Results for 'Autarchy'

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  1.  8
    Autarchies: the invention of selfishness.David Ashford - 2017 - Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    The philosophy of Ayn Rand has had a role equal or greater than that of Milton Friedman or F.A. Hayek in shaping the contemporary neo-liberal consensus. Its impact was powerful on architects of Reaganomics such as Alan Greenspan, former Director of the World Bank, and the new breed of American industrialists who developed revolutionary information technologies in Silicon Valley. But what do we really know of Rand's philosophy? Is her gospel of selfishness really nothing more than a reiteration of a (...)
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    Autarchy, reason, and commitment.Kurt Baier - 1989 - Ethics 100 (1):93-107.
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    Autarchie und Parteilichkeit der marxistischen Ästhetik.Rudolf Malter - 1976 - International Studies in Philosophy 8:172-175.
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    Autarchy and interest.Michael F. McDonald - 1978 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 56 (2):109 – 125.
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    Autarchy: Kantian type-Nietzschean phantasm.Alfonso Lingis - 1978 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 7 (2):221-256.
  6.  19
    The self-moved mover: God and Western bio-theo-political paradigm of autarchy in Jürgen Moltmann’s theology.Martín Grassi - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (3):197-214.
    ABSTRACTJurgen Moltmann is one of the most important theologians in the XXth century who intended to leave aside a rigid and impassible notion of God. However, although Moltmann opens new ways to consider God’s life by stressing God’s passivity and relationality, the concepts of activity and self-sufficiency are still structuring the whole theological argument. I intend to show how our understanding of life has been shaped by a bio-theo-political paradigm of autarchy that defines life by the use of the (...)
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  7. The rationale of autarchy.Alvin Johnson - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    5. Liberal Soulcraft: Autonomy, Authenticity, and Autarchy.Peter Digeser - 1995 - In Our Politics, Our Selves?: Liberalism, Identity, and Harm. Princeton University Press. pp. 166-195.
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    The Discourse of Neoliberalism: An Anatomy of a Powerful Idea. By SimonSpringer. Pp. ix, 146. London, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, £24.95.Autarchies: The Invention of Selfishness. By DavidAshford. Pp. xxi, 182. London, Bloomsbury, 2017, £16.99. [REVIEW]Terrance Klein - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):160-161.
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    Self-organized bodies, between Politics and Biology. A political reading of Aristotle’s concepts of Soul and Pneuma.Martin Grassi - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (1):123-139.
    The idea of a self-organized system brings both political and biological discourses together, for they both aim at explaining how a certain compound can achieve self-unity out of plurality. Whereas biological metaphors in politics have been much examined, political metaphors in biology have not. In this paper I intend to show how political metaphors can enlighten biological discourses, taking the work of Aristotle as a case-study. The relationship between the main elements of a living-body could be better understood within a (...)
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  11. Autarkie und Philia in den aristotelischen Ethiken.Günter Widmann - 1967 - Stuttgart.: P. Illg, Photo-Offsetdruck.
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    Aristóteles e o sentido político da comunidade ante o liberalismo.Cesar Augusto Ramos - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):61-77.
    O caráter comunitário da filosofia de Aristóteles resulta das diversas formas de análise da política que o filósofo apresenta na articulação dos seguintes aspectos: a tese de que o ser humano é um animal político; o modo como esta é realizada na comunidade política, na qual o logos se manifesta como atividade discursiva compartilhada; o cultivo de determinadas virtudes ético-políticas presentes na convivência humana, sobretudo, a amizade; a autossuficiência do cidadão e o seu vínculo com a autarquia da comunidade política. (...)
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    A plea for detached involvement: Norbert Elias on intellectuals and political imagination in inter-war Germany.Micael BjÖrk - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (2):43-61.
    Elias’s view of democracy and German Sonderweg is discussed by looking at his analysis of intellectuals. How should the figuration of culture and politics be conceived at a time when the civilizing process could trigger both democracy and autarchy? It is argued that Elias’s answer was that democracy is always accompanied by discontinuity in existence, and that the Weimar Republic therefore needed intellectual spokespersons promoting tolerance of political uncertainty. Such democratic culture demanded a fair balance between involvement and detachment. (...)
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  14.  37
    Platon i protestancka zasada autarkii pisma (sola scriptura).Seweryn Blandzi - 2013 - Filo-Sofija 13 (20).
    Seweryn Blandzi Plato and the Protestant Principle of Autarchy of the Scripture (sola scriptura)The author gives reasons why the new holistic Tübingen-interpretation of Plato (H. Krämer, K. Gaiser, Th. A. Szlezák), which combines the Dialogues with his unwritten teaching is still difficult to accept (especially in Germany). The discovery (on the basis of indirect testimonies of Aristotle and his commentators) that there was a separate oral (“exoteric”) metaphysics of principles, which was parallel to dialogues but more valuable (timiotera) in (...)
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  15. Marx, Upright Way, Concrete Utopia.Ernst Bloch - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 1:45-51.
    Russia did not participate in the bourgeois revolution, the revolution occurred in Russia after the Tsar absolute doctrine, dictatorship, terrorism, superstition and personal police state. Stalinist Marxism beyond recognition, damaged Marx's own image. Impoverishment of the proletariat of Marx and Engels theory, crisis theory has been declared invalid, the Marxist dialectics is still valid is that the theory of contradiction. Contradictions of capitalism can be accurately understood as the general alienation, self-alienation. Inherited estate will determine the natural rights of free (...)
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  16.  46
    Globalization and Cosmopolitanism in the Context of Modernity.Alexander N. Chumakov - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):229-237.
    Globalization and cosmopolitanism, on the one hand, and autarchy and nationalism, on the other, are two extremes between which humankind is destined to balance constantly, due to diversity and the natural confrontation of various cultural and civilizational systems by which it is represented. At the same time, globalization and cosmopolitanism are natural phenomena and are the most important characteristics of social development. That is why we should not put obstacles in the way of their dissemination and rooting in social (...)
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  17. The Post-Communist Town: An Incomparable Testing-Ground for Social Geography.G. Burgel - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):79-82.
    The study of the post-Communist towns of East Europe and Russia does not only present the social sciences with the opening of a new field and the attraction of exoticism close at hand. They are a remarkable observatory of the complex relations which unite the material facets of urban life (extension of the built-up area, architectural forms, types of distribution of infrastructures and services) and the social structures (mode of government, nature of the economic initiative, expressions of sociability). In three-quarters (...)
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  18.  6
    Into the far country: Karl Barth and the modern subject.Scott Kirkland - 2016 - Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
    Introduction: "Against innocence": Barth, neo-Kantianism, and modernity's pelagianism -- "Complete autarchy": self-determination, absolutism, and the politics of enlightenment -- Particularity regained: kenōsis, obedience, and christology -- In via: toward a pedagogy of discipleship -- Resurrection, life in divine plenitude: Trinity, judgment and apophasis -- Postscript: Persuasion, overdetermination, repetition.
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    Freedom as a moral concept.Kristjan Kristjansson - 1990 - Dissertation, St. Andrews
    This thesis constitutes a conceptual inquiry into the nature of social freedom, which is held to be logically distinct from other freedom-concepts although it presupposes free-will/autarchy. The thesis argues for a 'responsibility view' of negative freedom according to which an agent B is socially free to do x iff he is not constrained by another agent A from doing x. A constrains B when A can be held morally responsible for imposing or not removing a real obstacle to choice/action (...)
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  20.  52
    Secrecy and Autonomy in Lewis Carroll.Susan Sherer - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):1-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Secrecy and Autonomy in Lewis CarrollSusan ShererVictorian novels quiver with morbid secrets and threatening discoveries. Unseen rooms, concealed doors, hidden boxes, masked faces, buried letters, all appear (and disappear) with striking regularity in the fiction of Victorian England. So many of these secret spaces contain children, and especially little girls, little girls in hidden spaces. The young Jane Eyre sits behind a curtain in the hidden window seat, escaping (...)
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  21.  97
    New words for an old language.Thorsteinn Gylfason - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (132):17-33.
    In his World Culture and the Black Experience Professor Ali Mazrui states that “by being left behind scientifically African languages gradually became incapable either of coping with or stimulating new areas of reflection and analysis”. He agrees with Professor Mohammed Hyder of Nairobi that “if a serious attempt were made to develop a ‘technical limb’ to Swahili, this would indeed be possible” by the simple device of writing redioaktivu for radioactive and thairodi for thyroid and so forth. He thinks, however, (...)
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  22.  7
    L’Orexis e la Città nel pensiero politico di Aristotele.Stefania Mazzone - 2019 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (61).
    Il saggio intende indagare le radici di ermeneutica politica del termine orexis così come Aristotele lo utilizza a partire dall’argomento biologico e antropologico, fino a quello sociologico e narrativo nei confronti del rapporto individuo-Città. Una teoria del desiderio come perfezione antropologica a partire da una concezione di Città democratica e dinamica, nei termini contestuali della polis greca. In quest’ambito lo scritto sviluppa il confronto con la concezione di eros di origine platonica inteso come mancanza, e la dimensione di socialità individuale (...)
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  23. Machiavelli Then and Now: History, Politics, Literature.Prasanta Chakravarty & Sukanta Chaudhuri (eds.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Machiavelli's ideas are as important in our time as in his own. His insights and prescriptions help us make sense of today's political upheavals and natural calamities and reduce them to a working order. The chapters in Machiavelli Then and Now explore Machiavelli's central concerns: statecraft and order, liberty and citizenship, diplomacy and leadership, modes of strategization, the quest for empire - all set against the basic contention between autarchy, oligarchy and democracy. They also address the ethical and behaviourial (...)
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  24.  21
    Religion, neuroscience and the self: a new personalism.Patrick McNamara - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book uses neuroscience discoveries concerning religious experiences, the Self and personhood to deepen, enhance and interrogate the theological and philosophical set of ideas known as Personalism. McNamara proposes a new eschatological form of personalism that is consistent with current neuroscience models of relevant brain functions concerning the self and personhood and that can meet the catastrophic challenges of the 21st century. Eschatological Personalism, rooted in the philosophical tradition of "Boston Personalism", takes as its starting point the personalist claim that (...)
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  25.  86
    Form in Aristotle. [REVIEW]Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2005 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 26 (2):179-198.
    What makes Christopher P. Long’s study of Aristotle’s ontology especially rewarding is that it is philosophically motivated. The goal is not simply to “get right what Aristotle said,” but rather to think in dialogue with Aristotle, which implies a willingness to think beyond and even against him. Long makes the general philosophical motivation of his book perfectly clear: it is the desire to find “a way between the totalizing tendencies of modernism and the anarchy of postmodernism”. This is an ethical (...)
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  26.  10
    The Age of Responsibility: luck, choice, and the welfare state.Yascha Mounk - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    A novel focus on "personal responsibility" has transformed political thought and public policy in America and Europe. Since the 1970s, responsibility--which once meant the moral duty to help and support others--has come to suggest an obligation to be self-sufficient. This narrow conception of responsibility has guided recent reforms of the welfare state, making key entitlements conditional on good behavior. Drawing on intellectual history, political theory, and moral philosophy, Yascha Mounk shows why the Age of Responsibility is pernicious--and how it might (...)
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  27.  6
    Orden político y globalización: el estado en la contingencia actual.Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2000 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Abaco de Rodolfo Depalma.
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