Results for 'Barbara Crane'

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  1. Introspection, Intentionality, and the Transparency of Experience.Tim Crane - 2000 - Philosophical Topics 28 (2):49-67.
    Some philosophers have argued recently that introspective evidence provides direct support for an intentionalist theory of visual experience. An intentionalist theory of visual experience treats experience as an intentional state, a state with an intentional content. (I shall use the word ’state’ in a general way, for any kind of mental phenomenon, and here I shall not distinguish states proper from events, though the distinction is important.) Intentionalist theories characteristically say that the phenomenal character of an experience, what it is (...)
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    Taken by Design: Photographs From the Institute of Design, 1937-1971.David Travis & Elizabeth Siegel (eds.) - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    One of Chicago's great cultural achievements, the Institute of Design was among the most important schools of photography in twentieth-century America. It began as an outpost of experimental Bauhaus education and was home to an astonishing group of influential teachers and students, including Lázló Moholy-Nagy, Harry Callahan, and Aaron Siskind. To date, however, the ID's enormous contributions to the art and practice of photography have gone largely unexplored. Taken by Design is the first publication to examine thoroughly this remarkable institution (...)
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  3. (2 other versions)Business ethics: managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization.Andrew Crane - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Dirk Matten & Andrew Crane.
    The first edition was awarded the '2005 Textbook Award of the Association of University Professors of Management (Verband der Hochschullehrer fur ...
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    In Defense of Pure Reason: A Rationalist Account of A Priori Justification.T. Crane - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the alleged capacity of the human mind to arrive at beliefs and knowledge about the world on the basis of pure reason without any dependence on sensory experience. Most recent philosophers reject the view and argue that all substantive knowledge must be sensory in origin. Laurence BonJour provocatively reopens the debate by presenting the most comprehensive exposition and defence of the rationalist view that a priori insight is a genuine basis for knowledge. This important book (...)
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  5. Dispositions: A Debate.Tim Crane, D. M. Armstrong & C. B. Martin - 1996 - New York: Routledge. Edited by C. B. Martin, U. T. Place & Tim Crane.
    Dispositions are essential to our understanding of the world. Dispositions: A Debate is an extended dialogue between three distinguished philosophers - D.M. Armstrong, C.B. Martin and U.T. Place - on the many problems associated with dispositions, which reveals their own distinctive accounts of the nature of dispositions. These are then linked to other issues such as the nature of mind, matter, universals, existence, laws of nature and causation.
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    The Deteleologization of Nature: Darwin’s Language in On the Origin of Species.Bárbara Jiménez Pazos - 2018 - Metaphysica 19 (2):185-200.
    Although a detailed analysis of Darwin’s lexicon inOn the Origin of Specieshas not been undertaken, critical literature claims that there are lexical signs of a teleological nature in the language used in this work. I intend to refute, through an analysis of the lexicon in Darwin’s work, the criticisms that claim a teleological subtext in Darwin’s language and that conceive said language to be a reflection of a teleological conception of nature. I will place special emphasis on the lexical material (...)
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  7. Kulturowy kontekst wyborów perswazyjnych w komunikacji społecznej.Barbara Pogonowska - 1999 - Prakseologia 139 (139).
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  8. Image ethics: Security and manipulation of digital images.Barbara Rockenbach - 2000 - Journal of Information Ethics 9 (2):66-71.
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  9. A Critical Reflection On Utilitarianism As The Basis For Psychiatric Ethics.Barbara Russell - 2007 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 2:1-4.
    Utilitarianism is one of the “grand Enlightenment” moral philosophies. It provides a means of evaluating the ethical implications of common and unusual situations faced by psychiatrists, and offers a logical and ostensibly scientific method of moral justification and action. In this first of our two papers, we trace the evolution of utilitarianism into a contemporary moral theory and review the main theoretical critiques. In the second paper we contextualize utilitarianism in psychiatry and consider its function within the realm of the (...)
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  10. Stakeholders as citizens? Rethinking rights, participation, and democracy.Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten & Jeremy Moon - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):107-122.
    This paper reviews and analyses the implications of citizenship thinking for building ethical institutional arrangements for business. The paper looks at various stakeholder groups whose relation with the company changes quite significantly when one starts to conceptualize it in terms of citizenship. Rather than being simply stakeholders, we could see those groups either as citizens, or as other constituencies participating in the administration of citizenship for others, or in societal governance more broadly. This raises crucial questions about accountability and democracy (...)
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    Architecture, Ceremonial, and Power: The Topkapi Palace in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries.Howard Crane, Gülru Necipoğlu & Gulru Necipoglu - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):327.
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  12. The Conditions of Our Freedom: Foucault, Organization, and Ethics.Andrew Crane, David Knights & Ken Starkey - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (3):299-320.
    The paper examines the contribution of the French philosopher Michel Foucault to the subject of ethics in organizations. The paper combines an analysis of Foucault’s work on discipline and control, with an examination of his later work on the ethical subject and technologies of the self. Our paper argues that the work of the later Foucault provides an important contribution to business ethics theory, practice and pedagogy. We discuss how it offers an alternative avenue to traditional normative ethical theory that (...)
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    Unpacking the ethical product.Andrew Crane - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (4):361 - 373.
    Acknowledging the increasing attention in the literature devoted to the incorporation of ethical considerations into consumers' purchase decisions, this paper explores the notion of an ethical product. It is argued that ethical issues have long been involved in consumers' product evaluations, but that there has been little academic investigation of ethics in terms of product concepts and theories. Ethics are thus examined in the context of the augmented product concept, and two dimensions of ethical augmentation are identified: direction and content. (...)
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    Friendships in australia and the united states: From feminization to a more heroic image.Barbara J. Bank - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (1):79-98.
    Cultural critics of the “feminization of love” have argued that heterosexual love has been feminized by a stress on emotional expressivity that masks “masculine” love, with its greater emphasis on instrumental behaviors. Using survey data, this article examines the extent to which the feminization-of-love hypothesis can be extended to same-sex friendships. Data analyses revealed that women's friendships were more expressive than men's only when a narrow, positive definition of expressivity was employed; men's friendships were found to be more aggressive, but (...)
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  15. W poszukiwaniu utraconego sensu.Barbara Markiewicz - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 34 (2):203-206.
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    Nietzsche’s Zoophobia.Barbara D. Massey - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 27 (1):147-165.
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    Podmiotowość w prawie międzynarodowym.Barbara Mielnik & Agata Wnukiewicz-Kozłowska (eds.) - 2013 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Self-empowerment: How to survive your job.Barbara Bertagni - 2006 - Philosophical Practice 2 (3):179-182.
    Managers are expected to actively build their role, shaping and adjusting it day after day on their own company needs and on market upheaval. In our society development became one of the keywords: development at all costs, continuous growth, economic growth, professional development, purchasing power growth. Inside this logic a self-empowerment or coaching project are frequntly required, and really often the consultant acts inside the same logic of development at all cost. When the adviser agrees to this request without opening (...)
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  19. Who will read this body? An a/r/tographic statement.Barbara Bickel - 2008 - In Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor & Richard Siegesmund, Arts-based research in education: foundations for practice. New York: Routledge.
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    Straw Godzilla: Engaging the academy and research ethics in artistic research projects.Barbara Bolt & Robert Vincs - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (12):1304-1318.
    In Australia, the university ethics approval process is guided by the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. The National Statement does not provide a hurdle to be overcome or avoided, nor is it a Godzilla-like monster that must be slain for truth to survive. Rather the National Statement provides an affirmation of an abiding respect for all life and a mechanism for beginning the intelligent questioning, theorization and contextualization for a work of art. Focusing specifically on the emergent (...)
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  21. 10 “Pop genes”.Barbara Duden & Silja Samerski - 2007 - In Regula Valérie Burri & Joseph Dumit, Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life. Routledge. pp. 6--167.
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    Varieties of pseudo-interior algebras.Barbara Klunder - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (1):113-136.
    The notion of a pseudo-interior algebra was introduced by Blok and Pigozzi in [BPIV]. We continue here our studies begun in [BK]. As a consequence of the representation theorem for pseudo-interior algebras given in [BK] we prove that the variety of all pseudo-interior algebras is generated by its finite members. This result together with Jónsson's Theorem for congruence distributive varieties provides a useful technique in the study of the lattice of varieties of pseudo-interior algebras.
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    First Language Attrition and Dominance: Same Same or Different?Barbara Köpke & Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397002.
    We explore the relationship between first language attrition and language dominance, defined here as the relative availability of each of a bilingual’s languages with respect to language processing. We assume that both processes might represent two stages of one and the same phenomenon ( Schmid and Köpke, 2017 ; Köpke, 2018 ). While many researchers agree that language dominance changes repeatedly over the lifespan (e.g., Silva-Corvalan and Treffers-Daller, 2015 ), little is known about the precise time scales involved in dominance (...)
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    Historical Representations and the Gendered Battleground of the 'Past': A Study of the Canterbury Heritage Museum.Barbara Read - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (2):115-130.
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    Correctable Myths About Research Misconduct in the Biomedical Sciences.Barbara K. Redman - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):621-629.
    A recent National Academy report on research integrity noted that policies are not evidence-based, with no formal entity responsible to attend to this deficit. Here we describe four areas of research misconduct regulations governing Public Health Service funded research that are empirically and/or ethically questionable. Policies for human subject protection, RM and conflict of interest are not harmonized, making it extremely difficult to deal with complex cases which often contain allegations in all of these areas. Second, detection of RM has (...)
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  26. Parables for Preachers: The Gospel of Luke. Year C.Barbara E. Reid - 2000
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    From the sws president: A sociological skeptic in the brave new world.Barbara Katz Rothman - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (5):501-504.
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  28. Intuition in Britannicus in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Barbara Woshinsky - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:417-423.
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    Dead donors and the "shortage" of human organs: Are we missing the point?Barbara A. Koenig - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (1):26 – 27.
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  30. Zjawisko buddyjskiego modernizmu.Barbara Koehler - 2003 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 4:131-139.
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  31. Women, Power, and Philosophy at Rome and Beyond.Barbara Levick - 2002 - In Gillian Clark & Tessa Rajak, Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam Griffin. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  32. The Rapture Exposed: the Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation.Barbara R. Rossing - 2004
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    Bearing Witness: Representing Women's Experiences of Prenatal Diagnosis.Barbara Katz Rothman - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger, Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
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    Priority Setting Up Close.Barbara Russell & Deb deVlaming - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (1):61-70.
    Published accounts of specific priority-setting projects in healthcare are relatively few. This article chronicles the collaborative efforts of a professional practice lead and a bioethicist to strengthen the priority-setting process for a specific home care service. The project included two features not often reported in other priority-setting projects: the entire “frontline team” was involved for the project’s duration, and a group of parents was canvassed for their views. Informed by both Daniels’s “accountability for reasonableness” approach and challenges levied against it, (...)
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    Mathematical ability, spatial ability, and remedial training.Barbara Sanders - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):208-209.
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    Mentula in Catullus 114 and 115.Pavlock Barbara - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (4):595-607.
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    Unblocking as a function of shock reduction.Barbara H. Basden & David M. Kleim - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (2):109-111.
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    Dio e linguaggio nella teologia di Eberhard Jüngel. Ermenetica ontologica ed ermeneutica teologica.Barbara Bordato - 2003 - Giornale di Metafisica 25 (1):125-140.
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  39. Atlas shrugged at fifty.Barbara Branden - 2007 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 21 (4):5-10.
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    Democracy across borders: From dêmos to dêmoi - by James Bohman.Barbara Buckinx - 2009 - Ethics and International Affairs 23 (1):73-75.
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    Homeric Voices: Discourse, Memory, Gender (review).Barbara Clayton - 2008 - American Journal of Philology 129 (2):277-280.
  42. Zur Entstehung von Begriffen aus dem Ungeordneten des Gesprächs.Barbara Naumann - 2003 - In Thomas Rathmann, Ereignis: Konzeption eines Begriffs in Geschichte, Kunst und Literatur. Köln: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    Profits and prophets: Derrida on linguistic bereavement and (Im)possibility in nursing.Barbara Pesut - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12186.
    The work of Jacques Derrida has received relatively little attention within nursing philosophy. Perhaps this is because Derrida is known best for deconstructing philosophy itself, a task he performed by making language unintelligible to make a point. This in itself makes his work daunting for nurses who do applied philosophy. Despite these difficulties, Derrida's focus on holding open a space for ideas, particularly those ideas that are invisible or unpopular, holds potential for enhancing the diversity of ideas within nursing. His (...)
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  44. Mathematics, Science, and Postclassical Theory.Barbara Herrnstein Smith & Arkady Plotnitsky - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (1):93-95.
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    Etyka pragmatystyczna: moralność jako zwyczaj.Barbara Chyrowicz - 2004 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 52 (2):75-94.
    The paper discusses the basic assumptions proposed by John Dewey in his pragmatist ethics, posing at the same time a question whether pragmatist ethics satisfies the basic conditions of the ethical theory. The central category and criterion assumed in pragmatist ethics is a habit. Only good habits ensure good action. Habits are shaped by the milieu, and any attempts to change them entail a change in the conditions of the milieu. Permanent modification of habits is written in the basic goal (...)
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    Verbal Cuing Is Not the Path to Enlightenment. Psychological Effects of a 10-Session Hatha Yoga Practice.Barbara Csala, Eszter Ferentzi, Benedek T. Tihanyi, Raechel Drew & Ferenc Köteles - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Il problema del giudizio politico fra criticismo ed ermeneutica.Barbara Henry - 1992 - Morano.
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    Placing Indigenous Rights to Self-Determination in an Ecological Context.Barbara Ann Hocking - 2002 - Ratio Juris 15 (2):159-185.
    In this paper the author focuses on Australian land management and in particular on the environmental management issues that could have been prompted by the High Court recognition in 1996 (in Wik Peoples v. The State of Queensland) that native title to land and pastoral leaseholdings can co‐exist. Drawing on themes of self‐determination and co‐existence, the paper looks at more specific topics such as aboriginal title to land—what has been called land rights or native title in Australia—and some implications of (...)
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  49. Inference to the Unobservable: Newton's Experimental Philosophy.Barbara L. Horan - 1994 - In Peter Achinstein & Laura J. Snyder, Scientific methods: conceptual and historical problems. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co..
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  50. Spór o znaczenie kulturowego uwarunkowania zaufania w zarządzaniu.Barbara Mazur - 2003 - Prakseologia 143 (143):209-216.
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