Results for 'Augustyn Wróblewski'

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    Sentido y hecho en el derecho.Jerzy Wroblewski - 1989 - [San Sebastián]: Servicio Editorial, Universidad del País Vasco.
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    Art — depression — fiction: A variation on René Thom’s three important kinds of human activity.Prisca Augustyn - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):35-47.
    The construct of ‘alexithymia,’ formulated in the late 1960s, described the inability to express one’s feelings as a deficit in the signifying-abilities of men and women. In this study, the profile of the alexithemic serves as a point of reference for a discussion concerning language and consciousness and the cognitive/neuroscientific turn in the past decades. The objectives of this paper are to show that the cognitive/neuroscientific turn profoundly affected the understanding of alexithymia in particular and the relationship between language and (...)
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  3. Od niemocy do nadmocy. Diagnoza nihilizmu rosyjskiego.Leszek Augustyn - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (16).
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  4. Nowe przymierze z zagadnień etyki.Augustyn Jakubisiak - 1948 - Paryż: [S.N.].
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    Jean-Paul Sartres Engagement für den Frieden.Vincent von Wroblewsky - 1985 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 33 (9):797-806.
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    Solar energy discourse in the Sunshine State.Prisca Augustyn - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (1-2):63-85.
    This case study of a 2016 Florida constitutional amendment analyses the semiotic devices and mechanisms of shaping public opinion on solar energy and beliefs about energy distribution. After a nationwide rise in rooftop solar installations between 2014 and 2015, utilities in several US states were faced with challenges to their business models. Anticipating similar problems in Florida, utilities and energy corporations promoted constitutional amendments. This semiotic analysis follows the voter from the billboards and flyers to the text on the ballot. (...)
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    Jakob von Uexkülli tõlkimisest — Umweltlehre toomine biosemiootikasse. Kokkuvõte.Prisca Augustyn - 2009 - Sign Systems Studies 37 (1/2):298-298.
    Thomas Sebeok attributed it to what he called the ‘wretched’ translation of Uexküll’s Theoretische Biologie that the notion of Umwelt did not reach the Anglo-American intellectual community much earlier. There is no doubt that making more of Uexküll’s Umweltlehre available in English will not only further the biosemiotic movement, but also fill a gap in the foundational theoretical canon of semiotics in general. The purpose of this paper is to address issues of terminology and theory translation between Uexküll’s Umweltlehre and (...)
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    Wolność w jedności?: Borys Wyszesławcew i rosyjska filozofia sobornosti = Freedom in unity?: Boris Vysheslavtsev and Russian philosophy of "sobornost'" = [Svoboda v edinstve?: Boris Vysheslavt︠s︡ev i russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ sobornosti].Leszek Augustyn - 2012 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Życie w cieniu Wielkiego Inkwizytora.Leszek Augustyn - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 24:41-66.
    Podjęta w artykule problematyka dotyczy słynnej figury Wielkiego Inkwizytora, z którą spotykamy się w filozoficznych rozważaniach Józefa Tischnera; oczywiście, figury wprost zaczerpniętej z kart powieści Fiodora Dostojewskiego. Nie są to zresztą jedyne nawiązania myśli Tischnera do „imaginarium filozoficznego” twórcy Braci Karamazow. Warto zatem przyjrzeć się bliżej temu, co kryje się w „cieniu”, jaki roztacza wokół siebie Wielki Inkwizytor. Rozważania, nolens volens, muszą zatem dotyczyć „darów” Wielkiego Inkwizytora: pozornego dobra i pozornej wolności. Innymi słowy: zapytamy o postać Wielkiego Inkwizytora jako – (...)
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    The early Sartre and the jewish question.Vincent von Wroblewsky - 1997 - Sartre Studies International 3 (2):21-28.
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  11. Ekel und Einsamkeit bei Sartre und Houellebecq.Vincent von Wroblewsky - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 35:131-156.
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  12. Axiomatization of legal theory.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1972 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 49:380-389.
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  13. Conceptions of Justification in Legal Discourse.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1989 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 66 (4):679-705.
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  14. Il modello teorico dell'applicazione della legge.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1967 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 46:10-30.
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  15. Metafizyczne pułapki nauki popularnej na przykładzie ewolucjonizmu.Zbigniew Wróblewski - 2006 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The aim of this article is to give a philosophical analysis of inter-theoretical relations between the popular science and philosophy of nature and to formulate and the criteria of evaluation of correctness of such relations. The analysis is grounded in the domain of contemporary evolutionism. The main hypothesis is the following: The scientific theories do not imply philosophical theses directly. Nevertheless, they frequently appear in popular works as allegedly following scientific theories.. For example, papers on the theory of human evolution (...)
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  16. Ogólna nauka o prawie, Wilno 1938.B. Wróblewski - 1938 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 15 (3):282-285.
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    O pewnej próbie obrony wyjaśniania teleologicznego.Zbigniew Wróblewski - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (4):339-359.
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  18. Przyroda jako norma działania. O ontologicznych podstawach etyki ekologicznej.Zbigniew Wróblewski - 2006 - Diametros 9:74-83.
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  19. Zatarg Jeana Françoisa Lyotarda, czyli o postmodernizmie raz jeszcze.Michał Wróblewski - 2010 - Diametros 24:125-142.
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    A prophetic history of the West.Sergius Wroblewski - 1968 - Staten Island, N.Y.,: Alba House.
  21.  52
    (1 other version)Problems of ontological complexity of law.Jerzy Wroblewski - 1986 - Theoria 1 (3):641-654.
    There are five basic types of ontology of law identified in relation with the singling out simpIe ontological objects in a strong or weak sense, dualist ontological objects, and complex ontalogical objects in a strong or weak sense. The conceptians of law far mulated in the theories/philosophies/ of law are ascribed to these five types.
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    Kant okiem gnostyka.Michał Wróblewski - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (2):101-112.
    Antropozofia dąży do przezwyciężenia ograniczeń poznawczych filozofii Kanta. Jerzy Prokopiuk wielokrotnie przyznawał się do fascynacji antropozofią Rudolfa Steinera. Polski gnostyk, kwestionując kantowski podział sądów, dostrzegł w nich agnostyczną bezsilność. Jego zdaniem, powodem słabości myśli Kanta było materialistyczne rozumienie doświadczenia, protestantyzm oraz życie osobiste filozofa.
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    Sartres existentialistische Hegeldeutung und Revision des Marxismus.V. V. Wroblewsky - 1970 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 18 (7).
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    Animal Studies in the Language Sciences.Prisca Augustyn - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (1):121-138.
    This paper explains how recent changes in the ways we study other animals to better understand the human faculty of language are indicative of changing narratives concerning the intelligence of other animals. Uexküll’s concept of Umwelt as a species-specific model of the world is essential to understanding the semiotic abilities of all organisms, including humans. From this follows the view that human language is primarily a cognitive tool for making models of the world. This view is consistent with the basic (...)
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    Biosemiotics: Protoscience, interdiscipline, new biology.Prisca Augustyn - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):479-487.
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  26. Descartes'a ustalanie podstaw wiedzy.Władysław Augustyn - 1969 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 15.
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    On semiotics in language education.Prisca Augustyn - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):523-533.
    This paper examines the progenitors of the semiotic concepts in current Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory as well as some concepts that could further inform recent trends in SLA theory and practice. Through the connections between recent ecology models of language learning (e.g., Kramsch 2002, 2006, 2010) or an “ecological-semiotic perspective” (e.g., van Lier 2002, 2004) and fundamental concepts in semiotic theory such as the signifying order (Danesi), multimodality, (Kress), modeling systems theory (Sebeok), and Umwelt theory (von Uexküll), this paper (...)
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    On the Concept of Code in Linguistics and Biosemiotics.Prisca Augustyn - 2011 - Biosemiotics 4 (3):281-289.
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    Pragmatism and the Fixation of 21st Century Food Beliefs.Prisca Augustyn - 2022 - Food Ethics 7 (1).
    What to eat is a question of everyday life. What food to grow (and how) has become an important issue of political and scientific debate. Using Charles Sanders Peirce’s famous essay on The Fixation of Belief (1877), this paper examines what food habits we hold with tenacity, which beliefs about what to eat are imposed on us by authority, when our choices are based on a priori reasoning, and where we rely on scientific logic when we choose food. Based on (...)
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    Podstawy wiedzy u Descartesa i Malebranche'a.Władysław Augustyn - 1973 - Warszawa]: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
  31.  34
    Semiotic Approaches and Ecology Models of Language Learning.Prisca Augustyn - 2009 - Semiotics:452-462.
  32.  18
    Zła polityka albo kłopot z diabłem. Rozważania wokół demonologii politycznej Leszka Kołakowskiego.Leszek Augustyn - 2022 - Principia 69 (Tom 69, Polityka i zło):77-105.
    Wychodząc od metaforycznego (figuralnego) ujęcia problemu zła, w oparciu o wybrane przemyślenia Leszka Kołakowskiego, rozważania składające się na artykuł zmierzają do namysłu nad „złem w polityce” w sensie niedomagań i nadużyć wolności: pokus władzy autokratycznej i totalitarnej. Dotyczą antropologicznego i politycznego przekraczania granic wolności kosztem (aż do zniesienia) wolności innych. Evil Politics or Trouble with the Devil. Reflections on the Political Demonology of Leszek Kołakowski Proceeding from a metaphorical (figurative) account of the problem of evil, and based on Leszek Kołakowski’s (...)
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    Postwar creations of strangers and estrangement: Notes on the ways to recovery and normalization.Augustyn Bańka - 2012 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 18 (1-2):9-28.
    This paper is an attempt at exploring the phenomenon of creation of strangers and estrangement as post-war trauma effects. It starts with an observation that post-war is a mental state manifesting itself in individuals as estrangement from themselves, environment, other people, and from the very meaning of life. The post-war trauma triggers a tendency for recovery and normalization of life, which, however, never ends. The paper focuses mainly on four aspects. Firstly, critical moments of the evolution of post-war periods in (...)
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    Resources and adaptation following involuntary resettlement in the Bytom-Karb community.Augustyn Bańka, Katarzyna Popiołek, Małgorzata Wójcik & Igor Pietkiewicz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (1):15-25.
    Studies show that involuntary displacement often creates various threats for the community and individuals. To reduce these risks, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, and Social Assessment are recommended. Whereas assessments focus mostly on the community level and studies describe cases of large population displacements, there is a lack of empirical evidence about how individuals cope with involuntary displacement and what factors contribute or hinder their successful adaptation in the target location. This study uses semi-structured interviews with 21 (...)
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    Arystokratyzm Platona.Witold Wróblewski - 1972 - Poznań: [Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, Oddz. w Poznaniu].
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    Uexküll, Peirce, and Other Affinities Between Biosemiotics and Biolinguistics.Prisca Augustyn - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):1-17.
    The purpose of this paper is to describe some parallels and theoretical affinities between biosemiotics and biolinguistics. In particular, this paper examines the importance of Uexküll's Umwelt and Peircean abduction as foundational concepts for Sebeok's biosemiotics and Chomsky's biolinguistic program. Other affinities touched upon in this paper include references to concepts articulated by Immanuel Kant, Konrad Lorenz, Marcel Florkin, François Jacob, C.H. Waddington, D'Arcy Thomson and Ernst Haeckel. While both programs share theoretical influences and historiographical parallels in their mid-century origins (...)
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    Funktionskreis, Gestaltkreis, and Situationskreis in the context of integrated medicine.Prisca Augustyn - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (253):23-50.
    This paper explains Viktor von Weizsäcker’s Gestaltkreis model as a reinterpretation of Jakob von Uexküll’s Funktionskreis. Also derived from the Funktionskreis is Thure von Uexküll’s Situationskreis model. Both Weizsäcker’s Gestaltkreis and Thure von Uexküll’s Situationskreis have evolved in the context of integrated medicine in Germany throughout the twentieth century. Focusing on the role of language in health and medicine, this paper addresses important concepts associated with the project of integrated medicine in Germany, especially the biographical approach practiced by Viktor von (...)
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    Jean-Paul Sartre: Theorie und Praxis eines Engagements.Vincent von Wroblewsky - 1977 - Frankfurt/Main: Verlag Marxistische Blätter.
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    Natura a reguły postępowania.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1970 - Etyka 6:51-78.
    Conceptions deducing the rules of behaviour from nature are analysed on the basis of a model involving three assumptions: the existence of nature, the deductibility of rules from nature, and natural rules as a criterion of valuation. Three basic constructions of nature are distinguished: „real nature”, two kinds of „ethical nature”, „logical nature”.
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  40. Nauka w Polsce według rankingów bibliometrycznych.Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski - 2005 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 41:57-61.
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  41. Bibliometryczna trylogia.Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski - 2002 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 38 (1-2):7-29.
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    Filozoficzna redukcja „złudzenia naturalistycznego”.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1972 - Etyka 10:137-141.
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    Idee Leona Petrażyckiego-analiza i inspiracja.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1984 - Etyka 21:187-191.
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    Kryzys ekologiczny. a niektóre problemy metaetyki i aksjologii ogólnej.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1974 - Etyka 13:151-175.
    The author asks whether the danger of an imminent ecological crisis affects the problems of cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism, absolutism vs. relativism and naturalism vs. non-naturalism. The ecological crisis is assumed in order to make the contrast between the above metaethical and general axiological oppositions more pronounced.
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  45. Prawo do życia (Il dritto alla vita, „Rivista di filosofia”.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1988 - Etyka 23.
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    Prawo do życia.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1988 - Etyka 23:182-187.
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    Problems Related to the One Right Answer Thesis.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (3):240-253.
    . The author discusses the conditions necessary to accept the one right answer theory. The argument is based on an analysis of the deep structure of the justified fractional decisions pertaining to the substantive decisional model of the judicial application of law within the statutory law system. The role of evaluative choices is needed to justify the decisions in question at least in hard cases. This makes the theory of one right answer unacceptable in a noncognitivist axiological framework.
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  48. Racjonalne uzasadnienie w etyce i w prawie (\"Etica e diritto\", red. L. Gainformaggio, E. Leceldano, Roma-Bari 1986).Jerzy Wróblewski - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 254 (1).
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    Freiheit in Situation – ein Paradoxon?Vincent von Wroblewsky - 2015 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Fichte Und Sartre Über Freiheit: Das Ich Und der Andere. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 49-70.
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  50. Legal language and legal interpretation.Jerzy Wróblewski - 1985 - Law and Philosophy 4 (2):239 - 255.
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