Results for 'Bartholomeo Dei'

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  1.  30
    (1 other version)“Black Like Me”: Reframing Blackness for Decolonial Politics.George J. Sefa Dei - 2018 - Educational Studies 54 (2):117-142.
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    Actualizing decolonization: a case for anticolonizing and Indigenizing the curriculum.George J. Sefa Dei & Alessia Cacciavillani - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (2-3):209-226.
    Calls to decolonize education systems cannot be removed from broader social struggles. Scholars have engaged in theoretical discussions on what decolonization entails, emphasizing the need for transforming thoughts, beliefs, and practices. However, the lack of sustained engagement and widespread resistance to decolonizing the curriculum remain evident, underscoring the urgency to envision new futures and explore relationalities between educators and students.In this article, we delve into the evolving terminologies surrounding decolonization, anticolonization, and Indigenization, emphasizing their pivotal roles in the broader project (...)
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    Tipologia dei sistemi e origine della loro unità.Vittorio Mathieu & Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei - 1994 - Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei.
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    Logiko-filosofski eseta.Aleksandŭr Deĭkov - 1998 - Sofii︠a︡: Univ. izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Poder y libertad en la sociedad postmoderna: informe sobre el sentido del porvenir.Héctor Daniel Dei - 1995 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Almagesto.
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  6. Testi E documenti «interpretes aristotele» Una cinquecentesca'bibliografia aristotelica'a cura di Luca Bianchi.Catalogo Dei Codici Pinelliani Dell'ambrosiana - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45:303.
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  7. Metodi dell'esegesi tra mito, storicità e communicazione: Prospettive «pragma-linguistiche» e consequenze per la teologia e la pastorale.F. Lentzen-Deis - 1992 - Gregorianum 73 (4):731-737.
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  8. La cuestión de las ciencias humanas en Iberoamérica y la preocupación por el hombre de los pensadores de la Salamanca de los siglos XVI y XVII.Daniel Dei - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:337-348.
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    La cuestión de las Ciencias Humanas en Iberoamérica y la preocupación por el hombre de los pensadores de la Salamanca de los siglos XVI y XVII.H. Daniel Dei - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:337-347.
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  10. Lo sviluppo della scolarità femminile in Italia,“.Marcello Dei - 1987 - Polis 1 (1):143-158.
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    The Human Being in History: Freedom, Power, and Shared Ontological Meaning.Daniel H. Dei - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    The Human Being in History affirms the ontological dignity of the human being, arguing that the challenges posed by the twenty-first century are not just political, economic, and social, but existential and metaphysical. In the face of these challenges, philosophy must show how to confront issues in a new way: not as problems that admit technical resolution, but as questions which involve openness to meaning and which demand the exercise of freedom.
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    The Nature, Philosophy, and Sustaining Factors of the Theology of Wealth in Africa: Theological Reflections.Daniel Dei & Robert Osei-Bonsu - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (6).
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    G. Morra (a cura di), "Religione civile, frammentazione sociale, postmodernità".Marcello Dei - 2000 - Polis 14 (2):337-339.
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    ¿Profundización O caída Del realismo jurídico como teoría descriptiva de normas?Diego Dei Vecchi - 2017 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 47:9-38.
    Algunas versiones del realismo jurídico pretenden compatibilizar la pretensión de que el derecho es un conjunto de normas con un fuerte compromiso con el empirismo. De conformidad con este último, el derecho no está constituido por entidades abstractas de ningún tipo sino por hechos empíricamente constatables. En vistas a llevar a cabo esta compatibilización, en varios trabajos Riccardo Guastini ha defendido una concepción de las proposiciones normativas, i.e. aserciones existenciales sobre normas jurídicas, como enunciados teóricos acerca del derecho vigente, necesariamente (...)
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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s perspective on racism.Daniel Dei & Dennis E. Akawobsa - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    Although Christianity has abundant literature against racism, the menace negatively affects human relationships in contemporary westernised societies. The near silence of most Christian denominations leads to one crucial question: how should Christians deal with racial prejudice in contemporary westernised societies? This article is a social criticism of racism from the perspective of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. As a Christian, Bonhoeffer struggled with the morality of racism, particularly regarding the experience of black people in the United States and Jews in Germany. His reflections (...)
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    4. Restrukturierimg industrieller Produktion - unternehmensübergreifende Rationalisierung und ihre Folgen für die Arbeit.Norbert Altmann, Daniel Bieber, Manfred Deiß, Volker Döhl & Dieter Sauer - 2001 - In Burkart Lutz (ed.), Entwicklungsperspektiven von Arbeit: Ergebnisse Aus Dem Sonderforschungsbereich 333 der Universität München. De Gruyter. pp. 183-210.
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    Donne e istruzione: verso una parità apparente? Recenti tendenze della componente femminile dell'istruzione in Italia.Marcello Dei - 1998 - Polis 12 (3):459-482.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ta na logicheskii︠a︡ empirist: [izsledvane].Aleksandŭr I︠A︡kimov Deĭkov - 1975 - [Sofii︠a︡]: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    R. Moscati (a cura di), "Chi governa l'università?".Marcello Dei - 1998 - Polis 12 (2):335-337.
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    Towards a model of host-parasite relationships.L. Dujardin & E. Dei-cas - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (3-4):253-266.
    The question asked in this article is: what is a parasite?. Defining a parasite requires defining its host at the same time. A difficult question therefore arises about host-parasite relationships. The object of general parasitology is in fact to study the relationship between a host and its parasite. The initial question what is a parasite? has to be reformulated within a conceptual framework, that of relationship. This article is an attempt to transpose into parasitology some concepts which have been profitable (...)
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    Antropodicea: la cuestión del hombre.Héctor Daniel Dei - 1997 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Almagesto.
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  22. Report papers-Vol. I-Notebook III.Foglio Dei Resoconti - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (2):345-357.
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    La méthode morphologique et le problème de l’autonomie de la culture populaire chez Carlo Ginzburg.Fabio Dei & Maririta Guerbo - 2022 - Cahiers Philosophiques 168 (1):11-23.
    Dans Le sabbat des sorcières Ginzburg, s’efforçant d’expliciter la « méthode morphologique » à l’œuvre dans cet ouvrage, affirme reprendre à son compte certaines « questions » formulées par Frazer dans Le Rameau d’or – soit un comparatisme élargi –, sans en « accepter les réponses ». « Mon Frazer a lu Wittgenstein » ajoute-t-il dans une boutade. Dans cet article, on se demandera en quel sens la morphologie de Ginzburg diffère d’une approche « transculturelle » et on analysera comment (...)
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  24.  13
    African Education and Globalization: Critical Perspectives.Alireza Asgharzadeh, George J. Sefa Dei, Joyce M. Djokoto, Rose Baaba Folson, Kwamena Kwansah-Aidoo, Nkosinathi Mkosi, Philomina Okeke-Ihejirika, Edward Shizha, Wisdom J. Tettey & Mikael Wossen-Taffesse (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Containing both theoretical discussions of globalization and specific case analyses of individual African countries, this collection of essays examines the intersections of African education and globalization with multiple analytical and geographical emphases and intentions.
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    Civilização do mangue: biodiversidade e populações tradicionais (Mangrove's Civilization: Biodiversity and traditional populations) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n30p509. [REVIEW]Deis Elucy Siqueira - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):509-544.
    O texto parte do reconhecimento da importância das populações tradicionais na conservação da biodiversidade, tanto em termos históricos quanto em projetos socioambientais baseados no paradigma da sustentabilidade. Foca a civilização do mangue do Salgado Paraense e, em particular, as comunidades da Reserva Extrativista de Caeté-Taperaçu (município de Bragança/PA). Destaca aspectos de sua territorialidade em articulação com sua religiosidade, na qual são tratados os santos e, sobretudo, os encantes (xamanismo caboclo). A partir desta religiosidade (crenças, superstições, lendas), a discussão se centraliza (...)
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    Biodiversidade, Estado brasileiro e Religião na Amazônia (Biodiversity, State and Religion in the Brazilian Amazon) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n17p56. [REVIEW]Deis Elucy Siqueira - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (17):56-78.
    A partir do final do século passado, na esteira das preocupações e debates sobre a biodiversidade, chega-se à afirmação da importância da Amazônia. No bojo dessa dinâmica, colocam-se também as pressões internacionais e as políticas estatais para a região e para as populações tradicionais, nela concentradas. Até então alijadas dos interesses políticos do Estado, estas populações passam agora a ser vistas como detentoras de culturas, de saberes "locais", cruciais diante da necessidade "global" de conservação da biodiversidade. Em estreita mescla com (...)
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  27. Ot opozit︠s︡ii︠a︡ kŭm pozit︠s︡ii︠a︡: Khegel, Foĭerbakh, Marks--iz metodologii︠a︡ta na XIX vek.Dei︠a︡n Ki︠u︡ranov - 1989 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Yohanes Duns Scotus dan Martin Heidegger Tentang “Ada Itu Univok”.Hieronimus Dei Rupa - 2021 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 17 (2):193-218.
    Abstrak: Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah menginterpretasi dan mengafirmasi bahwa Ada (das Sein) dalam “pertanyaan tentang Ada” (die Seinsfrage) dalam pemikiran Heidegger adalah univok sebagaimana konsep Ada itu univok dalam pemikiran Duns Scotus. Oleh karena itu, pertanyaan utama yang menuntun artikel ini adalah, bagaimana dapat ditunjukkan hubungan antara konsep Ada itu univok antara Dun Scotus dan Heidegger? Untuk memahami dengan baik tema ini, kita akan mengulasnya dalam empat bagian. Pertama, kita akan berkonsentrasi pada pengertian konsep ekuivok, analog, univok. Kedua, kita (...)
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    La normatividad desenmascarada. [REVIEW]Diego Dei Vecchi - 2015 - Revus 25:171-188.
    El autor lleva a cabo una revisión de la obra The Many Faces of Normativity intentado resaltar algunos rasgos comunes que se van presentando a lo largo de los diversos textos que componen la obra revisada. Luego de abordar la visión de Robert Audi acerca de las tendencias hacia la naturalización de la normatividad así como el análisis que Jaap Hage efectúa de los conceptos normativos, se tratan dos ataques a la distinción ser-deber ser que defienden argumentos que, sobre la (...)
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  30. L'industria tessile pratese.M. Colombi & A. Dei - 2001 - Iris 2001:101-131.
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  31. Indice Del presente fascicolo articoli: E. paratore: Le storie Della letteratura latina in italia dall'inizio Del secolo ad oggi pag. I M. untersteineb: La religiosità greca nell'interpretazione Dei classici» 45. [REVIEW]Thessaliche Mythologie & Statuti dei Lago D. Orta - 1947 - Paideia 2.
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  32. Teknologi modern menurut Martin Heidegger.Hieronimus Yoseph Dei Rupa - 2018 - In F. Wawan Setyadi & A. Sudiarja (eds.), Meluhurkan kemanusiaan: kumpulan esai untuk A. Sudiarja. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ khumanizŭm, ideologicheska borba.G. Girginov, Dei͡a︡n Pavlov & Mitri͡u︡ I͡a︡nkov (eds.) - 1973 - Nauka I Izkustvo.
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    Sentencia judicial, prueba y error.Diego Dei Vecchi - 2023 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 58.
    En este trabajo se explora el rol que la verdad de los enunciados fácticos juega en la aplicación de normas jurídicas y en la justificación de las decisiones judiciales. Se sostiene que la verdad es irrelevante respecto de la aplicación de normas jurídicas, entendida esta última en términos «inferenciales», y que lo es también respecto de la justificación interna de las decisiones que aplican esas normas. Se argumenta luego que la verdad de la premisa fáctica tampoco es condición necesaria de (...)
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    Chiese, monasteri e fortezze cristiane fra le sabbie del Sudan.Il Regno Dei Crociati Neri Nubia - forthcoming - Medioevo.
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    JME Referees in 1996.Henry Alexander, Marvin Berkowitz, Larry Blum, Deanne Bogdan, Brenda Jo Bredemeier, Lyn Mikel Brown, Don Cochrane, Jerrold Coombs, Lorna Crossman & George Dei - 1997 - Journal of Moral Education 26 (2):243.
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    The Phases of Venus in Germanicus: A Note on German. fr. 4.73–76.Piazza dei Cavalieri Adalberto MagnavaccaCorresponding authorScuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, ItaliaScuola Normale SuperiorePiazza dei Cavalieri & Italyemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle Scholar Pisa - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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    Editorial Expression of Concern: National Regulation on Processing Data for Scientific Research Purposes and Biobanking Activities: Reflections on the Experience in Austria.Joanna Osiejewicz, Dmytro M. Zherlitsyn, Svitlana M. Zadorozhna, Oleksii V. Tavolzhanskyi & Maryna O. Dei - forthcoming - Asian Bioethics Review:1-2.
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    JME Referees in 1997.Cheryl Armon, Sheryle Bergman Drewe, Judith Boss, George Dei, Patrick Dillon, David Gooderham, Han Gur Ze'ev, Ann Higgins D'Alessandro, Kay Johnston & Yong Lin Moon - 1998 - Journal of Moral Education 27 (2):263.
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  40. Kriticheski izsledvanii︠a︡ vŭrkhu sŭvremennata burzhoazna filosofii︠a︡.Ivan Kirilov, Pancho Rusev & Dei︠a︡n Pavlov (eds.) - 1900 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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    Are ethical responses linked to locus of control?Aileen Smith, J. Dennis Coates & Donald R. Deis - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (3):249-260.
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    Un ignorato adespotum poetico in Esichio.Stefano Vecchiatocorresponding Authorscuola Normale Superiorepiazza Dei Cavalieri I. – Pisaitalyemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle Scholar - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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    A charter for biomedical research ethics in a progressive, caring society.Laurence Delhaes, Isabelle Wolowczuk, Bernard Vandenbunder, Thomas Trentesaux, Bénédicte Oxombre, Hélène Lefranc, Anne Goffard, Benoît Foligne, Eduardo Dei Cas, Valérie Bougault, Danie Boudiguet, Alessandra Blaizot & Sylvie Vandoolaeghe - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10 (1):1-6.
    BackgroundGiven that advances in research continuously raise new ethical issues, a multidisciplinary working group of investigators involved in biomedical research has gathered to discuss and compare ethical viewpoints in their daily practice.MethodsThe working group has drafted a Charter for Ethics in Biomedical Research that encompasses all the steps in the research process, i.e. from the initial idea to analysis and publication of the results.ResultsBased on key principles for ethically responsible research, the Charter may serve as a tool for performing research, (...)
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    Riccardo di S. Vittore: memoria.Carmelo Ottaviano & Reale Accademia dei Lincei - 1933 - Giovanni Bardi, Tipografo Della R. Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincie.
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    African Education and Globalization: Critical Perspectives.Ali A. Abdi, Korbla P. Puplampu & George J. Sefa Dei (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Containing both theoretical discussions of globalization and specific case analyses of individual African countries, this collection of essays examines the intersections of African education and globalization with multiple analytical and geographical emphases and intentions.
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    National Regulation on Processing Data for Scientific Research Purposes and Biobanking Activities: Reflections on the Experience in Austria.Joanna Osiejewicz, Dmytro M. Zherlitsyn, Svitlana M. Zadorozhna, Oleksii V. Tavolzhanskyi & Maryna O. Dei - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):47-63.
    The application of the latest technologies in biology and medicine has brought them to a qualitatively new level of possibilities. Worldwide, biobanking is actively developing through the creation of biobanks of various types and purposes, whose resources are used to solve therapeutic or scientific problems. Legal science remains an open question concerning the boundary that runs between the right to data protection and the scope of disclosure of data needed for medical purposes. In this article, the author considers peculiarities of (...)
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    Premesse Teoriche Dell'arte Moderna.Lionello Venturi, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Accademia di Santa Cecilia & Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei - 1951 - Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei.
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  48. Giacomo castelvetro E Machiavelli appunti sulla conoscenza dell'opera E sull'edizione londinese Dei discorsi (1584).Federico Zuliani - 2011 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 73 (3):593-605.
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    Distinguishing the Imago Dei from the Soul.Matthew J. Churchouse - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):270-277.
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  50. Conatus and Amor Dei: the total and partial Norm.Nathan Rotenstreich - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (1):117.
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