Results for 'Barbara Kaufmann'

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  1.  7
    Nietzsches Nachlass: Probleme und Perspektiven der Edition und Kommentierung.Barbara Besslich, Paolo D'Iorio, Katharina Grätz, Sebastian Kaufmann & Andreas Urs Sommer (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Der Schwerpunkt der Reihe liegt auf thematisch fokussierten Auseinandersetzungen mit Nietzsches Werken, seinen Quellen und seiner Rezeption. Die gehen meist auf Veranstaltungen der Nietzsche-Forschungsstelle Freiburg sowie der Friedrich-Nietzsche-Stiftung Naumburg zurück. Die Reihe ist ideen-, kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtlich orientiert und - bei Offenheit für disziplinäre Vielfalt - dem Ideal genauer Textlektüren verpflichtet.
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    Heimat und Fremde: Präsenz im Entzug: Festschrift für Prof. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz.Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz, Beate Beckmann-Zöller & René Kaufmann (eds.) - 2015 - Dresden: Text & Dialog.
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    Nietzsches Nachlass: Probleme und Perspektiven der Edition und Kommentierung.Barbara Beßlich, Paolo D. ́Iorio, Katharina Grätz, Sebastian Kaufmann & Andreas Urs Sommer (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht mit Nietzsches Nachlass derjenige Teil seines Schaffens, von dem seit jeher eine besondere Faszination ausging. Sein Status ist bis heute höchst umstritten. Handelt es sich bei den nachgelassenen Aufzeichnungen um Skizzen und Vorstufen, um Bausteine für neue Werke oder gar – wie etwa Martin Heidegger meinte – um das ‚eigentliche‘ Werk Nietzsches? Außer Frage steht, dass der Nachlass besondere editorische und interpretatorische Schwierigkeiten aufwirft. Zugleich herrscht aber weitgehender Konsens darüber, dass er für das Verständnis von (...)
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    Effect of "rights" and "wrongs" on concept identification.Coleman Merryman, Barbara Kaufmann & Eric Brown - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (1p1):116.
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    Scientia et Religio: religionsphilosophische Orientierungen: Festschrift für Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz.Holger Ebelt, René Kaufmann & Hanna Gerl-Falkovitz (eds.) - 2005 - Dresden: Thelem.
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    Review of Gottlöber, Hanna-Barbara, Gottlöber & Kaufmann (2013): Das Prinzip der Rationalität. Grundzüge cusanischen Denkens als Parameter für Toleranz und interreligiösen Diskurs. [REVIEW]Norbert Winkler - 2016 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 19 (1):278-295.
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    Platonisches Denken heute: Festschrift für Barbara Zehnpfennig.Bettina Fröhlich, Hendrik Hansen & Raul Heimann (eds.) - 2021 - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    Is Plato’s philosophy still relevant for current issues in politics and political science? In order to answer this question, the contributions to this volume endeavour to re-read the Platonic dialogues and to interpret them in terms of textual hermeneutics on the one hand. On the other hand, they refer to Plato from a systematic point of view and apply his philosophy, in particular the method of Socratic dialogue, to discussions on contemporary political issues. The volume is dedicated to Barbara (...)
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  8. A note on the nature of "water".Barbara Abbott - 1997 - Mind 106 (422):311-319.
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  9. The risk society and beyond: critical issues for social theory.Barbara Adam, Ulrich Beck & Joost Van Loon (eds.) - 2000 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
    Ulrich Beck's best selling Risk Society established risk on the sociological agenda. It brought together a wide range of issues centering on environmental, health and personal risk, provided a rallying ground for researchers and activists in a variety of social movements and acted as a reference point for state and local policies in risk management. The Risk Society and Beyond charts the progress of Beck's ideas and traces their evolution. It demonstrates why the issues raised by Beck reverberate widely throughout (...)
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  10. Hölderlin e le idee estetiche. Riflessioni su un progetto mai realizzato.Barbara Santini - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (1).
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    Imagine you are facing a problem with both peace and health dimen-sions, such as the three scenarios presented in Chapter 1. Perhaps you are the health worker facing high youth suicide in an aboriginal com-munity that has a conflictual relationship with the dominant culture, or the physician noting high levels of gun violence in emergency admis-sions, or a member of the team helping to reconstruct a health system after deadly interethnic conflict. Where do you start?Joanna Santa Barbara - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara, Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press.
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  12. Die Beziehung zwischen Schmerzempfindung und Schmerzausdruck. Eine Wittgensteinsche Perspektive.Barbara Schmitz - 2003 - Studia Philosophica 62:167-179.
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  13. Przeciw inkwizytorom.Barbara Skarga - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 31 (3):167-170.
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  14. Kryteria naukowości. Nauka-nienauka czy raczej my-inni.Barbara Tuchańska - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 51 (3):97-112.
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  15. A Reply to Szabó’s “Descriptions and Uniqueness”.Barbara Abbott - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 113 (3):223 - 231.
    Szabó follows Heim in viewing familiarity, rather than uniqueness, as the essence of the definite article, but attempts to derive both familiarity and uniqueness implications pragmatically, assigning a single semantic interpretation to both the definite and indefinite articles. I argue that if there is no semantic distinction between the articles, then there is no way to derive these differences between them pragmatically.
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  16. Students 'Creating' History.Barbara Joseph - 2012 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 47 (4):40.
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  17. Prohibiting Attempts and Preparations.Barbara Levenbook - 1980 - University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review 49:41-63.
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    Moral responsibility.Barbara Brudno Gardner - 1965 - New York,: Pageant Press.
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    Factors that impact on emergency nurses’ ethical decision-making ability.Barbara Alba - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (7):855-866.
    Background: Reliance on moral principles and professional codes has given nurses direction for ethical decision-making. However, rational models do not capture the emotion and reality of human choice. Intuitive response must be considered. Research purpose: Supporting intuition as an important ethical decision-making tool for nurses, the aim of this study was to determine relationships between intuition, years of worked nursing experience, and perceived ethical decision-making ability. A secondary aim explored the relationships between rational thought to years of worked nursing experience (...)
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  20. Definiteness and identification in English.Barbara Abbott - manuscript
    Many characterizations of definiteness in natural language have been given. However a number of them converge on a single idea involving uniqueness of applicability of a property. This paper will attempt to do two things. One is to try to unify some of these current views of definiteness, seeing them as drawing out Gricean conversational implicatures of the uniqueness concept, and the other is to try a more articulated approach to dealing with some recalcitrant counterexamples. I will focus primarily, but (...)
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    Localized Religious Specialists in Early Modern Japan: The Development of the Ōyama Oshi.Barbara Ambros - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 28 (3-4):3-4.
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    The Gendered Time Politics of Globalization: Of Shadowlands and Elusive Justice.Barbara Adam - 2002 - Feminist Review 70 (1):3-29.
    This paper seeks to bring a time perspective to the discourses of globalization and development. It first connects prominent recent gender-neutral discourses of globalization with highly gendered analyses of development, bringing together institutional—structural analyses with contextual and experiential data. It places alongside each other ‘First World’ perspectives and analyses of the changing conditions of people in the ‘developing’ world who are at the receiving end of globalized markets, and the international politics of aid. To date, neither of these fields of (...)
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  23. Women in German churches and society.Barbara Bagorski - 2004 - Journal of Dharma 29 (2):201-208.
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    Decomposable orthologics.Barbara Jeffcott - 1975 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 16 (3):329-338.
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    La «ricchezza»: Gr. Nyss., Eccl. 7, 4.Maria Antonietta Barbàra - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (1):223-236.
    Gregory of Nyssa’s bearing in Qohelet 3:5b to wealth, rather than to the matrimonial “embrace”, is unusual by comparison withother ancient exegeses; it seems to be motivated not only by the acoluthia which characterizes his spiritual interpretation of the passage Qo. 3:2-8, but also by the crucial importance he gives to catharsis, as one the qualities he considered necessary for the exegete.
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    Author's Response.Barbara L. Horan - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (2):205.
  27. Dynamiczno-relatywny charakter świata w nauce Buddy.Barbara Koehler - 2005 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 17 (17).
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  28. Maitreya - uniwersalny ideał bodhisattvy.Barbara Koehler - 2001 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 13 (13).
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  29. Niemiecka polemika wokół buddyjskiego pojęcia anatta.Barbara Koehler - 2008 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 20 (20).
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  30. Swoistość etyki zarathustriańskiej.Barbara Koehler - 2003 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 15 (15).
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  31. Proper names and language.Barbara Abbott - 2005 - In Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Reference and Quantification: The Partee Effect. CSLI Publications. pp. 1--19.
  32. "Vom Grund des Grundgesetzes": zeitgeschichtliche Dimensionen des Wirkens von Theodor Litt 1947 bis 1962.Barbara Drinck, Peter Gutjahr-Löser & Dieter Schulz (eds.) - 2013 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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    Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume Xii: Indices.Barbara Flower (ed.) - 1992 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A scholarly edition of letters by Desiderius Erasmus. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
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    (1 other version)The technical object and somatic thought.Barbara Grespi - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):63-75.
    This essay explores the lines of thought focused on the relationship between gesture and technique, examining the theories which have conceptualized the transfer of gestural matrices into inert matter, and understood technique as a result of this process. Although associated mainly with the writings of the palaeontologist André Leroi-Gourhan, this thought actually predates his work, and consists of multiple branches: having first taken root at the end of the nineteenth century, it became diffused throughout the following decades in different forms. (...)
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    Ökonomien der Zurückhaltung: kulturelles Handeln zwischen Askese und Restriktion.Barbara Gronau & Alice Lagaay (eds.) - 2010 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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  36. Vielfältiges Denken : Goethes Elegie "Metamorphose der Pflanzen".Barbara Naumann - 2015 - In André Louis Blum, Nina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Vincent Barras, Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
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    More lost Massey lectures: recovered classics from five great thinkers.Barbara Ward (ed.) - 2008 - Berkeley, CA: Distributed in the United States by Publishers Group West.
    Some of the series' finest lectures have been lost for many years, unavailable to the public in any form -- until now.
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  38. Neopolitics : voluntary action in the new regieme.Barbara Cruikshank - 2007 - In Sabine Maasen & Barbara Sutter, On willing selves: neoliberal politics vis-à-vis the neuroscientific challenge. New York: Plagrave Macmiilan. pp. 146.
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    Vintage Knowledge for 21st-Century Principals: A Continuum of Approaches and Success Strategies.Barbara D. Culp - 2023 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book will be a good tool in planning and implementing plans for school improvement and continued student growth.
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  40. Wrażliwość materii.Barbara Czochralska - 1998 - Warszawa: DiG.
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    Rythmes de vie, rythmes de ville. Promesses d'un concept en mouvement.Guillaume Drevon, Luc Gwiazdzinski, Vincent Kaufmann, Luca Pattaroni & Olivier Soubeyran - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru le 21/12/2018 sur le site Nous remercions les auteurs et la revue EspacesTemps de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Sans rythme pas de vie Bernard Millet La ville? « Ne pas essayer trop vite de trouver une définition de la ville ; c'est beaucoup trop gros, on a toutes les chances de se tromper ». Le rythme? Comment réussir « à définir un seul et même signifiant qui véhicule tant de signifiés différents? (...)
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  42. Nietzsche-Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Wirkung, 2. akt. u. erw. Aufl.K. Graetz, S. Kaufmann & R. Krause (eds.) - forthcoming - Metzler.
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    History of the Religion of Israel, Vol. IV: From the Babylonian Captivity to the End of Prophecy.J. Maxwell Miller & Yehezkel Kaufmann - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):446.
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  44. O outro lado da pós-modernidade.Barbara Freitag - 1993 - Dois Pontos: Teoria and Prática Em Educação, Belo Horizonte 2 (17):78-80.
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  45. Kirche in person.Barbara Hallensleben - 2005 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 52 (1-2):57-68.
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    Elections at Pompeii.Barbara Levick - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (01):69-.
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  47. “How to Hold the Social Fact Thesis – a Reply to Greenberg and Toh,”.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 2013 - In “How to Hold the Social Fact Thesis – a Reply to Greenberg and Toh,”. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 75-102.
    The social fact thesis, is, roughly, that law is ultimately a matter of social fact. Mark Greenberg and Kevin Toh have launched transcendental arguments against important or interesting general versions of the social fact thesis. Together, they can be read as posing a dilemma for the thesis. Suppose that many correct assertions of law are normative. Then, according to Toh, the considerations in virtue of which they are correct cannot ultimately be social facts, because the derivation of any normative conclusion (...)
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  48. Responsibility and the Normative Order Assumption.Barbara Levenbook - 1986 - Law and Contemporary Problems 49 (summer):81-88.
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  49. Dar języków, czyli narodziny liberalizmu z ducha pomieszania.Barbara Markowska - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (3):274-283.
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    Duchy polityczne i duchy w polityce.Barbara Anna Markiewicz - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 23:17-33.
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