Results for 'Averroes, Dante, Aristotle, medieval philosophy, political philosophy, secularism, democracy, religion'

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  1.  33
    The Genesis of Secular Politics in Medieval Philosophy: The King of Averroes and the Emperor of Dante.Sabeen Ahmed - 2016 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 18 (2):209-231.
    In contemporary political discourse, the "clash of civilizations" rhetoric often undergirds philosophical analyses of "democracy" both at home and abroad. This is nowhere better articulated than in Jacques Derrida's Rogues, in which he describes Islam as the only religious or theocratic culture that would "inspire and declare any resistance to democracy". Curiously, Derrida attributes the failings of democracy in Islam to the lack of reference to Aristotle's Politics in the writings of the medieval Muslim philosophers. This paper aims (...)
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    Medieval Political Philosophy, A Sourcebook. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):638-638.
    The main thrust of this book, novel and yet convincing, is that medieval philosophy cannot be studied without noting the importance its participants paid to political matters. The selections are mostly whole sections of different works, thus enabling the reader to form his own judgments without fear that he is reading the philosophical interpretations of the editors. Writings of al-Fârâbî, Avicenna, Averroes, Maimonides, Abravenel, Aquinas, Roger Bacon and Dante are among the twenty-five entries.--C. E. B.
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  3. Averroës' Middle commentary on Aristotle's De anima: a critical edition of the Arabic text. Averroës - 2002 - Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press. Edited by Alfred L. Ivry.
    Averroës, the greatest Aristotelian of the Islamic philosophical tradition, composed some thirty-eight commentaries on the "First Teacher's" corpus, including three separate treatments of De Anima : the works commonly referred to as the Short, Middle, and Long Commentaries. The Middle Commentary--actually Averroës's last writing on the text-remains one of his most refined and politically discreet treatments of Aristotle, offering modern readers Averroës's final statement on the material intellect and conjunction as well as an accessible historical window on Aristotle's work as (...)
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  4. Ortaçağ’da Bir Yorumcu: İbn Rüşd - Bir Giriş Metni.Songul Kose - 2022 - Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi (Oad) 2 (5):261-269.
    Monotheism is a product of abstract thought. Although it does not exactly overlap with the view of God in today's monotheistic religious beliefs, the thought of God in Ancient Greek philosophy, that is, the creative thought other than the creature, found its cores in Plato's Demiurge [Dēmiourgos], and this thought continued to develop with Aristotle, Plotinus and St Augustine. Thus, it can be said that the Christian faith, which includes the Jewish religion in terms of belief and Greek philosophy (...)
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    Resurrecting Democracy: Faith, Citizenship, and the Politics of a Common Life by Luke Bretherton. [REVIEW]Allen Calhoun - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (1):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Resurrecting Democracy: Faith, Citizenship, and the Politics of a Common Life by Luke BrethertonAllen CalhounResurrecting Democracy: Faith, Citizenship, and the Politics of a Common Life Luke Bretherton cambridge: cambridge university press, 2015. 492 pp. $36.99Political theology is having to redefine itself in a world in which the market is often more powerful than the nation-state, and cultural identity more a product of neighborhoods and societies than of nations. (...)
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  6. Philosophy and Religion in the Political Thought of Alfarabi.Ishraq Ali - 2023 - Religions 14 (7).
    Philosophy and religion were the two important sources of knowledge for medieval Arab Muslim polymaths. Owing to the difference between the nature of philosophy and religion, the interplay between philosophy and religion often takes the form of conflict in medieval Muslim thought as exemplified by the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rusd) polemic. Unlike the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rushd) polemic, the interplay between philosophy and religion in the political philosophy of Abu Nasr Alfarabi (...)
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    Secularism, Religion, and Politics: India and Europe.Péter Losonczi & Walter van Herck - 2014 - Routledge India.
    "What is secularism? Is it possible to separate religion from politics? This critical volume examines the dynamic relationship between the state and religion in India and Europe. It first conceptualizes the nature and challenges of secularism in the wake of radical changes in post-9/11 world politics. Second, in assessing the scope and future of secularism in the actual contexts of its emergence and practice, it redraws the boundaries and definitions of the institutional pillars of the state - judiciary, (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  9.  32
    Secularism or Democracy?: Associational Governance of Religious Diversity.Veit Bader - 2007 - Amsterdam University Press.
    Policies dealing with religious diversity in liberal democratic states—as well as the established institutions that enforce those policies—are increasingly under pressure. Politics and political theory are caught in a trap between the fully secularized state and neo-corporate regimes of selective cooperation between states and organized religion. This volume proposes an original, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary approach to problems of governing religious diversity—combining moral and political philosophy, constitutional law, history, sociology, and religious anthropology. Drawing on such diverse scholarship, _Secularism (...)
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  10.  8
    Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 4.Robert Pasnau (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy showcases the best scholarly research in this flourishing field. The series covers all aspects of medieval philosophy, including the Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew traditions, and runs from the end of antiquity into the Renaissance. It publishes new work by leading scholars in the field, and combines historical scholarship with philosophical acuteness. The papers will address a wide range of topics, from political philosophy to ethics, and logic to metaphysics. OSMP is an essential (...)
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  11.  14
    Aristotle on Religion.Mor Segev - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle is a severe critic of traditional religion, believing it to be false, yet he also holds that traditional religion and its institutions are necessary if any city, including the ideal city he describes in the Politics, is to exist and flourish. This book provides, for the first time, a coherent account of the socio-political role which Aristotle attributes to traditional religion despite his rejection of its content. Mor Segev argues that Aristotle thinks traditional religion (...)
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  12.  5
    The Political Philosophies of Aquinas and Awolowo.Francis I. Ogunmodede - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):265-282.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHIES OF AQUINAS AND AWOLOW0 1 FRANCIS I. 0GUNMODEDE Semlnary of SS. Peter and Paul Ibadan, Nigeria Introduction W:HAT POSSIBLE connection is there between the hought of Aquinas and that of Awolowo? We must first observe a sharp difference in personality and approach to politics between the two men. Obafemi Awolowo ( 1909-87) was a recent Nigerian philosopher and politician whose works on politics include The (...)
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  13.  12
    Legitimation of political power in medieval thought: acts of the XIX Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l'étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Alcalá, 18th-20th September 2013.Celia López Alcalde, Josep Puig Montada & Pedro Roche Arnas (eds.) - 2018 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    What makes political power legitimate? Without legitimation, subjects will not accept power, and, since religion permeated medieval society, religion became foundational to philosophical legitimations of political power. In 2013, the XIX Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy took place in Alcalá de Henares, one of the medieval centers of political debate within and between Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities. The members of these communities all shared the (...)
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  14.  15
    Democracy and Pluralism: The Political Thought of William E. Connolly.Alan Finlayson (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    William E. Connolly’s political theory forms a distinct and influential contribution to contemporary debates about the nature and prospects of democratic life in the twenty-first century. His original conceptualisations of pluralism, naturalism, the politics of the body, religion, secularism and his daring incorporation of contemporary neurobiology into political theory and analysis, have opened new paths for intellectual enquiry. Connolly has brought an American tradition of pragmatist political thinking into fruitful conversation with the best of contemporary continental (...)
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  15.  12
    The myth of normative secularism: religion and politics in the democratic homeworld.Daniel D. Miller - 2016 - Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press.
    The myth of normative secularism -- Radical mediations: expressing the social -- Graham Ward, John Milbank, and the metaphysics of the social -- Jørgen Habermas and the validity of the social -- Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, and the texture of the social -- Radical articulations: the phenomenology of the social -- Political articulations: the phenomenology of the political -- Democratic articulations: toward a radical and plural democracy -- Religious articulations: radical and plural democracy as religious vocation -- Revisiting (...)
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  16.  5
    As Ground of Being, God Favors Good Over Bad Choices: Confucian Response to Wesley J. Wildman.Bin Song - 2024 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 45 (1):50-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:As Ground of Being, God Favors Good Over Bad Choices:Confucian Response to Wesley J. WildmanBin Song (bio)I. Historical/Historic LocationThroughout the history of Western exploration of worldviews and lifepaths, three figures prominently herald the overarching nature of Wildman's scholarship on science, philosophy, theology, and religion: Aristotle, Spinoza, and Tillich (along with his contemporary counterpart, Robert C. Neville). While the link between Tillich-Neville and Wildman is extensively articulated in Wildman's (...)
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  17.  24
    Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine eds. by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou.Myles Werntz & Logsdon Seminary - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):202-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine eds. by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle PapanikolaouMyles Werntz and Logsdon SeminaryChristianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine Edited by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou new york: fordham university press, 2017. 304 pp. $125.00 / $35.00Since the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe, one of the new rapprochements that has emerged is between the worlds of Eastern Orthodoxy and that (...)
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  18. Alfarabi and the foundation of Islamic political philosophy.Muhsin Mahdi - 2001 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this work, Muhsin Mahdi--widely regarded as the preeminent scholar of Islamic political thought--distills more than four decades of research to offer an authoritative analysis of the work of Alfarabi, the founder of Islamic political philosophy. Mahdi, who also brought to light writings of Alfarabi that had long been presumed lost or were not even known, presents this great thinker as his contemporaries would have seen him: as a philosopher who sought to lay the foundations for a new (...)
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  19.  8
    Democracy, Law and Religious Pluralism in Europe: Secularism and Post-Secularism.Ferran Requejo & Camil Ungureanu (eds.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    In contrast with the progressive dilution of religions predicted by traditional liberal and Marxist approaches, religions remain important for many people, even in Europe, the most secularised continent. In the context of increasingly culturally diverse societies, this calls for a reinterpretation of the secular legacy of the Enlightenment and also for an updating of democratic institutions. This book focuses on a central question: are the classical secularist arrangements well equipped to tackle the challenge of fast-growing religious pluralism? Or should we (...)
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  20.  25
    Aristotle Papanikolaou, The Mystical as Political: Democracy and Non-Radical Orthodoxy.Bogdan G. Bucur - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):158-161.
  21. Aristotle's political philosophy in its historical context: a new translation and commentary on Politics books 5 and 6. Aristotle - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by A. W. Lintott.
    This book offers new translations of Aristotle's Politics 5 and 6, accompanied by an introduction and commentary, targeted at historians and those who like to read political science in the context in which it was produced. Philosophical analysis remains essential and there is no intention to detract from the books as political theory, but the focus of this volume is the text as a crucial element in the discourse of 4th century Greece, and the conflict throughout the Greek (...)
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  22.  70
    Some Medieval Readings of Aristotle’s Argument for the Collective Superiority of “the Many”.Martin Ossikovski - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (2):135-153.
    An essential challenge of Aristotle’s Politics arises from the juxtaposition of contrasting and competing arguments in favour of virtuous monarchy, on the one hand, and the collective superiority of “the many”, on the other. This paper examines the purely theoretical reception of this contrast in the writings of some late medieval Aristotelians by focusing on a key section in Politics Γ (1280a8–1284b34). After reviewing Aristotle’s problematic position, the paper discusses its interpretation in the commentaries of Albert the Great, Thomas (...)
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  23.  91
    About Celestial Circulation: Averroes’ Tahafūt al-tahafūt and Aristotle’s De Caelo.Lisa Farooque - 2008 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 4:21-38.
    For Averroes, celestial circulation is evidence of a divinely mandated rational universe. This paper follows Averroes’ account on cosmic contact between the eternal and the temporal, in Tahafūt al-tahafūt contra al-Ghazālī. It argues that the polemical perspective of the Tahafūt al-tahafūt frames Averroes’ appeal to Aristotle’s account of cosmic motion. Consequently, Averroes’ exceptional account of the universe contrasts Aristotle’s exemplary account of the mutual participation of intellect and nature. Their accounts of celestial circulation implicate the status of human nature conditioned (...)
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  24. Religion as Sedition: On Liberalism’s Intolerance of Real Religion.Rupert Read - 2011 - Ars Disputandi 11.
    Political liberalism’ claims to manifest the real meaning of democracy, including crucially the toleration of religion – it is through the history of this toleration that it acquired its current form and power. Political liberalism is however, I argue, more hostile to religion than was ever dreamt possible in the philosophy of avowedly anti-clerical Enlightenment Liberalism. For it refuses point-blank ever to engage in serious debate with religion. It considers it of no consequence. It allows (...)
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  25.  14
    Interpreting Averroes: Critical Essays.Peter Adamson & Matteo Di Giovanni (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume brings together world-leading scholars on the thought of Averroes, the greatest medieval commentator on Aristotle but also a major scholar of Islam. The collection situates him in his historical context by emphasizing the way that he responded to the political situation of twelfth-century Islamic Spain and the provocations of Islamic theology. It also sheds light on the interconnections between aspects of his work that are usually studied separately, such as his treatises on logic and his legal (...)
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  26.  8
    Averroes and Hegel on philosophy and religion.Catarina Carriço Marques de Moura Belo - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Comparing Averroes' and Hegel's positions on the relation between philosophy and religion, this book explores the relation between faith and reason in a medieval Islamic and a modern Christian context. Through an in-depth analysis of Averroes' and Hegel's views on philosophical and religious language and method, Belo presents new insights into their perspectives on the relation between philosophical knowledge and religious knowledge. In addition to discussing the parallels and differences of their positions, Belo explores particular works which have (...)
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  27.  17
    Scatter 2: Politics in Deconstruction.Geoffrey Bennington - 2021 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This book deconstructs the whole lineage of political philosophy, showing the ways democracy abuts and regularly undermines the sovereignist tradition across a range of texts from the Iliad to contemporary philosophy. Politics is an object of perennial difficulty for philosophy—as recalcitrant to philosophical mastery as is philosophy’s traditional adversary, poetry. That difficulty makes it an attractive topic for any deconstructive approach to the tradition from which we inherit our language and our concepts. Scatter 2 pursues that deconstruction, often starting (...)
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  28.  26
    (1 other version)The Discovery of a Normative Theory of Justice in Medieval Philosophy.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2000 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 9 (1):1-14.
    Aristotle earns the distinction of having put forward the first comprehensive philosophical theory of justice. After the end of the antique world, St. Thomas Aquinas was the first philosopher and theologian to return to Aristotle’s theory of the just. Not only did he do so with the requisite systematic precision; he also developed a new philosophical interpretation of justice. In the present article I shall outline, with the brevity expected of me here, the fundamentals of Aristotle’s theory of justice. This (...)
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  29.  55
    Political religion vs non-establishment: Reflections on 21st-century political theology: Part 2.Jean L. Cohen - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (6):507-521.
    This article defends the principle of non-establishment against 21st-century projects of political religion, constitutional theocracy and political theology. It is divided into two parts. The first part, published in special issue 39.4–5 of Philosophy and Social Criticism, proceeds by constructing an ideal type of political secularism, and then discussing the innovative American model of constitutional dualism regarding religion that combined constitutional protection for the freedom of religious conscience and exercise with the principle of non-establishment. It (...)
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  30. Understanding Liberal Democracy: Essays in Political Philosophy.Nicholas Wolterstorff (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume presents influential work by Nicholas Wolterstorff at the intersection between political philosophy and religion, alongside nine new essays on the nature of liberal democracy, human rights, and political authority. These novel essays offer an attractive alternative to the public reason liberalism defended by thinkers such as John Rawls.
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    Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory.John Hittinger - 2002 - Applications of Political Theory.
    Twentieth-century French philosophers Jacques Maritain and Yves R. Simon pioneered new approaches to understanding and defending political democracy in the wake of two world wars. Rather than break from a religious tradition that seemed to struggle against modernity and certain forms of democratic theory and practice, these thinkers instead looked back to the philosophy of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas to propel Catholic political philosophy forward. The profound influence of Maritain and Simon is manifest in the dramatic achievements of (...)
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  32.  59
    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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  33.  57
    The Meaning of "Aristotelianism" in Medieval Moral and Political Thought.Cary J. Nederman - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (4):563-585.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Meaning of “Aristotelianism” in Medieval Moral and Political ThoughtCary J. NedermanI. “Aristotelian” and “Aristotelianism” are words that students of medieval ideas use constantly and almost inescapably. 1 The widespread usage of these terms by scholars in turn reflects the popularity of Aristotle’s thought itself during the Latin Middle Ages: Aristotle provided many of the raw materials with which educated Christians of the Middle Ages built (...)
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  34.  9
    Isaac Polqar - a Jewish philosopher or a philosopher and a Jew?: philosophy and religion in Isaac Polqar's 'Ezer ha-Dat and Tesuvat Epiqoros.Racheli Haliva - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The study brings to light three of Polqar's main purposes; (1) seeking to defend Judaism as a true religion against Christianity; (2) similarly to his fellow Jewish Averroists, Polqar wishes to defend the discipline of philosophy. By philosophy, Polqar means Averroes' interpretation of Aristotle. As a consequence, he offers an Averroistic interpretation of Judaism and becomes one of the main representatives of Jewish Averroism; (3) defending his philosophical interpretation of Judaism."-- Back cover.
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  35. The Politics of Paradox: Leo Strauss’s Biblical Debt to Spinoza.Grant Havers - 2015 - Sophia 54 (4):525-543.
    The political philosopher Leo Strauss is famous for contending that any synthesis of reason and revelation is impossible, since they are irreconcilable antagonists. Yet he is also famous for praising the secular regime of liberal democracy as the best regime for all human beings, even though he is well aware that modern philosophers such as Spinoza thought this regime must make use of biblical morality to promote good citizenship. Is democracy, then, both religious and secular? Strauss thought that Spinoza (...)
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  36.  42
    Secularism is the Will of God; an Essay in the Social Philosophy of Democracy and Religion[REVIEW]Philip H. Phenix - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (19):523-526.
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    Political Liberalism and Christian Political Theology: A Review of Two Works by Liberals that Can Enhance Prospects for Dialogue. [REVIEW]Jonathan Chaplin - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (3):281-295.
    This review article assesses the usefulness of two substantial recent books on religion by liberal political philosophers, Cécile Laborde and Aurélia Bardon (eds), Religion in Liberal Political Philosophy, and Cécile Laborde, Liberalism’s Religion. It opens by situating these books against the landscape of UK-based work on the place of public religion in liberal democracy by both liberal political philosophers and Christian political theologians. Noting the relative paucity—by comparison with those from North America—of (...)
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  38.  33
    Rethinking religion and political legitimacy across the Islam–West divide.Nader Hashemi - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (4-5):439-447.
    The relationship between religion and politics is a bone of political contention and a source of deep confusion across the Islam–West divide. When most western liberals cast their gaze on Muslim societies today, what they see is deeply disconcerting. From their perspective there is simply too much religion in public life in the Arab-Islamic world, which raises serious questions for them about the prospects for democracy in this part of the world. This article critically explores the relationship (...)
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  39.  14
    A cultural history of democracy.Eugenio F. Biagini (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    How has the concept of democracy been understood, manifested, reimagined and represented through the ages? In a work that spans 2,500 years these fundamental questions are addressed by 66 experts, each contributing their overview of a theme applied to a period in history. With the help of a broad range of case material they illustrate the physical, social and cultural contexts of democracy in Western culture from antiquity to the present. Individual volume editors ensure the cohesion of the whole, and (...)
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    Understanding Liberal Democracy: Essays in Political Philosophy.Terence Cuneo (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents influential work by Nicholas Wolterstorff at the intersection between political philosophy and religion, alongside nine new essays on the nature of liberal democracy, human rights, and political authority. These novel essays offer an attractive alternative to the public reason liberalism defended by thinkers such as John Rawls.
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  41.  82
    Greek tragedy and political philosophy: rationalism and religion in Sophocles' Theban plays.Peter J. Ahrensdorf - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Oedipus the tyrant and the limits of political rationalism -- Blind faith and enlightened statesmanship in Oedipus at colonus -- The pious heroism of Antigone -- Conclusion: Nietzsche, Plato, and Aristotle on philosophy and tragedy.
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  42.  66
    On Aristotle’s “Metaphysics”: An Annotated Translation of the so-Called “Epitome”. Averroes - 2010 - Walter de Gruyter. Edited by Rüdiger Arnzen.
    This book contains the first English translation of Abūl-Walīd Ibn Rushd's (Averroes') so-called Epitome of Aristotle's Metaphysics. The original Arabic text was composed around 1160 as a sort of appendix to a series of compendia of Aristotle's works on natural philosophy by the famous Andalusian philosopher. The two most interesting things about this work are the fact that Averroes restructures here the Aristotelian text according to his own conception of metaphysics, as opposed to his great literal commentary which follows the (...)
  43.  9
    Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio".Paul Stern (ed.) - 2018 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    When political theorists teach the history of political philosophy, they typically skip from the ancient Greeks and Cicero to Augustine in the fifth century and Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth, and then on to the origins of modernity with Machiavelli and beyond. Paul Stern aims to change this settled narrative and makes a powerful case for treating Dante Alighieri, arguably the greatest poet of medieval Christendom, as a political philosopher of the first rank. In Dante's Philosophical (...)
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    Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition.Ahmed Alwishah & Josh Hayes (eds.) - 2015 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume of essays by scholars in ancient Greek, medieval, and Arabic philosophy examines the full range of Aristotle's influence upon the Arabic tradition. It explores central themes from Aristotle's corpus, including logic, rhetoric and poetics, physics and meteorology, psychology, metaphysics, ethics and politics, and examines how these themes are investigated and developed by Arabic philosophers including al-Kindî, al-Fârâbî, Avicenna, al-Ghazâlî, Ibn Bâjja and Averroes. The volume also includes essays which explicitly focus upon the historical reception of Aristotle, from (...)
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  45.  1
    The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts: Volume 2, Ethics and Political Philosophy.Arthur Stephen McGrade, John Kilcullen & Matthew Kempshall (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The eagerly-awaited second volume of The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts will allow scholars and students access for the first time in English to major texts in ethics and political thought from one of the most fruitful periods of speculation and analysis in the history of western thought. Beginning with Albert the Great, who introduced the Latin west to the challenging moral philosophy and natural science of Aristotle, and concluding with the first substantial presentation in English of (...)
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  46.  60
    Averroes on Plato's Republic. Averroes - 1974 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press. Edited by Ralph Lerner.
    "In one fashion or another, the question with which this introduction begins is a question for every serious reader of Plato's Republic : Of what use is this philosophy to me? Averroes clearly finds that the Republic speaks to his own time and to his own situation.... Perhaps the greatest use he makes of the Republic is to understand better the shari'a itself.... It is fair to say that in deciding to paraphrase the Republic, Averroes is asserting that his world—the (...)
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  47.  12
    Classical Islamic philosophy: a thematic introduction.López Farjeat & Luis Xavier - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This thematic introduction to classical Islamic philosophy focuses on the most prevalent philosophical debates of the medieval Islamic world and their importance within the history of philosophy. Approaching the topics in a comprehensive and accessible way in this new volume, Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat, one of the co-editors of The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, makes classical Islamic philosophy approachable for both the new and returning student of the history of philosophy, medieval philosophy, the history of ideas, classical Islamic (...)
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    Averroes' commentary on Plato's Republic. Averroës (ed.) - 1956 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
    "An indispensable primary source in medieval political philosophy is presented here in a fully annotated translation of Averroes' discussion of the Republic. Averroes' book played a major role in both the transmission and the adaptation of the Platonic tradition in the West."--Goodreads.
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    Whither democracy? Religion, politics and Islam.Fred Dallmayr - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):437-448.
    The question raised by the article is: can democracy be religious and, if so, how? Can religious faith be reconciled with modern democratic political institutions? The article takes its departure from the biblical admonition to believers to be ‘the salt of the earth’ — a phrase that militates against both world dominion and world denial. In its long history, Islam (like Christianity) has been sorely tempted by the lure of worldly power and domination. Nor is this temptation entirely a (...)
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    Accommodating religion and belief in healthcare: Political threats, agonistic democracy and established religion.Joshua Hordern - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (1):15-27.
    This paper considers what concept of accommodation is necessary to identify and address discrimination, disadvantages and disparities in such a way that the plurality of religious people with their beliefs, values and practices may be justly accommodated in healthcare. It evaluates threats to the possibility of such accommodation pertaining by considering what beliefs and practices might increase the risk of unjust discrimination against and disadvantage for religious people, whether as individuals or as groups; and the risk of disparities between the (...)
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