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Berge Solberg [14]B. Solberg [2]Bodil Solberg [1]Bonnita Doreen Solberg [1]
  1.  31
    Postponed Withholding: Balanced Decision-Making at the Margins of Viability.Janicke Syltern, Lars Ursin, Berge Solberg & Ragnhild Støen - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):15-26.
    Advances in neonatology have led to improved survival for periviable infants. Immaturity still carries a high risk of short- and long-term harms, and uncertainty turns provision of life support int...
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  2.  65
    We’re not in it for the money—lay people’s moral intuitions on commercial use of ‘their’ biobank.Kristin Solum Steinsbekk, Lars Øystein Ursin, John-Arne Skolbekken & Berge Solberg - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):151-162.
    Great hope has been placed on biobank research as a strategy to improve diagnostics, therapeutics and prevention. It seems to be a common opinion that these goals cannot be reached without the participation of commercial actors. However, commercial use of biobanks is considered morally problematic and the commercialisation of human biological materials is regulated internationally by policy documents, conventions and laws. For instance, the Council of Europe recommends that: “Biological materials should not, as such, give rise to financial gain”. Similarly, (...)
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  3.  45
    Being Polite: Why Biobank Consent Comprehension Is Neither a Requirement nor an Aspiration.Berge Solberg & Lars Ursin - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):31-33.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 31-33.
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    Biobanks--When is Re-consent Necessary?K. S. Steinsbekk & B. Solberg - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (3):236-250.
    The unknown nature of tomorrow’s research makes informed consent in biobank research a challenge. Whether the consent given by biobank participants is ‘broad’ or ‘narrow’, the ever present question remains the same: are new activities covered by the original consent? In this article, we focus on the meaning of, and the relation between, broad consent and re-consent in biobank research. We argue that broad consent should be understood as consenting to a framework—a framework which covers aims, core conditions for acceptable (...)
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  5.  26
    Frykten for et samfunn uten Downs syndrom.Berge Solberg - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):33-52.
    Det er muligens ikke lenger et spørsmål om, men når mennesker med Downs syndrom ikke lenger finnes blant oss. Moderne medisinsk teknologi brukt i masseundersøkelser av gravide, tilsier at det nesten ikke behøver å bli født mennesker med Downs syndrom i fremtiden. I den politiske debatten i flere av de nordiske landene er dette kontroversielt. Det handler om et samfunn der det er plass til alle, hevdes det. På samme tid tas moderne genteknologi i bruk for bl.a. å forhindre at (...)
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  6.  58
    Getting beyond the welfare of the child in assisted reproduction.B. Solberg - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6):373-376.
    The welfare of the child is the prevailing principle and concern regarding access to assisted reproduction in Western countries today, and there is a wish to avoid harm to future children. New research fields have developed in order to provide scientific evidence on the welfare of children living with different “types” of parents. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) seems to be heading in a responsible direction where the care and concern for future children is vital. However, the claim of this article (...)
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  7. A practical checklist for return of results from genomic research in the European context.Danya F. Vears, Signe Mežinska, Nina Hallowell, Heidi Beate Hallowell, Bridget Ellul, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, , Berge Solberg, Angeliki Kerasidou, Shona M. Kerr, Michaela Th Mayrhofer, Elizabeth Ormondroyd, Birgitte Wirum Sand & Isabelle Budin-Ljøsne - 2023 - European Journal of Human Genetics 1:1-9.
    An increasing number of European research projects return, or plan to return, individual genomic research results (IRR) to participants. While data access is a data subject’s right under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and many legal and ethical guidelines allow or require participants to receive personal data generated in research, the practice of returning results is not straightforward and raises several practical and ethical issues. Existing guidelines focusing on return of IRR are mostly project-specific, only discuss which results to (...)
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  8.  30
    Attitudes to prenatal screening among Norwegian citizens: liberality, ambivalence and sensitivity.Morten Magelssen, Berge Solberg, Magne Supphellen & Guttorm Haugen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-8.
    Norway’s liberal abortion law allows for abortion on social indications, yet access to screening for fetal abnormalities is restricted. Norwegian regulation of, and public discourse about prenatal screening and diagnosis has been exceptional. In this study, we wanted to investigate whether the exceptional regulation is mirrored in public attitudes. An electronic questionnaire with 11 propositions about prenatal screening and diagnosis was completed by 1617 Norwegian adults (response rate 8.5%). A majority of respondents supports increased access to prenatal screening with ultrasound (...)
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  9. Gen-etikken – historien om etikken som ikke lot seg anvende?Berge Solberg - 2003 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 38 (1-2):133-146.
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    When is normative recruitment legitimate?Lars Øystein Ursin & Berge Solberg - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):93-113.
    Rosamond Rhodes and John Harris have both recently argued that we all have a general moral duty to participate in medical research. However, neither Rhodes' nor Harris' arguments in support of this obligation stand up to scrutiny, and severe and convincing criticism has been levelled against their case. Still, to refute their arguments is not to refute the conclusion. There seems to be some truth in the view that when people are asked to take part in medical research, their choice (...)
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  11. Leder.Bjørn Myskja, Rune Nydal & Berge Solberg - 2007 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):3-9.
    Velkommen til Etikk i praksis – Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics. Gjennom dette tidsskriftet ønsker vi å bidra til bedre kontakt mellom forskere innenfor anvendt etikk i Norden. Det finnes et økende antall forskere som arbeider med anvendte etiske problemstillinger, og anvendt etikk har blitt et tverrfaglig forskningsfelt i alle nordiske land. Etikk i praksis har som mål å gjøre den anvendte etikken i Norden sterkere og synligere.
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  12.  21
    Taking it to the bank: the ethical management of individual findings arising in secondary research.Mackenzie Graham, Nina Hallowell, Berge Solberg, Ari Haukkala, Joanne Holliday, Angeliki Kerasidou, Thomas Littlejohns, Elizabeth Ormondroyd, John-Arne Skolbekken & Marleena Vornanen - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):689-696.
    A rapidly growing proportion of health research uses ‘secondary data’: data used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected. Do researchers using secondary data have an obligation to disclose individual research findings to participants? While the importance of this question has been duly recognised in the context of primary research, it remains largely unexamined in the context of research using secondary data. In this paper, we critically examine the arguments for a moral obligation to disclose individual (...)
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  13.  39
    Mat – teknologi, sikkerhet og rettferdighet.Bjørn Myskja, Rune Nydal & Berge Solberg - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):1-5.
    Mat er så mangt, som David Kaplan påpeker i innledningen til The Philosophy of Food, blant annet næring, natur, kultur, et sosialt gode, åndelighet, begjærsgjenstand og estetisk objekt. Ikke minst er det et politisk tema på så mange måter. Derfor inviterte vi til et temanummer om matens etikk, for det er lite som berører våre liv så sterkt og fundamentalt som mat. Det er et område som til alle tider har hatt tydelige etiske regler, både hva man kan og ikke (...)
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  14.  27
    Mangfold og felles utfordringer i anvendt etikk.Rune Nydal, Berge Solberg & Bjørn Myskja - 2007 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):1-3.
    Da dette tidsskriftet ble etablert for seks år siden, var det ut fra tanken om at det finnes noen felles problemstillinger innen etikk og politikk som får en spesiell karakter i nordiske land. Den velferdsmodellen vi har utviklet innenfor rammene av et deltakende demokrati, gir vilkår for debatten som vi ikke deler fullt ut med de fleste andre demokrati i verden. Mange av de artiklene vi har trykket i disse årene, har vist betydningen av denne nordiske konteksten. Det gjelder også (...)
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  15.  65
    Nanoetikk og annen positiv etikk.Rune Nydal, Bjørn Myskja & Berge Solberg - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):3-9.
    Dette nummeret av Etikk i praksis fokuserer på et av de største, om ikke det største, satsningsområdet vi har sett innenfor forskningsverdenen. Det handler om nanoteknologi, et felt som forventes å få betydelige positive samfunnsmessige konsekvenser i form av industriutvikling og forbedrede produkter for befolkningen. Nanoteknologien er et omfattende og uoversiktlig fagfelt, der det viktigste felles kjennetegnet er at en opererer med strukturer som er 100 nanometer eller mindre. Materialer i denne størrelsesorden har endrete egenskaper som innebærer en rekke nye (...)
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  16.  17
    Infra-low frequency neurofeedback in application to Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders: A clinical case series.Bodil Solberg & Erlend Solberg - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    We describe our clinical experience in treating patients with Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders using infra-low frequency neurofeedback, often in conjunction with cognitive behavior therapy. Following a narrative description of our approach, we present outcome data for 100 successive cases. Many of the children and adolescents that we have treated since 2005 did not derive sufficient benefit from standard treatment for Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders. In our clinical experience, based on extensive before- and after- testing and symptom (...)
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  17.  37
    Profesjonsetiske utfordringer.Berge Solberg, Rune Nydal & Bjørn Myskja - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):3-6.
    Dette nummeret av Etikk i praksis er i utgangspunktet ikke et temanummer. Profesjonsetiske utfordringer synes likevel å utgjøre et gjennomgangstema i de fleste av artiklene som utgis i dette nummeret. Det er en påminnelse om at en aldri blir ferdig med etiske problemstillinger innenfor et fagfelt, siden fagfeltene og profesjonelle oppgaver samt forventninger til profesjonen forandres hele tiden.
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