Results for 'Barahona Plaza'

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  1.  16
    Con una mujer cuando llega el fin. Conversación íntima con la muerte.Ángel Jorge Barahona Plaza - 2021 - Relectiones 8:115-117.
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    Nella tempesta, Dio. Sul dolore, tra Biblia e Filosofía.Ángel Jorge Barahona Plaza - 2023 - Relectiones 10:161-164.
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    Spain from a Girardian Perspective.Ángel J. Barahona Plaza - 2018 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25 (1):137-157.
    The history of Spain in the 20th and 21st century provides us with many examples of mimetic rivalry: the permanent conflict between peoples who inhabit a common territory, seeking their identity through the affirmation of differences. In the never-ending reciprocities that occur throughout the decades, with ferocious feuding between the left and right wings, and disputes between nationalities, we appreciate how the Girardian theses shine some light on conflictive and at times bloody relationships that would be difficult to understand without (...)
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    Engaño y daño del transhumanismo, Olivier Rey, (2019) HOMO LEGENS, MADRID.Ángel Jorge Barahona Plaza - 2021 - Relectiones 8:15-17.
    Engaño y daño del transhumanismo, Olivier Rey, (2019) HOMO LEGENS, MADRID.
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    René Girard: de la ciencia a la fe.Barahona Plaza & J. Ángel - 2014 - Madrid: Encuentro.
    ¿Por qué un libro sobre René Girard? ¿En qué consiste su relevancia intelectual? ¿Cuáles son sus aportaciones al pensamiento contemporáneo? ¿Qué áreas del conocimiento abarcan sus tesis? ¿Ha dicho algo nuevo sobre el hombre y la cultura que sea digno de ser resaltado? ¿Por qué sus ideas suscitan polémica en las ciencias humanas? ¿Cuál es su relación con el cristianismo? ¿Aporta algo a la teología que no haya sido dicho todavía? ¿Por qué la teología se siente interpelada e incómoda por (...)
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    Carmen Hernández, Notas biográficas.Ángel Jorge Barahona Plaza - 2021 - Relectiones 9:12-15.
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  7. Introduction and Institutionalization of Genetics in Mexico Ana Barahona, Susana Pinar and Francisco J. Ayala.Ana Barahona, Susana Pinar & Francisco J. Ayala - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):273-299.
    We explore the distinctive characteristics of Mexico's society, politics and history that impacted the establishment of genetics in Mexico, as a new disciplinary field that began in the early 20th century and was consolidated and institutionalized in the second half. We identify about three stages in the institutionalization of genetics in Mexico. The first stage can be characterized by Edmundo Taboada, who was the leader of a research program initiated during the Cárdenas government (1934-1940), which was primarily directed towards improving (...)
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    Francisco J. Ayala: el hombre renacentista de la evolución. Conversaciones con Ana Barahona.Ana Barahona Echevarría - 2000 - Arbor 167 (657):1-30.
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  9. Logics of public communications.Jan Plaza - 2007 - Synthese 158 (2):165 - 179.
    Multi-modal versions of propositional logics S5 or S4—commonly accepted as logics of knowledge—are capable of describing static states of knowledge but they do not reflect how the knowledge changes after communications among agents. In the present paper (part of broader research on logics of knowledge and communications) we define extensions of the logic S5 which can deal with public communications. The logics have natural semantics. We prove some completeness, decidability and interpretability results and formulate a general method that solves certain (...)
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    From Thought to Action: How the Interplay Between Neuroscience and Phenomenology Changed Our Understanding of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.J. Bernardo Barahona-Corrêa, Marta Camacho, Pedro Castro-Rodrigues, Rui Costa & Albino J. Oliveira-Maia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  11. Genetic Mutation: The Development of the Concept and its Evolutionary Implications.A. Barahona Echeverria - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 172:89-108.
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  12.  22
    Galton y el surgimiento de la genética humana.Ana Barahona - 2005 - Ludus Vitalis 13 (23):151-162.
    Francis Galton coined the word eugenics in the late nineteenth century in England to characterize the “noble heritage” and the “well-born.” Its statistical approach leads to biometry as the quantitative study of populations. As an organized movement, its main purpose was to apply the available knowledge on inheritance in order to shape the characters of the future generations. Since then, eugenistic studies mingled science with the social values of the ruling classes, distorting scientific practice. The early twentieth century gave rise (...)
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    Special Issue: Heredity and Evolution in an Ibero-American Context.Ana Barahona & Marsha L. Richmond - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):119-126.
    The history of science within the Ibero-American context has not received significant attention from historians of science. In the case of historical studies of science in Spain and Latin America, research has primarily been carried out under the umbrella of “centers and peripheries,” indicating that despite their historiographical and epistemological importance, narratives on science within certain national contexts have analytical limitations. Recent research has indicated a need to reconstruct transnational stories that account for how knowledge produced in developing countries forms (...)
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  14. ¿ Derechos humanos con genitivo?Elena Martinez Barahona - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (1):147-152.
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  15. El idioma español en la comunidad científica internacional.Luis M. Plaza - 2005 - Contrastes 39:112-115.
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  16. Tres temas en García-Pelayo y la historia de Venezuela.Elena Plaza - 2010 - In Elena Plaza & Juan Garrido Rovira, Sobre García-Pelayo y la Historia de Venezuela. Fundación Manuel García-Pelayo.
  17.  11
    From Cain and Abel to Esau and Jacob.Angel Barahona - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:FROM CAIN AND ABEL TO ESAU AND JACOB Angel Barahona UniversidadComplutense, Madrid The theme of twins or of enemy brothers is one which fascinates anthropologists owing to its frequency, the beauty of its mythopoetic settings, and its social significance. The theme always appears in relation to fratricidal violence, and is always linked to myths offoundation or origin. Clyde Kluckhohn in his book about brothers "born in immediate sequence" (...)
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    Competencia digital, profesorado y educación superior.Andrés Cisneros-Barahona, Luis Marqués Molías, Nicolay Samaniego-Erazo, María Isabel Uvidia-Fassler, Wilson Castro-Ortiz & Henry Villa-Yánez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (5):1-20.
    Haciendo uso de paquete informático Bibliometrix y de la Guía Prisma, se desarrolló un análisis bibliométrico de la literatura proveniente de la Web of Science sobre la competencia digital docente universitaria. Se delimita la investigación a través de tesauros de Eric. Se plantearon preguntas de investigación relacionadas con las fuentes de datos, los autores y las redes de colaboración. La investigación evidencia incrementos en la producción a partir del año 2019, la nacionalidad de los autores y la filiación de instituciones (...)
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    Historical studies on race, multiculturalism and genomics in Latin America: Peter Wade, Carlos López Beltrán, and Ricardo Ventura Santos : Mestizo genomics. Race, mixture, nation, and science in Latin America. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2014, 304pp; $25.95 PB.Ana Barahona - 2015 - Metascience 24 (3):397-400.
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    New Wine in Old Bottles.Ana Barahona - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (2):201-203.
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    Plantas americanas para la España Ilustrada: Génesis, desarrollo y ocaso del proyecto español de expediciones botánicas. Antonio González Bueno, Raúl Rodríguez Nozal.Ana Barahona - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):760-760.
  22. Hispanoamérica en el pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset / Hispanoamerica in the Thought of José Ortega y Gasset.Luis Barahona Jiménez - 1969 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 25:153-162.
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    Ciencia, religión y feminismo.Teresa Maldonado Barahona - 2011 - Isegoría 45:683-698.
    El feminismo, en su vertiente de epistemología crítica, tiene grandes afinidades con los planteamientos (posmodernos y otros) que cuestionan la posibilidad de conocimiento certero y discuten el estatus privilegiado de la ciencia como instancia de saber. A la vez, algunas corrientes feministas pretenden redefinir la creencia y la práctica religiosa y muestran gran simpatía por la religiosidad femenina. Ambos factores merecen una cuidadosa consideración crítica, pero su combinación puede ser desastrosa para el feminismo.
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    Conceptual Integration and Empirical Validation of a Unified Taxonomy: Quantitative Data Analysis for Virtual Learning Environments.Melanie Moreno-Barahona, Blanca Fraijo-Sing, Ghozlane Fleury-Bahi, Oscar Navarro-Carrascal & Cesar Tapia-Fonllem - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Specific classes of cyberspaces emphasize different types of digital transactions given the user’s context, thus making it essential to take into account what these environments can afford. In this way, we can portray the niches of technological use as ecologies of particular possibilities and compare how they differ between distinct spheres of human life. The present research is focused on describing the conceptual integration of a taxonomic crossover between Virtual Learning Environments and Educational Affordances of Technology, while also performing empirical (...)
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    A recepción Del exemplum mitológico de níobe desde la poesía helenística a la literatura latina imperial.Sandra Plaza Salguero - 2022 - Argos 45:e0027.
    El relato mitológico de Níobe es un motivo constante en la literatura antigua que se remonta a la Ilíada de Homero. Así, esta primera referencia textual sobre Níobe ha sido reutilizada, remodelada e incluso reinterpretada a lo largo de los siglos hasta la literatura latina de época imperial. No solo nos referimos aquí al relato mítico, en términos de forma o contenido, sino también a la conexión entre el uso y función del propio episodio. Todo ello indica el dinamismo de (...)
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    La Cruzada de los Niños: Memoria, Actualidad y Guiños Históricos.Patricio Rodríguez-Plaza - 2010 - Aisthesis 48:205-217.
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    Santo Tomás de Aquino: ideas políticas y jurídicas: proyección en el derecho tributario.Plazas Vega & Mauricio Alfredo - 2015 - Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario. Edited by Andrea Amatucci.
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    Understanding the space of nursing practice in Colombia: A critical reflection on the effects of health system reform.Pilar Camargo Plazas - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12242.
    Worldwide, healthcare has been touched by neoliberal policies to the extent that it has some of its characteristics, such as being asymmetrical, competitive, dehumanized, and profit driven. In Colombia, Law 100/93 was created as an ambitious reform aimed at integrating the social security and public sectors of healthcare in order to create universal access, and at the same time to generate market competence with the objective of improving effectiveness and responsiveness. Instead, however, Colombian health reform has served to generate competition (...)
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    Reconstruction of Autobiographical Memories of Violent Sexual-Affective Relationships Through Scientific Reading on Love: A Psycho-Educational Intervention to Prevent Gender Violence.Sandra Racionero-Plaza, Leire Ugalde-Lujambio, Lídia Puigvert & Emilia Aiello - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Violence in sexual-affective relationships among teens and young people is recognized as a social, educational, and health problem that has increased worldwide in recent years. Educational institutions, as central developmental contexts in adolescence, are key in preventing and responding to gender violence through implementing successful actions. In order to scientifically support that task, the research reported in this article presents and discusses a psycho-educational intervention focused on autobiographical memory reconstruction that proved to be successful in raising young women’s critical consciousness (...)
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    Measuring Stakeholder Integration: Knowledge, Interaction and Adaptational Behavior Dimensions.José Plaza-Úbeda, Jerónimo Burgos-jiménez & Eva Carmona-Moreno - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (3):419-442.
    Stakeholder Theory combines the pursuance of business goals and responsibility toward a firm’s stakeholders. Despite the wealth of research on Stakeholder Orientation, we still have much to learn about specific measurements for several related constructs. In this study, we draw on two samples of 129 and 151 Spanish firms, respectively, to investigate CEOs’ perceptions on Stakeholder Integration (SI), leading to the identification of three dimensions of the construct. In this respect, our study suggests that Knowledge of Stakeholders, Interactions between a (...)
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  31. Angry Men, Sad Women: Large Language Models Reflect Gendered Stereotypes in Emotion Attribution.Flor Miriam Plaza-del Arco, Amanda Cercas Curry & Alba Curry - 2024 - Arxiv.
    Large language models (LLMs) reflect societal norms and biases, especially about gender. While societal biases and stereotypes have been extensively researched in various NLP applications, there is a surprising gap for emotion analysis. However, emotion and gender are closely linked in societal discourse. E.g., women are often thought of as more empathetic, while men's anger is more socially accepted. To fill this gap, we present the first comprehensive study of gendered emotion attribution in five state-of-the-art LLMs (open- and closed-source). We (...)
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    Games and genes: human diversity meets cytogenetics—Mexico 1968.Ana Barahona - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (4):1-24.
    The 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico included innovative practices and technological knowledge of human biology. The first time that cytogenetic techniques had been applied to athletes was in the 1966 European Athletics Championship in Budapest and used on Olympic athletes for the first time in Mexico in 1968. The Genetics and Human Biology Program was created for this purpose in 1966 in close collaboration with the Local Organizing Committee, by Mexican geneticists Alfonso León de Garay and Rodolfo Félix Estrada who (...)
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  33. Javier Sebastian Mazana Casanova, Historia de la Inmunologia. La busqueda del yo frente al no yo.A. Barahona - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3/4):541-541.
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  34. La introducción del darwinismo en México.Ana Barahona - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):201-214.
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    The history of genetics in mexico in the light of A cultural history of heredity.Ana Barahona - 2012 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 35 (1):69-74.
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    Cross Cultural Perspectives on Dignity, Bioethics, and Human Rights.María Isabel Cornejo-Plaza & Darryl Macer - 2016 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 26 (3):90-94.
    The concept of dignity is the foundation of fundamental rights expressed in international declarations on human rights and bioethics. Sometimes there are collisions of rights, which must be weighed. However, more often dignity is invoked in order to argue for or against the same issue. Is it possible that a concept can be so broad that it becomes meaningless? What do we mean when we argue for moral decisions based on dignity? This paper aims at understanding dignity as a construct, (...)
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  37. Call for papers Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences.Boston Park Plaza - 1992 - Human Studies 15 (166).
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    Ee.uu.: La consciencia constitucional como herramienta de salvación.José Luis Abián Plaza - 2008 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 42:231-237.
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    Origen mítico del mundo y del hombre.Gabriel Plaza Molina - 1962 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Mundi.
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    La investigación teatral: recepción, receptividad y fantasía del investigador.Patricio Rodríguez-Plaza - 2014 - Aisthesis 56:193-209.
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  41. Emotion Analysis in NLP: Trends, Gaps and Roadmap for Future Directions.Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco, Alba Curry & Amanda Cercas Curry - forthcoming - Arxiv.
    Emotions are a central aspect of communication. Consequently, emotion analysis (EA) is a rapidly growing field in natural language processing (NLP). However, there is no consensus on scope, direction, or methods. In this paper, we conduct a thorough review of 154 relevant NLP publications from the last decade. Based on this review, we address four different questions: (1) How are EA tasks defined in NLP? (2) What are the most prominent emotion frameworks and which emotions are modeled? (3) Is the (...)
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    Women and the Workplace. Collaborative Networks of Women Geneticists in Mexico in the 1960s and early 1970s.Ana Barahona - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):201-222.
    This paper will address the collaborative networks and the gendered organization of the scientific work at the first Unit on Human Genetics of the Mexican Institute for Social Security. There, women and men had different tasks, duties and authority according to their gender and individual and professional skills. I will focus on physician Susana Kofman, who specialized in cytogenetics with Jérôme Lejeune and Jean de Grouchy in France, and physician Leonor Buentello, who graduated in virus genetics in Germany. This narrative (...)
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    Competencia digital del profesorado universitario.Andrés Cisneros-Barahona, Luis Marqués Molías, Nicolay Samaniego Erazo, María Uvidia Fassler, Wilson Castro-Ortiz & Pablo Rosas-Chávez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-25.
    Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura localizada en Scopus sobre la competencia digital (CD) del profesorado universitario; con ayuda de la metodología PRISMA y operadores se delimitó la investigación a través de tesauros de Eric. Los autores/entidades españolas resaltan en la temática, existen esfuerzos orientados al diseño, validación y aplicación de rúbricas a nivel mundial. Los abordajes predominantemente son cuantitativos. La investigación fortalece el entendimiento sobre la CD, existe un efecto positivo otorgado por las CD docentes en la (...)
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    El progreso biológico.Ana Barahona & Francisco J. Ayala - 1997 - Arbor 158 (623-624):251-268.
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    Radiation Risk in Cold War Mexico: Local and Global Networks.Ana Barahona - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (2):245-270.
    After WWII, global concerns about the uses of nuclear energy and radiation sources in agriculture, medicine, and industry brought about calls for radiation protection. At the beginning of the 1960s radiation protection involved the identification and measurement of all sources of radiation to which a population was exposed, and the evaluation and assessment of populations in terms of the biological hazard their exposure posed. Mexico was not an exception to this international trend. This paper goes back to the origins of (...)
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  46.  17
    Rosmini on Kant’s Foundation of Ethics.Ramón Caro Plaza - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:128-151.
    What are the signs from which we get our bearings in life? Can we count on some objective point of reference? In this paper I explore two ways in which those questions can be answered. Each one represents a different paradigm in relation to the bases of action. Kant seeks objectivity without object-in-itself and a moral law independent of empirical reality. Rosmini claims that moral objectivity comes from an ideal object which, in turn, is linked with reality. The third part (...)
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    Measuring Stakeholder Integration: Knowledge, Interaction and Adaptational Behavior Dimensions.José A. Plaza-Úbeda, Jerónimo de Burgos-Jiménez & Eva Carmona-Moreno - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (3):419 - 442.
    Stakeholder Theory combines the pursuance of business goals and responsibility toward a firm's stakeholders. Despite the wealth of research on Stakeholder Orientation, we still have much to learn about specific measurements for several related constructs. In this study, we draw on two samples of 129 and 151 Spanish firms, respectively, to investigate CEOs' perceptions on Stakeholder Integration (SI), leading to the identification of three dimensions of the construct. In this respect, our study suggests that Knowledge of Stakeholders, Interactions between a (...)
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  48. Definição da definição.Constança Barahona - 2013 - Filosofia Antiga E Medieval (Encontro Nacional Anpof).
    A discussão nos livros dos Tópicos giram em torno dos debates dialéticos e seus elementos. Aristóteles discorre sobre os gêneros, as propriedades e os chamados acidentes e suas relações predicativas em categorias. Interessa-nos, sobretudo, compreender o papel desempenhado pela Definição e qual sua relação com os demais instrumentos para a dialética.
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    A Concise History of Asperger Syndrome: The Short Reign of a Troublesome Diagnosis.J. B. Barahona-Corrêa & Carlos N. Filipe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  50. ¿Derechos Humanos con genitivo?Elena Martínez Barahona - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (447):147-152.
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