The preceding maternal κεсα in four ionic stanzas presents fewer textual problems; but here too there is a challenging crux, at 45 in the first strophe; and there is more to be said about the ode's metrical structure. I begin with a metrical reappraisal, which will prove to have a bearing on the textual problem. (...)
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  22.  32
    Virtue ethics, situationism and casuistry: toward a digital ethics beyond exemplars.Bastiaan Vanacker - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (3):345-357.
    Purpose This paper aims to propose an ethical approach best suited to dealing with the issues of digital ethics in general and internet research ethics in particular. Design/methodology/approach This article engages with the existing literature on virtue ethics, situationism and digital ethics. Findings A virtue-based casuistic method could be well-suited to deal with issues relating to digital ethics in general and internet research ethics in particular as long as it can take place in communities with shared practices and traditions. Originality/value (...)
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  23.  5
    Weerbare democratie: de grenzen van democratische tolerantie.Bastiaan Rijpkema - 2015 - [Amsterdam]: Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers.
  24.  15
    Introduction.Bastiaan Vanacker - 2019 - Journal of Media Ethics 34 (3):131-131.
    Volume 34, Issue 3, July-September 2019, Page 131-131.
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    Introduction.Bastiaan Vanacker - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (4):201-201.
    The articles in this issue represent a selection of the research presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Digital Ethics organized by the Center for Digital Ethics and Policy at Loyola Uni...
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  26. Popper's paradox of democracy.Bastiaan Rijpkema - 2012 - Think 11 (32):93-96.
    In a footnote to Chapter 7 of ‘The Open Society and Its Enemies’ Karl Popper describes what he calls the ‘Paradox of Democracy’: the possibility that a majority decides for a tyrant to rule. This is the lesser known paradox of the three to which he pays attention, the other two being the ‘paradox of freedom’ – total freedom leads to suppression of the weak by the strong – and the ‘paradox of tolerance’ – unlimited tolerance leads to the disappearance (...)
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  27. Belief systems and the perception of reality : an introduction.Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt - 2018 - In Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt (eds.), Belief systems and the perception of reality. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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    Trust and the economics of news.Bastiaan Vanacker & Genelle Belmas - 2009 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 24 (2-3):110 – 126.
    As trust in the news media continues to decline, news organizations must find ways to bolster that trust, often in the face of diminishing budgets and dwindling bottom lines. Can trust support and even bolster economic success in news organizations? We offer a multidimensional model of trust that takes into account, among other elements, considerations of risk and scope, and suggest that journalistic excellence and economic success can support each other and result in increased public trust in news media.
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    The development of the illusion of control and sense of agency in 7- to-12-year old children and adults.Michiel van Elk, Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Joop van der Pligt - 2015 - Cognition 145:1-12.
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    Some Problems of Text and Interpretation in the Bacchae. II.C. W. Willink - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (02):220-.
    In Part I of this article the major problems of the transmission of the Bacchae were considered, with a discussion of interpolated lines and lacunae, whether certain or merely postulated by previous editors. In the Introduction it was argued that P is a copy of a manuscript which was very like L before being supplemented with variant readings and with the whole of Tr. and Ba. 756 ff. from a lost source. The symbols λ and were used for P's exemplar (...)
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    The Manuscript Tradition of Orestes- James Diggle: The Textual Tradition of Euripides' Orestes. xii+184. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. £35. [REVIEW]C. W. Willink - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (02):265-266.
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    Returning students' right to access, choice and notice: a proposed code of ethics for instructors using Turnitin. [REVIEW]Bastiaan Vanacker - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (4):327-338.
    This paper identifies the ethical issues associated with college instructors’ use of plagiarism detection software (PDS), specifically the Turnitin program. It addresses the pros and cons of using such software in higher education, arguing that its use is justified on the basis that it increases institutional trust, and demonstrating that two common criticisms of such software are not universally valid. An analysis of the legal issues surrounding Turnitin, however, indicates that the way it is designed and operates raises some ethical (...)
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  33.  22
    Critical Studies in the Cantica of Sophocles: I. Antigone.C. W. Willink - 2001 - Classical Quarterly 51 (1):65-89.
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    Further critical notes on Euripides' Hippolytus.C. W. Willink - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (02):408-.
    29–33. Phaedra's ἒρως must at first have been without betraying symptoms, by contrast with the change at Trozen to symptoms of νόσος as described in 34–40. We need to be told that explicitly, in preparation for 34ff. and in conjunction with the potentially revealing foundation of a temple to Aphrodite. We therefore need not only Jortin's ὀνομάσουσιν for ὠνόμαζєν in 33, but also my δηλον for ἒκδηλον in 32. The nearby ἒκδηλον in 37 will have played a part in the (...)
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    Sophocles, Antigone 891–928 and 929–943.Charles Willink - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (1/2008).
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    Sophocles, Electra 137–91.C. W. Willink - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):299-.
    The familiar crux in line 139, as obelized by Dawe, disappears in the new Oxford Text, whose editors accept the Triclinian reading . Their short critical note touches only on the metrical issue, citing discussions by Stinton and Diggle, in both of which acceptance of here is cautiously linked with recognition of the same responsion at Philoctetes 209/218 and Euripides, Medea 159/183. The note concludes with a reference to p. 75 of an article by K. Itsumi.
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    Beyond federated data: a data commoning proposition for the EU’s citizen-centric digital strategy.Stefano Calzati & Bastiaan van Loenen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    In various official documents, the European Union has declared its goal to pursue a citizen-centric governance of digital transformation. Through a critical review of several of these documents, here we show how “citizen-centric” is more a glamouring than a driving concept. De facto, the EU is enabling a federated data system that is corporate-driven, economic-oriented, and GDPR-compliant; in other words, a Digital Single Market (DSM). This leaves out societal and collective-level dimensions of digital transformation—such as social inclusion, digital sovereignty, and (...)
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    Prodikos, 'Meteorosophists' and the 'Tantalos' Paradigm.C. W. Willink - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (01):25-.
    Three famous sophists are referred to together in the Apology of Sokrates as still practising their enviably lucrative itinerant profession in 399 B.C. (not, by implication, in Athens): Gorgias of Leontinoi, Prodikos of Keos and Hippias of Elis. The last of these was the least well known to the Athenian demos, having practised mainly in Dorian cities. There is no extant reference to him in Old Comedy, but we can assume that he was sufficiently famous - especially for his fees (...)
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    How to Assess the Democratic Qualities of a Multi-stakeholder Initiative from a Habermasian Perspective? Deliberative Democracy and the Equator Principles Framework.Manuel Wörsdörfer, Bastiaan Linden & Wil Martens - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1115-1133.
    The paper presents a renewed Habermasian view on transnational multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) and assesses the institutional characteristics of the Equator Principles Association (EPA) from a deliberative democracy perspective. Habermas’ work has been widely adopted in the academic literature on the political responsibilities of (multinational) corporations (i.e., political corporate social responsibility), and also in assessing the democratic qualities of MSIs. Commentators, however, have noted that Habermas’ approach relies very much on ‘nation-state democracy’ and may not be applicable to democracy in MSIs—in (...)
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    Profit and Other Values: Thick Evaluation in Decision Making.Bastiaan van der Linden & R. Edward Freeman - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (3):353-379.
    ABSTRACT:Profit maximizers have reasons to agree with stakeholder theorists that managers may need to consider different values simultaneously in decision making. However, it remains unclear how maximizing a single value can be reconciled with simultaneously considering different values. A solution can neither be found in substantive normative philosophical theories, nor in postulating the maximization of profit. Managers make sense of the values in a situation by means of the many thick value concepts of ordinary language. Thick evaluation involves the simultaneous (...)
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  41.  27
    Sleep After Labour in Euripides' Heracles1.C. W. Willink - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (1):86-97.
    πνοϲ, in general a common word in Greek tragedy, is a cardinal theme in the Heracles. In the first half of the play the glorious saving Labours of the warrior Hero with his bow, club and other weaponry are retrospectively evoked and further enacted. Repeated emphasis on this kind of ‘noble toil’ accords with the heroic definition of ρετ, which traditionally βανει διμχθω–8 the first strophe of the long First Stasimon in honour of Heracles ends with: μνῆϲαι ϲτεφνωμα μ– χθων (...)
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  42.  44
    Justice.Susanne Lettow, Bastiaan Wielenga & Hermann Klenner - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (3):333-357.
  43.  15
    Weerbare democratie.Afshin Ellian & Bastiaan Rijpkema - 2017 - Ethische Perspectieven 27 (2):123-149.
    Hoe moet een democratie omgaan met antidemocraten, wat zijn de bedreigingen van de democratie, en hoe moeten die bedreigingen begrepen worden? Deze vragen staan centraal in het debat over weerbare democratie. Een discussie die aan actualiteit wint door de bedreigingen van religieus extremisme enerzijds en antirechtsstatelijke politieke partijen anderzijds. In dit artikel willen wij aantonen dat het debat over weerbare democratie verdiept kan worden door bestudering van het werk van Claude Lefort en Karl Popper. Het artikel is dan ook niet (...)
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    Viral Imagery of Dengue Fever in the Age of Bacteriology.Maurits Bastiaan Meerwijk - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):239-263.
  45.  20
    The effect of stimulating immigrant and national pupils' helping behaviour during cooperative learning in classrooms on their maths‐related talk.Michiel Bastiaan Oortwijn, Monique Boekaerts & Paul Vedder - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (4):333-342.
    This study examined whether stimulation of immigrant and national pupils’ use of high‐quality helping behaviour during cooperative learning in classrooms boosts their maths‐related talk more than in an educational situation in which such stimulation is largely absent . A total of 59 elementary‐age pupils enrolled in a CL maths curriculum of 11 lessons. They were video taped during two lessons while working together on maths assignments to assess their maths‐related talk. We found that the quality of maths‐related talk was higher (...)
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    Economische elitenetwerken en Amerikaans buitenlands beleid van Clinton tot Obama.Bastiaan van Apeldoorn & Naná de Graaff - 2012 - Res Publica 54 (4):527-529.
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    Meaning Making and Death in a Secular Society: A Dutch Survey Study.Eric Venbrux, Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Joanna Wojtkowiak - 2010 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 32 (3):363-373.
    This article focuses on the relation between death and religion in a secularized society. In the Netherlands, traditional religious membership has declined significantly together with traditional belief systems. This study investigates the relation between the experience of death and religious affiliation in relation to meaning making. Parts of a nationwide survey study are analyzed in order to investigate different forms of meaning making. The results show that the experience of the death of a loved one is related to personal meaning (...)
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  48. Collectief-Psychologische.H. L. A. Visser & H. D. Tjeenk Willink - 1921 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 28 (1):10-11.
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    Internationale politieke economie in de Lage Landen: afwezig in tijden van crisis?Angela Wigger, Bastiaan van Apeldoorn & Stijn Oosterlynck - 2012 - Res Publica 54 (1):99-113.
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    A Problem in Aeschylus' Septem.C. W. Willink - 1968 - Classical Quarterly 18 (1):4-10.
    A. ScT 803–21 are a notorious crux, which has received very varied treatment from editors without any clear solution of the problem emerging.A widely favoured version follows that of Weil, and disposes the lines as follows: 803–4 –6–7 or )–8–9–io )–ll )–21–I2 … 19– [20]. We may be able to concede the arbitrary transpositions of 805 and 821, since it is likely enough that the text is substantially disordered; more serious, however, are the inherent weaknesses in Weil's rearrangement.
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