Results for 'Bar Horing'

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  1.  17
    The Decline in Task Performance After Witnessing Rudeness Is Moderated by Emotional Empathy—A Pilot Study.Gadi Gilam, Bar Horing, Ronny Sivan, Noam Weinman & Sean C. Mackey - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Couple of Novelties in the Propositional Calculus.C. A. R. Hóre - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (9-12):173-178.
  3.  23
    Cerebellar arm ataxia: Theories still have a lot to explain.J. Hore - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):457.
  4. Speaking My Mind: Expression and Self-Knowledge.Dorit Bar-On - 2004 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Dorit Bar-On develops and defends a novel view of avowals and self-knowledge. Drawing on resources from the philosophy of language, the theory of action, epistemology, and the philosophy of mind, she offers original and systematic answers to many long-standing questions concerning our ability to know our own minds. We are all very good at telling what states of mind we are in at a given moment. When it comes to our own present states of mind, what we say goes; an (...)
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    Extensionalism: The Revolution in Logic.Nimrod Bar-Am - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    a single life-span. Philosophers, then, do not see more or know more, and they do not see less or know less. They aim to see less detail and more of the abstract. Their details, if you like, are abstractions. Walking on God’s earth as a pedestrian, as a farmer working his fields or as a passer-by, one’s picture of one’s surroundings is every bit as intelligent as that of the pilot riding the sky. The views of the field are radically (...)
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  6. The proactive brain: using analogies and associations to generate predictions.Moshe Bar - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (7):280-289.
  7.  42
    Free choice, simplification, and Innocent Inclusion.Moshe E. Bar-Lev & Danny Fox - 2020 - Natural Language Semantics 28 (3):175-223.
    We propose a modification of the exhaustivity operator from Fox Presupposition and implicature in compositional semantics, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp 71–120, 2007. that on top of negating all the Innocently Excludable alternatives affirms all the ‘Innocently Includable’ ones. The main result of supplementing the notion of Innocent Exclusion with that of Innocent Inclusion is that it allows the exhaustivity operator to identify cells in the partition induced by the set of alternatives whenever possible. We argue for this property of (...)
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    Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy; Proceedings. Edited by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1965 - North-Holland Pub. Co.
  9. Crude Meaning, Brute Thought.Dorit Bar-On - 2019 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 7 (2):29-46.
    I address here the question what sense to make of the idea that there can be thought prior to language. I begin by juxtaposing two familiar and influential philosophical views, one associated with the work of Paul Grice, the other associated with the work of Donald Davidson. Grice and Davidson share a broad, rationalist perspective on language and thought, but they endorse conflicting theses on the relation between them. Whereas, for Grice, thought of an especially complex sort is a precondition (...)
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    An Implicature account of Homogeneity and Non-maximality.Moshe E. Bar-Lev - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (5):1045-1097.
    I provide arguments in favor of an implicature approach to Homogeneity where the basic meaning of the kids laughed is some of the kids laughed, and its strengthened meaning is all of the kids laughed. The arguments come from asymmetries between positive and negatives sentences containing definite plurals with respect to children’s behavior, the availability of Non-maximal readings, and the robustness of neither-true-nor-false judgments :205–248, 2015). I propose to avoid some problems of Magri’s analysis by modeling the Implicature account of (...)
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    A theory of pairs for non-valuational structures.Elitzur Bar-Yehuda, Assaf Hasson & Ya’Acov Peterzil - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2):664-683.
    Given a weakly o-minimal structure${\cal M}$and its o-minimal completion$\bar{{\cal M}}$, we first associate to$\bar{{\cal M}}$a canonical language and then prove thatTh$\left$determines$Th\left$. We then investigate the theory of the pair$\left$in the spirit of the theory of dense pairs of o-minimal structures, and prove, among other results, that it is near model complete, and every definable open subset of${\bar{M}^n}$is already definable in$\bar{{\cal M}}$.We give an example of a weakly o-minimal structure interpreting$\bar{{\cal M}}$and show that it is not elementarily equivalent to any reduct (...)
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  12. The Euthyphro Challenge in Metasemantics.Bar Luzon - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (1):217-237.
    This paper argues that functionalist metasemantic views, such as Conceptual Role Semantics and Interpretivism, face a Euthyphro challenge. The challenge, put roughly, is this: functionalist metasemantic views reverse the order of explanation. According to such views, representational mental states have the contents that they do partly because they play certain roles in our mental lives. According to an intuitive picture of the roles that representational mental states play in our mental lives, however, these states play the roles they do partly (...)
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    The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (4):596-600.
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  14. Epistemic Akrasia and Treacherous Propositions.Bar Luzon - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    I argue that one ought not be epistemically akratic. Although this position may look self-evident, it is hard to pin down exactly what’s wrong with the akratic subject. Indeed, some philosophers argue that epistemic akrasia is permissible. The standard anti-akratic response focuses on the weird downstream implications of this state for action and assertion. This approach, however, is unsatisfactory, since it fails to explain the epistemic impermissibility of epistemic akrasia. Here, I argue that epistemic akrasia is impermissible on a purely (...)
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    When time slows down: The influence of threat on time perception in anxiety.Yair Bar-Haim, Aya Kerem, Dominique Lamy & Dan Zakay - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (2):255-263.
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    A cognitive neuroscience hypothesis of mood and depression.Moshe Bar - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (11):456.
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    Language and Information.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):382-385.
  18. Solipsism, Intersubjectivity and Lebenswelt.A. Zvie Bar-On - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 48:167-174.
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    The impact of subliminal effect images in voluntary vs. stimulus-driven actions.Solène Le Bars, Yi-Fang Hsu & Florian Waszak - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):6-15.
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  20. Semantic information.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel & Rudolf Carnap - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (14):147-157.
  21. Losing grip on the third realm: against naive realism for intuitions.Bar Luzon & Preston J. Werner - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):435-444.
    Naive realism in philosophy of perception is the view that (successful) perception involves a direct relation between perceiving subjects and the world. The naive realist says that your perception of a cat on the mat is a worldly relation which is partially constituted by the cat and the mat; a spatio-temporal chunk of the world is presenting itself to you. Recently, Elijah Chudnoff and John Bengson have independently developed an extension of this view to intellectual experiences, or intuitions, for traditionally (...)
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  22. First-Person Authority: Dualism, Constitutivism, and Neo-Expressivism.Dorit Bar-On - 2009 - Erkenntnis 71 (1):53-71.
    What I call “Rorty’s Dilemma” has us caught between the Scylla of Cartesian Dualism and the Charybdis of eliminativism about the mental. Proper recognition of what is distinctively mental requires accommodating incorrigibility about our mental states, something Rorty thinks materialists cannot do. So we must either countenance mental states over and above physical states in our ontology, or else give up altogether on the mental as a distinct category. In section 2, “Materialist Introspectionism—Independence and Epistemic Authority”, I review reasons for (...)
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    Yeni-Aristotelesçi Bir Bakış Açısıyla Hayvanlar ve Hayvanlığımız.Barış Mutlu - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:2):511-580.
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    Capitalisation, motivational effectiveness, and regulatory mode: a daily diary study of romantic partners.Bar Rehani & Eran Bar-Kalifa - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):616-629.
    Positive events play an essential role in people’s wellbeing. Capitalisation – disclosing such events to others – bolsters such salutary effects. To understand capitalisation-related motivational processes in romantic partners’ daily lives, we adopted Higgins’ motivational perspective; namely, that people’s primary motivation is to feel effective with respect to Value (achieving the desired outcome), Truth (understanding what is true), and Control (managing what happens). We were particularly interested in clarifying how these aspects of effectiveness are reflected in people’s daily positive experiences, (...)
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  25. Origins of Meaning: Must We ‘Go Gricean’?Dorit Bar-on - 2013 - Mind and Language 28 (3):342-375.
    The task of explaining language evolution is often presented by leading theorists in explicitly Gricean terms. After a critical evaluation, I present an alternative, non‐Gricean conceptualization of the task. I argue that, while it may be true that nonhuman animals, in contrast to language users, lack the ‘motive to share information’ understoodà laGrice, nonhuman animals nevertheless do express states of mind through complex nonlinguistic behavior. On a proper, non‐Gricean construal of expressive communication, this means that they show to their designated (...)
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  26. Lashon, Mahashavah, Hevrah Kovets Mukdash le-Zikhro Shel Yehoshu a Bar-Hilel.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel & Yehuda Melzer - 1978 - Hotsa at Sefarim Al-Shem Y.L. Magnes, Ha-Universitah Ha- Ivrit ; T"a [I.E. Tel-Aviv] : Ha-Mekhirah Ha-Rashit, Yavneh.
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  27. Language in Focus: Foundations, Methods, and Systems. Essays in Memory of Yehoshua Bar-Hillel.A. Kasher & Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1978 - Studia Logica 37 (1):129-131.
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    Expression and self-knowledge.Dorit Bar-On - 2023 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Crispin Wright.
    This Great Debates volume grew out of exchanges that followed the 2012 publication of a Festschrift volume for Crispin Wright, just over a decade ago (Coliva 2012). As often happens in Philosophy, the process of trying to clarify and iron out apparently local points of disagreement between us has unearthed deeper divergences concerning larger issues in the philosophy of language and mind, in epistemology, and in the theory of action. Such is our profession.
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  29. The base-rate fallacy in probability judgments.Maya Bar-Hillel - 1980 - Acta Psychologica 44 (3):211-233.
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  30. Indexical expressions.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1954 - Mind 63 (251):359-379.
  31.  16
    İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sırasında Türkiye-Sovyetler Birliği İlişkileri ve Türkiyenin Amerika Birleşik D.Barış Ertem - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):157-157.
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    Neo-Expressivism: (Self-)Knowledge, Meaning, and Truth.Dorit Bar-On - 2019 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 86:11-34.
    Philosophers are often interested in explaining significant contrasts between ordinary descriptive discourses, on the one hand, and discourses – such as ethics, mathematics, or mentalistic discourse – that are thought to be more problematic in various ways. But certain strategies for ‘saving the differences’ can make it too difficult to preserve notable similarities across discourses. My own preference is for strategies that ‘save the differences’ without sacrificing logico-semantic continuities or committing to deflationism about truth, but also without embracing either truth-pluralism (...)
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  33. Radical Interpretation and Indeterminacy.D. Bar-On - 2005 - Mind 114 (454):429-435.
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    On Shmuel Hugo Bergman's Philosophy.A. Zvie Bar-On (ed.) - 1986 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Brill | Rodopi.
    Also published as Vol. 24 in _Grazer Philosophische Studien_.
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  35. Reason and reasoning: Husserl's way.A. Zvie Bar-on - 1993 - Analecta Husserliana 39:33-40.
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  36. The Reality and Structure of Time: A Neo-Hegelian Paradox in the Conceptual Network of Phenomenology.A. Zvie Bar-on - 1990 - Analecta Husserliana 31:417-431.
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  37. Indexical Expressions. Y. Bar-Hillel - 1954 - Mind 63:359.
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  38. (1 other version)Ethical Neo-Expressivism.Dorit Bar-On & Matthew Chrisman - 2009 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 4:133-166.
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  39. Pragmatic Interpretation and Signaler-Receiver Asymmetries in Animal Communication.Dorit Bar-On & Richard Moore - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge. pp. 291-300.
    Researchers have converged on the idea that a pragmatic understanding of communication can shed important light on the evolution of language. Accordingly, animal communication scientists have been keen to adopt insights from pragmatics research. Some authors couple their appeal to pragmatic aspects of communication with the claim that there are fundamental asymmetries between signalers and receivers in non-human animals. For example, in the case of primate vocal calls, signalers are said to produce signals unintentionally and mindlessly, whereas receivers are thought (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Speaking my mind.Dorit Bar-On - 2000 - Philsophical Topics 28 (2):1-34.
  41. Expressive Communication and Continuity Skepticism.Dorit Bar-On - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (6):293-330.
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    Bolzano's Definition of Analytic Propositions.Yehoshoua Bar-Hillel - 1950 - Theoria 16 (2):91-117.
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    Agents' pivotality and reward fairness modulate sense of agency in cooperative joint action.Solène Le Bars, Alexandre Devaux, Tena Nevidal, Valérian Chambon & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2020 - Cognition 195 (C):104117.
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    Language and Information; Selected Essays on Their Theory and Application.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1966 - Foundations of Language 2 (2):192-199.
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    Logic, methodology and philosophy of science.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (ed.) - 1965 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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    The Studies About The Epic Of Oğuz Kaan.M. Emin Bars - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:224-240.
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    The Interplay of Social Identity and Norm Psychology in the Evolution of Human Groups.Kati Kish Bar-On & Ehud Lamm - 2023 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378 (20210412).
    People’s attitudes towards social norms play a crucial role in understanding group behavior. Norm psychology accounts focus on processes of norm internalization that influence people’s norm following attitudes but pay considerably less attention to social identity and group identification processes. Social identity theory in contrast studies group identity but works with a relatively thin and instrumental notion of social norms. We argue that to best understand both sets of phenomena, it is important to integrate the insights of both approaches. Social (...)
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  48. The Need for Abstract Entities in Semantic Analysis.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1951 - Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 80 (1):100-112.
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    Avowals and First‐Person Privilege.Douglas C. Long Dorit Bar‐on - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (2):311-335.
    When people avow their present feelings, sensations, thoughts, etc., they enjoy what may be called “first‐person privilege.” If I now said: “I have a headache,” or “I'm thinking about Venice,” I would be taken at my word: I would normally not be challenged. According to one prominent approach, this privilege is due to a special epistemic access we have to our own present states of mind. On an alternative, deflationary approach the privilege merely reflects a socio‐linguistic convention governing avowals. We (...)
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    Varieties of Expressivism.James Sias Dorit Bar‐on - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (8):699-713.
    After offering a characterization of what unites versions of ‘expressivism’, we highlight a number of dimensions along which expressivist views should be distinguished. We then separate four theses often associated with expressivism – a positive expressivist thesis, a positive constitutivist thesis, a negative ontological thesis, and a negative semantic thesis – and describe how traditional expressivists have attempted to incorporate them. We argue that expressivism in its traditional form may be fatally flawed, but that expressivists nonetheless have the resources for (...)
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