Results for 'B. Ramírez'

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  1.  21
    An Ontology of Software: Series, Structure and Function.Jorge Francisco Maldonado Serrano, Dairon Alfonso Rodríguez Ramírez, Paul B. Caceres & Johann Farith Petit Suárez - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 51:115-132.
    This article proposes a guideline to develop an ontology of software. The first section gives a brief introduction to the importance of such ontology as a possible conceptual grounding for the philosophy of software, philosophy of computing and philosophy of information. The second section presents the background of the scope of this article in terms of both a symbolic and materialistic approach to software. The third section deploys the basic guidelines with the expositions of the two dimensions of software: the (...)
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  2. The Phenomenological Approach to News Writing: An Innovation.Glenn G. Pajares, Nestor Godofredo B. Ramirez & Percia A. Leyte - 2013 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 4 (1).
    The orthodox way of Mass Communication and Journalism education is to letstudents undergo three years of lecture and have their internship on the fourth orlast year of their college life. The process is effective, but there is a faster and a moreeffective way to learn news writing. The phenomenological Approach to writing newswould allow students to learn the rudiments of writing news article through thereverse process of immersion to the field and later expound the phenomena thatthey went through during their (...)
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    Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Cutting Edge Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Neuromodulation, Neuroethics, Pain, Interventional Psychiatry, Epilepsy, and Traumatic Brain Injury.Joshua K. Wong, Günther Deuschl, Robin Wolke, Hagai Bergman, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa, Sameer A. Sheth, Helen M. Bronte-Stewart, Kevin B. Wilkins, Matthew N. Petrucci, Emilia Lambert, Yasmine Kehnemouyi, Philip A. Starr, Simon Little, Juan Anso, Ro’ee Gilron, Lawrence Poree, Giridhar P. Kalamangalam, Gregory A. Worrell, Kai J. Miller, Nicholas D. Schiff, Christopher R. Butson, Jaimie M. Henderson, Jack W. Judy, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Kelly D. Foote, Peter A. Silburn, Luming Li, Genko Oyama, Hikaru Kamo, Satoko Sekimoto, Nobutaka Hattori, James J. Giordano, Diane DiEuliis, John R. Shook, Darin D. Doughtery, Alik S. Widge, Helen S. Mayberg, Jungho Cha, Kisueng Choi, Stephen Heisig, Mosadolu Obatusin, Enrico Opri, Scott B. Kaufman, Prasad Shirvalkar, Christopher J. Rozell, Sankaraleengam Alagapan, Robert S. Raike, Hemant Bokil, David Green & Michael S. Okun - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    DBS Think Tank IX was held on August 25–27, 2021 in Orlando FL with US based participants largely in person and overseas participants joining by video conferencing technology. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 and provides an open platform where clinicians, engineers and researchers can freely discuss current and emerging deep brain stimulation technologies as well as the logistical and ethical issues facing the field. The consensus among the DBS Think Tank IX speakers was that DBS expanded in (...)
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    Metodología para la estimación de la incertidumbre en mediciones directas.R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique, José del Carmén Gómez Espíndola, B. Ramírez & Andrés Felipe - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Diseño de un procedimiento para el cálculo de incertidumbre en mediciones indirectas.R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique, José del Carmén Gómez Espíndola, B. Ramírez & Andrés Felipe - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  6. Reseña de Transformaciones sociopolíticas recientes en América Latina de Álvaro B. Márquez Fernández y Zulia C. Díaz Montiel.Daniel Ramos Ramírez - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (33).
  7.  10
    Cuerpo, tecnología y control en la era farmacopornográfica.Celeste Florencia Ramirez - 2024 - Revista Ethika+ 9:75-101.
    Este artículo se propone analizar la producción tecnopolítica del cuerpo en la era farmacopornográfica, siguiendo las propuestas teóricas de Paul B. Preciado. En primer lugar se presenta el régimen disciplinario donde los procedimientos de vigilancia y control son exteriores al cuerpo. En un segundo momento, se analiza la constitución de un régimen somatopolítico de subjetividad, denominado farmacopornográfico, en el cual se utilizan tecnologías microprostéticas de control. A continuación, se señalan las principales tecnologías que crean, reproducen y consolidan un determinado sujeto (...)
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  8.  20
    Definable Functions and Stratifications in Power-Bounded T -Convex Fields.Erick García Ramírez - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (3):441-465.
    We study properties of definable sets and functions in power-bounded T -convex fields, proving that the latter have the multidimensional Jacobian property and that the theory of T -convex fields is b -minimal with centers. Through these results and work of I. Halupczok we ensure that a certain kind of geometrical stratifications exist for definable objects in said fields. We then discuss a number of applications of those stratifications, including applications to Archimedean o-minimal geometry.
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    The Ouroboros Threat.Joseph Michael Vukov, Tera Lynn Joseph, Gina Lebkuecher, Michelle Ramirez & Michael B. Burns - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):58-60.
    Jorge Luis Borges introduces the mythical ouroboros as follows: “A third-century Greek amulet, to be found today in the British Museum, gives us an image that can better illustrate that infinitude:...
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  10.  54
    Regla de la mayoría, democracia deliberativa E igualdad política.Federico Arcos Ramírez - 2012 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 46:13-36.
    E l conflict o entr e l a democraci a a g r e gat iva (basad a e n e l v alo r igualitari o d e l a r e gla d e l a m a y oría ) y l a deliberat iva (centrad a e n l a fuerz a epistémic a de l mejo r a r gumento) constitu ye un a d e la s principale s tensione s d e l a (...)
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    A Nelsonian Response to ‘the Most Embarrassing of All Twelfth-century Arguments’.Luis Estrada-González & Elisángela Ramírez-Cámara - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (2):101-113.
    Alberic of Paris put forward an argument, ‘the most embarrassing of all twelfth-century arguments’ according to Christopher Martin, which shows that the connexive principles contradict some other logical principles that have become deeply entrenched in our most widely accepted logical theories. Building upon some of Everett Nelson’s ideas, we will show that the steps in Alberic of Paris’ argument that should be rejected are precisely the ones that presuppose the validity of schemas that are nowadays taken as some of the (...)
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  12.  65
    Leclercq, Jean, O. S. B., Saint Pierre Damien, Ermite et Homme d’Église. [REVIEW]E. Ramirez - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):183-183.
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  13. Separating Einstein's separability.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:138-149.
    In this paper, I accomplish a conceptual task and a historical task. The conceptual task is to argue that (1) Einstein’s Principle of Separability (henceforth “separability”) is not a supervenience principle and that (2) separability and entanglement are compatible. I support (1) by showing that the conclusion of Einstein’s incompleteness argument would still follow even if one assumes that the state of a composite system does not supervene on the states of the subsystems, and by showing that what Einstein says (...)
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  14.  28
    Ramirez, S. La Filosofia de Ortega y Gasset. Barcelona: Herder, 1958. 474 pp. $4.90. [REVIEW]L. K. B. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (4):666.
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  15. Causation and the conservation of energy in general relativity.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez, James Read & Andres Paez - forthcoming - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Consensus in the contemporary philosophical literature has it that conserved quantity theories of causation such as that of Dowe [2000]—according to which causation is to be analysed in terms of the exchange of conserved quantities (e.g., energy)—face damning problems when confronted with contemporary physics, where the notion of conservation becomes delicate. In particular, in general relativity it is often claimed that there simply are no conservation laws for (say) total-stress energy. If this claim is correct, it is difficult to see (...)
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  16. Impact of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 on the five main indigenous language-speaking areas in Veracruz Mexico: The case of the Totonacapan area.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Hilario Medel-López - manuscript
    The importance of the working document is that it allows the analysis of the information and the status of cases associated with (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 as open data at the municipal, state and national level, with a daily record of patients, according to a age, sex, comorbidities, for the condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negative, c) Suspicious. Likewise, it presents information related to the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to (...)
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  17. Impact of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 on the five main indigenous language-speaking areas in Veracruz Mexico: The case of the Otomi of the Ixhuatlan de Madero area.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Hilario Medel-López - manuscript
    The importance of the working document is that it allows the analysis of the information and the status of cases associated with (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 as open data at the municipal, state and national level, with a daily record of patients, according to a age, sex, comorbidities, for the condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negative, c) Suspicious. Likewise, it presents information related to the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to (...)
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  18.  16
    Crísipo de solós y los indemostrables.Alejandro Ramírez Figueroa - 2018 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 74:193-214.
    Resumen: De acuerdo con los principales enfoques al respecto (Sexto, Diógenes Laercio, Galeno, B.Mates, Long, Bochenski, Lukasiewicz) la lógica (dialéctica) de los estoicos es principalmente un sistema deductivo, lo que, en términos actuales, ha sido visto como un sistema de lógica proposicional. La obra de Crísipo acerca de los cinco argumentos indemostrables constituye la principal base de dicho sistema. En este artículo se examina la naturaleza de dichos cinco indemostrables así como el llamando teorema de Antipatro y los esquemas básicos (...)
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  19.  35
    La condition d’ouverture et l’état d’élancement vers : Métaphysique de la vie chez Hegel.Juan Pablo Ramírez Giraldo - 2014 - Universitas Philosophica 31 (62).
    Este artículo propone una lectura metafísica de tres problemas que atraviesan el corazón de la Fenomenología del Espíritu: a) la condición de abertura constitutiva del espíritu; b) el Deseo como estado de dirección Hacia; y c) la vida como condición de abertura y como estado de dirección Hacia: la VIDA. Para llegar a la elaboración de esta clave de lectura, dividiremos el presente estudio en tres recorridos organizados a partir de dos figuras coordinadas: en el primero, trataremos de caracterizar la (...)
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  20.  10
    Transformaciones políticas en México. Un diálogo con Virginia Aspe.Hugo Saúl Ramírez-García & Jaime Olaiz-González - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:459-474.
    In “The Political Dilemmas of Mexico’s Transformations: A Philosophical Approach”, Virginia Aspe explores the character of political transformations in Mexico addressing the following questions: a) What does the notion “political transformation of Mexico” entail? b) What are the philosophical arguments behind the three political transformations that Mexico has experienced since the 19th century? c) What are the political arguments with which the so-called “fourth political transformation” of Mexico is being promoted? Our article offers a series of arguments to begin a (...)
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  21.  26
    Role of Emotional Appraisal in Episodic Memory in a Sample of Argentinean Preschoolers.Eliana Ruetti, María Soledad Segretin, Verónica Adriana Ramírez & Sebastian J. Lipina - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:434151.
    Emotional processing and episodic memory are closely related throughout childhood development. With respect to emotional episodic memory, available evidence shows that the consolidation of information is accompanied by an arousal that generates longer duration and persistence of the memory representations. In the case of early stages of development (i.e., first 5 years), it is less clear how these associations emerge and are modulated by individual and environmental factors. In this study, 116 4- to 5-years old Argentinean children from different socio-environmental (...)
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  22.  23
    Del pequeño Albert a la situación extraña.Cristopher Yáñez-Urbina, Claudia Calquín Donoso & Carlos Ramírez Vargas - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:149-163.
    El artículo problematiza el abordaje de la ética en la investigación en psicología con infancias en el siglo XX y su articulación con los códigos y principios éticos. Se elaboran tres puntos de inflexión con la literatura en la materia, a saber: (1) un cuestionamiento en la producción de universales que ponen siempre la exclusión de un singular susceptible de ser sometido a suplicio, (2) desplazamiento de la idea de que existe una buena y una mala lectura de los documentos (...)
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  23.  19
    (1 other version)One hundred years of neurosciences in the arts and humanities, a bibliometric review.Manuel Cebral-Loureda, Jorge Sanabria-Z., Mauricio A. Ramírez-Moreno & Irina Kaminsky-Castillo - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-13.
    Background Neuroscientific approaches have historically triggered changes in the conception of creativity and artistic experience, which can be revealed by noting the intersection of these fields of study in terms of variables such as global trends, methodologies, objects of study, or application of new technologies; however, these neuroscientific approaches are still often considered as disciplines detached from the arts and humanities. In this light, the question arises as to what evidence the history of neurotechnologies provides at the intersection of creativity (...)
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  24. Modalities of feminist literary criticism on Central American literature (1980-2023).Gabriel Baltodano Román & Grethel Ramírez Villalobos - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (35).
    Este artículo delimita las principales tendencias de la crítica literaria feminista en el periodo 1980-2023. Mediante la investigación bibliográfica y el análisis documental, se caracterizan y analizan cinco modalidades específicas del trabajo crítico, realizado en el marco de los estudios literarios centroamericanos contemporáneos, a saber: (a.) las biografías y los estudios históricos sobre escritoras centroamericanas, (b.) las antologías de literatura escrita por mujeres, (c.) las traducciones de literatura femenina (d.) los trabajos monográficos, comparativos y de análisis de casos concretos y (...)
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  25.  24
    Dying in Detention: Where Are the Bioethicists?Allison B. Wolf - 2021 - In Elizabeth Victor & Laura K. Guidry-Grimes (eds.), Applying Nonideal Theory to Bioethics: Living and Dying in a Nonideal World. New York: Springer. pp. 333-355.
    In 2018, at least 12 adults and 3 children died in U.S. detention facilities. In 2017, 12 people died in U.S. detention facilities and at least 10 women filed complaints against ICE for mistreatment that led them to miscarry. At the time of this writing, 26 people have died in US Custody during the Trump Administration and 74 people have died in U.S. detention facilities between 2010 and 2018, including Raul Ernesto Morales-Ramos, Augustina Ramirez-Arreola, Moises Tino-Lopez, Jose Azurdia, and Roxana (...)
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  26.  20
    Characterization of rock material by point load strength index test and direct cut.Ernesto Patricio Feijoo Calle & Paúl Andrés Almache Rodríguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):11-22.
    The objective of this work is to establish a relationship between the cutting time in rocks, determining a speed and the point load strength index test, Is, to characterize the rock in terms of resistance and avoid sending samples to laboratories. As a first stage, on andesite samples, 5 x 5 x 10 cm test tubes were made. After the elaboration they were subjected to cutting, using an electric floor cutter and the time was evaluated. This cut was made in (...)
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  27.  25
    Identificando los limitantes de generación de efectivo: bases para una metodología de mejora continua.Igor Rivera & Juan Morúa Ramírez - 2013 - Arbor 189 (760):a016.
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  28.  49
    Raising to powers in algebraically closed fields.B. Zilber - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (02):217-238.
    We study structures on the fields of characteristic zero obtained by introducing operations of raising to power. Using Hrushovski–Fraisse construction we single out among the structures exponentially-algebraically closed once and prove, under certain Diophantine conjecture, that the first order theory of such structures is model complete and every its completion is superstable.
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    Towards the Structural Stability Theory.B. I. Zilber - 1989 - In Jens Erik Fenstad, Ivan Timofeevich Frolov & Risto Hilpinen (eds.), Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VIII: proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Moscow, 1987. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science.
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  30.  13
    Good principles, badly applied: Logical and ethical inconsistencies in selecting Qatar as a venue for the WCB.David Shaw & Gabriela Arguedas-Ramírez - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (7):659-661.
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    Associations Between Social Capital and Depressive Symptoms Among College Students in 12 Countries: Results of a Cross-National Study.Insa Backhaus, Andrea Ramirez Varela, Selina Khoo, Katja Siefken, Alyson Crozier, Edvaldo Begotaraj, Jascha Wiehn, Beth A. Lanning, Po-Hsiu Lin, Soong-Nang Jang, Luciana Zaranza Monteiro, Ali Al-Shamli, Giuseppe La Torre & Ichiro Kawachi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  32.  30
    Francis Bacon: history, politics, and science, 1561-1626.B. H. G. Wormald - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Brian Wormald provides a fundamental reappraisal of one of the most complex and innovative figures of the late-Elizabethan and Jacobean age. In the centuries since his death, Francis Bacon (1561-1626) has been perceived and studied as a promoter and prophet of the philosophy of science--natural science--but he saw himself also as a clarifier and promoter of what he called "policy" or the study and improvement of the structure and function of civil states. Mr. Wormald shows that Bacon was concerned equally (...)
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  33.  26
    The Racialized Marketing of Unhealthy Foods and Beverages: Perspectives and Potential Remedies.Anne Barnhill, A. Susana Ramírez, Marice Ashe, Amanda Berhaupt-Glickstein, Nicholas Freudenberg, Sonya A. Grier, Karen E. Watson & Shiriki Kumanyika - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):52-59.
    We propose that marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to Black and Latino consumers results from the intersection of a business model in which profits come primarily from marketing an unhealthy mix of products, standard targeted marketing strategies, and societal forces of structural racism, and contributes to health disparities.
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  34.  28
    Developing aluminum-based bulk metallic glasses.B. J. Yang, J. H. Yao, Y. S. Chao, J. Q. Wang & E. Ma - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (23):3215-3231.
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    Intentionality of perceptual experience.B. Yoon - 2000 - Erkenntnis 52 (3):339-355.
  36.  24
    Worldly Mental Calculations: An Annotated Translation of Ihara Saikaku's Seken munezan'yōWorldly Mental Calculations: An Annotated Translation of Ihara Saikaku's Seken munezan'yo.B. M. Young, Ben Befu & Ihara Saikaku - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):500.
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  37. Expérience et pouvoir.B. Zala - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (6):724-731.
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    Critical behaviour of Sn2P2S6and Sn2P26crystals under high hydrostatic pressures.B. Zapeka, M. Kostyrko, I. Martynyuk-Lototska & R. Vlokh - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (4):382-393.
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    Adaptation improves face trustworthiness discrimination.B. D. Keefe, M. Dzhelyova, D. I. Perrett & N. E. Barraclough - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    A classification and investigation of trustees in B-to-C e-commerce: General vs. specific trust.J. B. Thatcher, M. Carter, X. Li & G. Rong - 2013 - Communications of the Association for Information Systems 32.
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    The King's Enforcement of the Vinaya Pitaka: The Purification of the Sangha under Aśoka (c. B. C. 269-232).M. B. Voyce - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 37 (1):38-57.
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    (1 other version)Growth of epitaxial silicon layers by vacuum evaporation.B. A. Unvala & G. R. Booker - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (100):691-701.
  43.  58
    Is Classical Reality Completely Deterministic?B. P. Kosyakov - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (1):76-88.
    We interpret the concept of determinism for a classical system as the requirement that the solution to the Cauchy problem for the equations of motion governing this system be unique. This requirement is generally believed to hold for all autonomous classical systems. Our analysis of classical electrodynamics in a world with one temporal and one spatial dimension provides counterexamples of this belief. Given the initial conditions of a particular type, the Cauchy problem may have an infinite set of solutions. Therefore, (...)
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  44.  22
    Evolutionary Multiresolution Filtering to Forecast Nonlinear Time Series.E. Gomez-Ramírez & A. Ayala-Hernández - 2005 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 14 (2-3):157-192.
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  45. Unlivably Accelerated Work: How Neoliberal Capitalist Temporalities Produce Labour Precarity.Lorena Ramírez Hincapié - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):21-32.
    This paper argues that, despite a few positive developments in recent decades, the global labour landscape is still notoriously marked by forms of precarity, unlivability and exploitation. Thus, while acknowledging that contemporary experiences of work are complex and diverse, it emphasises the detrimental impact that the neoliberal production of precarity and the phenomenon of social acceleration are having on them all. In this sense, it contends that temporal pressure and the control of workers’ time is a nodal point from which (...)
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    Concepts of stability and symmetry in irreversible thermodynamics. I.B. H. Lavenda - 1972 - Foundations of Physics 2 (2-3):161-179.
    Concepts of stability and symmetry in irreversible thermodynamics are developed through the analysis of system energy flows. The excess power function, derived from a local energy conservation equation, is shown to yield necessary and sufficient stability criteria for linear and nonlinear irreversible processes. In the absence of symmetry-destroying external forces, the linear range may be characterized by a set of phenomenological coefficient symmetries relating coupled forces and displacements, velocities, and accelerations, whereas rotational phenomena in nonlinear processes may be characterized by (...)
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  47.  13
    The Sacrality of the Secular: postmodern philosophy of religion.B. Onishi Bradley - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    As philosophers in the continental tradition have taken an interest in the return of religion, anthropologists and sociologists have rejected the once-dominant secularization thesis. Bradley B. Onishi connects these lines of thought to reveal how philosophy's religious investigations have enabled critical reflections on the category of the secular.
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    The Invention of Printing in China and Its Spread Westward.B. Laufer & Thomas Francis Carter - 1927 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 47:71.
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  49. Islam and Liberal Democracy.B. Lewis - 1998 - Common Knowledge 7:84-103.
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    Innovación educativa para el fortalecimiento del enfoque Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad en la educación postgraduada.Maria Elena Macías Llanes, Rosa Aguirre del Busto, Jorge Luis Quintana Torres, Doris Prieto Ramírez & Jorge Álvarez Vázquez - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (3):0-0.
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